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作为中国葡萄酒界最具传奇色彩的人物,刘加强22岁出任云南农垦东风农场分厂和总厂的领导,率先推广种植葡萄,从那时起,他就与葡萄酒结下了不解之缘。后来他成为“云南红”葡萄酒的创始人,为云南葡萄酒事业立下了汗马功劳。  相似文献   

谢建江,在进口葡萄酒圈子里绝对是位富有传奇色彩的人物。虽然在规模体量上他的永裕还称不上“大佬”。但在行业践行和经营探索上谢建江可谓是不折不扣的“前辈”。2002年他开始涉足进口葡萄酒领域。这在浙江乃至全国都算是先行者。2005年谢建江便风生水起地打造起“名庄传奇”国际进口葡萄酒连锁品牌。在全国已经构建起了“名庄传奇”的连锁加盟市场网络。  相似文献   

作为中国葡萄酒界最具传奇色彩的人物,刘加强22岁出任云南农垦东风农场分厂和总厂的领导,率先推广种植葡萄,从那时起,他就与葡萄酒结下了不解之缘.后来他成为"云南红"葡萄酒的创始人,为云南葡萄酒事业立下了汗马功劳.  相似文献   

中国葡萄酒高端产品的营销策略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在2002年9月国际葡萄酒发展论坛上,OIV(国际葡萄·葡萄酒组织)主席说:“中国葡萄酒业的发展令人吃惊,要不了三年,亚洲(特别是中国)将成为全球葡萄酒消费增长最快的地方,”据专家预测,到2006年,亚洲特别是中国将成为全球葡萄酒消费增长最快的地方,种种迹象显示,中国的葡萄酒产业正处于一个蓬勃发展的黄金时期,可以预测,未来几年的竞争将更加激烈,机遇与挑战将大量并存,葡萄涌企业将展开全方位的“比拼”。  相似文献   

书名:《世界葡萄酒全书》 作为国际最权威的葡萄酒认证机构一兹拉利一帕克葡萄酒资格认证组织的创始人。欧洲葡萄酒协会“终身成就奖”得主凯文·兹拉利。是当今全球当之无愧的葡萄酒权威.他的《世界葡萄酒全书》于1985年初版以来.年年修订,不仅以超过300万册的销量成为最畅销的葡萄酒图书.而且已成为全球葡萄酒爱好者与藏家的必备指南。  相似文献   

2005年元月5日,来自澳大利亚奥兰多(Orlando)公司的美森(MAISON)“无酒精”葡萄酒正式登陆中国。Orlando公司诞生于1847年,1989年被法国知名国际洒业公司PERNOD RICARD收购成为旗下重要一员。目前为世界第二大葡萄酒生产商。有业内人士称,葡萄酒不仅营养价值高,还因为具备高品位等原因而日益受宠。关税降低,国际巨头觊觎“中国蛋糕”也是无独有偶,  相似文献   

罗伯特·帕克(RobertParker),现为世界最具权成性的《葡萄洒提倡者》(The wine Advocate)刊物的出版发行人。说起来也许不会相信,他是美国人而不是法国人。他原来的专业是律师,现在却成为酒评家。他创办的书评公司,每年还发行《葡萄酒购买指南》,供葡萄酒生产厂家、进门商和批发商,抑或葡萄酒爱好者与收藏家作参考之用。  相似文献   

意大利:欧洲葡萄酒出口的又一大国家意大利,这个地中海沿岸国家,它盛产葡萄和葡萄酒;特别在葡萄酒出口方面,可与毗邻的法国媲美。在世界葡萄酒和烈性酒市场上,尤其在北美的加拿大和美国市场上,意大利和法国,经常发生激烈的较量和竞争。意大利餐用酒(vino da tavota)的产量和出口量堪称世界第一。意大利餐用酒在法国是很有名气的。当今法国,已成为这种酒出口的最大市场。在1994—1995年,意大利99%的这种酒(500万百升)是直接销往法国的。在意大利所产的葡萄酒中,以产地命名的葡萄酒,其实它的产量不超过15%。对此,甚至于意大利生产的上等葡萄酒也冠以餐用葡萄酒的产品名称。至于意大利DOC葡萄酒,相当于法国AOC葡萄酒(lesVins de l'appellation d'origine contralee)这是意大利从1963年效仿法国而定名的葡萄酒,但它更为严格,而称作意大利DOCG葡萄酒。这种“典型葡萄酒”(“Vini-tipici”),被意大利叫作本地葡萄酒(Les Vins de Pays)。在1992年,经投票通过  相似文献   

