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纳米Ag2S/TiO2异质复合薄膜的制备和光电性能   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以异丙醇钛(C12H28O4Ti)为主要原料合成氧化钛(TiO2)前驱体溶胶,并结合230℃水热处理得到TiO2溶胶,利用电流体动力学(EHD)技术在掺氟氧化锡导电(FTO)玻璃基片上镀膜,450℃高温煅烧制备具有多级结构锐钛矿TiO2纳米薄膜.以硝酸银(AgNO3)及硫化钠(Na2S)分别为银源和硫源,采用化学浴沉积...  相似文献   

采用光催化沉积的方法在TiO_2薄膜上沉积CdS量子点,TEM研究表明CdS量子点大小均一,直径为20nm左右。对CdS量子点制备过程进行了分析,发现生长原理为"原子原位生长过程"(Cd+S=CdS)。紫外-可见光测试结果表明CdS/TiO_2相对于TiO_2薄膜可以极大增强可见光的吸收率;将CdS/TiO_2组装成太阳能电池,电极表现出良好的光电性能,可以在太阳能电池等方面有很好的利用前景。  相似文献   

采用水热法制备硼硫(B/S)共掺杂纳米二氧化钛(B-S-TiO2), 并配制成浆料, 利用丝网印刷技术在FTO导电玻璃上制备B-S-TiO2薄膜; 用化学浴沉积(CBD)法制备了CdS量子点敏化B-S-TiO2薄膜电极, 并用X射线衍射(XRD)、电子显微镜(TEM)、元素分析能谱(EDS)和紫外-可见光谱对其进行表征分析; 结果显示: B/S共掺杂不会改变TiO2的晶型, 掺杂后的TiO2吸收边带发生明显红移, 吸收强度显著增强; 同样用化学浴沉积的方法制备NiS工作电极, 用改性的聚硫化物((CH3)4N)2S/((CH3)4N)2Sn)电解液, 组装CdS量子点敏化硼硫(B/S)共掺杂纳米二氧化钛(B-S-TiO2)太阳能电池, 并测试电池光电性能。测试结果表明, 在AM1.5G的照射下, 电池的能量转化效率(η)由3.21%增大到3.69%, 提高了14.9%, 电池获得高达 (Voc)1.218 V的开路电压和3.42 mA/cm2的短路光电流(Jsc), 以及高达88.7%的填充因子(ff)。  相似文献   

利用化学浴沉积法,以N(CH2CH2OH)3为络合剂,Cd(CH3COO)2·2H2O和(NH2)2CS为前驱体溶液制备了CdS纳米晶薄膜,利用FESEM、XRD考察了前驱体浓度、络合剂浓度、前驱体溶液的pH值、反应温度等因素对CdS纳米晶薄膜的表面形貌、晶粒大小及晶体结构的影响,在最佳工艺条件下可以制得表面平整,结构致密的CdS纳米晶薄膜。UV-Vis光谱表明CdS在短波长区域有较强的吸收,符合作为窗口材料和过渡层的要求;光电性能测试表明CdS具有较好的光电响应,呈特征n型半导体特性。  相似文献   

蔡小梅  陈福义  介万奇 《功能材料》2006,37(9):1408-1410
使用化学浴沉积(CBD)在硫酸镉-硫脲的氨溶液中,成功地制备出了高质量的CdS薄膜.用扫描电境(SEM)、X射线衍射(XRD)及紫外-可见-近红外光谱仪对其进行了测试分析,结果表明,NH3摩尔浓度对生成CdS薄膜的表面致密性影响很大,当NH3摩尔浓度比较大时,无法生成连续致密的胶体颗粒薄膜,反应体系中S2-和Cd2 溶液的摩尔浓度增加,CdS胶体粒度增大.在相同NH3摩尔浓度下,随着S2-和Cd2 摩尔浓度比值([S2-]/[Cd2 ])的增大,CdS胶体粒子粒度减小;透过光谱的峰位随着胶体粒子尺寸的减小向短波方向移动,当NH3摩尔浓度变化时,在一定的范围内改变CdS膜的透过率.将化学浴沉积(CBD)过程的研究从薄膜厚度优化改进为胶体粒子尺寸优化,促进了CBD技术的发展.  相似文献   

