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Hydropower development in China has achieved greatsuccess and benefits not only in the growth of na-tional economy,but also in the improvement of environment,126.4TWh hydroelectricity generated in 1990 substituted more than 60million tons of coal which would otherwise be burnt in thermal powerplants with all harmful emissions to atmosphere,no need to say the  相似文献   

Contents in 2002     
Titles酽0i10鲈拯Planni~gPage/Issue Titles。SP’S Achievements in 2001 and Major Targets andTasksfor2002。A Research on the Development Strategy of the 21 st Century。S Hydropower in China# Key Technical Problems to be Solved in the Current Power Industry Development。 Issues and Suggestions on Levying S02 Emission Charges to Thermal Power Plants∞Thinking about Renewable Portfolio Standard tO be Implemented in ChinaManagement。 Accelerating Western Region Power Development N…  相似文献   

Chinawithvastterritoryhasdifferentgeographicalconditions,especiallyinsouthwestareas(Yunnan,GuizhouandSichuanprovinces,ChongqingMunicipalityandTibetAutonomousRegion,wheremainlyconsistofmountainous,hillyplateauandsomeplainswithcomplicategeographicalfeatures.Itcausesmanydifficultiesinselectingideallocationsfor500kVsubstionsduringdesignstage.SWEPDIhasacquiredmanyexperiencesexperiencestheprocedureofstudyingandsolvingtheencounteredtechnicalproblems.Thisarticlewillcoverthespecialaspectsindesign…  相似文献   

According to the source from the Three Gorges GeneralCompany, the Three Gorges Project will invest 15.1 billion yuanin 2002, it will be the largest investment in the Project in a singleyear since under construction for 9 years.The investment significantly increased attributes to 3 reasons:firstly, the Project now proceeds from foundation construction intometal structures and machinery installation; secondly, the phaseII project, including reservoir clearing, will enter all-roundacceptance …  相似文献   

According to China Electricity Council, the generating capacity in the country has topped the mark of 400 GW bythe end of May this year, reaching 400,600 MW. This signifies that the Chinese power industry has taken a new step  相似文献   

ByCLPPowerChinaHistoricalTieswiththeMainland0urcompany'sfirstinvestmentintheMainlanddatesbacktol9(X).InthatyearChinaLightandPowerSyndicateacquiredtheCantonElectricandFireExtinguishingCompanyandbegansupplyingelectricityforlightinginCantonandthesurr0undingarea.Thesyndicatewaslaterwoundupandre-incorporatedinl9l8astheChinaLightandPowerCo.,Ltd.(CLP)Inthel970s,thelateLordKadoorie-thenCLP'sChairman-begannegotiationstosupplyelectricityt0thefastgrowingGuangdongProvince.Discussionconcerni…  相似文献   

Annoyances in growing up seem to be unavoidable. Many problems still face the Chinese power industry just climbing onto a new level of 600-GW installed capacity, It has to search practicable solutions for problems with the significant themes including structure optimization, efficiency improvement and environment protection.  相似文献   

1.PrefaceFormanyyears,SouthwestElectricPowerDesignInstitute(SWEPDIhasdesignedtensofthewaterintakeworkswithdifferentpoandscalesforrivers,lakesandseaforthermalpowerplants.Thevinouswaterintakesincludepermanentintakes,movableintakes,mdesforshallowriverinmountainousareaopeninchs,andvinoussubmergedorunsubmergedintakes.Theflowratesrangefromlessthan1m3/stomorethan120m3/s.SurfacewaterintheSouthwestregionhasfeaturesrelationtotopography,rivershape,waterflowpattern,highvelocitybiglevelvariation,suspe…  相似文献   

China has a huge market of renewable resources.In2005,the investment in it occupied the first place in the world.Currently,China has put forward a goal of installing130-GW capacity by2020.For this purpose,an investment of USD200billion needs to be injecte…  相似文献   

China's first industrial demonstrative FGD installation with activated coke listed in the 863 Engineering Programme, which has full autonomous intellectual rights, passed an expert appraisal in August this year. The equipment was jointly constructed by Nanjing Power Automation Equipment General Factory under Huadian Group, Beijing Coal Chemical Engineering Branch Institute under  相似文献   

From the first wind power generator commissioned till now,the electric generation of wind farm in Nan'ao County, which islocated in east part of Guangdong Province, has accumulatedto nearly 2 TWh, the production value reaches more than RMB100 million yuan. With ten years of development andconstruction, Nan'ao wind farm has become the second largewind farm of China. Early in this year, Nan'ao County has listedwind power as one of the ten economic key projects of thewhole county. 10 million…  相似文献   

On October 21, 2003, the first unit of Taishan PowerPlant-the largest coal-fired power plant plannedcurrently in Asia, was successfully connected to the power grid to generate electricity.  相似文献   

Web Services technology constitutes the preferred implementation vehicle for service-oriented architectures.  相似文献   

TheNorthwestChinahasavastterritory,comprisingfiveprovincesandautonomousregionswhichareShaanxi,Gansu,Qinghai,NingxiaandXinjiang.Itsareais3,047,500km2,coveringonethirdofthetotalareaofChina.TheNorthwestRegionisrichinnaturalresources,especiallyinhydropowerandcoalresourceswhichprovideexceptionaladvantagesfordevelopingpowerindustryinthisarea.ThepowerindustryinNorthwestRegionhasbeendevelopingfor79years.BeforethefoundingofthePeople'sRepublicofChinainl949,thepowerindustrymadeaslowprogresswithbac…  相似文献   

