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差热分析在硅酸盐工业中的应用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
论述了差热分析技术在硅酸盐工业中的应用,着重讨论了利用差热分析技术研究硅酸盐工业原材料的优选及单节技术方面等问题。  相似文献   

我国高铝矾土创新发展的战略思考   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为提高高铝矾土资源综合利用率,并促进产品品位升级,应当采取以下措施:(1)认真治理矿山,做到合法开采、合理开采和分级开采,同时整顿矾土熟料煅烧厂,提高质量,降低能耗,减少污染;(2)自主创新,产学研结合,加快研究开发有中国特色的矾土基优质合成料,包括均质料(w(Al2O3)=50%~80%)、改性料(电熔锆刚玉莫来石和刚玉尖晶石等)和转型料(siAlON和AlON等),并促进产业化生产.  相似文献   

主要分析介绍自动控制技术应于窑炉控制后带来的技术进步和经济效益。  相似文献   

我国拥有极为丰富的高铝矾土矿产资源。铝矾土的铝含量较高,已经广泛应用于炼铝和耐火材料中,而在建筑陶瓷生产中氧化铝是重要化学组成部分,将铝矾土引入陶瓷产品中可以极大提升陶瓷产品的多种特性,具有很高的利用价值。文章简述了铝矾土在陶瓷制品中的使用情况,对今后铝矾土的使用大有益处。  相似文献   

对低品位铝矾土代替高铝质电瓷配方中的优质铝矾土进行了试验研究。结果表明,通过冷等静压干法生产工艺制备的试验样品,在合适的配比和烧成制度下,能够满足高铝质瓷绝缘子的性能要求。  相似文献   

锰以化合物形式广泛分布于自然界中,在地壳内的平均含量约0.1%,其含量之大在已知元素中占第15位,在重金属中锰仅次于铁而居第三位。锰的原子序数为25,相对原子质量为54.94。熔点1244℃。沸点2150℃。锰的还原性强,易溶于稀酸而放出氧气。锰在有氧化剂存在的条件下,能同熔融碱作用而生成锰酸盐。块状的锰具有银白色的金属光泽,在空气中变暗。粉末状锰呈灰色,在空气中加热可燃烧生成 Mn_3O_4。加热时锰与卤素直接作用生成 MnX_2。  相似文献   

我国高铝矾土均化料的技术进步   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
介绍了我国高铝矾土加工特点,提出了我国高铝矾土的发展方向应该是均化与提纯,重点介绍了矾土基均化料的工艺路线和技术发展,并对进一步产业化提出建议。  相似文献   

本文对我国白泥及石灰石资源的现状进行了分析,介绍了白泥在硅酸盐工业中替代天然或化工钙源的可行性,并对其应用的研究现状、存在问题和发展前景进行了综述.  相似文献   

我国高铝矾土的均化与提纯实践   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
通过重点介绍阳泉矾土矿30余年高铝矾土的设计、生产与技术开发的经验教训,提出了我国高铝矾土的发展方向应该是均化与提纯。  相似文献   

氧化镁在高硫硅酸盐水泥中的作用机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
借助XRDA,SEM,DTA,OM和化学分析等测试方法,研究MgO在制备高硫硅酸盐水泥过程中的作用机理。发现其固溶在硅酸盐矿物和玻璃相中,可以增加熟料的液相量和降低液相粘度,有明显的固硫作用,MgO含量与SO3含量呈线性关系。  相似文献   

详细叙述了粘土在现代工业中的应用,并对其在各领域中的应用前景作了分析与展望。  相似文献   

耐火材料行业的发展与资源、能源和环境紧密相关。我国部分耐火原料资源呈短缺态势,耐火原料资源的综合开采和利用势在必行;调整耐火材料产品结构满足高能耗行业的节能要求,同时大力发展节能耐火材料品种,并降低耐火材料生产过程中的能耗;采用高性能无铬耐火材料和研究控制六价铬形成的技术,以控制对环境的负面影响;作好用后耐火材料的回收利用,减少矿产资源和能源消耗及固体废弃物排放,以利于耐火材料行业的可持续发展。  相似文献   

