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To evaluate the influence of episodic events on particle and hydrophobic organic contaminant (HOC) cycling in the Great Lakes, we deployed sequencing sediment traps at two locations in the western arm of Grand Traverse Bay, Lake Michigan. The traps collected integrated samples of settling particles every 2 weeks from May 1997 to September 1999. The total polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (t-PAH) and total polychlorinated biphenyl (t-PCB) settling fluxes from the surface waters in the southern site were significantly greater than those from the northern site. In addition, there were more frequent brief increases in the mass flux to the southern site than to the northern site. These episodic events, which occurred only 20% of the time, accounted for 65% of both the mass flux and t-PAH flux. The t-PCB flux was not influenced by these episodic events, and only 18% of the t-PCB flux occurred during these events. PAHs and PCBs appear to be tracing different types of particles in the water column. Several large mass flux events characteristic of seiches were observed simultaneously in the benthic nepheloid layer (BNL) at both the northern and the southern sites. The particles settling as a result of these resuspension events had lower t-PCB and t-PAH concentrations than particles settling at other times. This suggests that the material settling into the traps on the high mass flux days is composed of a mixture of the less contaminated underlying resuspended sediment and the "regular" contaminant-rich particles settling into the BNL. 相似文献
To understand the fate and movement of Escherichia coli in beach water, numerous modeling studies have been undertaken including mechanistic predictions of currents and plumes and empirical modeling based on hydrometeorological variables. Most approaches are limited in scope by nearshore currents or physical obstacles and data limitations; few examine the issue from a larger spatial scale. Given the similarities between variables typically included in these models, we attempted to take a broader view of E. coli fluctuations by simultaneously examining twelve beaches along 35 km of Indiana's Lake Michigan coastline that includes five point-source outfalls. The beaches had similar E. coli fluctuations, and a best-fit empirical model included two variables: wave height and an interactive term comprised of wind direction and creekturbidity. Individual beach R2 was 0.32--0.50. Data training-set results were comparable to validation results (R2 = 0.48). Amount of variation explained by the model was similar to previous reports for individual beaches. By extending the modeling approach to include more coastline distance, broader-scale spatial and temporal changes in bacteria concentrations and the influencing factors can be characterized. 相似文献
Liu L Phanikumar MS Molloy SL Whitman RL Shively DA Nevers MB Schwab DJ Rose JB 《Environmental science & technology》2006,40(16):5022-5028
To investigate the transport and fate of fecal pollution at Great Lakes beaches and the health risks associated with swimming, the near-shore waters of Lake Michigan and two tributaries discharging into it were examined for bacterial indicators of human fecal pollution. The enterococcus human fecal pollution marker, which targets a putative virulence factor--the enterococcal surface protein (esp) in Enterococcus faecium, was detected in 2/28 samples (7%) in the tributaries draining into Lake Michigan and in 6/30 samples (20%) in Lake Michigan beaches. This was indicative of human fecal pollution being transported in the tributaries and occurrence at Lake Michigan beaches. To understand the relative importance of different processes influencing pollution transport and inactivation, a finite-element model of surf-zone hydrodynamics (coupled with models for temperature, E. coli and enterococci) was used. Enterococci appear to survive longer than E. coli, which was described using an overall first-order inactivation coefficient in the range 0.5-2.0 per day. Our analysis suggests that the majority of fecal indicator bacteria variation can be explained based on loadings from the tributaries. Sunlight is a major contributor to inactivation in the surf-zone and the formulation based on sunlight, temperature and sedimentation is preferred over the first-order inactivation formulation. 相似文献
