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本文基于国家绿色建筑评价标准和上海、北京、湖南等地的地方绿色建筑评价标准,分析了他们的优缺点和适用性。在此基础上,提出上海的绿色建筑技术评价标准修编的建议。  相似文献   

GB/T50378-2006《绿色建筑评价标准》自发布实施以来推动了我国绿建筑工作高速发展。为适应绿色建筑发展需要,建筑部发布GB/T50378-2014《绿色建筑评价标准》并于2015年1月1日起正式实施,之前通过2006版标准获得绿色建筑设计标识的项目在申请运行标识时,需采用GB/T50378-2014进行评价。为更好地运用GB/T50378-2014指导旧版设计标识项目的运行评价过程,本文以上海市冠捷大厦绿建三星运行标识项目为实际案例,对修订前后的《绿色建筑评价标准》的技术条文进行分析,并为后续的旧版设计标识项目获得新版运行标识的评价提供建议和参考。  相似文献   

各省、自治区、直辖市、计划单列市财政厅(局)、建设厅(委、局),新疆建设兵团财务局、建设局: 按照《国务院关于印发“十二五”节能减排综合性工作方案的通知》(国发[2011]26号)统一部署,为进一步深入推进建筑节能,加快发展绿色建筑,促进城乡建设模式转型升级,特制定以下实施意见; 一、充分认识绿色建筑发展的重要意义 绿色建筑是指满足《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T50378 - 2006),在全寿命周期内最大限度地节能、节地、节水、节材,保护环境和减少污染,为人们提供健康、适用和高效的使用空间,与自然和谐共生的建筑.  相似文献   

对国内外绿色建筑评价标准进行对比研究,发现各国对绿色建筑评价指标虽然都是建立在节能的基础上,但是没有明确的建筑碳排放指标。基于此背景,提出将建筑碳排放评价指标应用到绿色建筑评价体系中,使建筑满足绿色建筑等级的同时又能做到节能减碳。  相似文献   

<正>从权威人士处获悉,最近住建部可能会发布《绿色建筑评价标准》(修订稿)。新修订的绿色建筑评价标准包含建筑屋面和防水的内容,中国建筑防水协会也就此向标准编制委员会提交了相关建议。根据规定,2015年后,我国所有保障性住房和公共建筑都要达到绿色建筑标准。业内专家预计,未来10年里,  相似文献   

本文对低影响开发及其雨水综合利用措施进行了阐述,并针对绿色建筑评价指标,对两者的关系进行分析。结果表明低影响开发中的雨水控制利用措施贯穿于绿色建筑评价指标体系中的节水、节能、节材、环境保护等诸多方面,在推动绿色建筑快速、可持续发展过程中发挥着重要作用。  相似文献   

李伟奇 《节能》2023,(4):81-83
总结常用的绿色建筑技术,介绍美国的LEED-CS和中国的《绿色建筑评价标准》(GB/T 50378—2014)绿色建筑评价体系。以长沙滨江国际金融中心项目为例,介绍项目的基本概况,对项目应用的提升围护结构热工参数、排风热回收、太阳能热水、绿色照明、节水与水资源利用以及节能电梯等绿色建筑技术进行分析,通过合理设计并优化,该项目达到我国绿色建筑三星级标准和美国评价体系LEED-CS金奖的要求。  相似文献   

谢坤  ;叶凌  ;庄兆意 《节能》2014,(8):56-59
针对既有住宅建筑改造的英国绿色建筑评估体系BREEAM Domestic Refurbishment 2012现已实施。从评价指标体系、评价分级方法、各条目的具体评价方法、评估工作开展方式等方面对其进行了介绍,并将其与我国的现行国家标准《绿色建筑评价标准》和绿色建筑评价工作进行了比较,供我国既有居住建筑绿色改造评价工作参考。  相似文献   

6月1日起正式开始实施的《绿色建筑评价标准》(以下简称《标准》)是我国第一部从住宅和公共建筑全寿命周期出发,多目标、多层次地对绿色建筑进行综合性评价的推荐性国家标准。  相似文献   

推广绿色节能建筑对我国经济发展意义重大.通过比较国内外推广绿色建筑的评价体系,讨论了我国绿色建筑评价体系与国外评价体系的差别,在此基础上分析了引入和推广绿色评价体系存在的困难,并探讨引入推广绿色建筑评价体系可能采取的措施。  相似文献   

张建国  谷立静 《中国能源》2012,34(12):19-24
我国"十二五"期间要大力发展绿色建筑,发展绿色建筑是转变城乡建设模式和建筑业发展方式的重要举措,我国目前尚处于自愿发展的起步阶段,绿色建筑相关的法规制度、标准、激励政策、技术支撑等还不健全,本文提出今后要明确绿色建筑发展的方向和目标,因地制宜,并从法规、标准、政策、监管等各方面,全面促进绿色建筑的发展。本文重点解读了绿色建筑的内涵,阐述了我国发展绿色建筑的重要意义,分析了我国绿色建筑发展的现状和面临的挑战,并提出政策建议。  相似文献   

Air pollution problems caused from the development of infrastructures are getting serious, in which air flow is reduced and heat is trapped among high-rise buildings. In order to mitigate these problems, various methods have been developed in previous studies. Extensive green roof has been identified as one of the most important means to mitigate these problems and implement sustainable development principles in the building features. Governments world-wide have been introducing various policies and regulations for promoting extensive green roof particularly for building projects. However, the existing buildings in many large cities such as Hong Kong display few extensive green roof features. Hong Kong is one of the most densely populated cities with many high-rise buildings. This paper examines the major barriers encountered in promoting extensive green roof systems for the existing buildings in Hong Kong. Case study approach is adopted to investigate how and why the barriers can hinder the implementation of extensive green roof features. Research results show that lack of promotion and incentives from governments and the increase maintenance cost are identified as the top barriers to the implementation. The paper concludes by providing further suggestions and actions that can help mitigate these existing barriers.  相似文献   

