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The effect of cooking on the glucosinolates content in white cabbage   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The effect of different cooking times on the GLS content in white cabbage (Brassica oleracea L. var. capitata f. alba) was determined. Cooking of cabbage for 5-30 min caused a gradual decrease in the GLS content. The most efficient reduction of the GLS content (by about 35%) occurred during the first minutes of cooking. As the cooking time was extended by another 5 min, each time the GLS content decreased by 10-15%. Higher losses in indole GLS, as compared to those of aliphatic ones, resulted from more efficient diffusion of those compounds to cooking water. The GLS content in cooking water, irrespective of the cooking time of white cabbage, remained rather stable, whereas the content of indole GLS was between 3.5- and 4-fold higher in comparison to that of aliphatic GLS. Taking into consideration the rate of changes in the content of particular GLS in cabbage and the GLS content in cooking water, it can be stated that glucoiberin was more thermolabile than other GLS.  相似文献   

The effect of cooking on the phytochemical content of vegetables   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Cooking induces many chemical and physical modifications in foods; among these the phytochemical content can change. Many authors have studied variations in vegetable nutrients after cooking, and great variability in the data has been reported. In this review more than 100 articles from indexed scientific journals were considered in order to assess the effect of cooking on different phytochemical classes. Changes in phytochemicals upon cooking may result from two opposite phenomena: (1) thermal degradation, which reduces their concentration, and (2) a matrix softening effect, which increases the extractability of phytochemicals, resulting in a higher concentration with respect to the raw material. The final effect of cooking on phytochemical concentration depends on the processing parameters, the structure of food matrix, and the chemical nature of the specific compound. Looking at the different cooking procedures it can be concluded that steaming will ensure better preservation/extraction yield of phenols and glucosinolates than do other cooking methods: steamed tissues are not in direct contact with the cooking material (water or oil) so leaching of soluble compounds into water is minimised and, at the same time, thermal degradation is limited. Carotenoids showed a different behaviour; a positive effect on extraction and the solubilisation of carotenes were reported after severe processing. © 2013 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L) is an important source of protein in several developing countries. Two commonly grown chickpea cultivars, HPG‐17 and C‐235, were evaluated for their physicochemical characteristics such as 100‐seed weight and density. Both chickpea varieties were subjected to various processing treatments and then analysed for their ascorbic acid content. The ascorbic acid content was generally found to be higher in the C‐235 variety, but it was higher in the HPG‐17 variety after germination. Significant results were obtained for both varieties after various treatments such as pressure cooking, germination, parching and solar cooking. It was found that the ascorbic acid content in both varieties decreased after all treatments except germination. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Five white and coloured rice varieties with different AM contents (long grain rice: 34%, Thai Jasmine rice: 15%, glutinous rice: 7%, red rice: 18% and black rice: 5%) were pregelatinised using a twin‐screw extruder at a barrel temperature of 150°C and two levels of feed moisture (12 and 16%). The correlation of AM content to water absorption index (WAI), water solubility index (WSI), starting viscosity, hot viscosity and final viscosity of the five rice extrudates were determined. Total anthocyanin content (TAC), total phenolic content (TPC) and antioxidant activity of extrudates were analysed by spectrophotometric methods. AM content was positively correlated to WAI and final viscosity. High AM content of the rice varieties resulted in high WAI and high final viscosity of extrudates. In addition, higher feed moisture content (16%) increased WAI and pasting properties of rice extrudates, but decreased WSI. Extrusion cooking reduced TAC, TPC and antioxidant properties, but the remaining values were high enough to suggest a further use for (functional) food production.  相似文献   

Broccoli heads and red cabbage of both conventional and ecological origin were purchased from the market at monthly intervals over a 1-year period. After freeze-drying of the samples the glucosinolates were extracted, enzymatically desulphated and analyzed by HPLC-UV. Glucoraphanin, glucobrassicin and neo-glucobrassicin turned out to be the predominant glucosinolates in broccoli. Red cabbage contained similar amounts of glucoraphanin and glucobrassicin but, in addition, appreciable amounts of glucoiberin, progoitrin, sinigrin, gluconapin and glucoerucin, while neo-glucobrassicin occurred at trace levels only. No significance was found comparing the contents of glucoraphanin in the two cultivation groups for either broccoli or red cabbage. Organic broccoli and red cabbage both contained significantly higher amounts of glucobrassicin than their conventionally grown counterparts. Conventional crops of red cabbage yielded significantly higher quantities of gluconapin than ecological crops. Broccoli imported from Spain and Italy during the winter months yielded levels of glucosinolates similar to those of the home-grown products available in summer and autumn.
Sieghard T. AdamEmail:

