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Essential thrombocythaemia (ET) is frequently associated with neutrophil and platelet dysfunction, and with increased incidence of vascular complications (thrombosis, haemorrhage). Several interactions between platelets and neutrophils have been reported, and the reciprocal actions between these cells may have an important role both in thromboregulation and in diseases such as those caused by uncontrolled neutrophil activation. In the current paper the authors studied 15 patients affected by ET and 10 normal subjects as controls. Circulating neutrophils and platelets were purified and were recombined in constant ratios (50:1, 100:1 and 200:1) and the individual platelet to neutrophil ratio. Superoxide anion (O2-) generation and luminol-enhanced chemiluminescence (CL) were studied after neutrophil stimulation with fMLP. In normal subjects both O2- generation and CL were inhibited by autologous platelets in a dose-dependent manner. In ET patients, on the contrary, platelet-dependent inhibition of O2- generation did not occur, while a dose-dependent inhibition of CL was observed. Two groups of ET patients were found: patients with neutrophil O2- generation and CL within the normal range, and patients with significantly reduced neutrophil respiratory burst. However, no differences were found between these two groups of patients in terms of platelet effects towards fMLP-stimulated neutrophils. Therefore, platelets from ET patients were not able to exert the homeostatic control towards neutrophil O2- generation shown by platelets from normal subjects, and this phenomenon may have a role in the clinical setting. In fact, O2- has been shown to be a very strong direct platelet activator, is able to inactivate nitric oxide (which is a powerful inhibitor of platelet aggregation and adhesion to endothelium), and is directly involved in neutrophil-mediated tissue damage.  相似文献   

Equine eosinophils and neutrophils are believed to play an important part in the protection of horses against parasitic and bacterial invasion. Eosinophils may also play a key role in the pathogenesis of equine inflammatory conditions such as the allergic skin disease, insect hypersensitivity. The factors which stimulate the respiratory burst of equine eosinophils and neutrophils are poorly understood. The first aim of the present study was to determine the effects of the phorbol ester, phorbol myristate acetate (PMA), which is believed to activate intracellular protein kinase C, and opsonised particles of serum-treated zymosan (STZ), on the production of superoxide anions by equine eosinophils and neutrophils. Since histamine has been detected after antigen challenge in the skin of horses with insect hypersensitivity, the second aim was to establish the effects of this mediator on superoxide anion production by equine eosinophils and the receptor sub-type(s) that mediate histamine-induced responses. For comparison, responses of neutrophils from the same horses were also examined. PMA and STZ induced significant increases in superoxide anion generation by equine eosinophils and neutrophils. The estimated maximum (EMAX) superoxide anion production by eosinophils in the presence of PMA was significantly greater than that of neutrophils; the estimated concentration of PMA inducing 50% of the maximum response (EC50) by eosinophils was significantly less. The EMAX values for superoxide anion production by neutrophils in the presence of STZ were significantly greater than those for eosinophils. Histamine induced superoxide anion generation by equine eosinophils which was inhibited by the histamine-1 receptor antagonists chlorpheniramine and mepyramine, but not the histamine-2 and histamine-3 receptor antagonists, cimetidine and thioperamide, respectively. Histamine did not cause superoxide anion production by equine neutrophils. These studies demonstrate that equine granulocytes vary in their ability to produce a respiratory burst in the presence of different stimuli, with eosinophils being more responsive to protein kinase C activators and neutrophils to opsonised particles. They also show that histamine selectively induced the generation of superoxide anions by equine eosinophils via histamine-1 receptor activation. Thus, in horses with insect hypersensitivity, histamine released from cutaneous mast cells after antigen challenge could activate eosinophils which have migrated into the dermis.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Reactive oxygen species (ROS) generated from neutrophils accumulated in various major organs are thought to play a pivotal role in the pathogenesis of host auto-injury. Lidocaine has been shown to reduce the injury. We investigated the effect of local anaesthetics (lidocaine, mepivacaine and bupivacaine) on ROS production by neutrophils using an in vitro system. METHODS: We measured the production of superoxide (ferricytochrome c method), hydrogen peroxide (H2O2: scopoletin fluorescence technique), and hydroxyl radical (OH.: ethylene gas method) by neutrophils isolated from human adult volunteers in the absence and presence of lidocaine (2-200 micrograms/mL), mepivacaine (3-300 micrograms/mL), and bupivacaine (3-300 micrograms/mL). We also measured the ROS generation in a cell-free (xanthine-xanthine oxidase) system. RESULTS: Lidocaine and mepivacaine at higher levels significantly decreased the production of ROS by neutrophils. However, these local anaesthetics at clinically relevant blood concentrations had no effect on the levels of ROS. Furthermore, lidocaine and mepivacaine failed to reduce ROS generated by the cell-free system. Bupivacaine did not decrease ROS generation by either generating system. CONCLUSION: In conclusion, in the present in vitro system, only concentrations of lidocaine and mepivacaine 100-fold higher than clinically feasible ones reduced ROS production by human neutrophils. However, the local anaesthetics at clinically relevant blood concentrations had no suppressive effect. Further studies using in vivo systems are required to elucidate the inhibitory effects of local anaesthetics on ROS generation in clinical settings.  相似文献   