在格瑞特公司宽大气派的品酒室里,李振会一落座就告诉记者,他不喜欢喝酒.这对于做酒的人来说显得有些特别.不喝葡萄酒并不意味着不懂.一说起夏县葡萄酒的历史,说起格瑞特葡萄酒的发展,他就滔滔不绝起来.“在我眼里葡萄酒就是艺术品”《GOURMET》(《中外葡萄与葡萄酒》):您最初是怎么跟葡萄酒结缘的?李振会:我最早是林场的职工,从林场出来开始做木业.2007年原来的葡萄酒厂破产拍卖,我们本来想把这里拆掉搞房地产,后来阴差阳错就开始做葡萄酒了.  相似文献   

者也 《中国酒》2003,(1):44-45
2002年的张裕,迎来了110周年华诞,成为中国名符其实的百年品牌。其次,最重要的是张裕成功地承办了“2002中国葡萄·葡萄酒发展论坛”,国际最权威的葡萄·葡萄酒组织(OIV)在此签署备忘录,即将正式接纳中国作为该组织的第48个成员国。“这标志着中国葡萄酒产业将正式并入国际发展轨道,中国葡萄酒市场标准混乱的局面将很快得到改变。”张裕总经理周洪江如是说。  相似文献   

2018年对酿酒葡萄品种比诺塔吉、多姿桃、司特本和马贝克进行小规模发酵实验,并检测其发酵过程中的温度、比重和基本理化指标变化。并利用高效液相色谱-质谱联用(HPLC-MS)和顶空固相微萃取-气相质谱联用(HS-SPME-GC-MS)方法检测葡萄酒中的酚类物质和香气物质。结果表明,马贝克酚酸类(64.65 mg/L)和黄酮醇类(82.50 mg/L)物质含量最高,非花色苷酚类物质轮廓丰富;多姿桃各酚类物质含量较为均衡;比诺塔吉黄烷醇类物质含量(189.54 mg/L)最高;司特本的花色苷总量(87.04 mg/L)远低于其他三个品种。多姿桃的花香、果香、焦糖香及烘烤香最丰富,但化学味最重;马贝克花香果香和焦糖香优于司特本,但植物味要重于其余三个品种;司特本的烘烤香仅次于多姿桃;比诺塔吉的花香和焦糖香表现最差。综合来看,马贝克和多姿桃适于玛纳斯产区风土下干红葡萄酒的酿造。  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Lactobacillus hilgardii, a wine lactic acid bacterium, is able to use arginine, through the arginine deiminase pathway with the formation of citrulline, a precursor of the carcinogen ethyl carbamate. The influence of different Argentine wine varieties (Merlot, Cabernet Sauvignon and Malbec), on bacterial growth and arginine metabolism was examined. Furthermore, the effect of different components normally present in wines on the enzyme activities of the arginine deiminase system was determined. RESULTS: Malbec wine under all conditions assayed (33, 50 and 100% supplemented wine:basal media) showed higher arginine consumption and citrulline production than the other wines, as well as the highest bacterial growth and survival of Lactobacillus hilgardii X1B. Glucose and L ‐malic inhibited both arginine deiminase enzymes while fructose and citric acid only inhibited arginine deiminase. The red wines assayed in this study had different composition, and this is an explanation for the different behavior of the bacterium. CONCLUSION: The highest citrulline production in Malbec wine could be correlated with its lower concentrations of glucose, fructose, citric and phenolic acid than the other wines. Therefore, a wine with lower concentration of these sugars and acids could be dangerous due to the formation of ethyl carbamate precursors. Copyright © 2012 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

综合葡萄品种学和葡萄酒工艺学等多门学科知识,采用高级数据库语言VisualFoxPro6.0成功地开发了“酿酒葡萄原料评判系统”。该系统将有助于葡萄酒工艺师正确地评判酿酒葡萄原料,最终制定合理的葡萄酒生产方向、葡萄酒类型、香型、酿造工艺及原料处理过程中的SO2建议用量。经调试和运行,该系统功能基本达到了预期的目的。文中介绍了该系统的设计思想、功能、设计实现过程及特点。  相似文献   

The French model based upon the protected designation of origin (PDO) has been challenged since the beginning of the last decade by the one of ‘New World Wines'. Yet, not all PDO vineyards are equally affected, while some new world wines have in turn entered into crisis. We will consider the issue by comparing two French vineyards, Cahors and Chablis, according to the ‘economics of proximity' framework. We will first analyse the dynamics and strategies of the French wine industry according to the above-mentioned framework, detailing more precisely the terroir-based strategy. We will then apply it to our two case studies, in order to understand the challenges currently facing the French wine industry.  相似文献   