以三维锐钛矿TiO2微球为上层光散射层材料, 以商业纳米TiO2为下层连接材料, 采用刮刀法制备了一种新颖的双层TiO2薄膜, 并应用于量子点敏化太阳能电池(QDSSC)。其中, 石墨烯量子点(GQDs)采用滴液法引入, CdS/CdSe量子点采用连续离子层吸附法(SILAR)制备。采用场发射扫描电镜、透射电镜、X射线衍射、紫外-可见漫反射光谱及荧光光谱对样品进行表征。实验还制备了CdS/CdSe量子点敏化及石墨烯量子点/CdS/CdSe共敏化太阳能电池, 并研究了石墨烯量子点及CdS不同敏化周期及对电池性能影响。研究结果表明, 石墨烯量子点及CdS不同敏化周期对薄膜的光学性质、电子传输及载流子复合均有较大影响。优选条件下, TiO2/QGDs/CdS(4)/CdSe电池的光电转换效率为1.24%, 光电流密度为9.47 mA/cm2, 显著高于TiO2/CdS(4)/CdSe电池的这些参数(0.59%与6.22 mA/cm2)。这主要是由于TiO2表层吸附石墨烯量子点后增强了电子的传输, 减少了载流子的复合。  相似文献   

采用微波辅助化学浴沉积法快速制备了硫化镉薄膜(CdS),并对薄膜进行了X射线衍射(XRD)、紫外透射和吸收光谱的测试和分析.利用测试结果计算CdS薄膜的带隙宽度与以往结果相同.由于传统制备方法中热量从外向内传播,而微波有很强的穿透能力可在很短时间内均匀加热,所以此种方法制得的CdS薄膜质量较好,沉积速度明显提高.  相似文献   

利用TiO2胶体在石英玻璃表面沉积制备TiO2薄膜,用分光光度计测量TiO2薄膜的吸光度,研究沉积时间、TiO2胶体浓度、镀膜次数对TiO2薄膜的沉积吸附过程和等效膜厚的影响,讨论纳米TiO2沉积吸附的类型。结果表明,最大等效膜厚随着TiO2胶体浓度的增大而增加;最佳镀膜次数与TiO2胶体浓度无关,随着沉积时间的延长而减少;用气体吸附的B.E.T.和Langmuir吸附理论分析的纳米TiO2在石英玻璃上的沉积过程与实验结果相符。  相似文献   

利用sol-gel方法合成了ZrO薄膜,并通过在ZrO薄膜中复合CdS纳米粒子成功地制备了ZrO:CdS薄膜.制得的ZrO薄膜透明并具有较好的光透射性,而ZrO的含量及膜厚是影响其光透射性的主要因素.分散在ZrO:CdS薄膜中的CdS纳米粒子为六方相结构,并具有较好的分散性,其平均尺寸为4~6nm.实验结果表明:ZrO颗粒的晶化会对薄膜的光学性能及表面形貌产生影响,但CdS的形成可以抑制薄膜表面ZrO颗粒的晶化,从而得到较为平滑的薄膜.  相似文献   

刘灿军  陈述  李洁 《无机材料学报》2018,33(12):1343-1348
CdS/TiO2异质结薄膜因其优异的可见光催化性能, 在光催化领域引起了广泛关注。然而, 目前传统方法制备的CdS/TiO2薄膜可能存在交界面结合不紧密的问题, 不利于光生载流子在交界面处的传输。因此, 本研究基于原位转换的原理(TiO2→CdTiO3→CdS), 将TiO2纳米晶表层原位转换成CdS, 制备了CdS/TiO2纳米晶薄膜。采用X射线衍射(XRD)、扫描电子显微镜(SEM)和透射电子显微镜(TEM)手段对样品薄膜的形貌和结构进行了表征。由表征结果可知, 在TiO2纳米晶表面形成了CdS, 构成了交界面结合紧密的CdS/TiO2异质结薄膜。光电化学性能研究表明, 与传统的连续离子层吸附反应法(SILAR)制备的薄膜相比, 原位法制备的CdS/TiO2薄膜的光电流密度更高, 达到9.8 mA·cm-2(V=0.4 V (vs. RHE)); 交流阻抗谱(EIS)结果表明, 原位法制备的CdS/TiO2薄膜具有更小的电荷传输电阻, 说明原位法形成的CdS/TiO2异质结结合更紧密, 能减小光生载流子在CdS/TiO2界面处的传输阻力, 降低光生载流子在传输过程中的复合几率, 进而提高CdS/TiO2薄膜的光电化学性能。  相似文献   

