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Application of Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as a Multicriterion Decision Making (MCDM) methodology is tested for Sri Ram Sagar Project, Andhra Pradesh, India to select the suitable irrigation planning alternative. Three different criterion functions of DEA, namely minimizing deviation variable Dj (Min,DDj), minimizing maximum deviation (Minmax), and minimizing the sum of deviations ∑Dj (Minsum) are applied for the same DEA constraint set. These criterion functions are evaluated under the framework of Multi Objective Linear Programming (MOLP). Highest efficiency rated irrigation planning alternative is chosen to be the best for each of the above criterion functions. The results are compared with those obtained by discrete MCDM methods, PROMETHEE and EXPROM. It is found that ranks obtained by DEA are reasonably close to those obtained by the above mentioned MCDM methods, PROMETHEE and EXPROM.  相似文献   

The objective of this paper is to introduce a continuous simulation-based screening procedure for ranking urban watershed management alternatives using multi-attribute decision making (MADM). The procedure integrates continuous urban runoff simulation results from the United States Environmental Protection Agency’s Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) with the use of an alternative evaluation index (AEI) and MADM techniques, following the driver-pressure-state-impact-response (DPSIR) approach. The analytic hierarchy process estimates the weights of the criteria, and SWMM results are used to quantify the effects of the management alternatives on water quantity and quality metrics. In addition, the tendency of AEI to reflect resident preferences toward management objectives is incorporated to include stakeholder participation in the decision-making process. This systematic decision support process is demonstrated for a Korean urban watershed. According to the AEI, seven alternatives were divided into three groups: poor (0∼0.3), acceptable (0.3∼0.6), and good (0.6∼1). The use of multiple MADM techniques provided a consistency check. The demonstration illustrates the ability of the continuous simulation-based MADM approach to provide decision makers with a ranking of suitable urban watershed management alternatives which incorporate stakeholder feedback.  相似文献   

针对新疆灌区推行农民用水户协会工作,从改善末级水利工程现状、加强供用水管理和末级水价改革以及用水户协会组建规范运作健康发展等问题进行了分析。  相似文献   

1995年12月19日,湖南省第一个大型灌区农民用水户协会——铁山灌区长塘农民用水户协会正式成立。以此为基础,湖南省开始了用水户参与灌溉管理的实践与探索。特别是1998年以来,按照水利部"两改一提高"要  相似文献   

The multisectoral Southeastern Anatolia Project (GAP) is the largest regional developmentplan for one of the less developed parts of Turkey. The GAP project includes the irrigation of 1.7 million ha of land and generation of 27 billion kWh of hydroelectric power with an installed capacity of 7500 MW. In order to optimize the benefits to be obtained from irrigation and to ensure sustainable irrigation in the GAP area, the Government of Turkey has commissioned the GAP Management, and Operation Maintenance study (GAP MOM). The overall MOM model provides an institutional and organizational framework that promotes the most effective development of irrigated agriculture in the GAP region. This goal can be expressed as three major objectives: maximize net benefits, ensure sustainability and be implementable and flexible.  相似文献   

淠史杭灌区将军山渡槽病害成因及加固方案探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了淠史杭灌区将军山渡槽运行期出现的裂缝情况 ,通过对试验成果和观测资料的整理分析 ,结合双曲拱渡槽的结构受力特点 ,对维修加固方案进行了探讨  相似文献   

Simulation of Agricultural Management Alternatives for Watershed Protection   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
The Bosque River Watershed in Texas is facing a suite of water quality issues including excess sediment, nutrient, and bacteria. The sources of the pollutants are improperly managed cropland and grazing land, dairy manure application, and effluent discharge from wastewater treatment facilities. Several best management practices (BMPs) have been proposed for pollution reduction and watershed protection. The overall objectives of this study were to demonstrate a modeling approach using Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT) model to simulate various BMPs and assess their long-term impacts on sediment and nutrient loads at different spatial levels. The SWAT model was calibrated and validated for long-term annual and monthly flows at Valley Mills and for monthly sediment, total nitrogen (TN) and total phosphorus (TP) at Hico and Valley Mills monitoring locations. The BMPs including streambank stabilization, gully plugs, recharge structures, conservation tillage, terraces, contour farming, manure incorporation, filter strips, and PL-566 reservoirs were simulated in the watershed areas that met the respective practice’s specific criteria for implementation. These BMPs were represented in the pre- and post-conditions by modifying one or more channel parameters (channel cover, erodibility, Manning’s n), curve number (CN), support practice factor (P-factor), filter strip width, and tillage parameters (mixing efficiency, mixing depth). The BMPs were simulated individually and the resulting Hydrologic Response Units (HRUs), subwatershed, and watershed level impacts were quantified for each BMP. Sensitivity of model output values to input parameters used to represent the BMPs was also evaluated. Implementing individual BMPs reduced sediment loads from 3% to 37% and TN loads from 1% to 24% at the watershed outlet; however, the changes in TP loads ranged from 3% increase to 30% decrease. Higher reductions were simulated at the subwatershed and HRU levels. Among the parameters analyzed for sensitivity, P-factor and CN were most sensitive followed by Manning’s n. The TN and TP outputs were not sensitive to channel cover. This study showed that the SWAT modeling approach could be used to simulate and assess the effectiveness of agricultural best management practices.  相似文献   