Fermentation of wine is a complex microbial reaction, which involves the sequential development of various species of yeasts and lactic acid bacteria. Of these, yeasts are the main group responsible for alcoholic fermentation. The aim of this work was to study, under industrial conditions, the evolution of yeast populations and to describe the individual evolution of the most important yeasts during three spontaneous fermentations of Malbec musts from Argentina. This work shows the significant participation of non-Saccharomyces yeasts during spontaneous fermentation of musts, with the ubiquitous presence of three main species: Kloeckera apiculata, Candida stellata and Metschnikowia pulcherrima.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Knowledge of the chemical composition of wine and its association with the grape variety/cultivar is of paramount importance in oenology and a necessary tool for marketing. Phenolic compounds are very important quality parameters of wines because of their impact on colour, taste and health properties. The aim of the present work was to study and describe the non‐flavonoid and flavonoid composition of wines from the principal red grape varieties cultivated in Mendoza (Argentina). RESULTS: Sixty phenolic compounds, including phenolic acids/derivatives, stilbenes, anthocyanins, flavanols, flavonols and dihydroflavonols, were identified and quantified using high‐performance liquid chromatography with diode array detection coupled with electrospray ionisation mass spectrometry (HPLC‐DAD/ESI‐MS). Marked quantitative differences could be seen in the phenolic profile among varieties, especially in stilbenes, acylated anthocyanins and other flavonoids. CONCLUSION: The polyphenolic content of Malbec wines was higher compared with the other red varieties. Dihydroflavonols represent a significant finding from the chemotaxonomic point of view, especially for Malbec variety. This is the first report on the individual phenolic composition of red wines from Mendoza (Argentina) and suggests that anthocyanins, flavanols and phenolic acids exert a great influence on cultivar‐based differentiation. Copyright © 2011 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Spatial variability in various indices of winegrape quality was studied over several vintages in blocks planted to Cabernet Sauvignon and Ruby Cabernet in the Coonawarra (1999–2002) and Sunraysia (2000–2002) regions of Australia. At both sites, inter‐annual variation was marked whilst intra‐annual variation was much greater for some indices (e.g. concentration of total phenolics) than others (e.g. Baumé). The magnitude of intra‐annual variation was readily identified in terms of the ‘spread’, defined as the difference between the maximum and minimum values, expressed as a % of the median value. Typical values of the spread were 20% for Baumé, but could be as high as 117% for phenolics, and better indicated the extent of variation facing the winemaker than the coefficient of variation (CV; typically 3% for Baumé and 14% for phenolics). For all attributes, variation in any given year showed marked spatial structure, with the patterns of variation being broadly consistent for each attribute in each year of the study, and with many attributes following similar patterns. The results therefore strongly support the idea of zonal vineyard management. However, fruit quality zone identification is dependent on a large sampling effort. Therefore, given the current availability of yield monitors, the finding that between‐zone differences in quality indices were generally significant (P < 0.05) for zones identified on the basis of yield alone, and, in the absence of an on‐the‐go sensing capability, it is suggested that zonal management should proceed on the basis of zones of characteristic yield productivity. Based on the present work, it is suggested that development of an on‐the‐go fruit quality sensing technology would enable the wine industry to maximise its opportunity to gain benefit from differential vineyard management such as selective harvesting. Indeed, the results of this work suggest that in the absence of zonal management, preferably supported by on‐the‐go quality sensing, winemaker demands for delivery of uniform parcels of fruit are unlikely to be satisfied.  相似文献   

In this study, 73 South American red wines (Vitis vinifera) from 5 varietals were classified based on sensory quality, retail price and antioxidant activity and characterised in relation to their phenolic composition. ORAC and DPPH assays were assessed to determine the antioxidant activity, and sensory analysis was conducted by seven professional tasters using the Wine & Spirits Education Trust’s structured scales. The use of multivariate statistical techniques allowed the identification of wines with the best combination of sensory characteristics, price and antioxidant activity. The most favourable varieties were Malbec, Cabernet Sauvignon, and Syrah produced in Chile and Argentina. Conversely, Pinot Noir wines displayed the lowest sensory characteristics and antioxidant activity. These results suggest that the volatile compounds may be the main substances responsible for differentiating red wines on the basis of sensory evaluation.  相似文献   

The aim was to identify the normal mycoflora in wine grapes from Argentina and Brazil. We collected 50 grapes samples from Malbec and Chardonnay varieties in each country during the 1997-98 harvest. Yeasts were a major component of the fungal population, and the most frequent genera of filamentous fungi isolated were: Aspergillus, Penicillium and Botrytis. Other genera identified (in decreasing order) were: Phythophthora, Moniliella, Alternaria and Cladosporium. From grapes, the mean frequency of filamentous fungi ranged from 1.3 × 104 to 5.4 × 106 CFUg-1. We isolated 48 Aspergillus niger strains from Argentinian grape, of which eight could produce ochratoxin A. Sixteen of 53 A. niger strains from Brazilian grapes produced ochratoxin A. The results indicate that similar mycobiota were isolated from Argentinian and Brazilian wine grapes and there could be ochratoxin A production in this substrate.  相似文献   

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