Credible estimates of energy savings from green buildings are critical for policy makers to examine the cost and benefit of various incentives intended to encourage commercial buildings to go green (e.g. expedited construction permits, government grants, and property tax incentives). Yet, data limitations have hindered reliable estimations. Filling this gap, this study uses a large panel dataset on energy consumption for commercial buildings in Phoenix metropolitan area, Arizona. By tracking building occupants' monthly energy consumption before and after the building's certification as an Energy Star building, we provide new estimates of the environmental gains from private investment in green real estate. Results show that for occupants that occupy space in a certified building in both the pre-certification and post-certification periods, occupants in Energy Star buildings consume 8% less energy. This empirically robust estimate of potential benefit from green-certification provides a quantifiable benchmark against which green-promoting policies can be measured. We also document evidence of heterogeneous treatment effects. Energy savings differ by the building's initial certification points and the building's baseline energy consumption. These results are useful for policy makers to identify targets for green certification.  相似文献   

随着城市化的推进,很多城市面临着水资源短缺的问题.雨水作为一种最经济的非传统水资源,对补充调节区域水资源及改善环境起着极为重要的作用.因此,在绿色建筑中推广雨水利用是解决城市水资源短缺等问题的重要举措.介绍了国内外雨水利用现状以及相应法律法规和政策措施,认为雨水是绿色建筑评价标准中重要的非传统水源,阐述了上海绿色建筑中推广雨水利用的可能性,并提出了当前我国大力推进雨水利用的一些建议,为缓解水资源危机和减少污染排放提供了科学依据.  相似文献   

张建国  谷立静 《中国能源》2014,(2):18-22,14
本文阐述了房地产企业开发绿色建筑项目的业务流程及影响因素,分析了目前我国房地产企业开发绿色建筑面临的障碍,认为对绿色建筑认识存在误区、对绿色建筑投资收益不清楚、可能增加成本、缺乏政策激励、技术支撑不足及缺乏消费者认同等是主要障碍,并提出了对策建议。  相似文献   

Measurements of the thermal behaviour of two residential buildings equipped with a green roof system have been performed in Athens, Greece. Experimental data have been used to calibrate detailed simulation tools and the specific energy and environmental performance of the planted roofs system has been estimated in detail. Simulations have been performed for free‐floating and thermostatically controlled conditions. The expected energy benefits as well as the possible improvements of the indoor thermal comfort have been assessed. It is found that green roofs have a limited contribution to the heating demand of insulated buildings operating under the Mediterranean climate. On the contrary, the green roof system is found to contribute highly to reduce the cooling load of thermostatically controlled buildings. For the considered residential buildings, a cooling load decrease of about 11% has been calculated. In parallel, it is found that green roofs contribute to improve thermal comfort in free‐floating buildings during the summer period. The expected maximum decrease of the indoor air and roof surface temperatures is close to 0.6°C. Such a decrease contributes to reduce by 0.1 the summer absolute Predicted Mean Vote Comfort Index levels in the building. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The green buildings of Shanghai Research Institute of Building Science include an office building for the demonstration of public building and two residential buildings, which are for the demonstration of flat and villa, respectively. Here, a solar-powered integrated energy system including heating, air-conditioning, natural ventilation and hot water supply was designed and constructed for the office building. However, only solar hot-water systems were installed for the flat and villa. All the three solar thermal systems have continuously run for 2 years. Two different integrated approaches have been put into practice in the two green residential buildings. It is shown that, for new buildings, solar collectors can be mounted on balconies and awnings besides roofs, on condition that solar systems become part of the general building design. The solar-powered integrated energy system has the advantage of high utilization ratio with different functions according to different seasons. It is testified to be capable of taking on about 70% of the yearly building load regarding the involved space under the weather condition of Shanghai.  相似文献   

邵国新  张源 《节能》2010,29(6):32-35
将建筑自然采光方法分为不依赖于技术的方法、利用技术支撑建筑设计的方法和采用先进技术的方法三大类,介绍并分析顶部采光、侧向采光、导光管等八种采光方式的利弊及适用场合,同时结合相关典型案例的分析,使各类方法的实际应用较为直观地展现出来。  相似文献   

The application of green roofs on urban buildings is considered to have a positive impact on their thermal behaviour and local microclimatic conditions. According to the literature, their ability for attenuation of storm water run-off as well as their contribution to the building's thermal protection is among the most important benefits of this technique. However, despite the development of computer models that can assist towards analysing the nature of their behaviour, there is still a relative gap in measured data representing long-term period thermal performance. In this paper, the results of a long-term experimental analysis are presented, which attempt to identify the thermal behaviour of a green roof in comparison with a bare flat roof. The results show that in Mediterranean countries, a green roof can contribute substantially to building's energy conservation mainly during the warm period of the year, while its influence during the cold period is negligible.  相似文献   

Green roof installation in contemporary urban centres is increasing due to their numerous benefits, including microclimate improvement. However, the magnitudes of influence of the green roof design to energy savings is not fully clear, as well as the environmental benefit, in terms of reducing greenhouse gases emissions. The aim of this study was to estimate the effect of green roofs design on energy savings and their carbon footprint when installed on school buildings. The cooling and thermal insulation features of green roofs have been studied by using the TRNSYS simulation software. Different types of green roof systems (extensive and semi-intensive) and construction options are studied in four types of school buildings. Results showed that the estimated reduction in annual CO2 emissions due to energy savings and CO2 capture by plants was many times greater than the CO2 emissions that caused from roof construction.  相似文献   

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