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以纺织服装产业发展为背景,通过问卷访谈等方法,分析了我国纺织服装工程科技人才的供需状况,总结了纺织服装工程科技人才培养的规模、区域分布、专业结构、学历结构等方面的现状和问题。着重研究了当前我国纺织服装专业人才培养中的教育环境、专业设置、师资队伍、课程建设和教学方式等方面的问题。根据纺织服装工程科技人才成长的规律,提出了改革和完善全过程人才培养模式的思路和对策。  相似文献   

区域经济的发展离不开大量人才资源的投入,人才是区域经济发展与产业结构调整的源动力,而科技人才作为区域人才资源的重要组成部分,是科技创新的关键因素,是推动区域社会经济发展的重要力量。如何在欠发达区域吸引、留住、利用好各类科技人才,已经成为当前我国欠发达区域经济持续发展的瓶颈,同时也是实现我国区域间经济社会协调均衡发展的紧迫任务。  相似文献   

运用数据包络分析方法(DEA),对目前我国各地区科技人才配置效率进行分析研究,并从分析的结果中,结归纳出影响科技人才配置效率的3个注意要因素--科技人才队伍团结构的优化,政府宏观调控下的市场作的发挥和相关机制的完善.  相似文献   

<正>2003年全国人才工作会议召开以来,随着人才强国战略的深入实施,我国更加重视创新型科技人才的培养,坚持用事业凝聚人才,用实践造就人才,积极营造良好环境,构建创新载体和平台,支持科技人才在创新活动中成就事业。经过各方面的共同努力,我国创新型科技人才队伍建设取得长足进展,科技人才资源总量稳步增长,素质不断提高,结构持续改善。  相似文献   

围绕创新团队建设是科技创新的核心力量,是科技人才发展的必然趋势,分析了创新团队建设的需求和条件。从对创新团队进行分类、分层评价,重视创新团队中的团队整体评价,创新团队中科技人才的评价应注重实绩,创新团队建设中科技人才评价要具有两面性等四个方面阐述了科技人才评价对创新团队建设的影响。  相似文献   

当今,中小企业问的科技人才之战硝烟滚滚,竞争日益激烈,如何防范科技人才的流失,如何留住科技人才,已经是当今中小企业家的最热门话题和关注点。本文重点论述了,中小企业家如何处理好科技人才的“留”和“流”的辩证关系。  相似文献   

科学技术是第一生产力,人才是第一资源,人才在社会发展所需一切资源中起到非常关键的作用。计量科学是经济、社会、贸易和科技发展的基础,涉及公众健康、安全、环境保护等多个领域,计量科学的发展离不开高水平的计量科技人才队伍。社会的进步,要求计量科学技术的进一步发展,尤其在中国加入WTO以后,检测校准市场对外开放,更要求我国的计量测试体系不断完善和进步,因此提高我国校准实验室的总体水平,在国际竞争中立于不败之地,人才这一要素显得特别重要。所有的竞争,归结起来都是人才的竞争,适应需求,在培养、引进、开发、创造良好的人才环境、在人才管理制度上下功夫,构建科学、合理的计量科技人才体系,对我国计量科学的发展非常关键,下面将从几个方面加以阐述:  相似文献   

多年来,农村中等职业学校农业类专业为当地农村培养了大批的科技人才,随着新农村建设的不断深入,农业的发展越来越依靠科技进步和科技人才的培养,在新形势下如何确定培养目标、培养什么样的人才成为职业学校新的课题。  相似文献   

从《21世纪议程》到《教育2030行动框架》,国际社会不断推进可持续发展教育,对现有教育体系进行整合重塑以取得创新突破;可持续发展教育理念在引领国际工程教育改革的同时,日益成为提升工程教育质量的重要选择。本文在梳理可持续发展教育理念历史演进的基础上,分析了支撑2030年可持续发展教育的工程科技人才需求特质,从基于可持续发展教育的培养目标与关键能力新要求、国际工程联盟毕业生素质和职业能力框架解析、我国工程教育改革实践3个方面展开研究;基于可持续发展教育理念,总结了我国工程科技人才培养在培养目标定位、培养过程设计和学生考核评价等方面面临的严峻挑战。研究认为,我国面向2030年可持续发展教育的行动策略应从注重顶层设计、发挥政策协同作用,加强国际合作、整合全球优质资源,优化专业布局、发挥专业集群优势,赋能课程教学、培养优秀工程人才,强化专业认证、完善质量标准体系5个方面着手进行,以期推进契合可持续发展目标的工程科技人才培养质量持续提升。  相似文献   

