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Cytokines are suggested to orchestrate an abnormal immune response in multiple sclerosis (MS). The regulatory cytokine interleukin (IL)-12 induces T-helper (Th) cell switch to the Th1 type and the production by cytotoxic T cells of perforin, a cell lysis-inducing factor. It has been suggested that Th1-like cytokines may promote the development of MS, and the production of perforin to induce oligodendrocyte damage. In-situ hybridization with radiolabelled synthetic oligonucleotide probes was used to detect and enumerate mononuclear cells (MNC) expressing IL-12 and perforin mRNA in blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) from patients with MS and controls. Plasma and CSF levels of IL-12 (p70) were evaluated by ELISA. Higher numbers of IL-12 and perforin mRNA-expressing MNC were registered in blood in MS and also in controls with aseptic meningoencephalitis (AM) compared to healthy subjects. There were a few patients with other non-inflammatory neurological diseases who also had high levels of IL-12 or perforin mRNA expressing blood MNC. A parallel elevation was observed for IL-12 (p70) concentrations in plasma. In the MS patients' CSF, there was a further augmentation of IL-12 mRNA expressing MNC. To evaluate autoantigen-induced IL-12 and perforin mRNA expression, blood MNC were cultivated +/- myelin basic protein (MBP), a candidate autoantigen in MS. Higher numbers of MBP-reactive IL-12 and perforin mRNA expressing blood MNC were detected in MS than controls. The augmentation of both IL-12 and perforin in MS might reflect ongoing inflammatory processes in MS and could represent targets for future treatments.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Pro-inflammatory cytokines like interleukin (IL)-1 beta and tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TANF-alpha) are believed to play a significant role in dialysis-related morbidity. It has been previously demonstrated that the endogenous synthesis of interleukin-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1Ra) is a reliable marker of the level of IL-1 beta synthesis in hemodialysis (HD) patients. In this study, we assessed the impact of clinical and laboratory variables on IL-1Ra synthesis by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) in patients on HD with unsubstituted cellulose dialyzers. METHODS: IL-1Ra by PBMC was measured by a specific non-cross-reactive radioimmunoassay. Day to day variation in cytokine synthesis, the correlation between cytokine synthesis under different in vitro stimulatory conditions, and the influence of clinical and laboratory variables on cytokine synthesis were studied. RESULTS: Although there was a trend towards greater IL-1Ra synthesis by unstimulated, endotoxin-stimulated and IgG-stimulated PBMC drawn before the second and third dialysis sessions of the week when compared to the first dialysis treatment, this was not statistically significant. There was a strong correlation between IL-1Ra synthesis by PBMC cultured under different stimulatory conditions that was best observed between IL-1Ra cell content and from endotoxin-stimulated PBMC (r = 0.51, P = 0.0001), and endotoxin- and IgG-stimulated PBMC (r = 0.44, P = 0.0001). In addition, there was a close correlation between total synthesis (cell associated and secreted) and secreted levels of IL-1Ra in unstimulated (r = 0.59, P = 0.0001) and endotoxin-stimulated PBMC (r = 0.69, P = 0.0001). Interestingly, there was an inverse correlation between IL-1Ra synthesis and duration of dialysis that was strongest for secreted IL-1Ra from unstimulated (r = -0.50, P = 0.002) and endotoxin-stimulated PBMC (r = -0.34, P = 0.04). There was no significant correlation between IL-1Ra synthesis by PBMC and other clinical and laboratory indices. CONCLUSIONS: The observations from this study indicate that: (1) in HD patients, there were no significant differences in cytokine synthesis by PBMC drawn before the three different dialysis treatments during the week; (2) there is a close relationship between IL-1Ra synthesis from PBMC cultured under different stimulatory conditions; (3) the secreted levels of IL-1Ra correlate directly with total synthesis (cell-associated and secreted); (4) with the exception of duration of dialysis, none of the other clinical or laboratory parameters correlated with cytokine synthesis; and (5) the diminished endotoxin- or IgG-stimulated IL-1Ra synthesis with increasing time on dialysis is possibly another sign of the impaired host-defense system in patients on long-term hemodialysis.  相似文献   