硅酸锆行业发展与锆砂消费   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
熊炳昆 《陶瓷》2010,(6):11-11,29
1我国锆砂现状和消费简述 锆砂是锆行业发展的基本原料,是我国重要的战略性矿物资源。锆砂的开发、应用和贸易与下游的硅酸锆、化学锆和金属锆产业的发展密不可分,本文将重点就硅酸锆行业与锆英砂消费作简略的讨论。  相似文献   

李伯辰  钱祖廉 《陶瓷》2001,(2):31-33
经酸性熔岩蚀变而成的宣化瓷石,由石英、绢云母、高岭石和长石等矿物组成。文章论述了其矿体产状、矿物特征、工艺技术性能及应用情况。  相似文献   

The mix between 4 M to 12 M NaOH solution and aluminosilicate material forms a thick paste that can be compacted in a mold in order to manufacture bricks at relatively low temperatures (< 100 °C). Starting materials available in Senegal consist of soils that primarily contain kaolin. In this study, we compare the performance of clay from the Niemenike deposit and clay pre-treated at 700 °C. The performance of the two clays depends on the temperature of curing and on the time of curing. In long-term tests (1 week to 3 months), for bricks kept at 40 °C/60% RH, strength did not increase with time for both clays (natural and calcined) activated with sodium hydroxide but this depends on the NaOH concentration. The maximum strength is obtained after 14 days for all concentrations. For all concentrations and periods, strength obtained with natural clay is greater.For short-term tests (6 h, 12 h, 24 h), with bricks kept at 120 °C/0% RH, the situation changed. The calcined clay gave the best mechanical performances. For all cases, long-term or short term, calcined or not, strength increased with concentration. The bricks produced in this fashion are durable and relatively inexpensive to make.  相似文献   

Engineered clay products for the paper industry   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:6  
The need for kaolin pigments by the paper industry with controlled optical and physical properties have significantly changed the type of filler and coating clays available to the paper industry. Processing equipment now used in the production of kaolin products is much more sophisticated and controllable than in the past. Better understanding of the mineralogy and the physical and chemical properties of kaolins, in addition to improved processing techniques, has allowed the kaolin processors to produce engineered or tailored grades that meet particular needs of the user. Particle size and shape, brightness, gloss, opacity, and viscosity can be altered and controlled to meet specific requirements of the paper coater. Examples of several types of engineered products available for use by the paper industry are discussed.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) is an essential nutrient for crop production and is often in short supply. The necessary P fertilizers are derived from deposits in the lithosphere, which are limited in size and nonrenewable. China is one of the world’s largest consumers and producers of P fertilizers. Thus, P resource use efficiency in China has an important impact on the worldwide efficiency of P resource use. This study examined the P fertilizer industry in China in terms of P resource use efficiency, economics, and environmental risk, and explored options for improvement through scenario analysis. P resource use efficiency decreased from a mean of 71% before 1995 to 39% in 2003, i.e., from every 10 kg P in rock material, only 3.9 kg P was used to produce fertilizer, 5.6 kg of the residues were discarded at the mining site, and 0.5 kg was manufacturing waste. The decreased efficiency was caused by increased P rock mining activities, especially from small, inefficient miners. Enhanced mining was supported by local governments and by the growing P fertilizer industry, where high-analysis P fertilizers have fourfold higher gross margins than traditional low-analysis fertilizers. Although the growing fertilizer industry is contributing significantly to the development of some regions, the economic efficiency is still lower than in other countries, e.g., in the USA. The P resource is depleting quickly, and the environmental consequences of inefficient use are serious. The amount of accumulated phosphor gypsum was estimated to be 110 Tg, the amount of deteriorated land reached 475 km2, and the consumption of ground water was 1.8 billion m3 per year. The low efficiency and serious environmental risk could be attributed to the numerous small inefficient miners, which were supported by intervention of governmental subsidies and taxes after 1995. This study proved that there is a great deal of room for improvement in the resource use efficiency up to 77% by integrated measures, which need broad cooperation of miners, fertilizer plants, and agriculture.  相似文献   

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