Biomaterial-centered infection is an important cause of the failure of prosthetic implants and organs. Because neutrophils mediate host defense against infection, the effect of biomaterials on neutrophil superoxide release and the mechanism of that effect were investigated using three materials commonly employed in surgical practice. The graft materials were expanded polytetrafluorethylene (PTFE), polyurethane and woven dacron. Polystyrene, a commonly used laboratory support vessel, was also studied. Both polystyrene and polyurethane were activating, but serum inhibitable, whereas PTFE was nonactivating, and woven dacron was not activating unless serum was present. The signaling mechanisms used by these materials demonstrated time and material dependency. Pertussis toxin inhibition of G protein-dependent activation had little or no effect on biomaterial induced activation, whereas FMLP-induced activation of the same biomaterial-associated cells was inhibited. Protein kinase C inhibition with staurosporine greatly inhibited polystyrene-induced activation, but had only a partial effect with polyurethane and even less effect with the activation associated with serum-treated woven dacron. These studies demonstrated that biomaterial contact-induced neutrophil activation differed from that described for cells in suspension, and showed that activation mechanisms on one material cannot be extrapolated to mechanisms on other materials.  相似文献   

Advanced glycosylation end products (AGE) are implicated in many of the complications of diabetes. In the same way, infectious diseases are frequently associated with this disease. An impaired respiratory burst in macrophages may be a cause of infectious complications in diabetic patients. To establish a possible mechanism of this altered cell function, we have analyzed the effect of AGE-modified proteins on PMA-dependent superoxide anion production (O2.-) from normal rat peritoneal macrophages. We have used AGE-modified bovine serum albumin (AGE-BSA) prepared by incubation with glucose. AGE-BSA partially inhibits the phorbol ester-dependent superoxide production by macrophages in vitro. The specificity of this inhibitory effect is demonstrated by the fact that aminoguanidine, an inhibitor of the formation of AGE products, fully prevents the effect of AGE-BSA in vitro. Macrophages from diabetic rats shown an inhibition on PMA dependent-O2.- production. However, the treatment in vivo with aminoguanidine produced a cancelation of the inhibitory effect observed in the diabetic state. These data suggest that AGE-modified proteins could be implicated in the impairment of macrophage respiratory burst in diabetes.  相似文献   

To investigate the mechanism of nitroso compound-induced inhibition of the respiratory burst in neutrophils, we studied fluorescence quenching of perylene by nitroso-compounds in the membrane fractions of neutrophils at 17, 27, and 37 degrees C and the reagent-induced inhibition of superoxide generation at 28 and 37 degrees C. With increasing temperature, the quenching of perylene fluorescence and inhibition of superoxide generation by nitrosobenzene (NB) were both diminished, while those by 2-nitrosotoluene (NT) were both enhanced. The temperature dependence of the inhibition constants and the quenching constants indicates that the binding of NB is exothermic (deltaH= -27 kJ/mol for inhibition and deltaH= -29 kJ/mol for quenching) and essentially enthalpy-driven. On the other hand, that of NT is endothermic (deltaH= +16 kJ/mol for inhibition and quenching) and essentially entropy-driven. Quenching studies of perylene fluorescence in synthetic vesicles made of endogenous polar lipids of neutrophils showed that the enthalpy changes of NB- and NT-binding with perylene in lipids were similar to each other. Moreover, their values were in good agreement with that of NT, but not of NB, in the membrane fractions, an assembly of proteins and lipids, of neutrophils. These results suggest that NB inhibits the activity by binding to proteins in the membrane, whereas inhibition by NT occurs through hydrophobic interaction with lipids and/or proteins.  相似文献   

