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为了拓展毛巾床单的海外市场,由市计划委员会、上海毛巾被单公司、上海民光被单厂等单位的代表组成5人考察团,于1992年6月间对澳大利亚进行了为期二周的考察。考察期间,我们先后走访了珀斯、墨尔本、悉尼等地,就澳大利亚的毛巾床单纺织晶市场和投资环境进行了考察,深入了解了澳大利亚毛巾床单市场销售量、毛巾床单本地制造商情况、澳大利亚毛巾  相似文献   

云甄 《中国食品》2012,(19):30-31
露纹酒园是一个家族式的酒庄,坐落在世界上最壮观的、独具特色的葡萄酒产区——西澳大利亚的玛格丽特河流域(MargaretRiver),距珀斯(Perth)南部360公里处,  相似文献   

宋寒冰 《西部皮革》2002,24(12):5-6
崇州位于成都平原西部,距成都外环路23公里,距双流国际航空港20公里。崇州有制革、制鞋企业300多家,其中较具规模的有200多家,制革、制鞋业已成为崇州轻工产业的支柱,在四川和西部享有盛名。崇州皮革产品远销欧美、俄罗斯和东南亚。在全省,产值上千万元以上规模的制革企业,崇州独占5家,以立申、富邦、千瑞达为代表的制革业已使崇州成为中国西部地区最大的制革生产基地。  相似文献   

概况泰王国(Tne Kingdom of Thailand,原名暹罗)是一个历史悠久的国家。位于中南半岛中部和马来半岛北部,东西最宽780公里,南北延伸达1,600公里左右。全国地势北高南低,北部和西部多山地,森林茂密,西部向南延伸,构成狭长的马来半岛。半岛上最窄部分为克拉地峡,宽仅56公里,东北部为呵叻高原,中部和南部滨海地区是平原。主要河流有  相似文献   

正澳大利亚研究人员经过十年研究发现,老年人多饮红茶,或可降低骨折风险。查尔斯·盖尔德纳爵士医院,皇家珀斯医院和南澳弗林德斯大学的数位医师,挑选出约1 200名70多岁的女性,了解她们的饮茶习惯和出现骨折的情况,以研究两者间的联系。十年后,他们发现,每日饮至少3杯红茶的老年女性,比几乎不喝红茶的老年女性骨折风险降低了30%。研究人员认为,红茶中的黄酮类化合物,是帮助老年  相似文献   

马尔加什共和国位于印度洋西部,是世界第四大岛,南北长一千五百多公里,东西最宽处达五百多公里,全岛由火成岩组成。马尔加什人口七百零一万二千人(1969年)。经济以农牧业为主,农产品主要有咖啡、大米、甘蔗、木薯、丁香和毕尼拉果(香精原料)等。工业基础比较薄弱,只有少许采矿业、农产品加工业和手工业。出口主要是农产  相似文献   

一、自然概况: 澳大利亚在大洋洲,位于南半球,介于南纬10~45度之间,南回归线正好在澳大利亚稍北部横断,大约有三分之一的澳国土是处于热带,南部的三分之二为亚热带。总面积约770万平方公里,东西约4,000公里,南  相似文献   

日本Nippon造纸公司于1996年开始十年计划在澳大利亚种植桉树3万公顷,其中在澳大利亚西部为2万公顷和在维多利亚洲为1万公顷。据报道在澳大利亚西部种植桉树的费用约6千万美元。该公司企图把桉树先加工成木片,然后运往日本造纸。  相似文献   

澳大利亚是一个岛国,位于南太平洋和印度洋之间,面积为770万平方公里,海岸线长达36700公里。澳大利亚的人口密度很小,人口约1800万,主要集中在城市。绝大部分人居住在两个沿海地区。通用语言为英语。澳大利亚奉行独立自主的外交政策,重点是密切同亚太地区各国的关系、并加强同澳有重要联系的发达国家的关系。  相似文献   