We have evaluated the effects of chromium extract on the release by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) of cytokines favouring bone resorption. Furthermore, we have evaluated whether the chromium effects could be correlated with the activation and proliferation of PBMCs. Cell cultures were maintained in serum-free medium (AIM-V), in order to avoid the interference of exogenous growth factors. Increasing concentrations of chromium extract, ranging between 3 and 100%, were added to culture medium. Cytokine release (IL-1beta, TNFalpha, IL-6, GM-CSF and IFNgamma) was assessed on both PBMCs cultured with AIM-V only (unstimulated PBMC) and PBMCs cultured with AIM-V plus phytohaemagglutinina (PHA-stimulated PBMC). The activation and proliferation of PBMCs were evaluated by assessing DNA synthesis and soluble IL-2 receptor release, in order to determine whether an IL-2-dependent immune response can be induced by chromium. Our results show that in unstimulated PBMCs chromium ions slightly increased the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines, such as TNFalpha and IL-6, even though the increase is not significant. On the contrary, the different concentrations of chromium extract significantly inhibited the response to PHA stimulation, as shown by the decrease in IL-6 and sIL-2r release, and by the influence on cell viability and DNA synthesis. Both these effects are undesirable and support hypotheses on the biological effects of chromium. The continuous release of chromium from the implant could induce in PBMCs the release of bone-resorbing cytokines, which in the long term could be responsible for irreversible tissue damage. Moreover, chromium seems to inhibit the IL-2-dependent response of PBMCs, so that they are not able to trigger an efficient cell-mediated immune response.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVES: The ascites-associated lymphocytes in ovarian cancer have altered immunologic function, and cell-free ascitic fluid has immunomodulating properties. We determined (1) whether interleukin (IL)-2 could induce lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) activity in normal peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) cultured in ovarian cancer ascitic fluid, and (2) whether IL-12 could synergize with IL-2 to generate LAK activity in normal PBMC cultured in ascitic fluid. METHODS: Normal PBMC were cultured in control medium and in media consisting of 50% ascitic fluid (ascitic medium), with and without IL-2 and IL-12. Cell activation to assess LAK activity (cell lysis) was determined in a 51Cr-release assay with the tumor cell lines FMEX and SKOV3 as target cells. To determine a possible mechanism for any synergistic effect, the expression of perforin, a pore-forming protein, was determined by Northern blot analysis. RESULTS: Interleukin-2 alone could not induce LAK activity in normal PBMC cultured in 50% ascitic fluid for up to 3 days. Interleukin-12 did mediate some or minimal LAK activity after 1, 2, or 3 days of incubation in control medium or in 50% ascitic fluid. When IL-2 and IL-12 were used in combination, PBMC cultured for 3 days in 50% ascitic fluid had remarkably high lytic activity against FMEX and SKOV3 tumor cells. In some experiments, this cytotoxicity was greater than that in PBMC cultured in control medium with IL-2 and IL-12. Lower concentrations of IL-12 (1 U/mL) with IL-2 (100 U/mL) were as effective as, and often more effective than, higher doses of IL-12 with IL-2. Very low-dose IL-12 (0.01-0.03 U/mL) in combination with IL-2 also induced a range of cytotoxicities. Only the combination of IL-2 and IL-12 up-regulated expression of perforin mRNA in ascitic medium. CONCLUSIONS: The cytotoxicity responses of PBMC cultured in ascitic fluid in the presence of IL-2 and IL-12 are complex. Low-dose IL-2 and IL-12 can overcome the inhibitory property of ascitic fluid on LAK generation and can restore and enhance cytotoxic activity, possibly by reconstituting the expression of perforin. These findings may have therapeutic potential.  相似文献   

Infection with Mycobacterium tuberculosis or phagocytosis of large latex beads induced interleukin-12 (IL-12) production in macrophages. In contrast, tumor necrosis factor (TNF) was produced only in response to M. tuberculosis infection, not after phagocytosis of latex beads. Comparable results were obtained with cells from immunocompetent C57BL/6 and gamma interferon receptor-deficient mutant mice. Thus, phagocytosis by mechanisms not specific for M. tuberculosis was a sufficient trigger for IL-12 secretion, emphasizing the central role of this cytokine in the initiation of anti-infective immunity.  相似文献   

