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Wen‐Sheng Zhao Gaofeng Wang Jun Hu Lingling Sun Hui Hong 《International Journal of Numerical Modelling》2015,28(4):456-464
In this paper, the monolayer single‐walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) interconnects are modeled and investigated comprehensively. On the basis of the ratio of the resistance–capacitance values between Cu and SWCNT interconnects, it is demonstrated that the monolayer SWCNT interconnect can provide comparable and even better performance than Cu wire at the 19 nm technology node and beyond. Furthermore, the relative stability analysis is carried out for the monolayer SWCNT interconnects by investigating the relative position of the Nyquist diagram with respect to the critical point (−1, 0). It is shown that the relative stability can be improved by increasing the length and decreasing the SWCNT diameter. Meanwhile, the relative stability also can be improved with the technology advancement. Finally, the crosstalk effects are studied on the basis of the tri‐interconnect architecture. As the monolayer SWCNT interconnects possess much smaller capacitance, the signal integrity can be improved, with the peak noise voltage suppressed greatly. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Temperature dependant crosstalk analysis in coupled single‐walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) bundle interconnects
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Mayank Kumar Rai Sankar Sarkar 《International Journal of Circuit Theory and Applications》2015,43(10):1367-1378
The temperature‐dependent, crosstalk‐induced, noise voltage waveform and its frequency spectrum, in capacitive coupled single‐walled carbon nanotube (SWCNT) bundle interconnects, at the far end of victim line, have been analyzed at 22‐nm technology node. A similar analysis is performed for copper interconnects and a comparison is made between the results of these two analyses. The SPICE simulation results reveal that at temperature variations ranging from 300 to 500 K, compared with conventional metal (copper) conductors, crosstalk noise voltage levels in CNT, at the far end of victim line, are significantly low. Simulated results further reveal that, with rise in interconnect temperatures, compared with copper interconnects, coupled interconnects of SWCNT bundle filter more noise frequency components. Based on these comparative results, an improved model for extracting inter‐bundle, real life, coupling capacitances between SWCNT bundles has been proposed. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd. 相似文献
Factors affecting the modeling of practical carbon nanotube field-effect transistors are addressed, namely: non-coaxial geometries
such as the double-planar gate, and the semi-cylindrical gate; the thickness of the gate metalization; the azimuthal variation
of the potential and the current. The p-i-n device is used to illustrate the importance of these factors. 相似文献
Degraeve R. Kaczer B. De Keersgieter A. Groeseneken G. 《Device and Materials Reliability, IEEE Transactions on》2001,1(3):163-169
A method to determine the breakdown position in short channel nMOSFETs is introduced. We find that soft breakdown occurs exclusively in the transistor channel, while the hardest circuit-killing breakdowns occur above the source and drain extension regions. Since these breakdowns make up only a small fraction of all breakdowns, a relaxation of the reliability specification is possible 相似文献
