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Potential control flotation of galena in strong alkaline media   总被引:5,自引:4,他引:5  
The electrochemical oxidation of galena in collectorless and collector flotation systems, particularly in strong alkaline media, was studied. The results show that, with pH value higher than 12.5 and potentials below 0.17 V, the oxidation products of galena are elemental sulfur and HPbO2^- . Elemental sulfur was present on the mineral surface in excess of oxidized lead species due to dissolution of HPbO2^- , which is beneficial to the flotation of galena. Under the same conditions, sphalerite and pyrite were depressed as a result of significant surface oxidation. Diethyldithioearbamate (DDTC) was found to be the most suitable collector for galena flotation in strongly alkaline media. The very potential produced hydrophobic PbD2-the surface reaction produet of DDTC with galena, is 0 to 0.2 V. Meantime DDTC can depress the surface over-oxidation of galena.Investigations also indicate that, in the range of - 0.9 V to 0.6 V, hydrophobic PbD2 can be firmly adsorbed on galena.  相似文献   

方铅矿磨矿体系表面电化学性质及其对浮选的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
采用电化学测试技术研究方铅矿磨矿体系中磨矿介质类型(瓷介质和铁介质)、机械力以及捕收剂对方铅矿表面电化学性质的影响。研究结果表明:瓷介质中,方铅矿表面会发生适当的氧化反应,有利于方铅矿浮选:增大方铅矿与瓷介质间的机械力,体系的还原性增强,同时削弱矿物表面的氧化反应,给浮选造成一定影响。铁介质中,一方面,由于铁与方铅矿的腐蚀电偶作用增强了体系的还原性,降低了药剂在方铅矿表面的吸附性能,另一方面,由于腐蚀电偶作I用产生的铁离子增强了方铅矿表面的亲水性,两方面的影响都不利于方铅矿的浮选;增大方铅矿与铁介质间的机械力,二者之间的腐蚀电偶作用和体系的还原性增强,同样不利于方铅矿浮选。当pH=9时,在瓷介质和铁介质磨矿体系中是否添加捕收剂,对方铅矿表面电化学性质和浮选影响不大。  相似文献   

The electrochemical process of galena in a pH 12.8 buffer solution was investigated using chronoamperometry and chronopotentiometry. To establish kinetic parameters on the surface of galena in the diethyldithiocarbamate solution, the exchange current density and the dependence of current density on reaction time were determined. Experimental results demonstrate that the exchange current density of galena is 1.585×10?2 A/m2 in the diethyldithiocarbamate-free solution. In the diethyldithiocarbamate solution, ...  相似文献   

The galvanic coupling formed in origin potential flotation systems of sulfide minerals can be divided into three types: sulfide mineral-sulfide mineral-water system; sulfide mineral-steel ball-water system; and sulfide mineral-sulfide mineral-collector system. In this paper, taking lead, zinc, iron sulfide mineral systems for examples,several models of galvanic coupling were proposed and the effects of galvanic coupling on flotation were discussed. A galvanic contact between galena (or sphalerite) and pyrite contributes to decreasing the content of zinc in lead concentrate, and enhances remarkably the absorption of collector on the galena surface. During grinding, due to galvanic interactions between minerals and steel medium, Fe(OH)3 formed covers on the cathodic mineral surface, affecting its floatability.  相似文献   

The adsorption heat and reaction rate constant of potassium dichromate on the surface of galena were studied. The results indicate that potassium dichromate tends to adsorption on the galena surface. The reaction order is only 0.08385, suggesting that the concentration of potassium dichromate has little influence on its adsorption on the galena surface. In addition, the simulation of CrO2 4- adsorption on the PbS (100) surface in the absence and presence of O2 was carried out by density functional theory (DFT). The calculated results show that CrO2 4- species adsorb energetically at the Pb-S bond site, and the presence of O2 can enhance this adsorption.  相似文献   

The flotation tests,zeta potential measurements,and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy(FTIR) analysis on galena,sphalerite,and pyrite were studied in a collecting-depressing-reactivating(CDR) system.In this system,sulphide minerals were first collected and acti-vated by the collector,and then depressed strongly by Ca(OH)2 in a strong alkaline solution.Finally,they were reactivated by H2SO4.The flotation tests of pure minerals showed that in the Ca(OH)2 depressing process sulphide minerals had similar flotation characteristics because they had already been influenced by the collector.Hence,the flotability differences between them were reduced.However,in the H2SO4 re-activating process considerable differences in the flotability between galena and sphalerite/pyrite were produced.That is to say,galena was relatively easy to be reactivated by H2SO4,but sphalerite and pyrite were not reactivated at pH 11.The zeta potentials of sulfide minerals measured by the Zeta Plus presented irreversible characteristics on the change of pH values.The results of the FTIR spectra analysis indi-cated that the collectors already adsorbed on the mineral surface were removed partially by Ca(OH)2.  相似文献   

