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王军海 《山西建筑》2007,33(34):128-129
介绍了建筑工程岩土工程勘察报告的编制程序,就报告应包括的主要内容进行了详细阐述,对如何提高报告的编写能力进行了探讨,以提高岩土工程勘察报告的编写质量,从而为工程设计和施工提供经济合理的建议。  相似文献   

李晓光 《山西建筑》2009,35(23):211-212
介绍了岩土工程勘察报告的编制程序,阐述了报告论述的主要内容,提出了图表编制要点,就如何提高报告的编制能力进行了探讨,以提高岩土工程勘察报告的编制质量。  相似文献   

土耳其伊兹米特地震震害考察   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
文章介绍了 1999年土耳其伊兹米特地震和震害概况 ,并结合现场考察对建 (构 )筑物和生命线工程的震害特点和破坏原因做了讨论和分析。  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish the earthquake behaviour of traditional timber-framed houses in Turkey and their technical features to serve as a guide in their conservation. This paper first discusses the destructive effects of changing settlement patterns on the traditional building stock and explores earthquake damage on traditional Turkish buildings, analysing the 1894-?stanbul, 1970-Gediz and finally 1999-Kocaeli earthquakes. A short definition is then provided of timber-framed building methods in Anatolia, and the earthquake damages occurring in them are given. The following section briefly discusses the earthquake behaviour of timber-framed constructions in different countries. The paper concludes with the interpretation of features that increase the earthquake resistance of timber-framed buildings, which are related to the selection of land and the use of the lath and plaster technique, timber lintels, braces and nails.  相似文献   

On 17 August 1999, an earthquake with a magnitude of 7.4 struck the Eastern Marmara Region of Turkey, destroying hundreds of buildings and killing thousands of people. It is not enough to analyze the damage inflicted by the earthquake solely in terms of its physical features (magnitude, epicenter or depth). Regional policies (particularly industrialization and urbanization) and unsuitable land-use planning/engineering processes also played a role. This paper presents a critical evaluation of these factors with reference to Adapazar, one of the cities that suffered heavily from these non-natural processes.  相似文献   

This study was carried out to determine the structural and functional characteristics of the greenhouses in greenhouse enterprises of Turkey. Greenhouse enterprises are widely common along the Marmara, Aegean and Mediterranean cost lines. Marmara region was selected as the study area since it is the pioneering region and has large areas allocated to greenhouses, and has various greenhouse types. Information about greenhouse types, material properties, placement, and arrangement of greenhouses in the study area was gathered by a questionnaire; then greenhouses in enterprises were divided into groups based on cover material, load bearing materials and directional placement. A total of four types of greenhouse with the most economic cross-section, one from each group, were selected and load acting on structural members of greenhouses were calculated. Loads acting on beams of each greenhouse were analysed by Force Method and Moment Distribution Method. The results obtained were compared statistically to determine the best methodology for structural analysis of greenhouses. As a result, no statistical difference was found between moments and shear forces obtained from both methods. However, a difference occurred based on greenhouse types and it was determined that the values obtained for trussed block greenhouse were higher than the other ones.  相似文献   

地下结构一直被认为具有良好的抗震性能。 1995年阪神大地震发生之前 ,很少有大型地下结构在地震中严重破坏的报道。然则 ,阪神大地震中 ,包括诸如地铁车站及其区间隧道等结构在内的大量大型地下结构出现严重的破坏 ,引起世人震惊 ,使人们对地下结构的抗震安全性产生了怀疑。尔后 ,地震工程界特别是日本出现了地下结构抗震研究的热潮。初步研究表明 ,地下结构具有不同于地面结构的抗震性能和破坏特征 ,在某些情况下 ,同样会发生严重甚至强于地面结构的破坏  相似文献   

Ferah Akinci 《Cities》2004,21(6):155-536
The earthquake on the 17th of August 1999 in the Marmara region of Turkey took more than 17,000 lives and destroyed more than 280,000 homes. The Turkish Government launched construction projects, but the outcome has been disappointing. Priority has been given to cost-efficient earthquake resistant construction, and functionality was neglected. Important social, environmental, and historical dimensions of the housing were forgotten.This paper presents the results of a study investigating the earthquake housing projects, particularly the Hereke Earthquake Housing Project. This project started in March 2000 and was completed in June 2001. The objective of the study was to evaluate the success of the earthquake housing project; negative points were identified, and the origins of those problems analyzed. Most of the problems were due to the fact that the participation of the general public had not been possible, nor were academic experts consulted. The consequences of those mistakes are elaborated, and what can be done in order not to repeat the same mistakes is discussed.  相似文献   

