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叙述了中国走新型工业化道路,必须把安全作为发展核能的第一原则,且应当逐步提高可再生能源的战略地位,指出,在能源建设方面,科技不领先,国家能源发展就无法领先。  相似文献   

制氢技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
陈进富 《新能源》1999,2(4):10-14
综述了几种主要的制氢技术及其发展现状,评述了各种制氢技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

叙述了中国走新型工业化道路,必须把安全作为发展核能的第一原则,且应当逐步提高可再生能源的战略地位,指出,在能源建设方面,科技不领先,国家能源发展就无法领先.  相似文献   

建立非化石能源信息的收集、统计和管理制度,加强统计信息平台建设对推动本市非化石能源发展起到非常重要的作用。该文在梳理了全市非化石能源统计现状的基础上,分析了现有统计体系存在的问题,提出了本市非化石能源统计体系完善的建议,以供相关单位参考。  相似文献   

本文分析了2017年我国非化石能源发展形势,剖析了核电及主要可再生能源的发展趋势,评估了2017年的非化石能源在一次能源消费中所占比重。对2018年发展形势做了展望,提出了促进非化石能源发展的相关政策措施建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了2019年我国非化石能源发电形势,测算了非化石能源比重,总结了2019年主要可再生能源政策走向,分析了可再生能源的发展趋势,并展望了2020年发展形势,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

本文分析了2018年我国非化石能源发展的总体形势,总结了2018年主要可再生能源政策走向,分析了可再生能源的发展趋势,对非化石能源在一次能源消费量中的比重目标进行了评估,并展望了2019年发展形势,提出了相关政策建议。  相似文献   

化石能源非能利用的消费量和碳排放量呈现逐年上升态势,对全球2℃温控目标的影响逐步显现。首先,分析了全球化石能源非能利用的基本原理、现状和趋势、关键技术,以及基于基本化工品的化石能源非能利用消费量和过程碳排放核算方法。结果表明,化石能源非能利用具有一定的固碳作用,化石原料中50%~70%的碳元素将长期存储在塑料等终端化工产品中,但是化工产品废弃物管理不善将导致这些存储的碳元素外泄。其次,设计了基准情景和低碳情景,并运用对数回归拟合法对基本化工品和化石能源非能利用的需求量进行预测。结果显示,基准情景下,2050年基本化工产品需求将超过10亿t。最后,建立了化石原料需求预测的成本最小化模型。结果显示,基准情景下,2050年化石能源非能利用需求将超过20亿tce,2017—2050年的年均增长率为1.4%。低碳情景下,2050年化石能源非能利用需求相对于基准情景下降23%,天然气将加速成为主要的化石能源原料,以氢能和生物质为原料的低碳化工技术迅速发展。  相似文献   

孙龙林  方益成  李飞 《太阳能》2022,(4):133-139
利用风电、光伏发电等可再生能源电力的制氢系统是未来制备氢能的发展方向,而制氢电源是制氢系统的核心部件.传统的基于晶闸管整流电路的制氢电源(下文简称为"晶闸管制氢电源")存在功率因数低、谐波大,延迟长等缺点.针对这一问题,本文采用PWM整流器作为制氢电源(下文简称为"PWM制氢电源"),把逆变电路中的SPWM调制和数字控...  相似文献   

朱成章 《中外能源》2011,16(5):34-39
通过对世界主要国家一次能源供应构成的分析,发达国家基本上都完成了第一次和第二次能源大转换,已不存在生物质能的传统利用,煤炭占一次能源消费的比重已大大下降,石油和天然气的比重有了很大提高。核电、水电、生物质能已成为发达国家非化石能源的主体,但随着资源的日渐枯竭,今后的方向是发展风电、太阳能发电等新能源。发展中国家尚未完成第一次和第二次能源大转换,在一次能源构成中石油、天然气的比重还较低,核电、水电和生物质能的开发还有很大潜力可以发掘。因此,发达国家和发展中国家的能源发展战略是不同的,前者主要发展风电、太阳能发电,而后者应发展核电、水电和生物质能。我国提出逐步提高非化石能源的比重,完全符合我国目前能源工业的现状。我国非化石能源占一次能源消费总量的比重有不同的计算口径,应明确非化石能源的统计口径,对非化石能源进行全面统计。为了完成我国2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%的目标,应尽快把落后的能源工业改造为现代能源产业,加快完成第一次、第二次能源大转换,同时应大力鼓励增加电力进口。  相似文献   

