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10月13日.农业部提出到2010年.我国生物质能发电将达到550万kW,生物质液体燃料达到200万t/a,沼气利用量达到190亿m^3/a,生物质固体成型燃料产量达到100万t/a,生物质能年利用量占到一次能源消费量的1%。当前,开发利用生物质能是国内外广泛关注的重大课题,大力开发利用生物质能.既是中国开拓新的能源途径.缓解能源供需矛盾的战略措施,也是解决“三农”问题.保证社会经济持续发展的重要任务。  相似文献   

随着我国社会经济的发展,对能源和环境需求的日益增加,发展取之不尽、清洁无污染的生物质能已经成为国家长期发展的战略目标。2007年国家发布的《可再生能源中长期发展规划》中,明确提出:到2020年,生物质发电总装机容量达到3000万千瓦,生物质周体成型燃料年利用量达到5000万吨,沼气年利用量达到440亿立方米,生物燃料乙醇年利用量达到1000万吨,生物柴油年利用量达到200万吨。《国务院关于加快培育和发展战略性新兴产业的决定》中也提出,要因地制宜开发利用生物质能。  相似文献   

中国燃料乙醇的应用及生产技术的效益分析与评价   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
针对国内外燃料乙醇的应用和发展情况,对比分析了淀粉质、糖质和纤维素类原料燃料乙醇生产工艺的异同,并对我国3种原料的资源状况进行了评价.以10万t/a的燃料乙醇工厂为例,对不同原料燃料乙醇生产工艺的经济性、能源效益和社会效益进行了对比分析,发现甜高梁和木薯最有经济优势;从能源效益分析可知生产工艺能耗约占80%,工艺改进非常重要;从单位土地能源净产出情况看,甜高梁最高,其次是甘蔗和木薯,可见能源作物具有开发潜力;通过社会效益分析,10万t燃料乙醇工厂会给农民带来2~4亿元的年收益,提供约1000个的就业岗位;且10万t燃料乙醇的应用CO2年减排量可达30万t以上,减排CO、CH等汽车有害污染物近1700t.  相似文献   

我国燃料乙醇原料可持续供应初步分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
田宜水  赵立欣 《中国能源》2007,29(12):26-29
本文通过评价我国粮食供应形势、土地资源、农业生产的特点,资源禀赋等,对我国燃料乙醇原料供应进行了初步分析。我国人多地少,耕地资源紧缺,粮食供需处于紧平衡,以玉米为原料的燃料乙醇发展空间受到极大的限制,原料多元化势在必行。初步测算,2010年燃料乙醇的可供应量约360万t,2020年燃料乙醇的可供应量约1700万t,可以满足国家可再生能源中长期发展规划规定的目标。最后,提出依靠科技进步以及发展纤维素乙醇等措施。  相似文献   

我国生物质能利用现状与展望   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
生物质能是重要的可再生能源资源,具有广阔的开发利用前景。介绍了我国生物质能的发展现状,包括固态生物质燃料、液态生物质燃料(燃料乙醇、生物柴油)、气态生物质燃料的开发利用和技术进展。对我国发展生物质能提出了建议,包括生物质能原料的利用和开发,生物质能开发利用的路线与技术,以及开展国际合作与交流,引进吸收国外先进的技术和设备等。  相似文献   

农业部日前提出,到2010年,我国生物质能发电将达到550万kW;生物液体燃料达到200万t;沼气年利用量达到190亿m^3;生物固体成型燃料达到100万t;生物质能年利用量占到一次能源消耗量的1%,到2020年,这一数字将提高到4%。  相似文献   

我国“十五”十大重点工程之一,生物燃料乙醇产业取得了重大发展。按照生物燃料乙醇“十五”发展专项规划,国家批准建设了4个生物燃料乙醇生产试点项目。4个企业已累计生产生物燃料乙醇120多万t。生物乙醇汽油的消费量已占全国汽油消费量的20%,圆满完成“十五”期间推广生物乙醇汽油的既定目标。。目前,我国已成为世界上继巴西、美国之后第三大生物燃料乙醇生产国。  相似文献   

我国正在拟订生物质能源替代石油的中长期发展目标.到2020年,我国生物质能源消费量有望占到整个石油消费量的20%。这个目标主要包括:到2020年,生物液态燃料生产规模达到2000万t,其中燃料乙醇1500万t、生物柴油500万t。  相似文献   