The Duluth Boat Club (DBC) Beach, located in the Duluth-Superior harbor of Lake Superior, is frequently closed in summer due to high counts of Escherichia coli, an indicator of fecal contamination. However, the sources of bacteria contributing to beach closure are currently unknown. In this study, we investigated the potential sources of E. coli contaminating the DBC beach by using modified rep-PCR (HFERP) DNA fingerprinting. Over 3600 E. coli strains were obtained from 55 lake water, 25 sediment, and 135 sand samples taken from five transects at the DBC beach at 11 different times during the summer through fall months of 2004 and 2005. Potential sources of E. coli at this beach were determined by using a known-source DNA fingerprint library containing unique E. coli isolates from wildlife, waterfowl, and treated wastewater obtained near Duluth, MN. Amounts E. coli in the samples were enumerated by membrane filtration counting, and the presence of potentially pathogenic E. coli was determined by using multiplex PCR. E. coli counts in all samples increased during the summer and early fall (Julyto September). While E. coli in spring samples originated mainly from treated wastewater effluent, the percentage of E. coli from waterfowl increased from summer to fall. DNA fingerprint analyses indicated that some E. coli strains may be naturalized, and autochthonous members of the microbial community in the beach sand and sediments were examined. However, multiplex PCR results indicated that <1% of the E. coli strains at the DBC was potentially pathogenic. Our results also suggest that wave action may influence the early colonization and homogeneous distribution of E. coli in beach sand and the subsequent release of sand or sediment-borne E. coli into lake water. Taken together, these results indicate that sand and sediment serve as temporal sources and sinks of human and waterfowl-derived E. coli that contribute to beach closures. 相似文献
Totten LA Gigliotti CL Offenberg JH Baker JE Eisenreich SJ 《Environmental science & technology》2003,37(9):1739-1743
Air-water exchange of persistent organic pollutants (POPs) such as polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) is an import process for the delivery of contaminants to water bodies, as well as for their removal, and is thus a pivotal parameter in the construction of mass balances in aquatic systems. Simultaneous measurements of PCB concentrations in the gas and dissolved phases conducted in Green Bay in 1989 and in southern Lake Michigan in 1994-1995 were used to estimate air-water exchange fluxes. In this work, improved Henry's law constants for PCBs and new mass-transfer rates across the air-water interface were used to update the previous calculations. The new model calculations suggest that the net volatilization flux of PCBs out of Green Bay ranges from +170 to +5300 ng m(-2) day(-1), which is 2-20 times larger than previous estimates. The flux of PCBs in southern Lake Michigan exhibits net volatilization of +0.5 to +230 ng m(-2) day(-1) throughout the study period (May and July 1994, January 1995), whereas previous estimates reported that the net flux was seasonally absorptive. Thus, water-to-air fluxes are more important for the removal of PCBs from both Green Bay and Lake Michigan than previously recognized. 相似文献
This paper presents measurements of dissolved gaseous mercury (DGM) concentrations in Lake Michigan and the application of a mechanistic approach to estimate deposition and emission fluxes of gaseous mercury (Hg2+ and Hg0) to and from Lake Michigan. Measurements of DGM concentrations made during May and July, 1994 and January, 1995 indicate that Lake Michigan was supersaturated with DGM suggesting that transfer of Hg0 occurs from the water to the atmosphere. Over-water concentrations of gaseous Hg2+ were estimated from total gaseous Hg (TGM) concentrations measured at five sites in the basin and used to model dry deposition fluxes of Hg2+. The modeling approach combines estimates of dry deposited Hg2+ with known photochemical and biotic reduction rates to form Hg0, which is available for re-emission. The model accounts for temporal and spatial variations in the deposition velocity of gaseous Hg2+ and the transfer velocity of Hg0 using high temporal and spatial resolution meteorological data. The modeled DGM concentrations agree well with the observed DGM concentrations in Lake Michigan. The modeled dry deposition fluxes of Hg2+ (286-797 kg yr(-1)) are very similar to the emission fluxes of Hg0 (320-959 kg yr(-1)), depending on the gaseous Hg2+ concentration used in the model. 相似文献