We address problems in the development of large-scale flotation columns that use short cylinders. As a starting point, we investigated the packing medium to identify a highly efficient internal packing for the flotation column. The chosen packing was a honeycomb structure with an aperture diameter of 80 mm, a web thickness of 0.80 mm, a film height of 1000 mm, packed into a 400 mm diameter space, which completely filled the vessel at optimal cost. The column consisted of a modular ring of single-hole hexagonal honeycomb tube packing made from atactic polyproplene (PP-R). The packing was tested in a cyclonic, static mi-cro-bubble flotation column. Computational fluid dynamic modeling was used to analyze the flotation fluid in a honeycomb tube packed flotation column. Our results show that the fluid axial movement was maximized and that the transverse fluid velocities were zero in the vicinity of axial flow. Using the honeycomb tube packing for copper sulfide flotation we observed that the average concentration in the product was increased to 25.41%, from an average feed concentration of 0.729%, with an average recovery of 92.92%. The demands of on-site industrial production were met.  相似文献   

Flotation technology design includes data calculating and flowsheet drawing. To implement data calculating, relative matrix is used to express the flotation flowsheet, special mineral processing models and optimizing mathematical models have been used. The “binary tree” principle has been used to demonstrate the flotation flowsheet structure, and the coding principle according to the order of preorder traversing to “binary tree” is determined for the implement of the flotation flowsheet drawing. As a result, the computerization of flotation technology design was completed. Design principles, models and application of the software are discussed in this paper. Synopsis of the first author Wang Yuhua, born in Ang., 1964, received ph. D degree in 1996, majoring in the intelligent CAD for concentrator design.  相似文献   

In the thermodynamics, for flotation separation of the Sb-As bulk concentrate system there is no potential extent using butyl xanthate as collector. However in the kinetics, there exists 150 mV in reducing potential of butyl dixanthogen on the surface of stibnite and arsenopyrite. In this paper, their reducing kinetic difference of electrochemistry was confirmed by pure mineral flotation under controlled potential, the artificial Sb-As bulk concentrate flotation separation and UV-spectrophotometic analysis. The electrochemical separation of Sb-As bulk concentrate has been carried out. qualified concentrate has been obtained. Sb-concentrate contains Sb 49.44 %, As 0.44 %, Sb-recovery is 87.83 % and As-concentrate contains As 10.96 %, As-recovery is 94.66 %. Synopsis of the first author Ou Leming, Doctoral student, born in May 1964, majoring in the flotation electrochemistry of sulphide minerals and the potential-control flotation column.  相似文献   

针对传统脂肪酸捕收剂选择性差、常温下分散性和溶解性差的问题,以工业棉籽油酸为原料,经高温高压使脂肪酸的双键水解而引入羟基活性基团,进一步与助剂按比例复配得到一种高效反浮选捕收剂HY.将其用于宜昌某高镁磷矿的浮选试验,经一反一扫简单浮选工艺流程获得了精矿五氧化二磷品位34.59%,五氧化二磷回收率96.46%,氧化镁品位0.28%的良好浮选选指标,氧化镁脱除率高达95%,各指标优于公开招标各项指标要求,且浮选在常温下进行,药剂用量仅0.84kg/t.表明反选捕收剂HY具有良好的浮选性能,其化学修饰改性改善了捕收剂的常温溶解性同时增强了其对钙离子、镁离子的选择性.  相似文献   

The interaction mechanism of collector DLZ in the flotation process of chalcopyrite and pyrite was investigated through flotation experiments, zeta potential measurements and infrared spectrum analysis. Flotation test results indicate that DLZ is the selective collector of chalcopyrite. Especially, the recovery of chalcopyrite is higher than 90% in neutral and weak alkaline systems, while the recovery of pyrite is less than 10%. When using CaO as pH regulator, at pH=7-11, the floatability of pyrite is depressed and the recovery is less than 5%. Zeta potential analysis shows that the zeta potential of chalcopyrite decreases more obviously than that of pyrite after interaction with DLZ, confirming that collector DLZ shows selectivity to chalcopyrite and pyrite. And FT1R results reveal that the flotation selectivity of collector DLZ is due to chemical absorption onto chalcopyrite surface and only physical absorption onto pyrite surface.  相似文献   

