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'Tremor' is one of the clinical signs of cerebellar dysfunction. Its nature remains subject to debate, one hypothesis being that of a predominant role of peripheral afferences in its genesis. This study was designed to study whether load compensating tasks, evoking sudden stretch, and thus stimulation of peripheral afferences induced tremor in cerebellar patients. We study the kinematics and EMG pattern of a load compensating task which consists of maintaining a constant elbow position despite the onset and cessation of a 2 Nm torque loading the elbow flexors in eight cerebellar patients and six controls. Angular position and velocity, and EMG of the biceps and triceps are recorded at a sampling rate of 1 kHz. In normal subjects, trajectories are simple with little overshoot of the aimed position. EMG analysis shows a long latency stretch response (LLSR) which initiates a phasic and then tonic voluntary activity. In cerebellar patients, the two prominent cinematic features are hypermetria and tremor. The stretch response is of the same latency, but the EMG pattern is modified with bursts of activity related to the tremor. These results show severe perturbations of load compensating tasks in cerebellar patients. We discuss the possible role of the exaggeration of LLSR in both hypermetria and tremor.  相似文献   

After running training, which increased GLUT-4 protein content in rat skeletal muscle by <40% compared with control rats, the training effect on insulin-stimulated maximal glucose transport (insulin responsiveness) in skeletal muscle was short lived (24 h). A recent study reported that GLUT-4 protein content in rat epitrochlearis muscle increased dramatically ( approximately 2-fold) after swimming training (J.-M. Ren, C. F. Semenkovich, E. A. Gulve, J. Gao, and J. O. Holloszy. J. Biol. Chem. 269, 14396-14401, 1994). Because GLUT-4 protein content is known to be closely related to skeletal muscle insulin responsiveness, we thought it possible that the training effect on insulin responsiveness may remain for >24 h after swimming training if GLUT-4 protein content decreases gradually from the relatively high level and still remains higher than control level for >24 h after swimming training. Therefore, we examined this possibility. Male Sprague-Dawley rats swam 2 h a day for 5 days with a weight equal to 2% of body mass. Approximately 18, 42, and 90 h after cessation of training, GLUT-4 protein concentration and 2-[1,2-3H]deoxy-D-glucose transport in the presence of a maximally stimulating concentration of insulin (2 mU/ml) were examined by using incubated epitrochlearis muscle preparation. Swimming training increased GLUT-4 protein concentration and insulin responsiveness by 87 and 85%, respectively, relative to age-matched controls when examined 18 h after training. Forty-two hours after training, GLUT-4 protein concentration and insulin responsiveness were still higher by 52 and 51%, respectively, in muscle from trained rats compared with control. GLUT-4 protein concentration and insulin responsiveness in trained muscle returned to sedentary control level within 90 h after training. We conclude that 1) the change in insulin responsiveness during detraining is directly related to muscle GLUT-4 protein content, and 2) consequently, the greater the increase in GLUT-4 protein content that is induced by training, the longer an effect on insulin responsiveness persists after the training.  相似文献   

Pulmonary vasculitides require major therapeutic regimens which, though symptomatic, are often effective. Corticosteroids have greatly changed the prognosis of most of these vasculitides, particularly polyarteritis nodosa and the Churg and Strauss syndrome. Cyclophosphamide must be added for Wegener's granulomatosis although the route of administration is still under discussion. Plasma exchanges are rarely indicated. Other treatments for Wegener's granulomatosis including combined trimethoprim-sulfamethoxazole in limited forms and methotrexate in sub-acute systemic forms are currently under study. A better understanding of the underlying mechanisms, including the role of antineutrophil cytoplasmic antibodies, and especially the identification of the causative factors will lead to an aetiologic treatment still unknown today.  相似文献   