Meays CL Broersma K Nordin R Mazumder A Samadpour M 《Environmental science & technology》2006,40(17):5289-5296
Nonpoint source fecal contamination is a concern for drinking water supplies worldwide. In this study, 4812 E. coli isolates were classified to source. Results of this experiment show that the fecal coliform (FC) counts varied by year, month, and site, for each of the watersheds sampled. For both years, the lowest FC counts tended to be at the highest elevation sites followed by the drinking water intake sites at the lowest elevation. The highest FC counts tended to be at the mid-elevation sites on BX, Deer, and Duteau Creeks. The sources of E. coli varied significantly with stream for 2003 and 2004 (P < 0.001, df = 39), although the main sources of E. coli (avian, deer/elk, canine, rodent, bovine, and bear) tended to be similar between watersheds. The dominant sources of E. coli changed from 2003 (avian, deer/elk, and canine) to 2004 (avian, bovine, and rodent). It is important to look at the results of more than 1 year of source tracking data to get a better picture of the dominant sources within a watershed. Overall, wildlife was the largest contributor of E. coli to the watersheds in both 2003 (> 84%) and 2004 (> 73%). 相似文献
Shen C Phanikumar MS Fong TT Aslam I McElmurry SP Molloy SL Rose JB 《Environmental science & technology》2008,42(7):2426-2431
Viruses are important pathogens in both marine and fresh water environments. There is a strong interest in using bacteriophages as tracers because of their role as model viruses, since dissolved chemical tracers may not adequately describe the behavior of viruses that are suspended colloids. Despite a large number of studies that examined the transport of bacteriophages in the subsurface environment, few studies examined phage transport in large and complex surface water systems. In this paper we report the results of a dual tracer study on a 40 km reach of the Grand River, the longest river in Michigan, and we examine the performance of bacteriophage P22 relative to a chemical tracer (Rhodamine WT). Our analysis based on the transient storage (TS) model indicated that P22 can be successfully used as a tracer in complex surface water environments. Estimated P22 inactivation rates were found to be in the range 0.27-0.57 per day (0.12-0.25 log10 per day). The highest inactivation rate was found in a reach with high suspended solids concentration, relatively low dissolved organic carbon content, and sediment with high clay content. Estimated TS model parameters for both tracers were found to be consistent with surficial geology and land use patterns. Maximum storage zone sizes for the two tracers were found in different river reaches, indicating that different processes contributed to TS within the same reach for the two tracers. This model can be used to examine the arrival times and concentrations of human viral pathogens released from untreated sewage at recreational areas. 相似文献
Stephan R Schumacher S Corti S Krause G Danuser J Beutin L 《Journal of dairy science》2008,91(7):2561-2565
The aim of this study was to describe the prevalence, serotypes, and virulence genes of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) isolated from raw milk cheese samples collected at the producer level with the purpose of determining whether raw milk cheeses in Switzer-land represent a potential source of STEC pathogenic for humans. Raw milk cheese samples (soft cheese, n = 52; semihard and hard cheese, n = 744; all produced from Swiss cows’, goats’, and sheep's milk) collected at the producer level throughout Switzerland within the national sampling plan during the period of March 2006 to December 2007 were analyzed. Of the 432 cheese samples obtained in the year 2006 and the 364 samples obtained in the year 2007, 16 (3.7%) and 23 (6.3%), respectively, were found to be stx positive. By colony dot-blot hybridization, non-O157 STEC strains were isolated from 16 samples. Of the 16 strains, 11 were typed into 7 E. coli O groups (O2, O15, O22, O91, O109, O113, O174), whereas 5 strains were nontypeable (ONT). Among the 16 STEC strains analyzed, stx1 and stx2 variants were detected in 1 and 15 strains, respectively. Out of the 15 strains with genes encoding for the Stx2 group, 4 strains were positive for stx2, 6 strains for stx2d2, 2 strains for stx2-O118, 1 strain for stx2-06, 1 strain for stx2g, 1 strain for stx2 and stx2d2, and 1 strain for stx2 and stx2g. Furthermore, 3 STEC strains harbored E-hlyA as a further putative virulence factor. None of the strains tested positive for eae (intimin). Results obtained in this work reinforce the suggestion that semihard raw milk cheese may be a potential vehicle for transmission of pathogenic STEC to humans. 相似文献