云南省生物质能产业现状及发展前景   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
分析了云南省沼气、生物质热解气化、燃料乙醇、生物柴油等生物质能的发展状况,针对云南省生物质能资源和产业发展特点指出,发展生物液体燃料是云南省生物质能产业发展的重要方向.  相似文献   

发展生物燃料乙醇和推广乙醇汽油,是世界各国应对全球气候变化、提高可再生能源在能源交通领域占比的重要战略性举措.近年来,我国燃料乙醇产业发展缺乏诸如美国、欧盟、巴西等国家和地区所采取的对生物燃料乙醇提供优先消纳的支持政策,因此整体发展不及预期.本文重点分析美国通过可再生燃料标准发展燃料乙醇的成功经验,针对我国生物燃料乙醇...  相似文献   

The ethanol industry in North America uses starch derived from corn as its primary feedstock. In order to better understand the geographical distribution of advanced ethanol production, potential sources of lignocellulosic biomass for the process are considered. It is shown that the corn-producing regions of North America already support significant amounts of ethanol production, and that few unexploited sources of corn remain for the industry to utilize. Accessing other sources of sugar, including other types of biomass such as lignocellulosic materials, will become necessary for the industry as it expands, quite apart from the need to meet government mandates. The ability of bioconversion and thermochemical conversion to generate biofuels from lignocellulosic biomass is reviewed. The availability of lignocellulosic residues from agricultural and forestry operations is described, and the potential biofuel production associated with these residues is described. A residue-based process could greatly extend the potential of the ethanol industry to become a substantial contributor to the fuel and energy requirements of North America. It is estimated that ethanol production from residues could provide up to 13.7% of Canada’s 2009 transportation fuel demand, and up to 5.2% of the United States’ 2010 fuel demand. Utilizing lignocellulosic biomass will extend the geographic range of the biofuel industry, and increase the stability and security of this sector by reducing the impact of localized disruptions in supply. Development of a residue-based industry will help create the technologies needed to process energy crops as North America moves towards greater transportation fuel independence.  相似文献   

刘志远 《中外能源》2009,14(11):32-37
我国车用燃料甲醇国家标准和车用甲醇汽油(M85)国家标准已获批准。我国生产甲醇的主要原料是煤,2008年国内煤制甲醇的产能约1270×104t,约占甲醇总产能的61%,预计到2010年,国内将有超过70%的甲醇产能以煤为原料。为加快醇醚燃料进入市场的步伐,建议在我国相关区域建立醇醚燃料产业推广应用示范区,逐步形成规范的区域大市场,在保障我国能源安全、促进能源燃料需求与供给的平衡等方面发挥作用。建立示范区应选择具有一定醇醚燃料生产基础的省份及地区,选择煤炭资源丰富及甲醇工业发展较快的地区和燃料乙醇等生物质能源没有覆盖的地区。并应以大型甲醇或醇醚燃料生产企业为主,以新能源汽车大型生产企业为依托选择示范区。同时,推广醇醚燃料还需要国家政策的支持和各地区、各企业之间的合作,特别是质量认证、市场准入、技术创新、物流运输、醇醚燃料标准化建设等工作,是建立示范区过程中的工作重点。  相似文献   

The promotion and use of renewable energy sources are established priorities worldwide as a way to reduce emissions of Greenhouse Gases and promote energy security. Australia is committed to reach a target of 350 ML of biofuels per year by 2010, and incentives targeted to producers and consumers have been placed. These incentives include zero excise until 2011 for the ethanol produced in Australia and gradual increase of the taxation rates reaching the full excise of 0.125 AUD per litre by 2015. This paper analyses the viability of the second generation ethanol industry in the Green Triangle, one of the most promising Australian regions for biomass production, by comparing the energy adjusted pump prices of petrol and the produced ethanol under different taxation rates and forecasted oil prices. Major findings suggest that under the current conditions of zero fuel excise and oil prices around 80US$ per barrel ethanol production is viable using biomass with a plant gate cost of up to 74 AUD per ton. Moreover, the forecasted increase in oil prices have a higher impact on the price of petrol than the increased ethanol excise on the pump price of the biofuel. Thus, by 2016 feedstock with a plant gate cost of up to 190 AUD per ton might be used for ethanol production, representing a flow of 1.7 million tons of biomass per year potentially mitigating 1.2 million tons of CO2 by replacing fossil fuels with ethanol.  相似文献   