Despite limited scientific knowledge, stretching of human skeletal muscle to improve flexibility is a widespread practice among athletes. This article reviews recent findings regarding passive properties of the hamstring muscle group during stretch based on a model that was developed which could synchronously and continuously measure passive hamstring resistance and electromyographic activity, while the velocity and angle of stretch was controlled. Resistance to stretch was defined as passive torque (Nm) offered by the hamstring muscle group during passive knee extension using an isokinetic dynamometer with a modified thigh pad. To simulate a clinical static stretch, the knee was passively extended to a pre-determined final position (0.0875 rad/s, dynamic phase) where it remained stationary for 90 s (static phase). Alternatively, the knee was extended to the point of discomfort (stretch tolerance). From the torque-angle curve of the dynamic phase of the static stretch, and in the stretch tolerance protocol, passive energy and stiffness were calculated. Torque decline in the static phase was considered to represent viscoelastic stress relaxation. Using the model, studies were conducted which demonstrated that a single static stretch resulted in a 30% viscoelastic stress relaxation. With repeated stretches muscle stiffness declined, but returned to baseline values within 1 h. Long-term stretching (3 weeks) increased joint range of motion as a result of a change in stretch tolerance rather than in the passive properties. Strength training resulted in increased muscle stiffness, which was unaffected by daily stretching. The effectiveness of different stretching techniques was attributed to a change in stretch tolerance rather than passive properties. Inflexible and older subjects have increased muscle stiffness, but a lower stretch tolerance compared to subjects with normal flexibility and younger subjects, respectively. Although far from all questions regarding the passive properties of humans skeletal muscle have been answered in these studies, the measurement technique permitted some initial important examinations of vicoelastic behavior of human skeletal muscle.  相似文献   

Previously we reported that, after 17-day bed rest unloading of 8 humans, soleus slow fibers atrophied and exhibited increased velocity of shortening without fast myosin expression. The present ultrastructural study examined fibers from the same muscle biopsies to determine whether decreased myofilament packing density accounted for the observed speeding. Quantitation was by computer-assisted morphometry of electron micrographs. Filament densities were normalized for sarcomere length, because density depends directly on length. Thick filament density was unchanged by bed rest. Thin filaments/microm2 decreased 16-23%. Glycogen filled the I band sites vacated by filaments. The percentage decrease in thin filaments (Y) correlated significantly (P < 0.05) with the percentage increase in velocity (X), (Y = 0.1X + 20%, R2 = 0.62). An interpretation is that fewer filaments increases thick to thin filament spacing and causes earlier cross-bridge detachment and faster cycling. Increased velocity helps maintain power (force x velocity) as atrophy lowers force. Atrophic muscles may be prone to sarcomere reloading damage because force/microm2 was near normal, and force per thin filament increased an estimated 30%.  相似文献   

We analyzed the M wave and torque after repetitive activation and recovery of the human soleus muscle in individuals with spinal cord injury. Fifteen individuals with complete paralysis had the tibial nerve activated for 330 ms every second with a 20-Hz train. The M wave and torque were analyzed before fatigue, immediately after fatigue, and during recovery. The torque and three M-wave measurements (amplitude, duration, median frequency) changed significantly after fatigue in the chronic group, but the M-wave area was not changed. The M wave was completely recovered after 5 min of rest, even though the torque remained depressed during recovery. The M-wave changes appeared to contribute minimally to the reduced torque in individuals with chronic paralysis. The disassociation in the M-wave-torque relationship during fatigue and recovery suggests, that electrical stimulation under electromyography control is not an ideal method to optimize torque in paralyzed muscle.  相似文献   

Double-shock bifocal peripheral nerves stimulation with varying interstimulus intervals (ISI) from 1 ms to 5000 ms was applied to healthy human subjects. Short (SLRs) and long latency reflexes (LLRs) from the slightly active first interosseus dorsalis muscle were recorded after an electrical conditioning stimulation of the index finger and test stimulation of the median nerve. It was found that with intervals from 1 to 5 ms the size of the SLR and LLRs after the second shock was unstable and almost oscillated around that evoked by a single shock, possibly due to transmitter depletion at these short ISIs. With intervals of 10 ms and longer, the test responses progressively increased: the SLR to 100 ms ISI, the LLR1 to 500 ms ISI and the LLR2 to 2000 ms ISI, probably due to temporal summation and some release of the transmitter substance after the conditioning cutaneous stimulus. All the recovery curves fully returned to the control value at 2000 ms and 3000 ms ISI, respectively. The main result is that cutaneous conditioning stimulation is not able to reduce or even to block the test SLR and LLRs. Interference phenomena did not occur between different afferents when paired stimulation was applied bifocally as the conditioning input in respect to a test nerve volley, was very limited. On the contrary, the test responses were far larger than the control response, probably due to some temporal summation with double-shock stimulation and because of the enhanced spinal excitability during slight voluntary contraction.  相似文献   