Remnants of lipoproteins, intestinal chylomicrons, and very low density lipoprotein (VLDL), are rapidly cleared from plasma and enter hepatocytes. It has been suggested that remnant lipoproteins are initially captured in the space of Disse by heparan sulfate proteoglycans (HSPGs), and that their subsequent internalization into hepatocytes is mediated by members of the LDL-receptor gene family. Similarly to lipoprotein remnants, malaria sporozoites are removed from the blood circulation by the liver within minutes after injection by Anopheles mosquitoes. The sporozoite's surface is covered by the circumsporozoite protein (CS), and its region II-plus has been implicated in the binding of the parasites to glycosaminoglycan chains of hepatocyte HSPGs. Lactoferrin, a protein with antibacterial properties found in breast milk and neutrophil granules, is also rapidly cleared from the circulation by hepatocytes, and can inhibit the hepatic uptake of lipoprotein remnants. Here we provide evidence that sporozoites, lactoferrin, and remnant lipoproteins are cleared from the blood by similar mechanisms. CS, lactoferrin, and remnant lipoproteins compete in vitro and in vivo for binding sites on liver cells. The relevance of this binding event for sporozoite infectivity is highlighted by our demonstration that apoliprotein E-enriched beta-VLDI and lactoferrin inhibit sporozoite invasion of HepG2 cells. In addition, malaria sporozoites are less infective in LDL-receptor knockout (LDLR -/-) mice maintained on a high fat diet, as compared with littermates maintained on a normal diet. We conclude that the clearance of lipoprotein remnants and sporozoites from the blood is mediated by the same set of highly sulfated HSPGs on the hepatocyte plasma membrane.  相似文献   

For the first time, mononuclear cell-mediated ingestion of osteoid in cultures of long bones of fetal rats is described and characterized. The mononuclear cells, located at sites of osteoid deposition, ingest collagen fibrils and clumps of mineral crystals which are segregated within cytoplasmic vacuoles or multivesicular bodies. The ingestion of osteoid continues in cultures treated with agents that normally inhibit osteoclastic bone resorption. Morphologically, the osteoid-containing cells are characterized by a moderate number of mitochondria and short-stranded rough endoplasmic reticulum, a modest Golgi apparatus and variable numbers of vesicles, vacuoles, and multivesicular bodies. The morphologic appearance of the mononuclear cell is consistent with that of a macrophage.  相似文献   

HIV-1 Tat protein, which trans-activates HIV-1 expression, exerts many effects on host immune function. Meanwhile, PBMCs and pulmonary macrophages from HIV-1-infected patients produce only a small amount of IL-12, which plays an essential role in the development of helper T type 1 (Th1) cells, and in the generation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes. We examined the possibility that Tat suppresses IL-12 production by PBMCs from healthy donors. Tat significantly inhibited IL-12 production by human PBMCs stimulated with Staphylococcus aureus Cowan 1 strain (SAC) at concentrations between 5 and 40 ng/ml. Immunoabsorption by using polyclonal antibody to Tat abolished the suppression of the IL-12 production by Tat. Tat at the same concentrations did not affect IL-10, IL-6, or TNF-alpha production. Other HIV-1 proteins (Nef and gp120) did not influence IL-12 production. Tat also suppressed the expression of mRNA encoding the p40 chain of IL-12, whereas it did not affect the expression of mRNA encoding IL-10 and beta-actin. IL-12 production by monocytes, separated from PBMCs by the adhesion method, was also inhibited by Tat. These results suggest that Tat protein is one of the main causes of decreased IL-12 production by PBMCs (mostly by monocytes) from HIV-1-infected individuals.  相似文献   

PURPOSE: To determine the origin of subclavian vein catheter and lead dysfunction. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Cineradiography was performed on 10 patients with subclavian venous catheter dysfunction and three patients with pacemaker or defibrillator lead dysfunction. The leads and catheters were removed and replaced with use of a fluoroscopically guided technique; the needle entered the vein lateral to the first rib. Repeat cine examinations were performed following placement of new catheters. RESULTS: The cause of the dysfunction of all 10 catheters was shown to be pinch by the subclavicular musculotendinous tissues as the catheter passed below the clavicle toward its entry into the vein. All three leads were entrapped in the subclavicular tissues and stretched during abduction. The abnormal motion and clinical problems were eliminated after replacement. CONCLUSION: Subclavian catheter and lead malfunction is not due to compression between the first rib and the clavicle. It is due to entrapment in the subclavius muscle-costoclavicular ligament complex, which binds or compresses the device during movements. These problems can be avoided by employing fluoroscopically guided puncture techniques that enter the vein lateral to the first rib.  相似文献   