中国需要新的国家能源战略   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了中国能源的形势,以生物质能源为主导是发展可再生能源的大趋势以及中国生物质能源所具有的资源优势,指出,以生物质为主导是其特质所决定的,应将生物质能源提升到应有的战略高度以及发展固体生物质燃料、燃料乙醇、产业沼气的前景,提出,建设绿色“三田”、兴办生物质能源中小型企业以及中国“十二五”期间发展生物质能源的政策等建议。  相似文献   

《Biomass & bioenergy》2007,31(6):416-425
The United States (US) and Brazil have been the two leading producers of fuel ethanol since the 1970s. National policies have supported the production and use of ethanol from corn and sugarcane. US support in particular has included exemption from federal gasoline excise taxes, whole or partial exemption from road use (sales) taxes in nine states, a federal production tax credit, and a federal blender's credit. In the last decade the subsidization of grain-based ethanol has been increasingly criticized as economically inefficient and of questionable social benefit. In addition, much greater production of ethanol from corn may conflict with food production needs. A promising development is the acceleration of the technical readiness of cellulosic alcohol fuels, which can be produced from the woody parts of trees and plants, perennial grasses, or residues. This technology is now being commercialized and has greater long-term potential than grain ethanol. Cellulosic ethanol is projected to be much more cost-effective, environmentally beneficial, and have a greater energy output to input ratio than grain ethanol. The technology is being developed in North America, Brazil, Japan and Europe. In this paper, we will review the historical evolution of US federal and state energy policy support for and the currently attractive economics of the production and use of ethanol from biomass. The various energy and economic policies will be reviewed and assessed for their potential effects on cellulosic ethanol development relative to gasoline in the US.  相似文献   

我国替代燃料乙醇汽油发展现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
发展车用清洁代用燃料,在发动机上实现高效、低污染的燃烧,控制汽车发动机有害排放对我国城市大气质量带来的日趋严重的影响,已成为我国能源与环境研究中的一个十分重大和紧迫的课题.研究和开发汽油的代用燃料,从近期来看能减少尾气,改善大气质量,从长远来看可以解决石油资源短缺的危机.但这要求代用燃料既要具备较高燃烧性能,又要满足低排放的要求.乙醇燃料以掺烧或纯烧方式已成功地用于汽油机上,汽油醇(gasohol)混合燃料在巴西、美国已应用多年,技术上已十分成熟.2004年2月,经国务院同意,国家发改委等8部门联合制定颁布了《车用乙醇汽油扩大试点方案》和《车用乙醇汽油扩大试点工作实施细则》,由此相关工作全面启动.  相似文献   

Ethanol production in the United States has increased significantly due to government support, which has begun to dwindle. Ethanol now seems to compete with gasoline for vehicle fuel but because ethanol is mostly sold as a blend, gasoline and ethanol could be complementary fuel sources. The study investigates the true relationship between these fuels since it has policy implications. Results of LA/AIDS estimation show the two fuels were substitutes before the rapid expansion of ethanol production but have become complements overtime due to increasing share of ethanol in fuel consumption.  相似文献   

中国甘蔗燃料乙醇生产的技术、经济和环境可行性分析   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
我国甘蔗燃料乙醇产业的发展是以2001年国家基于石油替代战略而启动“变性燃料乙醇”和“车用燃料乙醇”计划为背景发展起来的。目前燃料乙醇发展的突出障碍是生产成本较高,因此,需要国家的大量补贴。文中借鉴巴西利用甘蔗发展低成本燃料乙醇的经验,对中国甘蔗燃料乙醇生产的技术成熟度、市场竞争力和环境影响进行了分析,并得出:中国用甘蔗生产燃料乙醇在工艺和设备上不存在根本性、长期性的障碍;在目前的燃料乙醇和食糖价格下,甘蔗燃料乙醇的生产具有相对优势;甘蔗燃料乙醇生产中对环境的负面影响在现有的环保技术条件下可以得到克服,并且还将促进温室气体减排。  相似文献   

叙述了发展可再生能源以生物质能源为主导的大趋势和必然性,指出,解决能源短缺和能源安全等问题,应将生物质能源提升到应有的战略地位.根据中国生物质能源具有的突出资源优势,为编制国家"十二五"规划,提出了加大发展固体生物质燃料的力度,加快燃料乙醉产能的步伐,把产业沼气替代天然气的议题提上议事日程,用20年时间建设本土的绿色"三田",制定优惠政策扶植生物质能源企业的建设以及"十二五"生物质能源规划目标的建议和对策.  相似文献   

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