氢能制取和储存技术研究发展综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
综述了氢能制取和储存技术研究的最新发展现状。生物质制氢、太阳能热化学循环制氢、太阳能半导体光催化制氢、核能制氢等技术具有资源丰富、使用可再生能源的优点,能克服传统电解水制氢能耗高和矿物原料有限的缺点,成为提高制氢效率、实现规模生产的研究重点。加压压缩储氢技术的研究进展主要体现在改进容器材料和研发吸氯物质方面;液化储氢技术研发重点是降低能耗和成本;金属氢化物储氢技术正努力突破储氢密度低的难题。氢能制取、储存技术正在走向实用阶段,重点技术方向是以水为原料,实现大规模、经济、高效和安全地制氢储氢,推动氢能可持续和洁净的利用,促进能源安全。  相似文献   

Targeting the net-zero emission (NZE) by 2050, the hydrogen industry is drastically developing in recent years. However, the technologies of hydrogen upstream production, midstream transportation and storage, and downstream utilization are facing obstacles. In this paper, the development of hydrogen industry from the production, transportation and storage, and sustainable economic development perspectives were reviewed. The current challenges and future outlooks were summarized consequently. In the upstream, blue hydrogen is dominating the current hydrogen supply, and an implementation of carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) can raise its cost by 30%. To achieve an economic feasibility, green hydrogen needs to reduce its cost by 75% to approximately 2 $/kg at the large scale. The research progress in the midterm sector is still in a preliminary stage, where experimental and theoretical investigations need to be conducted in addressing the impact of embrittlement, contamination, and flammability so that they could provide a solid support for material selection and large-scale feasibility studies. In the downstream utilization, blue hydrogen will be used in producing value-added chemicals in the short-term. Over the long-term, green hydrogen will dominate the market owing to its high energy intensity and zero carbon intensity which provides a promising option for energy storage. Technologies in the hydrogen industry require a comprehensive understanding of their economic and environmental benefits over the whole life cycle in supporting operators and policymakers.  相似文献   

Hydrogen is a renewable energy carrier that is one of the most competent fuel options for the future. The majority of hydrogen is currently produced from fossil fuels and their derivatives. These technologies have a negative impact on the environment. Furthermore, these resources are rapidly diminishing. Recent research has focused on environmentally friendly and pollution-free alternatives to fossil fuels. The advancement of bio-hydrogen technology as a development of new sustainable and environmentally friendly energy technologies was examined in this paper. Key chemical derivatives of biomass such as alcohols, glycerol, methane-based reforming for hydrogen generation was briefly addressed. Biological techniques for producing hydrogen are an appealing and viable alternative. For bio-hydrogen production, these key biological processes, including fermentative, enzymatic, and biocatalyst, were also explored. This paper also looks at current developments in the generation of hydrogen from biomass. Pretreatment, reactor configuration, and elements of genetic engineering were also briefly covered. Bio-H2 production has two major challenges: a poor yield of hydrogen and a high manufacturing cost. The cost, benefits, and drawbacks of different hydrogen generation techniques were depicted. Finally, this article discussed the promise of biohydrogen as a clean alternative, as well as the areas in which additional study is needed to make the hydrogen economy a reality.  相似文献   