We developed a program of respiratory muscle stretch gymnastic (RMSG), and measured lung function, exercise capacity, dyspnea, and quality of life before and after 4 weeks of training with this program. Thirteen patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (mean FEVi, 1.24 liters) began the program. They participated in three sessions of RMSG each day. Twelve patients completed all 4 weeks. RMSG significantly (p < 0.01) decreased functional residual capacity (from 4.19 +/- 1.27 to 3.88 +/- 1.03 liters), total lung capacity (from 5.98 +/- 1.35 to 5.66 +/- 1.20 liters), residual volume (from 3.29 +/- 1.16 to 2.89 +/- 0.89 liters), and residual volume as a percent of total lung capacity (from 53.9 +/- 11.2% to 50.6 +/- 9.74%). The distance walked in 6 min increased by an average of 43 +/- 30 meters (+ 15%, p < 0.01). Dyspnea after a 6-minute walk (measured with a 150-mm visual analog scale) decreased significantly (from 65.1 +/- 40.8 to 36.1 +/- 36.8, p < 0.05). Quality of life was measured with the Chronic Respiratory Disease Questionnaire of Guyatt, et al., and was found to have improved significantly. Respiratory muscle stretch gymnastics may be useful in pulmonary rehabilitation.  相似文献   

Hexarelin (HEX) is a synthetic GHRP which acts on specific receptors at both the pituitary and the hypothalamic level to stimulate GH release both in animals and in humans. Like other GHRPs, HEX possesses also acute ACTH and cortisol-releasing activity similar to that of hCRH. The mechanisms underlying the stimulatory effect of GHRPs on hypothalamo-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis are still unclear, although a CNS-mediated action has been demonstrated. In 6 normal healthy young women (26-34 years) we studied the effects on ACTH and cortisol secretion of HEX (2.0 microg/kg i.v. at 0 min) alone and preceded by dexamethasone (DEXA, 1 mg p.o. at 23.00 h on the previous night) or alprazolam (ALP, 0.02 mg/kg p.o. at -90 min), a benzodiazepine which binds to GABA receptors and possesses CRH-mediated inhibitory activity on HPA axis. ACTH and cortisol secretion after saline administration as well as the GH response to HEX alone and preceded by DEXA or ALP were also studied. HEX administration elicited an increase in ACTH (peak vs. baseline, mean +/- SEM: 28.0 +/- 6.7 vs. 11.7 +/- 2.2 pg/ml, p < 0.05) and cortisol secretion (162.6 +/- 15.0 vs. 137.7 +/- 12.6 microg/l, p < 0.05). DEXA pretreatment strongly inhibited basal ACTH (3.2 +/- 0.7 pg/ml, p < 0.01) and cortisol levels (11.3 +/- 2.5 microg/l, p < 0.001) and abolished the ACTH and cortisol responses to HEX (3.6 +/- 0.9 pg/ml, p < 0.01 and 10.7 +/- 2.0 microg/l, p < 0.001), respectively. On the other hand, ALP pretreatment did not significantly modify basal ACTH (7.9 +/- 2.0 pg/ml) and cortisol levels (127.6 +/- 14.5 microg/l) but abolished the HEX-induced ACTH and cortisol secretions (8.6 +/- 2.4 pg/ml, p < 0.05 and 111.0 +/- 6.0 microg/l, p < 0.05), respectively. ACTH and cortisol levels after HEX when preceded by ALP overlapped with those recorded during saline. HEX induced a clear GH response (peak at 15 min vs. baseline: 65.5 +/- 20.5 vs. 2.2 +/- 0.7 microg/l, p < 0.03) which was blunted by ALP (peak at 15 min: 21.5 +/- 5.5 microg/l, p < 0.05) while it was not modified by DEXA pretreatment (78.7 +/- 7.6 microg/l). In conclusion, our present data demonstrate that the ACTH- and cortisol-releasing effect of HEX is abolished by either dexamethasone or alprazolam, a benzodiazepine, which is even able to blunt the GH-releasing activity of the hexapeptide. These findings suggest that, in physiological conditions, the stimulatory effect of GHRPs on HPA axis is sensitive to the negative glucocorticoid feedback and could be mediated by GABAergic mechanisms; the latter seem also involved in the GH-releasing activity of GHRPs.  相似文献   

The responses of 35 inferior colliculus multiple units (MUs) to tone onset were measured in 10 freely moving rats before and after differential behavioral conditioning. MU response changes were found in the 16.8 msec after tone onset (includes 2 msec air travel time) after learning. Responses to CS+ onset increased in 12 of the 35 individual MUs, and in the group of MUs as a whole, after conditioning. The CS+--CS- difference increased in 17 of the 35 individual MUs, and in the group of MUs, after conditioning. The response differentiation was significant in the 3.6-6.4 msec interval after the tone reached the animal's ears, the time at which neuronal responses were first evident. Since the inferior colliculus increases were differentiated between CS+ and CS-, they could not be explained by sensitization caused by changed middle ear contractions or by alterations in orientation to the speakers.  相似文献   