李强  白云  苏睿图 《中国食品》2014,(10):46-49
宁夏沙湖清真食品有限公司成立于2006年3月,注册资本1000万元人民币,位于被誉为“西部百强县、塞上小江南”的宁夏平罗县。公司距石嘴山市火车站6公里、距京藏高速公路入口3公里、距宁夏河东机场70公里,交通十分便利。目前公司占地面积15680平方米、建筑面积6400平方米,拥有资产3664万元、员工200人,年产各类产品共计4000吨,销售额达3000多万元,利税400万元左右。  相似文献   

An analysis of the population genetics of Cryptolestes ferrugineus, across all major regions in Australia where grain is grown and stored in bulk, provides an initial step in investigating the movement of these insects and implications for the spread of phosphine resistance. Microsatellite data revealed two levels of genetic structure. Across Australia, two clusters were detected, one in eastern Australia (Queensland, New South Wales, Victoria and Tasmania) and Western Australia (Cluster 1) and one in South Australia (Cluster 2). Intermediate between them, in eastern South Australia, are a couple of populations that are equally admixed for the two clusters. Populations in Western Australia and western SA belong to different clusters suggesting that the extensive and arid Nullarbor Plain restricts the natural dispersal of these beetles. Isolation-by-distance and the detection of clustering among local populations suggests there is considerable gene flow at a local scale in C. ferrugineus, and we infer this is by flight. Limited natural gene flow between eastern and western Australia might, in part, explain why extremely high resistance has not been detected in Western Australia.  相似文献   

Mookaite石是一种吸引人的多色装饰石,产于西澳大利亚Kennedy山脉西缘Gascoyne河以北的少数地方。从岩石学上,Mookaite石由Windalia放射虫岩层的硅化放射虫岩构成,该岩层为Carnarvon大盆地沉积序列的一部分。硅化作用形成瓷状岩后,Fe染色导致其具有引人瞩目的黄色、红色、紫色和棕色图形。瓷状岩细粒,坚硬,无定向性,抛光性极好,在世界范围内广受欢迎。  相似文献   

Colour is one of the most important quality parameters of table grapes. Ethephon can be applied to improve the colour of table grapes. Trials were conducted in Western Australia to investigate the effect of ethephon on low berry colour and other quality parameters of two new clones (306 and 314) of Crimson Seedless table grapes developed in Western Australia. The ethephon effect was studied in comparison with clone 5560, which was the standard clone imported from California. The grape clones were established at two locations in Western Australia having different types of soil and environmental conditions. Ethephon was applied (300 ppm Ethrel®) to improve the colour development. Physical measurements demonstrated that clones 306 and 314 were better than the imported standard clone in terms of berry weight, length and width. Sensory evaluation by 70 panellists revealed that clone 314 with ethephon application received significantly higher sensory scores for sweetness, crispness, flavour and overall acceptability compared with the standard clone. The acidity level was higher in clone 314 than the standard clone at the same °Brix level and had a positive effect on flavour and overall acceptability. Ethephon treatment reduced the berry crispness in the standard clone and clone 306 but had no effect on the crispness of clone 314.  相似文献   

The pyrethroid, deltamethrin, is currently used as a grain protectant to protect stored grain from insect pests in several countries including Australia. We examined the variation in response to wheat treated with deltamethrin among 15 field populations of the lesser grain borer, Rhyzopertha dominica (F.) collected from Queensland and New South Wales in eastern Australia during 2008 and 2009, to establish whether resistance has developed in this species. Based on the results of treated wheat bioassays, using a discriminating dose of 0.5 mg kg−1, we found that 14 of the 15 field populations were resistant to deltamethrin. The distance between the two most geographically separated field populations was 450 km, and both of these populations contained resistant insects. Deltamethrin applied at 1 mg kg−1 alone or with the synergist piperonyl butoxide at 8 mg kg−1 failed to control resistant R. dominica. On the basis of our findings, we conclude that populations with deltamethrin resistant individuals are common in the eastern part of Australia, and control failures are expected when such populations are present in treated grain.  相似文献   