Arthur TM Bosilevac JM Nou X Shackelford SD Wheeler TL Kent MP Jaroni D Pauling B Allen DM Koohmaraie M 《Journal of food protection》2004,67(4):658-665
The effectiveness of current antimicrobial interventions used in reducing the prevalence or load of Escherichia coli O157 and indicator organisms on cattle hides and carcasses at two commercial beef processing plants was evaluated. Sponge sampling of beef cattle was performed at five locations from the initial entry of the animals to the slaughter floor to the exit of carcasses from the "hotbox" cooler. For each sample, E. coli O157 prevalence was determined and total aerobic bacteria, Enterobacteriaceae, and E. coli O157 were enumerated. E. coli O157 was found on 76% of animal hides coming into the plants, but no carcasses leaving the cooler were identified as contaminated with E. coli O157. A positive relationship was seen between the incidence of E. coli O157 in hide samples and that in preevisceration samples. Aerobic plate counts and Enterobacteriaceae counts averaged 7.8 and 6.2 log CFU/100 cm2, respectively, on hides, and 1.4 and 0.4 log CFU/100 cm2, respectively, on chilled carcasses. Aerobic plate counts and Enterobacteriaceae counts on preevisceration carcasses were significantly related to the respective levels on the corresponding hides; the carcasses of animals whose hides carried higher numbers of bacteria were more likely to carry higher numbers of bacteria. Implementation of the sampling protocol described here would allow processors to evaluate the efficacy of on-line antimicrobial interventions and allow industrywide benchmarking of hygienic practices. 相似文献
Muniesa M Jofre J García-Aljaro C Blanch AR 《Environmental science & technology》2006,40(23):7141-7149
Enterohemorrhagic Escherichia coli (EHEC) (O157 and other serotypes) are zoonotic pathogens linked with severe human illnesses. The main virulence factors of EHEC are the Shiga toxins, among others. Most of the genes coding for these toxins are bacteriophage-encoded. Although ruminants are recognized as their main natural reservoir, water has also been documented as a way of transmission of EHEC. E. coli O157:H7 and other EHEC may contaminate waters (recreational, drinking or irrigation waters) through feces from humans and other animals. Indeed, the occurrence of EHEC carrying the stx2 gene in raw municipal sewage and animal wastewater from several origins has been widely documented. However, the evaluation of the persistence of naturally occurring EHEC in the environment is still difficult due to methodological problems. Methods proposed for the detection and isolation of stx-encoding bacteria, ranging from the classic culture-based methods to molecular approaches, and their application in the environment, are discussed here. Most virulence factors associated with these strains are linked to either plasmids or phages, and consequently they are likely to be subject to horizontal gene transfer between species or serotypes. Moreover, the presence of infectious stx-phages isolated as free particles in the environment and their high persistence in water systems suggest that they may contribute to the spread of stx genes, as they are directly involved in the emergence of new pathogenic strains, which might have important health consequences. 相似文献
Salmonella Typhimurium and Escherichia coli O157:H7 strains were inoculated in minimally processed lettuce samples and survival characteristics of these pathogens during storage at two different temperatures. One group of samples was kept at refrigerator at +4?°C, another group was kept at ambient temperature (+25?°C). According to data obtained, the factor ??temperature?? significantly affected the pathogen bacteria counts of the samples (P?<?0.05). Counts of these two pathogen bacteria were decreased in minimally processed lettuce during storage at +4?°C. 相似文献