Individuals can learn to control the amplitude of mu-rhythm activity in the EEG recorded over sensorimotor cortex and use it to move a cursor to a target on a video screen. The speed and accuracy of cursor movement depend on the consistency of the control signal and on the signal-to-noise ratio achieved by the spatial and temporal filtering methods that extract the activity prior to its translation into cursor movement. The present study compared alternative spatial filtering methods. Sixty-four channel EEG data collected while well-trained subjects were moving the cursor to targets at the top or bottom edge of a video screen were analyzed offline by four different spatial filters, namely a standard ear-reference, a common average reference (CAR), a small Laplacian (3 cm to set of surrounding electrodes) and a large Laplacian (6 cm to set of surrounding electrodes). The CAR and large Laplacian methods proved best able to distinguish between top and bottom targets. They were significantly superior to the ear-reference method. The difference in performance between the large Laplacian and small Laplacian methods presumably indicated that the former was better matched to the topographical extent of the EEG control signal. The results as a whole demonstrate the importance of proper spatial filter selection for maximizing the signal-to-noise ratio and thereby improving the speed and accuracy of EEG-based communication.  相似文献   

Sensorineural hearing loss related to autoimmune disease is a well-recognized condition, although the exact pathophysiologic mechanisms remain unclear. One current theory postulates immune complex-induced interference with blood-labyrinth barrier integrity in the stria vascularis. The C3H/lpr autoimmune mouse was chosen to study the permeability of capillaries in the stria vascularis because this mouse model has demonstrated abnormalities of the stria vascularis and shifts in the auditory brain stem response threshold during active disease. C3H/lpr mice with active disease were compared with younger mice without disease, as well as age-matched C3H/HeJ control mice. The mice were injected with the tracer ferritin and examined by transmission electron microscopy to evaluate the integrity of the capillary tight junctions in the stria vascularis. Four of five mice with active disease were noted to have extensive leakage of ferritin into the perivascular tissues. Neither the young, disease-free autoimmune mice nor the nonautoimmune control mice demonstrated vessel leakage. Thickening of the basement membrane was also noted in the diseased animals. The results imply that active disease leads to a breakdown in the blood-endolymph barrier, which could underlie the hearing loss accompanying autoimmune and other immune diseases.  相似文献   

The influence of heparin on Polymorphonuclear (PMN s) leukocytes was investigated using a new whole-blood cytofluorometric method (patent granted for the test with the number P 4334935.8-41) with Candida albicans and Staphylococcus aureus as test microorganisms. After comparing the effect of equal volumes of two widely used heparins we examined the influence of 5 different heparin-concentrations. Using both yeasts and bacteria, we found a significant, dose-depending decrease of the percentage of phagocyting PMN's and of phagocytized microorganisms as well as of the resulting percentage of PMN s producing respiratory burst along the kinetics. Furthermore we could demonstrate that heparin independently of phagocytosis produces a dose-dependent decrease of burst production of PMN's. Our results indicate that the use of heparins as anticoagulant for immunological investigations as well as clinically with patients under immunosuppressive therapy should be critically reconsidered. This applies even more because due to the evaluated dose-dependent decrease of phagocyte function no boundary for the inhibiting effect can be declared.  相似文献   