A normal-fault earthquake (Mw?=?7.1) occurred in the state limit of Puebla and Morelos on September 19, 2017, exactly 32?years after the 1985 Michoacan Earthquake. A total of 5765 buildings suffered damage in Mexico City and about 300 in Puebla City. The authors carried out a reconnaissance of Mexico City, and some locations in the states of Puebla and Morelos, to identify the affected areas and the extent of damage. This report is a summary of the damage characteristics observed during the survey for both structural and geotechnical aspects. A series of microtremor measurements were taken to understand the ground motion characteristics in three key areas of the Mexico City Basin. The results are presented and compared to the data gathered from the accelerograph network available in Mexico, and the damage characteristics are discussed. Whenever relevant, the conditions before the earthquake are compared with the damage encountered by the inclusion of photographs. In order to understand the extent of the damage incurred by the 2017 earthquake, an overview is provided of the geological and geotechnical conditions of Mexico City, which is renowned for its soft soils and problems associated with those soils. Given that the 1985 Michoacan Earthquake established the standards for seismic design in Mexico City, this report provides background on the effects of the 1985 earthquake and comparisons are made with the Puebla earthquake.  相似文献   

Public fountains are very common and everyday people appreciate the benefits a water fountain can bring. However, consumption of public fountain water in some country has decreased because of growing concerns that constituents in fountain water may have adverse effects on health. A few studies have examined the safety of public fountains, proposing only limited evidence of fountain‐related health issues in Turkey. Most of these public fountains are sourced from natural springs in Turkey. In this study, a 177 fountain water and 32 rock samples were analysed for source and quality of water. The geology of the region has the direct impact on the quality of the public fountain water. The results indicate that the level of some elements exceeded the limit values determined by WHO and US.EPA. The most striking high values were observed for iron (Fe), nickel (Ni), aluminum (Al), arsenic (As) and bromine (Br) concentrations.  相似文献   

As broadband Internet transforms the way people connect with others, the boundaries between different modes of communications become vague. In recent years, the scope of voice and broadband markets has become a matter of concern for both policymakers and researchers. Until recently, it was thought that DSL and mobile broadband markets were separate markets and therefore they were separately regulated. However, recent empirical evidence in some countries shows that fixed and mobile broadband services are likely to be substitutes. If this is true, the definition of the relevant market for broadband has to be expanded to include mobile networks. This implies that they should be subject to the same regulatory framework. In order to follow this change, we look into the Turkish broadband market, as it is one of the fastest growing in Europe. The paper provides empirical evidence on the existence of fixed-mobile substitution in broadband Internet services in Turkey. We show that fixed and mobile broadband are substitutes in Turkey and they have to be included in the same relevant market definition. As differences between them in terms of speed, reliability and price diminish, customers increasingly see them as substitutes. These changes in the market environment require a reconsideration of the regulatory environment of fixed and mobile broadband markets.  相似文献   

Sanliurfa limestone is becoming increasingly popular for both interior and exterior building applications in the local area in south east Turkey, being easy to cut and shape and suitable for many purposes. Although these limestones are low cost construction materials, they are not widely used elsewhere due to the lack of data regarding their chemical, physico-thermal and mechanical properties and the requirement for highly skilled labour. A total of 264 samples of Sanliurfa limestone from four quarries were tested to determine their physico-thermal and mechanical properties. The data obtained confirmed they satisfy the main international standards for the use of limestone in the construction industry.  相似文献   

Turkey is one of the countries that recently initiated regulatory reform in public utilities. Although Turkey tried to introduce competition to many industries through a liberalization movement that started in the 1980s, utilities remained as monopolies until the early 2000s. In the beginning of the 2000s, reforms restructured the utilities through deregulation and competition policies and established independent regulatory agencies. Whereas the reforms have been successful in some aspects, they remain insufficient in others. This paper anecdotally investigates the effects of (de)regulation on selected public utility industries and analyzes the pros and cons of the reform process. Also, it presents a comparative analysis to better understand the current institutional and governmental issues in the reform process. The findings suggest that the recently changing stance of government towards the (de)regulatory process could thwart the success of reform.  相似文献   

This paper investigates spatial variability of regional convergence for the 2004-2017 period in Turkey. Results from neoclassical convergence model which are robust to inclusion of a spatial battery points out the existence of convergence. However, additional results highlight that regional convergence is spatially heterogeneous. While underdeveloped regions exhibit higher convergence, convergence speed is not distributed evenly among these underdeveloped eastern regions. These findings point out that, last epoch of Turkish transformation fails to have equity enhancing effects at local level, rather there are winners and losers of the rapid growth of 2000s.  相似文献   