In this paper, a detailed review is presented to discuss biomass‐based hydrogen production systems and their applications. Some optimum hydrogen production and operating conditions are studied through a comprehensive sensitivity analysis on the hydrogen yield from steam biomass gasification. In addition, a hybrid system, which combines a biomass‐based hydrogen production system and a solid oxide fuel cell unit is considered for performance assessment. A comparative thermodynamic study also is undertaken to investigate various operational aspects through energy and exergy efficiencies. The results of this study show that there are various key parameters affecting the hydrogen production process and system performance. They also indicate that it is possible to increase the hydrogen yield from 70 to 107 g H2 per kg of sawdust wood. By studying the energy and exergy efficiencies, the performance assessment shows the potential to produce hydrogen from steam biomass gasification. The study further reveals a strong potential of this system as it utilizes steam biomass gasification for hydrogen production. To evaluate the system performance, the efficiencies are calculated at particular pressures, temperatures, current densities, and fuel utilization factors. It is found that there is a strong potential in the gasification temperature range 1023–1423 K to increase energy efficiency with a hydrogen yield from 45 to 55% and the exergy efficiency with hydrogen yield from 22 to 32%, respectively, whereas the exergy efficiency of electricity production decreases from 56 to 49.4%. Hydrogen production by steam sawdust gasification appears to be an ultimate option for hydrogen production based on the parametric studies and performance assessments that were carried out through energy and exergy efficiencies. Finally, the system integration is an attractive option for better performance. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, visible light‐driven heterogeneous photocatalysts for hydrogen production are comparatively assessed based on technical, environmental, and cost criteria. The photocatalysis systems are compared with respect to their (i) rate of hydrogen generation per gram; (ii) rate of hydrogen generation per m2 of the specific surface area; and (iii) the band gap energy. The photocatalysis systems are also compared and discussed in terms of flammability, reactivity, and their impact on living systems' health. Furthermore, the costs of the required components of the photocatalysis systems are ranked. In addition to individual photocatalyst comparison, seven photocatalyst groups are ranked and compared. The results show that TiO2‐C‐362 and Ag0.03Mn0.40Cd0.60S show the highest in terms of µmol/h‐gcat and µmol/h‐m2cat, respectively, and TiO2‐C‐362 has the highest overall rankings. The Zn/In/S‐based photocatalyst groups show the highest hydrogen production rate in terms of µmol/h‐gcat and µmol/h‐m2cat. Overall, Cd/S/Zn has the highest rankings when cost and health and environmental impact criteria are taken into account. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Hong Kong is highly vulnerable to energy and economic security due to the heavy dependence on imported fossil fuels. The combustion of fossil fuels also causes serious environmental pollution. Therefore, it is important to explore the opportunities for clean renewable energy for long-term energy supply. Hong Kong has the potential to develop clean renewable hydrogen energy to improve the environmental performance. This paper reviews the recent development of hydrogen production technologies, followed by an overview of the renewable energy sources and a discussion about potential applications for renewable hydrogen production in Hong Kong. The results show that although renewable energy resources cannot entirely satisfy the energy demand in Hong Kong, solar energy, wind power, and biomass are available renewable sources for significant hydrogen production. A system consisting of wind turbines and photovoltaic (PV) panels coupled with electrolyzers is a promising design to produce hydrogen. Biomass, especially organic waste, offers an economical, environmental-friendly way for renewable hydrogen production. The achievable hydrogen energy output would be as much as 40% of the total energy consumption in transportation.  相似文献   

The widespread use of non-renewable energy has caused serious environmental problems such as global warming and the depletion of fossil fuels. Hydrogen, as a well-known carbon-free gaseous fuel, has become the most promising energy carrier for future energy. Hydrogen has an excellent mass-basis calorific value and no carbon atom contained, which makes it to be an attractive fuel for various power devices (like the internal combustion engine, gas turbine, and fuel cell). Nowadays, the production of hydrogen is still predominated by fossil-based techniques, which is considered undesirable due to low conversion efficiency and release of greenhouse gases. It is necessary to find green and sustainable hydrogen production routes with low energy consumption and cost. In this paper, the different hydrogen production technologies via fossil routes or non-fossil routes are reviewed in general, and it is found that bio-hydrogen production has certain environmental advantages and broad prospects compared with other hydrogen production technologies. Then, the characteristics and research status of different bio-hydrogen production technologies are discussed in depth. It is found that each bio-hydrogen production technique has its own advantages, challenges, and applicability. The economic analysis of bio-hydrogen energy is also performed from the aspects of production, storage, and transportation. The results show that bio-hydrogen production technology could be a good possibility way for producing renewable hydrogen, which is of high efficiency and thus competitive over other hydrogen production methods both in economics and environmental benefits.  相似文献   

The use of photovoltaic energy (PV) for the production of hydrogen by using autonomous modular self-regulated systems is studied. Results are compared with those obtained for controlled systems. It was proved that for small and low-cost applications, it is possible to eliminate any control system with yields as high as 91.2% in the PV-electrolyzer interface for a sunny day. Self-regulated systems are thus an excellent, safe, cheap and environmentally friendly alternative for applications in isolated sites, especially in emerging countries.  相似文献   

Nuclear energy can be used as the primary energy source in centralized hydrogen production through high-temperature thermochemical processes, water electrolysis, or high-temperature steam electrolysis. Energy efficiency is important in providing hydrogen economically and in a climate friendly manner. High operating temperatures are needed for more efficient thermochemical and electrochemical hydrogen production using nuclear energy. Therefore, high-temperature reactors, such as the gas-cooled, molten-salt-cooled and liquid-metal-cooled reactor technologies, are the candidates for use in hydrogen production. Several candidate technologies that span the range from well developed to conceptual are compared in our analysis. Among these alternatives, high-temperature steam electrolysis (HTSE) coupled to an advanced gas reactor cooled by supercritical CO2 (S-CO2) and equipped with a supercritical CO2 power conversion cycle has the potential to provide higher energy efficiency at a lower temperature range than the other alternatives.  相似文献   

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