The present study was designed to investigate the applicability of transient evoked otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs) as a method of screening for hearing losses among recruits attending obligatory military service. TEOAEs, tympanometry and puretone audiometry were recorded in 95 male recruits. Sixty-one recruits were tested after a 2-month period of gunfire exposure in order to document any permanent change in cochlear function. Screening by pure-tone audiometry showed an unexpectedly high prevalence of hearing losses > 20 dBHL, probably due to technical reasons. Thresholds were corrected using lower thresholds obtained at the end of service or by ENT specialists. The accuracy with which normal and impaired ears could be identified with TEOAEs analysed in frequency bands was determined by decision theory. Impairment was defined as mean hearing thresholds > or = 30 dBHL averaged from three neighbouring frequencies. Adequate accuracy was obtained in the middle frequencies. Further improvement of the technique is needed before it can be deemed suitable for detecting hearing losses at low and high frequencies. TEOAEs are quicker to measure and offer greater objectivity than pure-tone audiometry. A small decrease in TEOAE level was found after the training period. The TEOAEs were highly repeatable and had a higher sensitivity than pure-tone audiometry to detection of small changes in cochlear function under conditions normally found when testing recruits.  相似文献   

Lipopolysaccharide (LPS), a part of the Gram-negative bacteria cell wall, is a potent inducer of tumor necrosis factor (TNF). TNF is an important mediator in Gram-negative infections such as meningococcal septic shock, but its harmful action can be prevented by the natural occurring soluble (s) TNF receptors (sTNFR) sp55 and sp75. In this study, the effect of LPS on release of sTNFR was investigated. First, we found a selective increase in human whole-blood sp75 TNFR levels following LPS stimulation, accompanied by no increase in sp55. Separating the different blood cell populations, mononuclear cells (PBMC) selectively released sp75 upon LPS stimulation, while LPS induced a minor increase in sp75 release from polymorphonuclear granulocytes. Interestingly, in co-cultures of PBMC and granulocytes, the release of LPS-induced sp75 TNFR was enhanced. Second, adherent monocytes were also found to selectively release sp75 TNFR upon LPS stimulation, where Neisseria meningitidis LPS was found to be 100-1000 times more potent in inducing sp75 release than Escherichia coli LPS. Using flow cytometry, the monocyte membrane distribution of both TNFR were found to be increased after LPS stimulation. Third, human umbilical vein endothelial cells selectively released sp55 TNFR after stimulation with LPS. We conclude that mononuclear and endothelial cells might be the main sources of soluble p75 and p55 TNFR, respectively, observed in Gram-negative sepsis, although these receptors are released in vivo more rapidly than they are in vitro.  相似文献   

Immunoglobulin-secreting cells were measured in healthy uncultured peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) in vitro. The percentage of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells in adult PBMCs was 0.053, 0.099 and 0.065%, respectively. The percentage of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells was 0.73, 5.2 and 3.8% of surface IgM-, IgG- and IgA-bearing cells, respectively. The numbers of IgM-, IgG- and IgA-secreting cells increased with age in childhood. However, the numbers of all three classes were slightly decreased in adults compared with children aged 9-15 years. These results may explain the difference in immunity in vivo.  相似文献   

Acute, monophasic experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (EAE) in the Lewis rat shows pathological similarities to the human disease multiple sclerosis (MS). Rats that recover from EAE are essentially resistant to disease reinduction, unlike MS in which relapses are frequently associated with common bacterial and viral infections. As macrophage-derived interleukin (IL)-12 is a critical component of innate resistance to bacterial infection and appears to directly activate encephalitogenic T cells in vivo, the ability of this cytokine to reinduce paralysis in EAE was examined. Paralytic disease was exacerbated by intraperitoneal IL-12 administration and could be reinduced up to 1 week after recovery from the primary clinical episode. Concomitant with worsening of initial clinical signs and relapse was an increase in the ratio of macrophages to T cells in brain stem perivascular cuffs and the expression of inducible nitric oxide synthase in cells with both macrophage and microglial morphology. These findings suggest that IL-12 may contribute to macrophage-mediated disease exacerbation and relapse in patients with MS.  相似文献   