AIM: To examine whether the elevation of endogenous NG, NG-dimethylarginine (DMA) content is related to lipid peroxidation in the high lipid-fed rabbit. METHODS: In high lipid diet-fed rabbits, concentrations of serum cholesterol, triglyceride, malondialdehyde (MDA), and DMA were measured, and endothelium-dependent relaxation to acetylcholine (ACh) was tested. RESULTS: After 6-wk on a high lipid-diet, the levels of serum total cholesterol, triglyceride, MDA, and DMA were increased vs those in control group (MDA was 2.88 +/- s 0.20 vs 1.54 +/- 0.13 nmol.L-1, P < 0.01 and DMA was 1.51 +/- 0.07 vs 0.75 +/- 0.13 mumol.L-1, P < 0.01), while the endothelium-dependent vasodilation in the isolated thoracic aorta was impaired (the maximal response to ACh was 45.59 +/- 3.10 vs 76.93 +/- 5.68%). Supplementation with vitamin E decreased MDA and DMA content and improved the endothelium-dependent vasodilation. CONCLUSIONS: An increase in serum concentration of DMA may be secondary to the elevation of lipid peroxides in the hyperlipidemic rabbit.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to elucidate likely signal transduction pathways in activated bovine neutrophils, by comparing the effects of various inhibitors on the bovine neutrophil respiratory burst and degranulation in vitro. The protein kinase C(PKC) inhibitors staurosporine, and chelerythine, and the beta-adrenergic receptor antagonist DL-propranolol, markedly inhibited opsonized zymosan (OZ) stimulated luminol-dependent chemiluminescence (LDCL). The G-protein inhibitor pertussis toxin (PT), the protein tyrosine inhibitor genistein, and the calcium channel blocker verapamil also reduced LDCL in a dose-dependent manner. In contrast, the lipoxygenase inhibitor zileuton had only a slight effect, and the cyclooxygenase inhibitor indomethacin had no effect on LDCL. The effects of these inhibitors on degranulation was also examined. Staurosporine, propranolol, and pertussis toxin significantly decreased primary granule (beta-glucosaminidase) release in response to OZ. These inhibitors also significantly reduced both phorbol myristate acetate (PMA)-induced primary and secondary granule (lactoferrin) release. Regulation of secondary granule (lactoferrin) release was complex, as it was significantly depressed by propranolol, enhanced by PT and unaffected by staurosporine. These findings suggest that PKC, beta-adrenergic receptors, G-proteins, protein tyrosine kinase(s) and Ca(2+) uptake, may all be involved in some part of the process of bovine neutrophil activation. Moreover, stimulation of LDCL and degranulation may be mediated through distinct signal transduction pathways.  相似文献   

The ratio of two differentially replicating alleles is not constant during S phase. Using this fact, we have developed a method for determining allele-specific replication timing for alleles differing by at least a single base pair. Unsynchronized cells in tissue culture are first sorted into fractions based on DNA content as a measure of position in S phase. DNA is purified from each fraction and used for PCR with primers that bracket the allelic difference, amplifying both alleles. The ratio of alleles in the amplified product is then determined by a single nucleotide primer extension (SNuPE) assay, modified as described [Singer-Sam,J. and Riggs,A.D. (1993) Methods Enzymol., 225, 344-351]. We report here use of this SNuPE-based method to analyze replication timing of two X-linked genes, Pgk-1 and Xist, as well as the autosomal gene Gabra-6. We have found that the two alleles of the Gabra-6 gene replicate synchronously, as expected; similarly, the active allele of the Pgk-1 gene on the active X chromosome (Xa) replicates early relative to the silent allele on the inactive X chromosome (Xi). In contrast, the expressed allele of the Xist gene, which is on the Xi, replicates late relative to the silent allele on the Xa.  相似文献   

Through binding to cholecystokinin (CCK) A receptors, CCK is an important physiologic regulator of both gallbladder contraction and pancreatic enzyme secretion. In this work, we have used a combination of hybridization screening of a cDNA library and polymerase chain reaction to clone a 2.1 kb cDNA which encodes the human gallbladder CCKA receptor. Nucleotide sequence analysis revealed an open reading frame encoding a 428 amino acid protein, with seven putative transmembrane domains and a high degree of homology with the rat CCKA receptor. COS cells transfected with this cDNA clone bound CCK-8 and L-364,718 with high affinities appropriate for the CCKA receptor, and exhibited a transient increase in intracellular calcium in response to CCK. This should provide an important resource for the analysis of the role of this receptor in human physiology and pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Arachidonic acid (AA) released from membrane phospholipids by phospholipase A2 (PLA2) is important as a substrate for eicosanoid formation and as a second messenger for superoxide anion (O2-) generation in neutrophils. Different isoforms of PLA2 in neutrophils might mobilize AA for different functions. To test this possibility, we sought to characterize the PLA2s that are activated by the neutrophil stimuli, Aroclor 1242, a mixture of polychlorinated biphenyls, and A23187, a calcium ionophore. Both Aroclor 1242 and A23187 caused release of [3H]AA; however, O2- production was seen only in response to Aroclor 1242. Eicosanoids accounted for >85% of the radioactivity recovered in the supernatant of A23187-stimulated cells but <20% of the radioactivity recovered from cells exposed to Aroclor 1242. Omission or chelation of calcium abolished A23187-induced AA release, but did not alter AA release in Aroclor 1242-stimulated neutrophils. AA release and O2- production in response to Aroclor 1242 were inhibited by bromoenol lactone (BEL), an inhibitor of calcium-independent PLA2. BEL, however, did not alter Calcium-independent activity was inhibited >80% by BEL, whereas calcium-dependent activity was inhibited <5%. Furthermore, calcium-independent, but not calcium-dependent, PLA2 activity was significantly enhanced by Aroclor 1242. These data suggest that Aroclor 1242 and A23187 activate distinct isoforms of PLA2 that are linked to different functions: Aroclor 1242 activates a calcium-independent PLA2 that releases AA for the generation of O2-, and A23187 activates a calcium-dependent PLA2 that mobilizes AA for eicosanoid production.  相似文献   