CdS quantum dot sensitized Gd-doped TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films have been prepared by chemical method. X-ray diffraction analysis reveals that TiO2 and Gd-doped TiO2 nanocrystalline thin films are of anatase phase. The absorption spectra revealed that the absorption edge of CdS quantum dot sensitized Gd-doped TiO2 thin films shifted towards longer wavelength side (red shift) when compared to that of CdS quantum dot sensitized TiO2 films. CdS quantum dots with a size of 5 nm have been deposited onto Gd-doped TiO2 film surface by successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method and the assembly of CdS quantum dot with Gd-doped TiO2 has been used as photo-electrode in quantum dot sensitized solar cells. CdS quantum dot sensitized Gd-doped TiO2 based solar cell exhibited a power conversion efficiency of 1.18 %, which is higher than that of CdS quantum dot sensitized TiO2 (0.91 %).  相似文献   

Ag-doped titanium dioxide (TiO2) nanocrystalline thin films have been prepared by the sol–gel dip coating method and used as photoanode to fabricate quantum dot sensitized solar cells. The X-ray diffraction studies reveal the formation of anatase phase without any impurity phase. The surface morphology studied using scanning electron microscope shows uniform distribution of particles. The optical band gap was found to be 3.5 and 3.4 eV for CdS quantum dot sensitized TiO2 and CdS quantum dot sensitized Ag-doped TiO2 thin film respectively. The Ag-doped TiO2 based solar cell exhibited a power conversion efficiency of 1.48 % which is higher than that of TiO2 (0.9 %).  相似文献   

A quantum dot sensitized solar cell (QDSSC) is fabricated using hydrothermally grown TiO2 nanorods and successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction (SILAR) deposited CdS. Surface morphology of the TiO2 films coated with different SILAR cycles of CdS is examined by Scanning Electron Microscopy which revealed aggregated CdS QDs coverage grow on increasing onto the TiO2 nanorods with respect to cycle number. Under AM 1.5G illumination, we found the TiO2/CdS QDSSC photoelectrode shows a power conversion efficiency of 1.75%, in an aqueous polysulfide electrolyte with short-circuit photocurrent density of 4.04 mA/cm2 which is higher than that of a bare TiO2 nanorods array.  相似文献   

敏化TiO2纳米晶多孔膜电极的制备与表征   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
研究了染料敏化TiO2纳米晶多孔薄膜电极的制备、表征及其光电转换性质,采用溶胶-凝胶法液压涂层制备了TiO2纳米晶多孔薄膜,在无水乙醇中利用薄膜吸附染料2,2′-联吡啶-4,4′-二甲酸合硫氰酸钌进行敏化处理,并利用XPS、AFM、XRD、SEM杉可见-紫外分光光度仪对敏化TiO2纳米晶多孔薄膜进行了表征分析。研究结果表明:薄膜中纳米粒子晶型主要为锐钛矿,粒径在20-30nm,多孔薄膜的孔径在50-200nm;染料敏化多孔薄膜表面吸附了一个单分子层的染料分子,敏化薄膜对可见光有很强的吸收作用,用此薄膜制作的太阳能电池具有较高的光电转化效率,电池效率达到2%,这种薄膜电极改进后可用于制作敏化太阳能电池的光阳极。  相似文献   

An easy process was developed to synthesize TiO(2) nanowires sensitized with CdS and CdTeS quantum dots (QDs) requiring no pretreatment of the TiO(2) nanowires prior to nanoparticle generation. CdS and CdTeS nanoparticles were firstly grown by an in situ colloidal method directly onto the TiO(2) surface, hence not requiring subsequent functionalization of the QDs. The resulting nanostructure assembly and composition was confirmed by transmission electron microscopy (TEM), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. Successful decoration of the TiO(2) nanowires by the QDs was observed by TEM, while XPS spectra provided clear evidence for the coexistence of CdS and CdTeS QDs and TiO(2) nanowires. The electronic structure of the TiO(2) nanowires was preserved as indicated by Raman spectroscopy. Preliminary photocurrent measurements showed that inclusion of Te in CdS QDs improved the photocurrent efficiency. Compared to bare TiO(2) nanowires, CdS/TiO(2) nanoassemblies showed an enhancement in photocurrent efficiency of 300% while CdTeS/TiO(2) presented an improvement of 350%. This study indicates that the generation of strongly anchored CdS and CdTeS QDs on a TiO(2) nanowire surface is achievable without introduction of a linker molecule, whose presence is known to decrease the electron injection efficiency.  相似文献   