Significant movement-induced gain changes in H reflexes have been observed in soleus muscle following passive movement of the lower limb. Hypotheses from these concepts were tested on magnitudes of H reflexes in tonically contracted tibialis anterior. From eleven subjects at rates of 20 and 60 r.p.m. passive leg movement, statistically significant attenuation from controls and phasic modulation occurred. The results make more general the conclusions from soleus H reflexes. However, the functional effect should be much smaller, as tibialis anterior H reflexes are smaller compared to those in soleus.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to determine the discharge pattern of the pectoralis major muscle during pulmonary defensive reflexes in anesthetized cats (n = 15). Coughs and expiration reflexes were elicited by mechanical stimulation of the intrathoracic trachea or larynx. Augmented breaths occurred spontaneously or were evoked by the same mechanical stimuli. Electromyograms (EMGs) were recorded from the diaphragm, rectus abdominis, and pectoralis major muscles. During augmented breaths, the pectoralis major had inspiratory EMG activity similar to that of the diaphragm, but during expiration reflexes the pectoralis major also had purely expiratory EMG activity similar to the rectus abdominis. During tracheobronchial cough, the pectoralis major had an inspiratory pattern similar to that of the diaphragm in 10 animals, an expiratory pattern similar to that of the rectus abdominis in 3 animals, and a biphasic pattern in 2 animals. The pectoralis major was active during both the inspiratory and expiratory phases during laryngeal cough. We conclude that, in contrast to the diaphragm or rectus abdominis muscles, the pectoralis major is active during both inspiratory and expiratory pulmonary defensive reflexes.  相似文献   

于清杰 《包钢科技》2003,29(6):47-48
通过对企业人才“跳槽”现象的分析,对《劳动法》有关条款在法律的严密性、公平性、条件和时限等提出了一些个人的看法和建议。  相似文献   

This article reports two studies aimed at validating the 25-item self-report McGreal and Joseph (1993) Depression-Happiness Scale (D-H S). In the first study, principal component data are reported on the D-H S with 194 respondents. A forced 1-factor solution confirmed the unidimensionality of the scale (item loadings ranged from .38 to .77) and thus the feasibility of a statistically bipolar measure. In the second study, data on the convergent validity of the D-H S with the Beck Depression Inventory (r=-.75) and the Oxford Happiness Inventory (r=.59) with 100 respondents are reported confirming the construct validity of the scale. Implications for research in social and clinical psychology are discussed along with the possible uses of the D-H S in a clinical setting.  相似文献   

The transition to multicellularity is a key feature of the Dictyostelium life cycle, and two genes, gbf and lagC, are known to play pivotal roles in regulating this developmental switch. lagC-null and gbf-null cells fail to induce cell-type-specific genes ordinarily expressed during multicellular development. The null mutants also share a similar morphological phenotype: mutant cells repeatedly aggregate to form a loose mound, disperse, and reform a mound, rather than proceeding to form a tip. To characterize defects in morphogenesis in these mutants, we examined cell motion in the mutant mounds. In analogy with the failed transition in gene expression, we found that lagC-null and gbf-null mounds failed to make a morphogenetic transition from random to rotational motion normally observed in the parent strain. One reason for this was the inability of the mutant mounds to establish a single, dominant signaling-wave center. This defect of lagC-null or gbf-null cells could be overcome by the addition of adenosine, which alters cAMP signaling, but then even in the presence of apparently normal signaling waves, cell motility was still aberrant. This motility defect, as well as the signaling-wave defect, could be overcome in lagC-null cells by overexpression of GBF, suggesting that lagC is dispensable if GBF protein levels are high enough. This set of morphogenetic defects that we have observed helps define key steps in mound morphogenesis. These include the establishment of a dominant signaling-wave center and the capacity of cells to move directionally within the cell mass in response to guidance cues.  相似文献   