Based on the results from a 6-week monitoring campaign in an area close to a major highway north of Stockholm, Sweden, NOx emission factors representative for vehicle speeds of 100-120 km per h were determined to 0.61 g/veh,km for light duty and to 7.1 g/veh,km for heavy duty vehicles. The corresponding factors for particle number were 1.4 x 10(14) and 52 x 10(14) particles/veh,km, determined for an ambient temperature interval of +7 to +17 degrees C. The removal effects of coagulation and dry deposition on total number concentrations were assessed by numerical model simulations. Velocity and turbulence fields, including those produced by the vehicles, were simulated in a Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD) model. Coagulation was found to be of little importance over the first 100 m downwind of the highway. The high friction velocities over the road surface created by vehicle movements enhanced deposition locally, contributing to the removal of approximately 10% of the particles originally emitted. Beyond a point 10 m downwind of the highway the removal rate was low and the ultrafine particles were almost inert while being advected over the next hundred meters. As a consequence, it seems reasonable to use monitored data from stations close to highways to estimate emission factors for particle number, assuming that the particles are inert. Those "effective" emission factors should be applicable for urban models with a larger spatial resolution.  相似文献   

In an ever-more-competitive global market, vignerons compete for the attention of consumers by differentiating their product while responding to technological advances, climate changes and evolving demand patterns. In doing so, they increasingly highlight their regional and varietal distinctiveness. This paper examines the extent to which the mix of winegrape varieties in Australia differs from the rest of the world and differs across wine regions within the country, and how that picture has altered over the first decade of this century. It reports varietal intensity indexes for different regions, indexes of similarity of varietal mix between regions and over time, and quality indexes across regions and varieties within Australia. The study is based mainly on a new global database of vine bearing areas circa 2000 and 2010, supplemented by a more detailed database for Australia back to the 1950s. It reveals that the varietal distinctiveness of Australia vis-à-vis the rest of the world, and varietal differentiation between regions within the country, is far less than for most other countries – a pattern that has become even more pronounced since 2000. It concludes that there is much scope for Australia’s winegrape plantings to become more diversified as producers respond to market and climate changes.  相似文献   

It has been suggested that although the negative impact of alcohol consumption varies from person to person, on a global level the adverse effect of alcohol on cardiovascular disease outweighs any protective effect by between two- and three-fold. This is inaccurate. There is a proven positive relationship between alcohol consumption and cardiovascular disease that is acknowledged by the World Health Organization. For example, moderate alcohol consumption reduces the risk of cardiovascular disease by approximately 25%, such that alcohol consumption per se accounts for -4.7% of the total cardiovascular disease burden in Australia. Correspondingly, cardiovascular disease accounted for 34% of the total number of deaths in Australia in 2008, and 18% of the overall burden of disease in Australia in 2003, with coronary heart disease and stroke contributing over 80% of this burden. Australia is not substantially different from other developed countries having similar demographics to, and the same leading causes of burden as, other high-income developed countries. This article examines the suggestions and evidence surrounding the relationship between light-to-moderate alcohol consumption and benefits to human health.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to establish whether it is possible to select malting barley showing high quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the crop of the same genotype grown at a breeding station in Japan. Two approaches were taken to analyse the data obtained over several years. The first was a bivariate mixed model used to obtain variety estimates for the various quality traits of interest. The second approach used a univariate mixed model to determine the correlation between the same genotype grown in Australia and Japan, as well as the correlation between the same genotype grown at trial sites within a country. The first analysis found that nitrogen was related to most malting quality traits except for viscosity. The second analysis showed that the performance in Australia and Japan is similar for all malting quality traits. It may therefore be possible to select barley showing high malting quality under Australian conditions on the basis of malting quality data from the Japanese crop of the same genotype.  相似文献   

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