Mn-doped CdS quantum dot sensitized solar cells based on SnO2 microsphere photoelectrodes are prepared with successive ionic layer adsorption and reaction method. It is found that with Mn-doped CdS quantum dot sensitizers, the photovoltaic performance of the cells based on SnO2 microsphere photoelectrodes can obviously be enhanced. The reasons are owing to the improved light absorption and the expanded light absorption edge by doping Mn in CdS quantum dots. The electrochemical impedance spectroscopy analysis found that the cells with Mn-doped CdS quantum dot sensitized SnO2 microsphere photoelectrodes can efficiently suppress dark reaction, owing to the increased related resistance. Moreover, it is also found that the Mn-doped CdS quantum dot sensitized SnO2 microsphere photoelectrode can increase the electron diffusion lifetime in the cell. The power conversion efficiency of the cell with 4 wt% Mn-doped CdS quantum dot sensitizers can attain to 2.80 %, with 53 % enhancement compared with that of the CdS quantum dot sensitized cell (1.83 %).  相似文献   

CdS and CdSe quantum dots were introduced as co-sensitizers into TiO2 inverse opal quantum dot sensitized solar cells. Herein, the three-dimensionally ordered porous TiO2 inverse opal film leads to a better infiltration of both sensitizers and hole transporting material, and the smaller surface area of TiO2 inverse opal film is effectively offset by the incorporating of co-sensitization. It was found that the presence of CdS/CdSe co-sensitizers provides enhanced light absorption, and leads to a lower recombination rate of the electrons due to the stepwise structure of band edge in TiO2/CdS/CdSe, which resulted in the observed enhanced photocurrent and energy conversion efficiency of the solar cells. A cell efficiency of 1.01 % has been attained.  相似文献   

Nanocrystalline TiO2 porous films were prepared by a sol-gel dip coating method from a solution using poly(ethylene glycol) as a template, ethanol as a solvent and terpineol as a highly viscous solvent. The thickness of films increases greatly by increasing the amount of terpineol. However, the overmuch incorporation of terpineol hinders the formation of porous structure and accelerates the crack creation. The crack-free film having a three-dimensionally extended porous structure was obtained at the ethanol/terpineol ratio of 8:1, the film thickness with three depositions being 2.5 μm. Pretreatment of the precursor at an appropriate temperature also plays an important role in pore formation. Single-phase anatase TiO2 porous films were obtained after calcinations at 550°C for 1 h, and the crystal size increases with an increase in the amount of terpineol. The pore formation mechanism is discussed primarily in relation to the phase separation in the system and self-assembly of PEG.  相似文献   

This report aimed to study the effect of CdS doping in TiO2 on the phase transformation of TiO2 from anatase to rutile using X-ray diffraction (XRD) and Raman spectroscopy. CdS-doped TiO2 nanocomposites have been prepared and characterized using Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). We have observed that contrary to bare TiO2, phase transformation of TiO2 from anatase to rutile is hindered when doped with CdS at high temperature. Raman spectroscopy is found to be more sensitive for detection of the surface of TiO2 as compared to XRD.  相似文献   

Wang JY  Liu ZH  Zheng Q  He ZK  Cai RX 《Nanotechnology》2006,17(18):4561-4566
A new method was developed for the fabrication of CdS-TiO(2) semiconductor nanoparticles as visible-light-excitable photocatalyst at low temperatures. Nanosized CdS acting as an effective and stable sensitizer was incorporated into TiO(2) by microemulsion-mediated solvothermal hydrolyzation followed by acidic peptization of the precipitate under 70?°C. The new method avoided the calcination or other pyrochemical treatments involved in traditional preparations, and thus eliminated the unwanted agglomeration of nanoparticles or the oxidation of CdS by oxygen. Compared to traditional methods, it was highly simplified, bypassing those miscellaneous steps like filtration, sintering, milling and redispersion in solutions. The crystal structure, configuration, element composition, as well as the light-absorption properties of the obtained CdS-TiO(2) hydrosol were characterized in detail. The hydrosol consisting of uniform and small crystalline particles of about 2?nm in diameter was thermodynamically stable and showed good dispersibility. The photocatalytic activity of the 'coupled' material was confirmed through the photocatalytic degradation of methylene blue (MB) dye under visible light irradiation, and the cooperative photocatalytic mechanism is discussed.  相似文献   

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