Housing prices have increased substantially in some emerging markets in recent years. Turkish housing market has also experienced a boom over the last decade with rapid house price appreciations. This study is the first to employ two different house price indexes to analyze housing bubble in Turkey in two different time periods, 2010:M1–2014:M12 and 2007:M6–2014:M12. We first capture the determinants of housing price by employing Bounds test and then examine whether rising house prices have been justified by fundamentals by employing OLS/FMOLS/DOLS, Kalman filter and ARIMA models. The Bounds test results suggest that there is a long-term cointegration among house price indexes and housing rent, construction cost and real mortgage interest rate. The results imply that the Turkish housing market has experienced some cases of overvaluation, but not bubble formation. This evidence has several implications for house price dynamics and risks in the Turkish housing market. Based on Turkish experience, the study also draws policy implications for emerging housing markets.  相似文献   

东日本大地震灾害考察报告   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
日本的东日本大地震是近年来最大震级的地震,地震本身及造成的震害均具有很多特点。中日联合考察团将现场的考察及对有关问题研讨的主要内容写成本报告。对东日本大地震基本情况及主要特点,尤其是海啸的发生及范围、特征与严重程度作了重点介绍。地震灾害中由地震直接导致的建筑受害不严重,除介绍了震害总体状况,着重介绍了海啸造成的破坏状况及严重程度。除一般震况、震害外,报告中特别针对本次地震特点及国内关心的问题,重点说明了以下内容:长周期地震动的影响是本次地震的一个特点,介绍了其特性及造成的影响与有待研究的问题;日本减、隔震技术的发展现状以及在本次地震中的表现,同时对减、隔震建筑的发展中的问题作了说明;抗震加固工程在地震中的状况、经验与导向;对普遍关心的日本核电站的抗震设计,结合福岛核电站的事故作了介绍;经过本次地震之后,日本建设主管部门对建筑结构抗震初步考虑的对策。  相似文献   

 This paper discusses the geology in the area northwest of Tarsus, southern Turkey, where a conveyance tunnel for the Mersin-Tarsus Plains Irrigation Project was to be constructed. The scheme was to use water discharging from the Pamukluk dam, the main unit of the Mersin-Tarsus project. The paper describes the rock classifications of the proposed conveyance tunnel of the Mersin-Tarsus Plains Irrigation Project. Rock mass quality and selection of the appropriate support system for the rock units along the tunnel were determined using RMR, Q and RSR classifications. Six different units and eight rock mass classes were determined along the conveyance tunnel, about 5 km in length. The main rock units along the tunnel alignment consist of Paleozoic dolomitic limestone, schist, breccia and marble; Mesozoic limestone and magmatic rock complexes (granophyre, gabbro, diorites); Cenozoic sandstone-marl-conglomerate and reef limestones. Received: 4 August 1999 · Accepted: 29 March 2000  相似文献   

Groundwater, the most reliable fresh water source, is used for drinking, domestic and agricultural purposes. Thereby, understanding its behaviour is important for the sustainability of groundwater sources. In this study, relations between the trends of climate parameters [recharge depending on precipitation, temperature and North Atlantic Oscillation Index (NAOI)] and groundwater levels trend were investigated for Torbali Region in Turkey. The human impact that is one of the deterministic components on the groundwater level has been removed from the groundwater level data sets. An increasing trend was observed in the early 1990s, and turning points were determined by using paired t‐test. The trends of the groundwater levels indicate that climate parameters affect groundwater levels in the similar manner. According to the results of the analyses, it is revealed that there is a similar linear variation that is strong and inverse between the trends of NAOI and meteorological indicator (temperature and recharge) and groundwater level.  相似文献   

Today, defining objectives and setting priorities at local level becomes more and more difficult as the nature and direction of urbanisation is increasingly influenced by global economic integration and the struggle of countries, and indeed, individual cities, to be competitive in the global marketplace (Cohen, 2004). In general, local strategies have to be formed and reformed, based on the logic of macro-level factors as to what is, or is not, feasible, and actors’ responses and political judgments about which values and interests they most wish to promote.  相似文献   

Terrestrial raptors which feed on upland hunted game species may increase their risk to lead exposure and lead poisoning by ingesting lead shot found in the tissues of prey. Lead exposure in 225 individuals of nineteen species of terrestrial raptors, collected as carcasses in southern Ontario from 1995-2001, was examined through the analysis of bone, liver and kidney tissues. In this study, one red-tailed hawk contained liver lead concentrations and exhibited signs consistent with lead poisoning. Liver and kidney concentrations of one turkey vulture were also significantly higher than that associated with subclinical effects. This same bird, plus another turkey vulture and a northern harrier, had elevated bone lead concentrations (>10 microg/g dw) associated with possible toxicity. Turkey vultures had the highest mean concentrations of lead in bone and kidney compared to other raptor species. While it appeared only a single bird suffered acute lead poisoning, lead levels exceeded threshold concentrations associated with subclinical or acute toxicity in 4 of 225, almost 2%, of terrestrial raptors assessed. Given the association between lead exposure in raptors and hunting of game species reported in other studies, the continued use of lead shot for upland hunting in Ontario likely remains as one of the primary sources of lead and a continued risk to these birds of prey.  相似文献   

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