Differences were observed in saponin contents of eight varieties of chickpea (Cicer arietinum) and four of black gram (Phaseolus mungo). Common domestic processing and cooking treatments reduced the saponin level of the pulses significantly. Sprouting had the most pronounced effect followed by autoclaving, soaking and ordinary cooking. Cooking of soaked as well as unsoaked seeds had a similar diminishing effect.  相似文献   

The myrosinase activity and total glucosinolates of 10 different cruciferous vegetables and some properties of cabbage (Brassica oleracea L var capitata L) myrosinase were investigated. Radish, cabbage and broccoli showed higher myrosinase activity than other samples. No correlation (P > 0–05) was found between myrosinase activity and total glucosinolates of cruciferous vegetables tested. Myrosinase activity for white cabbage was higher than red cabbage. An optimal pH of myrosinase activity was observed at pH 8–0 for both white and red cabbages. The myrosinase extracted from cabbage was more stable in neutral or alkaline pH. The optimal temperature of myrosinase activity for both cabbages was about 60°C, but the myrosinase activity was destroyed after heating at 70°C for 30 min. The myrosinase activities of both white and red cabbages were activated by 10 mM and 5 mM ascorbic acid, respectively.  相似文献   

It is widely believed that natural antioxidants found in food are significantly lost during processing. Nevertheless, it was recently demonstrated that processed fruits and vegetables may retain their antioxidant activity. In the present work, the changes in the overall antioxidant properties as a consequence of fermentation of cabbage and/or heat treatment of cabbage juices and extracts were studied. Fermentation processes as well as heat treatment increased the initial values of antioxidant activity. While a decrease in the antioxidant potential of sauerkraut juice was found for short heat treatments, a partial recovery of these properties was observed by prolonging heating periods. The TLC analysis showed that during fermentation and thermal processes, some substances with reactivity towards Folin–Ciocalteu reagent, hence with possible antioxidant activity, were released. We demonstrated that in contrast to common expectation, typical culinary processing of cabbage increases its antioxidant potency. The gain in antioxidant activity of heated samples coincided with the formation of both F–C reagent reactive compounds as well as brown early Maillard reaction products. This information may encourage the consumption of heat processed cabbage, especially that the release of antioxidants during heating may prevent oxidation of other food components, e.g. fats.  相似文献   

Effects of abscisic acid (ABA) on glucosinolate content, isothiocyanate formation and myrosinase activity in cabbage sprouts were investigated. Subsequently, their distributions in different organs were evaluated. ABA (50 μmol L?1) significantly increased glucosinolate content, isothiocyanate formation and myrosinase activity by 72.65%, 268.15% and 67.69%, respectively, in 5‐day‐old sprouts. Application of ABA alleviated the decrease rate of glucosinolate content and increased the myrosinase activity during germination. Besides, isothiocyanate formation rapidly increased after germinating for 3 days. The glucosinolate content and isothiocyanate formation reduced by 46.51% and 38.01%, respectively, in fluridon (Flu)‐treated sprouts. Cotyledon of ABA‐treated sprouts had the highest glucosinolate content and isothiocyanate formation, indicating that ABA was necessary to enhance the isothiocyanate formation in cabbage sprouts by increasing glucosinolate content and myrosinase activity.  相似文献   