本文分析了灌区水利工程施工主要特点及施工安全与事故间的因果关系,并针对水利工程施工安全事故隐患成因,结合工程施工主要特点,提出了消除施工安全事故隐患措施及预防预控措施。  相似文献   

实现用水户参与式管理是进行灌区体制改革的重要途径。文章论述了用水户参与式灌溉管理的内涵、要求和基本模式。在回顾国外其他国家发展灌区参与式管理的历史经验基础上,文章重点介绍了湖南省岳阳市铁山灌区用水户参与式管理的基本情况和管理成效,同时,文章根据实施用水户参与式灌溉管理模式的实践提出了相关的建议和看法。  相似文献   

经过长时间运行,越南的许多农田水利工程系统已逐渐老化并落后。同时,在市场经济的过渡时期国民经济结构与各国民经济成分之间也慢慢地变化,迫使管理机制也要随之改变。尤其对于农业部门,由于经济社会发展需要,要求各种植地区必须集中耕作,以增加产量和单产。由于受到管理制度和工程系统的制约,使管理效率与工程利用效果大大降低。因此,面对生产和生活需水量的增加,建立与采用合适的灌溉管理模式是十分重要。  相似文献   

A salinity managem ent model is developed for analysing an irrigation system (small or large), which consists of a hydro-salinity su bmodel, a soil m oistu re chemistry submodel, and a groundwater salinity submodel. The hydro-salinity submodel calculates water and salt budgets for an irrigation system in order to determine the recharge rate into the groundwater reservoir. The soil moisture chemistry submodel predicts soil moisture m ovemen t and transport of solutes in the unsaturated soil profile considerin g the cation exchan ge, precipitation an d dissolution of gypsu m and lime in the soil solution. The three-dimensional grou ndwater salinity submodel predicts the spatial and temporal changes in groun dwater salinity, as well as temporal variations in the salin ity of pumped water.  相似文献   

杨占荣 《中国水利》2005,(11):27-28
随着农业种植结构的调整和水利工程管理体制的改革,甘肃省疏勒河流域灌区围绕改善农业生产基本条件、调整农业结构、减轻农民负担、增加农民收入的目标,进行了灌区管理机制的改革,积极推广农民用水户参与式灌溉管理.通过3年的实践,健全了协会的管理职能,明确了协会和用水户的责任、权利、义务,避免了搭车收费现象,促进了节约用水.  相似文献   

The present article demonstrates the implementation of Multicriterion Decision Making (MCDM) analysis for a case study of Flumen Monegros irrigation area in the Huesca province of Spain. The criteria used to rank alternativesconsist of (1) economic factors including initial cost ofirrigation system, maintenance cost, profitability of crops,extent of European subsidies; (2) environmental factors whichcomprise water volume, water quality after irrigation, efficiency of the use of water, resistance to floods or droughts; (3) Social factors including employment of rurallabour, area non-cultivated. Alternative policies areformulated by mixing factors such as irrigation system, waterpricing, water allocation, crop distribution, fertiliser use,subsidies received. Multicriterion Sorting Technique (MCST)ELECTRE-TRI is employed to reduce the large size payoff matrixto predefined categories for further usage of MCDM techniques.Five MCDM techniques, namely, PROMETHEE-2, EXPROM-2, ELECTRE-3, ELECTRE-4, and Compromise Programming (CP) are employed torank the alternatives. Spearman rank correlation coefficientis employed to assess the correlation coefficient between theranking patterns obtained by the above MCDM techniques.Additive ranking principle is used for group decision makinganalysis. Results indicate that five MCDM techniques choosethe same alternative strategy as the preferred one.  相似文献   

