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The UNDP Capacity Building Programme has gained valuable though still limited experience since it became operational over three years ago. Its central premise of building, strengthening or utilizing national water sector capacity meets much enthusiasm in more and more countries. Besides its products (comprehensive sector assessment reports, specific capacity-building requirements, and enhanced cross-sectoral capacity), it is welcomed for its modus operandi: national teams of experts from different disciplines and organizations carrying out water sector assessments, with guidance from UNDP and associated agencies on demand. With three water sector assessments completed and another seven and related activities under way, the programme is gaining momentum. Its experience is expected to be of relevance to a large number of counties in the future. After a promising start, the methodology is being fine-tuned, and capacity is being built both in developing countries and in external support agencies.  相似文献   

一、水利系统队伍的现状 截至2003年底,水利系统在岗职工总数122.9万人,离退休人员36.3万人.近年来,广大水利干部职工在贯彻中央治水方针和部党组治水新思路、推进水利改革与发展的实践中发挥了重要作用,取得了显著成效.  相似文献   


Present and future improvements in efficiency of the water sector in Mexico depend on the development of a cadre of well-trained professional managers in the public and private sectors, as well as on the strengthening of the private and public sector institutions. Considerable investments are needed, but the efforts will pay back in terms of more rational policy-making and management practices. This paper analyzes several important exercises on capacity building in Mexico, which took place between 1990 and 2000. Present efforts on capacity building, achievements, and concerns are also considered in terms of the training and education needed to build a new generation of water professionals who can meet the current challenges and the needs of the coming decades. The needs of the water sector in terms of capacity building have been assessed in Mexico several times in the past. The conclusions and the results have always been the same: there is an urgent need to develop better educated managers and water professionals, both in terms of numbers and skills. Even though the needs have been identified repeatedly for over a decade, and despite continuous official rhetorics on the importance and urgency of capacity building, no long-term country-specific program on capacity building has yet been developed, let alone implemented.  相似文献   


Part 1 of this paper analyzes the concepts of institutional capacity building and of integrated water resources management, on the basis of recent publications. The authors, building on the work of others, combine this into a conceptual framework for institutional capacity building in the water resources sector. A matrix approach is developed that allows the analysis of project activities, projects and possibly even complete sector programs. At the same time various aspects of process orientation of projects and programs are distinguished and described. The result is a set of analysis tools specifically oriented towards the evaluation of institutional capacity building projects and programs in the water resources sector. Part 2 presents a number of case studies and shows the application of the set of analysis tools. The same set of tools can also be used for the design of such projects or programs, but this is not covered in the present papers.  相似文献   

浅谈水利行业高技能人才培训工程建设   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
水利行业高技能人才不足已成为水利事业发展的一个瓶颈,因此必须建立健全水利行业高技能人才培训工程体系,加紧建立和完善水利行业高技能人才培训机制,进一步建立健全水利高技能人才培训制度,实行水利行业高技能人才培训和继续教育相结合,满足水利行业技能人员终身学习的要求,从而不拘一格选拔人才,促进优秀人才脱颖而出.  相似文献   

阐述了创建城市水文明的意义、含义和有关认识,介绍了山东省创建水文明的范例。  相似文献   

面对山西水资源紧缺的严峻形势,提出把水利作为经济社会发展的战略重点,节约、保持与合理利用水资源,更充分地利用雨水资源等几条出路。  相似文献   

针对富阳市水资源状况,从水资源可持续发展出发,初步建立了可持续发展的指标体系。采用主成份分析法的筛选计算结果找出影响水资源承载能力可持续发展的主要驱动因子,然后利用层次分析法对影响富阳市水资源可持续发展的主要因素进行计算,分析水资源承载能力集合的合理性,建立多元线形回归模型进行多变量分析,从中选取了一个最优的经济发展方案,即为水资源承载能力所能承载的最大值。从结果可以看出:水资源承载能力必须满足水资源的可持续发展。因此防治水污染,保护生态环境,节水是富阳市未来经济发展的必由之路。  相似文献   

水利行业负债能力分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为适应经济社会发展、生态环境建设和国债淡出形势对水资源优化配置和投资结构优化的要求,有必要分析水利行业的负债能力,采取措施合理提高其负债能力,加快水利建设步伐,为全面建设小康社会服务.……  相似文献   

Capacity building has become a critical requirement for improving water management practices significantly in the future. The current attempts to enhance capacity are a useful beginning, but they suffer from numerous conceptual and operational constraints, some of which are discussed in this paper. Unless these constraints are objectively identified, and the entire process is carefully planned to overcome these problems promptly and cost-effectively, benefits that are likely to accrue from such efforts would at best be incremental. However, if planned and implemented properly, capacity building has the potential to contribute to a quantum leap in water management during the early part of the 21st century.  相似文献   