利用纯矿物研究单一捕收剂黄药和组合药剂对方铅矿浮选行为的影响.首先确定黄药的试验条件,在此基础上添加pepa药剂,进一步考察组合药剂的最佳试验条件、Pepa药剂对方铅矿的黄药浮选有明显的活化作用、试验结果表明:组合药剂比黄药对方铅矿具有更好的捕收性能,在最佳的工艺条件下,把浮选回收率从80%提高到了96%.  相似文献   

Flotation performance of a de-slimed (-150 + 53 μm)Jordanian siliceous phosphate was evaluated in a batch laboratory flotation column 100 cm high and 5 cm inside diameter. The collector used during anionic flotation was sodium oleate while an amine acetate (AEROMINE 3100C) was used for cationic flotation. Flotation comparison at different collector dosage, superficial gas velocity, and frother concentration showed that the maximum difference in performance between cationic and anionic flotation was obtained with these flotation parameters: 30 × 10 6 (mg/L) frother concentration, 250 g/tcollector concentration, and 3.4 cm/s superficial gas velocity. At these operating conditions amine (cationic) flotation gave 7% higher flotation recovery, a 6% cleaner concentrate grade, and was 6% more efficient at removing silica.  相似文献   

In present study, a novel organic depressant N-thiourea-maleamic acid (TMA) was synthesized and applied as a galena depressant in the flotation separation of Mo-Pb ores. The depression behaviors of TMA were tested through flotation experiments. A wider separation window for single minerals over 90.0% was obtained at 30.0 mg/L TMA, confirming that TMA could depress galena significantly, while effected molybdenite floatability slightly. An effective separation was obtained for artificially mixed minerals and actual Mo-Pb ores. The adsorption mechanism on galena was revealed by UV–Vis spectra, zeta potential tests, Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FT-IR) analysis, contact angle tests and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) analysis. The zeta potentials of galena became more negative and the contact angle of galena dropped from initial 74.36° to 57.8° with 30.0 mg/L TMA depressant, inferring that TMA had adsorbed on galena surface. The analysis results of UV–Vis spectra, FT-IR and XPS gave further evidence that TMA might chemisorb on galena surface via Pb sites on galena surface and the thiourea group in TMA molecular structure, while the carboxyl group played a role of hydrophilicity.  相似文献   

应用修正的功的互等定理,提出了小变形线性弹性理论混合变量的最小势能原理。混合变量总势能对位移和应力取变分极值的欧拉方程和自然边界条件分别为平衡方程,静力边界条件和位移边界条件。以该原理为基础,导出了弯曲矩形板的相应原理。同时,应用该原理计算了一悬臂矩形板的弯曲。推导和分析表明,该原理兼有最小势能原理和广义势能原理两者的优点。应用显示,这是一求解矩形板弯曲的一般方法。  相似文献   

主要是对微电极性能及其在各个领域的应用如毛细管电泳 电化学检测、扫描技术、传感器、能源及光谱电化学等作了较为全面的评述  相似文献   

絮凝浮选技术的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
絮凝浮选具有选择性高、工艺设备简单、环境污染小等优点,在处理含有微细颗粒的悬浮料液方面具有明显的优越性,其分选效果优于常规浮选。就浮选方法、浮选药剂和浮选设备等方面总结了浮选技术的现状,并对其发展趋势进行了展望。  相似文献   

c.z.s是一种天然表面活性剂.具有乳化、分散、润湿和起泡等性能.本文介绍它的物理和化学性能,提取过程及在浮选上的作用.  相似文献   

低碱度下组合抑制剂对铅铁硫化矿的抑制性能及作用机理   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
纯矿物试验表明,在碱性条件下DS YD对黄铁矿有抑制作用,而对方铅矿则没有抑制作用;人工混合矿物和实际矿石试验结果证实,用石灰调浆到pH=9,组合抑制剂DS YD能有效实现方铅矿和黄铁矿的浮选分离,精矿含Pb57.89%,铅回收率达到84.78%,并且不影响锌的浮选效果.矿物表面黄药吸附量测定结果表明,组合抑制剂对不同矿物表面竞争吸附能力的差异是低碱度矿浆条件下实现有效分选的主要原因.  相似文献   

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