Structural and operational management methods are used to meet water demands in watersheds around the world. Most river systems are affected by reservoirs, dams, or other engineering structures, and decisions regarding their construction and operation are made in advance of knowing what water demands will be. Numerical models are used to predict future water needs and evaluate the effectiveness of water management strategies. It is important to consider a variety of management methods and future environmental conditions to ensure future demands can be met. In this work, a coupled surface water operations and hydrologic model of the Lower Republican River Basin in portions of Nebraska and Kansas, USA is used to evaluate the ability of several water management strategies, including structural and operational, to meet future demands of a water-stressed agricultural basin under a variety of future climate scenarios. Simulations indicate recent administrative and operational changes to the distribution of water between Nebraska and Kansas have significantly decreased water shortages for irrigation districts in Kansas and will continue to do so. Simulations also indicate that structural alternative of reservoir expansion is most effective at minimizing shortages to demands under a repeat of historical climate conditions. However, an operational alternative of increasing water supplies for Kansas' exclusive use, such as those historically purchased under the Warren Act (US Code 43 Section 523–524), is most effective at minimizing shortages to demands under a hotter and drier climate, demonstrating how optimal water management strategies can vary significantly depending upon climate scenario.  相似文献   

对高效灌溉工程的五个特点和五个管理难点进行了认真分析,揭示了部分工程运转效益不佳的主要原因,并据此提出了五点改进建议:加强领导,完善主体,积极调产,有效管理,经济支持。  相似文献   


Irrigation water management has significant economic implications in developing countries like India. While the structural infrastructure has been created with a huge financial investment in these countries, it is vital that appropriate non-structural measures be adopted for efficient water management. Scientific policies of operation of irrigation reservoir systems need to be developed with the aid of mathematical tools and implemented in practice. In this paper, a brief overview of some mathematical tools for irrigation system operation, crop water allocations and performance evaluation is presented, with a discussion on the work carried out in India by the author's team. Recent tools and techniques of fuzzy optimization and fuzzy inference systems that incorporate imprecision in management goals and constraints and that address the interests of stakeholders are also discussed. Perceptions on issues relating to applicability of the tools to real-life problems, existing gaps between theory and practice and possible hurdles in narrowing such gaps in developing countries are presented.  相似文献   

日本的农业用水管理研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4       下载免费PDF全文
在查阅文献及实地调查的基础上 ,将日本农业用水管理分为三个阶段 :195 0年以前的历史阶段 ,195 0~ 1970年的高速成长期 ,1970年以后的稳定期 .运用水管理形态及水利用形态理论对日本的农业用水进行分析研究 ,结果表明 :日本历史上的水管理体制为自治共同型 ;战后至 1970年前后为自治协同型 ;1970年后为自治协同型与信托协同型两种管理体制并存 .认为 ,我国农村水利现代化的主要问题应该是水利配套设施建设 ,田间工程统一规划的土地改良 ,和有效的农业用水管理模式的探索 .  相似文献   

节水灌溉工程管理方法浅析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
1 节水工程存在的问题  随着工农业生产规模的不断扩大 ,水资源短缺的问题在沈阳市日益突出 ,而在农业用水占全市总用水量 70 %的情况下 ,如何有效合理地控制农业用水就成为了制约沈阳市经济发展的关键因素。从国外的先进经验来看 ,大力发展节水灌溉是控制农业用水的有效途径。近几年 ,沈阳市也非常重视节水灌溉的发展 ,从统计数字来看 ,本市目前已发展节水灌溉面积 1 0万hm2 。但从已建的节水工程来看 ,普遍存在以下两方面问题 :1 1 盲目投资 ,对项目可行性分析不足以往的节水灌溉项目往往注重形象工程 ,长官意识严重 ,而对不同地区的…  相似文献   

孙健 《中国水利》2007,(15):47-49
洪金灌区管理决策支持系统(IMDSS)主要包括信息系统、模拟系统、决策分析系统等。整个系统分为软件与硬件控制两大部分,软件部分包括灌区信息管理、地理信息查询、配水方案优化决策、水情查询分析和灌区设计辅助计算五个部分;硬件部分包括自动监测、视频监控和语音查询四个部分。该系统的开发与运用为灌区优化调度灌溉用水提供了科学依据。  相似文献   

分析了当前灌区在管理上存在的问题,介绍了灌区自动监测与信息化管理的内容,包括建立自动化监控系统,信息管理系统,办公自动化系统,最后,论述了灌区信息化管理的优点。  相似文献   

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