天津市科委针对本市科技小巨人领军企业的调查结果显示,企业除了融资问题外,人才培养和引进难度越来越大,己成为制约企业发展的迫切现实问题。为支持天津科技小巨人领军企业的人才培养和引进工作,并做好与国家人才计划的衔接,使更多科技人才和创新团队进入国家队,天津市科委结合人才工作的实际,制定了《天津市创新人才推进计划实施方案》。  相似文献   

包装产业与包装高等教育   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
胡建强  曹勇 《包装工程》2002,23(6):165-167
简要介绍了中国现代包装产业的发展以及包装产业与包装高等教育的关系,概述了包装高等教育3个体系的构建。  相似文献   

This paper explores the construction of scientists' expertise on international affairs through a study of the rhetoric of U.S. atomic scientists during public and policy‐making debates on the international control of atomic energy between 1945 and 1947. It explores the claims scientists made about the nature of their expertise on issues of diplomacy and international relations and how their expertise was produced and reproduced. The paper shows that scientists were able to successfully project themselves, in the public domain, as experts on political and diplomatic matters related to the atomic. In calling for the international control of atomic energy, scientists constructed their expert knowledge in contrast to, as they portrayed it, the failed expertise of diplomats and political thinkers. In boundary work through their speeches, articles, and government testimonies, scientists drew a line between the political and the scientific, but argued that, as scientist‐citizens, they were able to take their rational thinking from one realm into the other.  相似文献   

《Technology in Society》2001,23(3):441-450
This article is a provocative tour of the intellectual landscape surrounding the role of science and scientists in international relations. It argues that scientists are not uniquely qualified by training or the culture of science to prevent or resolve conflicts between nations and that whatever influence they do have for peace is outweighed by their role as developers of new weapons. Ethnic strife and the process of globalization change the nature of conflicts between nations to the point that scientists cannot be distinguished from other actors in the international marketplace.  相似文献   

中国当代科学家的创造性人格   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:3  
探讨了两个问题:创造性人格概述;中国当代科学家创造性人格的基本素质。前者细分为什么是创造性人格,创造性人格的作用,中国当代科学家创造性人格的意义;后者从数十位有代表性的中国当代科学家的传记和相关文献中概括出中国科学家创造性人格的10种基本素质:高尚的理想和志向;爱国主义精神;善于合作的精神;善于提出和讨论问题的精神;善于综合、勇于创新的精神;甘于奉献、敢冒风险的精神;求实严谨的治学精神;逆境发愤、老当益壮的精神;尊敬师长、关爱晚辈的精神;争创一流、再创辉煌的精神。  相似文献   

Despite significant interest on the topic of knowledge workers, the understanding of how they influence certain aspects of firm innovativeness remains limited. In particular, while different types of knowledge workers exist, their particular synergistic effects on new and improved product development within smaller firms has received less attention. Drawing on the knowledge-based view (KBV), we posit that innovation strategy plays an instrumental role in linking the effects of knowledge workers, thereby leading to greater product development outcomes from different types of knowledge workers. Moreover, some suggest that beyond a certain point, there is a diminishing return to increasing the proportion of knowledge workers in an organisation; however, the basis of this finding is within larger firms. This study investigates whether high-level (e.g. engineers and scientists) and low-level (e.g. technicians and machine operators) knowledge workers exert varying effects on performance in terms of new and improved product development. Data from 205 small and medium-sized high-tech manufacturing firms provide support that distinguishing among types of knowledge workers is important given that they impact new and improved product development differently. Furthermore, innovation strategy plays a synergistic role, positively mediating the effects of different types of knowledge workers on innovation outcomes.  相似文献   