The role of capsule expression in the capacity of Escherichia coli to colonize in the large intestinal environment was studied in a gnotobiotic rat model. The rats were given perorally a mixture of two mutant strains differing in K5 expression. After 2 weeks, the rats were sacrificed, and subsequently intestinal contents, intestinal mucosae, and mesenteric lymph nodes were homogenized and bacterial numbers were quantified. Two E. coli mutant pairs were used, the first pair (972-998) lacking the O-specific side chain and the second pair (973-997) carrying the O75 lipopolysaccharide. The K5+ mutants established themselves at a higher level than the K5- mutants (10(9) versus 10(6) CFU/g [P < 0.001] for the first pair and 10(9) versus 10(8) CFU/g [P < 0.01] for the second pair, respectively). The results were confirmed by serology showing a K5+ phenotype for practically all isolates. The bacterial population associated with the mucosa was similar to that in the luminal contents with respect to the proportions of the respective mutants, and translocation occurred in numbers proportional to the intestinal population densities of the respective mutants. All mutants were able to express type 1 as well as P fimbriae. After colonization, the expression of P fimbriae remained high whereas only a minority of the isolates expressed type 1 fimbriae. The results suggest that capsule expression and P fimbriae enhance intestinal colonization by E. coli and that these virulence factors, by increasing bacterial densities in the intestine, secondarily increase translocation.  相似文献   

Benzene (B), toluene (T), ethylbenzene (EB), styrene (S) and xylene isomers (oX, mX, pX) are important environmental pollutants and B is a proved human carcinogen. Their inhalation by male Wistar rats (4 mg/l, 20 h/day, 4 days) caused cytochrome P450 (P450) induction. The degree of P450 2B1 induction increased and that of 2E1 decreased in the series B, T, EB, S, oX, mX and pX, as estimated by Western blots, while neither solvent was as effective for 2B1 induction as phenobarbital and B was more effective for 2E1 than ethanol. The levels of several other P450s decreased after exposure to these solvents, B being most effective. Exposure to these solvents increased in vitro hepatic microsomal oxidation of B and aniline (AN) (2E1 substrates) 3 to 6-fold, indicating induction of this P450. T oxidation was increased 2 to 4-fold and chlorobenzene (ClB) oxidation 3-fold. Sodium phenobarbital (PB, 80 mg/kg/day, 4 days, i.p.) did not increase ethylmorphine (EM) and benzphetamine (BZP) demethylation (2B1 substrates), neither of the B derivatives did so, and oX decreased it; however, pentoxyresorufin O-dealkylation was well related to the immunochemically detected 2B1 levels in control, PB and B microsomes. PB did not increase B, but increased T and ClB oxidation 2-4 and 3-fold, respectively, indicating possible 2B1 role in their oxidation. B oxidation after various inducers was related to immunochemical 2E1 levels, T and ClB oxidation to both 2B1 and 2E1 and AN oxidation to 2E1 and 1A2 levels.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

Ovalbumin and egg yolks, mixed separately in vitro with radiocyanocobalamin (57 Co-vitamin B12), were served to normal volunteers in a cooked form. Ovalbumin, and to a lesser degree, egg yolks were observed to inhibit vitamin B12 absorption. This observation explains the rather poor assimilation of vitamin B12 from eggs labelled in vivo with 57 Co-vitamin B12.  相似文献   

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