Heat shock proteins and RNA polymerase sigma factor play an important role in protecting cells against environmental stresses, including starvation, osmotic and oxidative stresses, and cold shock. In this study, the effect of environmental stresses on activity of the auto-fluorescent Escherichia coli O157:H7 generated by the fusion of gfp(uv) to E. coli uspA, grpE and rpoS promoters were examined. Osmotic shock caused about a 4-fold increase in green fluorescence of E. coli O157:H7 harboring uspA::gfp(uv) or rpoS::gfp(uv) at 37 degrees C and room temperature whereas osmotic shock at 5 degrees C did not induce green fluorescence. When starved, E. coli O157:H7 possessing grpE::gfp(uv) was more sensitive for evaluating stress at low temperature while uspA::gfp(uv) was better suited for detecting the stress response at higher temperature. The uspA, grpE and rpoS promoters were up-regulated to varying degrees by stresses commonly encountered during food processing. 相似文献
In this study, 200 Escherichia coli isolates from 22 rainwater tank samples in Southeast Queensland, Australia were tested for the presence of 10 toxin genes (i.e., stx(1), stx(2), hlyA, ehxA, LT1, ST1, cdtB, east1, cnf1, and cvaC) associated with intestinal and extraintestinal pathotypes. Among the 22 rainwater tanks tested, 5 (28%), 7 (32%), 7 (32%), and 1 (5%) tanks contained E. coli harboring ST1, east1, cdtB, and cvaC genes, respectively. Of the 200 E. coli isolates from the 22 tanks, 43 (22%) strains from 13 (59%) tanks were harboring toxin gene. An attempt was made to establish a link between bird and possum fecal contamination and the presence of these potential clinically significant E. coli strains harboring toxin genes in rainwater tanks. Among the 214 E. coli isolates tested from birds, 30 (14%), 11 (5%) and 18 (8%) strains contained east1, cdtB, and cvaC toxin genes, respectively. Similarly, among the 214 possum E. coli isolates, 74 (35%) contained only the east1 toxin gene. All E. coli strains from rainwater tanks, bird and possum fecal samples harboring toxin genes were biochemically fingerprinted. Biochemical phenotypes (BPTs) of 14 (33%) E. coli strains from 7 rainwater tanks and 9 (21%) E. coli strains from 6 rainwater tanks were identical to a number of BPTs of E. coli strains isolated from bird and possum feces suggesting that these animals may be the sources of these E. coli in rainwater tanks. as a precautionary measure, it is recommended that rainwater should be treated prior to drinking. In addition, proper maintenance of roof and gutter hygiene and elimination of overhanging tree branches and other structures where possible to prevent the movement of possums are highly recommended. 相似文献
al-Saigh H Zweifel C Blanco J Blanco JE Blanco M Usera MA Stephan R 《Journal of food protection》2004,67(4):679-684
Fecal samples from 2,930 slaughtered healthy cattle were examined with the following goals: (i) to monitor the shedding of Escherichia coli O157, Salmonella, and Campylobacter in cattle; and (ii) to further characterize the isolated strains. The percentage of the 2,930 samples that tested positive for E. coli O157 by PCR was 1.6%. Thirty-eight strains from different animals that agglutinated with Wellcolex E. coli O157 were isolated. Of the six sorbitol-negative strains, five tested positive for stx2 genes (two times for stx2c and three times for stx2), and one strain tested positive for stx1 and stx2c genes. All sorbitol-negative strains belonged to the serotypes O157:H7- and O157:H7 and harbored the eae type gamma 1 and ehxA genes. The 32 sorbitol-positive strains tested negative for stx genes and belonged to the serotypes O157:H2, O157:H7, O157:H8, O157:H12, O157:H19, O157:H25, O157:H27, O157:H38, O157:H43, O157:H45, and O157:H-. All O157:H45 strains harbored the eae subtype alpha 1 and therefore seem to be atypical enteropathogenic E. coli strains. Whereas none of 1,000 examined samples was positive for Salmonella, 95 of 935 (10.2%) samples were positive for Campylobacter, and all strains were identified as C. jejuni. Sixteen Campylobacter strains were resistant to tetracycline, five were resistant to nalidixic acid/ciprofloxacin, four were resistant to streptomycin, and one was resistant to nalidixic acid/ciprofloxacin and streptomycin. Fecal shedding of zoonotic pathogens in slaughter animals is strongly correlated with the hazard of carcass contamination. Therefore, the maintenance of slaughter hygiene is of crucial importance. 相似文献