The effects of dry extrusion of mixtures of rapeseed and soya bean on total and individual glucosinolates, selected glucosinolate hydrolysis products, myrosinase, sinapine and tannins have been compared with those of more conventional processing, e.g. lime treatment, micronisation and ammoniation. Extrusion at 150°C effectively inactivated myrosinase but had relatively little effect on glucosinolate content unless chemicals were added before extrusion; the most effective combination, 5% alkali+1% ferrous sulphate, reduced the total glucosinolate content by 80%. Under the latter conditions very high (>30 μmol g?1 defatted meal) levels of nitriles were produced, leading to the suggestion that nitriles in addition to oxazolidine-2-thione and isothiocyanates be used to monitor the effectiveness of processing techniques. None of the extrusion conditions showed any significant effect on reducing sinapine or tannin contents. In view of the chemical data presented, and the probable adverse effects which the processing conditions selected have on the nutritional value of the processed meal it seems unlikely that extrusion will play a significant role in rapeseed detoxification.  相似文献   

食品安全是生命安全的前提和基础,关乎着人们的生活质量和生命健康。中国的饮食博大精深,烹饪工艺技法受到各个国家的青睐,但烹饪食品的安全健康特性仍存在一些问题。饮食是人们生活中必不可少的一部分,近年来人们对食品安全与健康生活的关系逐渐重视,烹饪加工的产品是饮食的终端食品,科学烹饪则成为了人们的关注焦点。本文从水传热、油传热、热空气对流传热和腌制等烹饪工艺几个维度阐述对食品加工安全特性的影响,旨在为烹饪工作者和普通家庭日常饮食提供参考。  相似文献   

菜心是华南地区栽培的主要蔬菜,广东省栽培面积最大是全年生产供应的重要蔬菜之一.文章介绍了菜心的营养价值和保健功能,综述了菜心的深加工产品(传统食品和休闲食品)的研究应用进展,并对菜心食品的前景做了展望.  相似文献   

Consumption of Portuguese cabbage and white cabbage is very high in Portugal, but diets including broccoli have been highly recommended owing to recognition of the health‐protective effects of secondary plant metabolites. Broccoli production is generally concentrated in the summer/winter season, but the demand for a fresh product throughout the year requires production in other seasons. Sugars might affect flavour and the acceptance of broccoli by consumers. This study reports the free fructose, glucose and sucrose content in primary and secondary inflorescences of 11 cultivars of broccoli, one white cabbage and four Portuguese cabbages grown in early (March–July) and late (August–January) seasons in the northern region of Portugal. On average the results show that the total free sugar content in the broccoli cultivars, except for cv Marathon, is significantly (P < 0.05) lower than in the other cabbages. Fructose was the major sugar in the three types of Brassica, representing between 48.8 and 56.9% of the total sugar content in broccoli cvs Marathon and Senshi respectively and between 48.7% (cv Mirandela) and 53.8% (cv Murciana) in the other cabbages. Glucose was the second major sugar, while sucrose represented a maximum of 20.5% in broccoli cv Shogun and 11.1% in cv Murciana. The growing season influenced the free sugar content, with generally higher levels in the spring/summer than in the summer/winter season in broccoli, while an opposite tendency was noted in the other Brassica species. In broccoli the sugar levels in the primary inflorescences were generally lower than in the secondary inflorescences, except for sucrose. © 2001 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

十字花科芸薹属蔬菜在日常生活中极为普遍,其含有丰富的硫代葡萄糖苷物质。本文综述了不同贮藏条件、加工方法、烹调方式对不同种类十字花科蔬菜中的硫代葡萄糖苷物质的影响。  相似文献   

实验对速煮绿豆加工工艺进行了优化,单因素实验表明浸泡时间、浸泡温度、蒸煮时间、蒸煮温度对复水性影响较大,且干燥方式对速煮绿豆的组织结构和形态保持上有明显影响;通过响应曲面回归分析,得到速煮绿豆优化加工工艺条件:在42℃0.5%NaHCO3浸泡液下浸泡4h,常压下100℃蒸煮40min,沥干,先恒温热风干燥30~40min,放置在密封容器24h,再微波干燥4~6min至水分含量为5%~7%,复水时间为5~12min。  相似文献   