The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate the tensile bond strength of one type of impression material adhesive to three different custom tray materials: one autopolymerizing (Fastray) and two light-polymerizing (Triad and Extoral). The effect of different surface treatments was evaluated for each of the materials. No significant difference in impression material adhesive mean tensile bond strengths was exhibited for any of the materials as the result of variations in the surface treatment. It was observed that the Triad tray material groups, with different surface treatments, exhibited significantly higher impression material adhesive mean tensile bond strengths than the autopolymerizing tray resin and the Extoral light-polymerizing material.  相似文献   

Human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were stimulated with three nonpathogenic Lactobacillus strains and with one pathogenic Streptococcus pyogenes strain, and cytokine gene expression and protein production were analyzed. All bacteria strongly induced interleukin-1beta (IL-1beta), IL-6, and tumor necrosis factor alpha mRNA expression and protein production. S. pyogenes was the most potent inducer of secretion of IL-12 and gamma interferon (IFN-gamma), and two of three Lactobacillus strains induced IL-12 and IFN-gamma production. All strains induced IL-18 protein production. IL-10 and IL-4 production was induced weakly and not at all, respectively. Our data show that nonpathogenic lactobacilli and pathogenic streptococci can induce Th1 type cytokines IL-12, IL-18, and IFN-gamma in human PBMC.  相似文献   

Cellular immune disturbances, and T lymphocyte function in particular, have been previously implicated in idiopathic nephrotic syndrome (INS) of childhood. There are different patterns of cytokine expression in various forms of glomerulonephritis, which suggests that local production of these peptides plays an important role in the pathogenesis and progression of glomerulonephritis. To investigate T-cell and monocyte/macrophage cytokine production in INS, interleukin-12 (IL-12) and interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) production by peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) of 11 children with steroid-sensitive nephrotic syndrome (SSNS), 9 with focal segmental glomerulosclerosis (FSGS), and 17 healthy controls was determined. Children with SSNS were studied in relapse, during corticosteroid treatment, and in stable remission, off corticosteroid treatment. IL-12 was not detected in serum, urine, and in supernatants of unstimulated PBMC. IL-12 production by concanavalin A (Con A)-stimulated PBMC of children with SSNS and FSGS was not different from controls. IFN-gamma production by Con A-stimulated PBMC was decreased in children with relapsing SSNS, both in relapse and and during corticosteroid treatment. However, in stable remission it was similar to controls. Markedly decreased IFN-gamma production (P<0.001) was observed by pokeweed mitogen-stimulated PBMC of relapsing SSNS patients and moderately decreased production by PBMC of FSGS patients. This study has established a decreased production of IFN-gamma by PBMC of relapsing SSNS and FSGS patients, but does not allow differentiation between these two different conditions. IL-12 did not have a pathogenic role in either SSNS or FSGS.  相似文献   

Interleukin-12 (IL-12) is a heterodimeric cytokine produced by antigen-presenting cells that has the ability to induce gamma interferon (IFN-gamma) secretion by T and natural killer cells and to generate normal Th1 responses. These properties suggest that IL-12 may play an important role in the immune response to many viruses, including hepatitis B virus (HBV). Recently, we have shown that HBV-specific cytotoxic T lymphocytes inhibit HBV replication in the livers of transgenic mice by a noncytolytic process that is mediated in part by IFN-gamma. In the current study, we demonstrated that the same antiviral response can be initiated by recombinant murine IL-12 and we showed that the antiviral effect of IL-12 extends to extrahepatic sites such as the kidney. Southern blot analyses revealed the complete disappearance of HBV replicative intermediates from liver and kidney tissues at IL-12 doses that induce little or no inflammation in these tissues. In addition, immunohistochemical analysis demonstrated the disappearance of cytoplasmic hepatitis B core antigen from both tissues after IL-12 treatment, suggesting that IL-12 either prevents the assembly or triggers the degradation of the nucleocapsid particles within which HBV replication occurs. Importantly, we demonstrated that although IFN-gamma, tumor necrosis factor alpha, and IFN-alpha/beta mRNA are induced in the liver and kidney after IL-12 administration, the antiviral effect of IL-12 is mediated principally by its ability to induce IFN-gamma production in this model. These results suggest that IL-12, through its ability to induce IFN-gamma, probably plays an important role in the antiviral immune response to HBV during natural infection. Further, since relatively nontoxic doses of recombinant IL-12 profoundly inhibit HBV replication in the liver and extrahepatic sites in this model, IL-12 may have therapeutic value as an antiviral agent for the treatment of chronic HBV infection.  相似文献   

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