The size and ageing of the Chilean scientific community was studied using as data the individuals actively engaged in research projects funded by the National Fund for Scientific and Technological Development (FONDECYT). Between 1982 and 1991, 4966 individuals participated at least once, either as responsible for the research or as qualified associate in one term of the funding period. From this population, 2765 persons can be considered further committed with scientific research. As for sex, about 30% of the researchers are women. Taking into account all the disciplines, and in addition to the fact that the size of the Chilean scientific community seems to be subcritical, the study reveals that the workforce has been ageing dangerously through the years. The number of young scientists becoming part of the scientific workforce is decreasing. Research in mathematics, physics and chemistry, although qualitatively competitive, relies only on an extremely small group of excellent scientists, situation which is seriously affecting the scientific capacity that the country needs. Biology, although with a higher number of individuals, exhibits a pattern of ageing which will also affects the possibilities to strengthen the scientific demands. The global context in which science develops, leads to a brain drain that Third World countries will have to overcome, implementing public policies to offer the support that young people require to nurture the scientific strength. Indigenous Ph. D. programs demand urgent attention of policy decision makers as well as from research universities which need to offer opportunities to substitute, when existing, their incompetent faculty.  相似文献   

Reviews the current state of science and technology in the Muslim world in the light of the CASTASIA 1968 and the International Conference on Science in Islamic Polity 1983 recommendations of allocating 1.0 percent of GNP for R&D. The data presented indicates that the Muslim countries have not been able to achieve this target. OIC countries on the average spend 0.45 percent of their GNP on R&D as compared to 2.30 percent by OECD countries. Egypt which leads the Muslim countries spends 0.86 percent of its GNP on R&D as compared to 2.27 percent by Israel. Indonesia spends 0.17 percent as compared to 1.78 percent by Taiwan. Annual growth of R&D expenditure in a few Muslim countries, especially Turkey and Malaysia, is very encouraging. Muslims are also far behind in terms of R&D manpower. OIC countries have 8.5 scientists, engineers and technicians per 1,000 population as compared to 40.7 of world average and 139.3 for OECD countries. The contribution of Muslim countries to world science literature is also meagre. Forty-six Muslim countries contribute 1.17 percent to world science literature as compared to 1.66 percent by India and 1.48 percent by Spain. Twenty Arab countries contribute 0.55 percent as compared to 0.89 percent by Israel alone. Contribution to science literature is also analyzed on the basis of total population, literate population, and GNP per capita. Growth of science literature in many Muslim countries is faster than OECD countries.  相似文献   

文中以质监系统某大型检验机构为实证研究对象,以科研需求为切入点,从资金、设备、调研培训、政策、信息、时间、立项渠道七个方面分析了科研需求,并提出了相应的对策,以调动和发挥科技人员的科研积极性和工作热情。  相似文献   

重点阐述我国包装工业发展的现状与包装工程科学人才的现状,并对包装工程科学人才需求情况进行预测计算,对包装工程科学人才供求矛盾进行分析。最后对包装工程科学人才的培养,以及高等包装工程教育提出一些合理的对策.  相似文献   

热分析质谱法的发展历史沿革、现状和展望   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
热分析的发展已整整跨越了一个世纪。当今它已成为近代仪器分析领域中的一个重要分支学科。1963年,H.G..Langer和R.S.Gohlke首次实现热分析和质谱联用。此后。由于计算机技术的应用和发展,使热分析技术及其与质谱的联用技术,又有了许多新的发展甚至突破。热分析质谱法的应用范围十分广阔。它不仅在有机材料,无机材料,还可以在有机-无机等复合材料的研制工作中得到广泛应用。热分析质谱联用技术的应用在我们国内虽然是近十年的事情,但已经引起人们浓厚的兴趣和密切关注。可以预见热分析质谱联用技术在我国的材料热化学和热物理研究以及环保技术,航天技术,信息技术等领域中将发挥更大的作用。  相似文献   

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