E. Roosma  A. Stakelbeek 《国际水》2013,38(3):151-152
This statement emergedfrom discussions during a Special Session on Water Strategies for the 21st Century at the IWRA VIth World Congress on Water Resources in Ottawa 30 May-3 June 1988. Due to the fundamental importance of Water for Our Common Future, this short statement is being forwarded to the Oslo Conference on Sustainable Development 9–10 July 1988.  相似文献   

从可持续发展角度探讨水资源承载力   总被引:17,自引:0,他引:17  
水资源的开发利用满足了当前水资源的承载力要求,并不意味着就实现了其可持续发展的目标.提出了水资源承载力的可持续性定义,指出水资源承载力的计算要以明确水资源承载对象为前提,并对承载对象进行了划分;以此为基础,从可持续发展的角度对水资源承载力量化进行了探讨.  相似文献   


Water is vital for the survival and development of every community or society. The health of a given community is reflected to a large extent in the water quality of the community's available water resources. In Ghana, efforts have been made since colonial days to supply both the urban and the rural communities with potable water to enhance the rapid socio-economic development of the country. It is economically viable due to the remoteness of most of the rural communities to supply them with potable water from local sources such as groundwater. The urban water supply systems are mainly based on surface water sources. With the ever-expanding population, there is a need to improve freshwater resources conservation and management in order to avoid impending shortages. To ensure the total coverage of all rural and urban communities by the year 2020, a huge capital outlay of $1 billion and 51.5 billion, respectively, is needed. Most of these funds are expected to come from the private sector, both local and foreign, with the Government making some substantial contribution.  相似文献   

国家为建成取用水监控体系,须对一定规模以上的取用水户进行实时监测。因此,制定取用水流量在线监测方案、提高对取用水流量的监控能力十分必要和迫切。本文分别描述了渠道型和管道型两种不同取水方式的取水在线监测设备构成和监测方法。同时提出了在线监测工作中的重点管理事项,为各地区在制定取用水流量在线监测方案时提供参考。  相似文献   

在全球水资源危机此起彼伏的时候,多数非洲国家也出现了水危机.本文使用承载力分析方法,结合最新统计数据,对非洲各地区水资源的配置情况进行了定量分析.结果表明:非洲的水资源承载状况较为严峻,与人口总量比较起来,非洲处于水资源承载赤字的状态下;从目前水资源利用方面来看,非洲的水资源人口承载力在各地区间的分配很不均衡,其东部和中部地区水资源承载情况要明显差于其他地区.北部地区水资源人口承载情况要优越很多.在定量分析的基础上,进行了非洲水资源可持续利用的一些对策思考.  相似文献   

紫坪铺水利枢纽是都江堰灌区的主要水源调节工程,其主要功能是通过水库的调丰补枯和水库的滞洪作用,提高灌区的农业灌溉、城镇工业、生活及生态环境供水的保证率和下游岷江干流的防洪能力。对都江堰灌区国民经济可持续发展起着极其重要的作用。在岷江上游供水区域内的地位和作用是勿庸置疑的。  相似文献   

文章在分析我国城市水资源的现状及21世纪我国城市水资源所面临的主要问题的基础上,提出了城市水资源的可持续发展策略,包括:节约用水,创建节水型工业和节水型城市;从源头控制为主,加强水污染防治;积极推广生态排污系统建设;多渠道开发水资源等。  相似文献   

While the Latin American and Caribbean Region has an abundance of water resources, the uneven distribution of water and the rapid growth of urban areas have created a set of water management problems which, if left unresolved, are projected to lead to a water crisis of hemispheric proportions during the next century. Shrinking foreign aid and experience gained during the past four decades are changing the traditional mechanisms of technical cooperation between developed and developing nations. Building on the momentum of the Earth Summit (1992), which stressed the need for mechanisms for water resources information exchange, the First Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management (1993) called for the establishment of an Inter-American Water Resources Network (IWRN) to distribute and exchange information on water issues, promote technology transfer, and share water management experiences in the western hemisphere. To date, 22 governments have officially designated water agencies to represent them on the IWRN as country focal points. Current network activities consist of the preparation of directories of water and water-related organizations, educational opportunities and existing networks in the western hemisphere; publication of a newsletter; and operation of an electronic forum and several World Wide Web sites on the Internet. Future activities, defined in part by the Second Inter-AmericanDialogue on Water Management held in Buenos Aires in September 1996, will emphasize the establishment of a regional and sub-regional Internet-based water information network with linkages to the global water resources community, regional dialogues on water management, increased cooperation between all parties in transboundary river basins, and endorsement of a number of recommendations for strengthening integrated water resources management.The Third Inter-American Dialogue on Water Management will be held in Central America in 1999.  相似文献   

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