Serotonin (5-HT) is one of the major transmitters involved in supraspinal control of somatic sensation and nociception. The aim of the present study was to investigate if the 5-HT-induced modulation of sensory transmission in the dorsal horn could be due to regulation of neuronal responses to excitatory amino acids. Experiments were performed in an in vitro preparation of the young rat spinal cord. Responses to dorsal root stimulation (DR-EPSP) and to droplet application of N-methyl-D-aspartic acid (NMDA) and alpha-amino-2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-3-oxo-4-isoxazolepropanoic acid (AMPA) were obtained by means of intracellular recordings of dorsal horn neurons. Bath applications of 5-HT (50 microM) generally caused reductions in amplitude and integrated area of DR-EPSPs and of responses to NMDA but the responses to AMPA were unaltered. A linear correlation was found between the effects of 5-HT on the DR-EPSP and on the NMDA response measured as percentage change in amplitude (r2 = 0.45; P < or = 0.01) and integrated area (r2 = 0.77; P < or = 0.001). The NMDA receptor antagonist d-AP5 (50 microM) completely abolished NMDA responses and caused a depression of the DR-EPSP similar to that of 5-HT. The 5-HT1 receptor agonist 5-carboxamidotryptamine (5-CT; 1 microM) mimicked the depressant effects of 5-HT but had a stronger depressant action on the DR-EPSP than 5-HT. The depression of NMDA responses induced by 5-HT and 5-CT was tetrodotoxin (1 microM) resistant. It is concluded that 5-HT-induced depression of NMDA responses explains partially the depressant action of 5-HT on dorsal horn synaptic transmission activating a postsynaptic site sensitive to 5-CT. The possible activation of coadjuvant mechanisms is discussed.  相似文献   

Previous studies have shown that when exercise is stopped there is a rapid reversal of the training-induced adaptive increase in muscle glucose transport capacity. Endurance exercise training brings about an increase in GLUT-4 in skeletal muscle. The primary purpose of this study was to determine whether the rapid reversal of the increase in maximally insulin-stimulated glucose transport after cessation of training can be explained by a similarly rapid decrease in GLUT-4. A second purpose was to evaluate the possibility, suggested by previous studies, that the magnitude of the adaptive increase in muscle GLUT-4 decreases when exercise training is extended beyond a few days. We found that both GLUT-4 and maximally insulin-stimulated glucose transport were increased approximately twofold in epitrochlearis muscles of rats trained by swimming for 6 h/day for 5 days or 5 wk. GLUT-4 was 90% higher, citrate synthase activity was 23% higher, and hexokinase activity was 28% higher in triceps muscle of the 5-day trained animals compared with the controls. The increases in GLUT-4 protein and in insulin-stimulated glucose transport were completely reversed within 40 h after the last exercise bout, after both 5 days and 5 wk of training. In contrast, the increases in citrate synthase and hexokinase activities were unchanged 40 h after 5 days of exercise. These results support the conclusion that the rapid reversal of the increase in the insulin responsiveness of muscle glucose transport after cessation of training is explained by the short half-life of the GLUT-4 protein.  相似文献   

Motor evoked potentials (MEPs) to magnetic transcranial stimulation (TCS) were simultaneously and bilaterally recorded from flexor carpi radialis (FCR) and extensor communis digitorum (ECD) muscles in seven healthy and trained subjects. Latencies and amplitudes characteristics of MEPs were investigated under the following randomised conditions: muscular and mental relaxation; mental simulation, during absolute muscular relaxation, selective flexion or extension of the right or left wrist muscles; arithmetical calculation with muscular relaxation. Unspecific, diffuse facilitatory effects on MEPs amplitude were induced by mental non motor activity (arithmetical calculation). A further specific and lateralised amplitude potentiation on the agonist muscle acting as 'prime mover' for the mentally simulated movement was consistently found in all the subjects, without significant latency changes. Inhibitory effects on antagonists were evident only in two subjects.  相似文献   

The purpose of the present study was to determine whether tactile cutaneous reflexes from the skin of the foot contain location-specific information during human walking. Muscular responses to non-nociceptive electrical stimulation of the sural, posterior tibial, and superficial peroneal nerves, each supplying a different skin area of the foot, were studied in both legs during walking on a treadmill. For all three nerves the major responses in all muscles were observed at a similar latency of approximately 80-85 msec. In the ipsilateral leg these reflex responses and their phase-dependent modulation were highly nerve-specific. During most of the stance phase, for example, the peroneal and tibial nerves generally evoked small responses in the biceps femoris muscle. In contrast, during late swing large facilitations generally occurred for the peroneal nerve, whereas suppressions were observed for the tibial nerve. In the contralateral leg the reflex responses for the three nerves were less distinct, although some nerve specificity was observed for individual subjects. It is concluded that non-nociceptive stimulation of the sural, posterior tibial, and superficial peroneal nerves each evokes distinct reflex responses, indicating the presence of location-specific information from the skin of the foot in cutaneous reflexes during human walking. It will be argued that differentially controlled reflex pathways can account for the differences in the phase-dependent reflex modulation patterns of the three nerves, which points to the dynamic control of this information during the course of a step cycle.  相似文献   

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