文章分析了挤压蒸煮对荞麦粉室温黏度和凝胶特性的影响,并利用体积排阻色谱测定了淀粉的分子量分布,探讨预糊化处理改善荞麦粉凝胶特性的机制;基于面带质地评价方法,优化预糊化荞麦粉在50%荞麦挂面中的添加比例。结果表明:荞麦粉经挤压蒸煮后,常温水中可形成凝胶;室温黏度显著增加;在主区温度200℃,水分含量18%,螺杆转速220r/min的条件下,所得预糊化荞麦粉中聚合度(DP)为6~50的支链淀粉分子最多,且此时凝胶强度最大。当预糊化荞麦粉添加量为10%时,面带抗拉能力最佳,黏附能力适中。由此可见,预糊化荞麦粉中特定链长的支链淀粉分子(DP 6~50)与凝胶品质呈正相关;50%荞麦挂面中添加适量预糊化粉可显著改善挂面的加工性能。  相似文献   

Dinotefuran is an insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoid class, which is frequently used to control pests in paddy rice owing to its permeability and effectiveness against sucking insects. Since 2002, this insecticide has been commercially available in Japan, and has become controversial due to its high detection frequency in brown rice for primary consumption. In this study, the effects of processing and cooking on the reduction of dinotefuran residues in commercially available brown rice were investigated. Boiled rice is difficult to homogenise and extract with acetonitrile. Using pre-freezing and cryogenic milling with powdered dry ice, dinotefuran in boiled rice was extracted well. A measurement method comprising sample preparation (acetonitrile extraction, gel permeation chromatography, and SPE) and detection with anLC–MS/MS system was used. In 10 out of 25 commercial brown rice samples, dinotefuran was detected at a concentration of 0.04 μg/g (mean), which was more than the limit of quantitation of 0.01 μg/g. The dinotefuran levels were significantly less than the MRL of 2 μg/g in Japan. Even after polishing, washing, and boiling, dinotefuran was detected in 10 brown rice samples, with mean residue levels of 74.7%, 60.8%, and 39.6%, respectively, of the original concentration in brown rice. Based on these data, the processing factor of dinotefuran in boiled rice has been estimated to be approximately 0.4. Dinotefuran residues were reduced in the boiled rice, but less so than other pesticides. Although the maximum daily intake of dinotefuran in boiled rice was 0.0065 mg/person/day, its percent ratio to the ADI of dinotefuran in Japan was less than 0.05%. These results suggest that the daily intake of dinotefuran from rice might not be a critical problem at present, in spite of its relatively high detection frequency in boiled rice.  相似文献   

研究了新型蒸煮助剂磷酸钾和常规蒸煮助剂蒽醌、CT-1在稻麦草的亚硫酸钾蒸煮中的作用.实验结果表明磷酸钾对稻草和麦草亚硫酸钾蒸煮具有不同程度降低纸浆硬度的作用.蒽醌对于麦草亚硫酸钾法蒸煮有显著作用.而蒽醌和CT-1对于稻草亚硫酸钾法蒸煮没有起到明显作用.  相似文献   

目的:研究常见加工烹调方法对白萝卜中异硫氰酸酯(MTBITC)的影响。方法:以白萝卜为原料,经适当处理后,采用干燥、盐腌、榨制、微波及不同加热烹调方法进行加工,然后破碎,用正己烷提取其中的MTBITC,气相色谱法测定MTBITC的含量。结果:冷冻干燥的白萝卜中MTBITC的保存率可达85.46%,60℃常压干燥只有15.0%;榨制和腌制降低白萝卜中MTBITC的保存率,10%食盐腌制3 d、榨制2 min,保存率分别为72.05%、67.26%。高温长时加热对MTBITC的破坏较大,微波比电磁炉加热的方法要好。结论:加工烹调降低了白萝卜中MTBITC的保存率,温度越高,时间越长,切块越小,影响越大。   相似文献   

草浆置换蒸煮的研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
聂勋载 《中华纸业》2001,22(10):23-25
为了解决我国草浆蒸煮中存在的关键问题-蒸煮不匀和过煮,如何从草料行性出发,将草浆蒸煮机理与我国草浆蒸煮的丰富经验和国外木浆RDH,冷喷放等新技术结合起来,并形成我国草浆蒸煮的新工艺-草浆置换蒸煮。本文对这一新技术的小试和中试研究结果进行了介绍。  相似文献   

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