China is a large agricultural country with rural population amounting to more than 80% of the total. Since the founding of the People's Republic of China, along with the incessant development of rural economy and agriculture, the country's rural electrification grows out from nothing and increases from  相似文献   

This articles discusses the parallels between the past trends in the US electricity sector with forthcoming trends in the water sector.  相似文献   

1:1 Scale Testing Tower for "Study of External Insulation Characteristics Test of 1:1 Scale Testing Tower for 1000 kV Double Circuit with Same Tower" Has Been Successfully Erected 1:1 scale testing tower for "study of external insulation characteristics test of 1:1 scale testing tower for 1000 kV double circuit with same tower"  相似文献   

Übersicht Für die Dimensionierung von Erdungsanlagen wird in den meisten Fällen der spezifische Erdwiderstand entweder gemessen oder nur geschätzt und aufgrund dessen die Erdungsanlage ausgelegt. Im allgemeinen wird von einem homogene Erdreich ausgegangen, aber der Erdboden ist überwiegend geschichtet, wodurch unterschiedliche spezifische Leitfähigkeiten auftreten können (z.B.: Humusboden auf Kies oder Sand). Dabei kann die spezifische Leitfähigkeit des Untergrundes gegenüber der oberen Schicht um Zehnerpotenzen differieren. Zur korrekten Dimensionierung der Erdungsanlagen muß deshalb die Schichtung des Erdbodens beachtet werden. Im folgenden werden die physikalischen und rechnerischen Unterlagen für die Berechnung von Erdungsanlagen in Böden mit zwei Schichten dargelegt. Da die Berechnung von Hand für geschichtete Böden außerordentlich aufwendig ist, wurde das Rechenprogramm ERSO (ERdungs-SOftware) entwickelt, mittels dessen einerseits die vereinfachte Eingabe der Kenndaten des Bodens sowie der Erdungsanlage ermöglicht wird, andererseits die Berechnungen automatisch, einschließlich optional der Spannungsverläufe (z. B.: zur Bestimmung der Schrittspannungen an der Erdoberfläche) ausgeführt werden können.
Grounding systems in two-layer-soils
Contents For the design of grounding systems the specific earth resistance is mostly measured or estimated, and on this basis the earth systems resistance is calculated. Generally a uniform soil is assumed. In reality, however, often a layer of a specific earth resistance covers the underground of another specific earth resistance (e. g. a layer of humus on a layer of grit or sand). Hence the specific resistance of the above layer can differ by some orders of magnitude from the resistance of the underground. For a correct calculation of grounding systems is it necessary to take into consideration the stratification of the soil. The physical and mathematical procedures for the calculation of the resistance of grounding systems in two-layer soils are exposed. To avoid the manual calculation of grounding systems in multi-layer soils, the computer software ERSO (EaRthing SOftware) was developed. ERSO allows to introduce easily the data of the grounding system and to calculated automatically the results (e.g. curves of the surface voltage profiles).

Liste der verwendeten Formelzeichen d Durchmesser des Einzelerders - D Durchmesser bei Kugelerder Durchmesser der Kugel bei Ringerder Durchmesser des Ringes - H Dicke der oberen Erdschicht - I Strom durch den Erder - I m Strom durch den Teilleiter m - j Stromdichte - k Reflexionskoeffizient - k e Modul des elliptischen Integrals - K (ke) Vollständiges elliptisches Integral - K m, n (q) Potential im Potentialbestimmungspunkt des realen Einzelerders m, generiert vom Einzelerder n (Abbild q), durchflossen vom StromI n =1 - L Länge; bei linearen Erdern Länge des Erders - P Raumpunkt für den das Potential bestimmt werden soll - P 1 Raumpunkt eines Erders; bei Kugelerdern der Mittelpunkt der Kugel bei linearen Erdern der erste Endpunkt des Erders bei Ringeredern der Mittelpunkt des Ringes - P 2 Raumpunkt eines Erders; bei linearen Erdern der zweite Endpunkt des Erders - r Abstand - R Ausbreitungswiderstand eines Erders - T Eingrabungstiefe der Erder; bei Kugelerdern Eingrabungstiefe des Mittelpunktes der Kugel bei Ringerdern Eingrabungstiefe des Mittelpunktes des Ringes - U Spannung der Erdungsanlage - x m X-Koordinate des PunktesP m - y m Y-Koordinate des PunktesP m - z m Z-Koordinate des PunktesP m - Spezifischer Widerstand - 0 Spezifischer Widerstand der Atmosphäre (0=) - Potential im Punkte P - K Potential im Potentialbestimmungspunkt P, generiert von einem Kugelerder - L Potential im Potentialbestimmungspunkt P, generiert von einem Ringerder - R Potential im Potentialbestimmungspunkt P, generiert von einem Ringerder - m,n(q) Potential im Potentialbestimmungspunkt (am Mantel) des realen Einzelerders m, generiert durch das Abbild q des Einzelerders n  相似文献   

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