对配电网可靠性评估的故障遍历方法和利用故障遍历事件集搜寻薄弱环节的方法进行了简要说明,而得到电网薄弱环节后就可制定相应的改进措施.为了对改进的措施进行评估,提出了因提高电网可靠性而发生的成本以及产生的效益的概念公式,在综合分析两者的基础上,引入了成本/效益比的概念来制定评价电网改造方案可行性和最优性的判据.最后对我国江西省某地区的县级实际中压配电网从四个方面提出了改进措施,同时利用上述判据对改进措施进行评估并得到最终的改进方案. 相似文献
模块化多电平换流器(MMC)IGBT子模块的平均结温及其波动会显著影响其失效率,进而对系统的可靠性产生影响。在MMC热平衡算法的基础上,分析如何在降低MMC子模块结温分布差异和保持子模块的电容电压波动不变的前提下,只通过改变子模块的投切过程来降低结温波动的可能性。以接近结温波动的最小理论幅值ΔT_(min)、降低子模块间的结温波动差异为目标,结合预测得到的下一个控制周期中器件的结温,给出温度波动优化的控制策略。采用Coffin-Manson寿命模型和线性累计损伤理论,评估温度优化控制策略下MMC系统的寿命。最后,在MATLAB中搭建10电平仿真模型,仿真结果表明通过对MMC系统进行温度控制可以提高系统的可靠性。 相似文献
Morteza Charmi Hamid R. Mashayekhi Ali A. Orouji 《Journal of Computational Electronics》2014,13(1):307-312
The impact of high-k gate dielectrics and fringing induced barrier lowering (FIBL) effects on a nano double gate MOSFET is studied over a wide range of dielectric permittivity using ballistic quantum simulation. The simulations are based on self-consistent solution of 2D Poisson equation and Schrödinger equation with open boundary conditions, within the Non-equilibrium Green’s Function formalism. The numerical results show that the use of high-k gate at fixed equivalent oxide thickness (EOT), deteriorates the short channel effects due to FIBL effect. We show that the FIBL can be effectively suppressed by using underlapped source/drain region. 相似文献
通过对基于2 Mbit/s通道电流差动保护技术、SDH光纤自愈环保护技术以及传输时延对2 Mbit/s复用保护影响等综合分析,结合2 Mbit/s通道电流差动保护在运用中存在的问题,提出了提高差动保护传输通道可靠性的方法和策略。 相似文献
采用的主要原料为柠檬酸(C_6H_8O_7)和[Pb(NO_3)_2],通过将柠檬酸铅[Pb(C_6H_8O_7)·H_2O]沉积在活性炭的表面,然后再将其进行热解处理即可得到改性活性炭,改性活性炭可减小析氢电流、增加析氧阻抗。与普通电池相比通过改性活性炭制备所得铅炭电池高倍率部分荷电态(HRPSoC)的循环寿命可延长42.1%,快速充电(1 h)接受能力可提高19.4%。 相似文献
通过对2005年全国220 kV及以上电压等级输变电设施、城市用户供电可靠性的可靠性指标的统计,对影响变压器、断路器、架空线路3类主要输变电设施可靠性的计划停运、非计划停运的主要因素及对影响用户供电可靠性的预安排停电、故障停电的主要影响因素进行分析与评估。特别是通过近几年的指标分析比较,提出影响可靠性因素的变化趋势,为未来几年提高输变电设施、供电用户可靠性提供了有益的依据。 相似文献
《Electric Power Systems Research》2004,71(2):129-134
Power system deregulation provides customers choices on electricity regarding price and reliability. This paper investigates the impact of random failures on the nodal price and the nodal reliability in a restructured power system. The expected nodal price and the associated standard deviation are introduced to incorporate the effect of random failures on the nodal price. Nodal reliability indices rather than conventional reliability indices used in vertically-integrated power systems are used in this paper to represent customer load point reliability in a restructured power market. A probabilistic technique, which combines the reliability assessment approach and the optimal power flow (OPF) method, is developed to determine the expected nodal price and the associated expected nodal risk. The price fluctuation and the corresponding probability for each system state are also presented. The relationship between the nodal price and nodal reliability are also investigated and discussed in this paper. 相似文献
随着现代大电力系统的发展,EPS,ICS和MCS完全融合成一个综合性、一体化的3S电力系统实体。ICS/MCS的安全性问题成为电力系统安全的关键问题之一。文章介绍了3S系统的基本情况,阐述了ICS/MCS在3S系统中的地位,并分析了其对电网安全的影响。 相似文献
2010年全国输变电设施可靠性分析 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
通过对2010年全国220 kV及以上电压等级输变电设施可靠性分析,特别是对220 kV、330 kV、500 kV变压器、断路器、架空线路3类主要输变电设施的计划停运及非计划停运方面的分析,从技术及责任原因中找出影响其运行可靠性的薄弱环节,并通过设备型式、部件分析、进口与国产设备指标对比,找出了可靠性的变化趋势,为规划、设计、施工、生产等各环节电力企业制定确保输变电设施可靠性有效措施提供参考依据。 相似文献
2009年全国输变电设施可靠性分析 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
通过对2009年全国220 kV及以上电压等级输变电设施可靠性指标的统计,对影响变压器、断路器、架空线路3类主要输变电设施可靠性的计划停运、非计划停运的主要因素进行分析与评估。特别是通过近几年的指标分析比较,提出影响可靠性因素的变化趋势,为未来几年提高输变电设施可靠性提供有益的依据。 相似文献
通过对2008年全国220kV及以上电压等级输变电设施的可靠性指标的统计,对影响变压器、断路器、架空线路3类主要输变电设施可靠性的计划停运、非计划停运的主要因素进行分析与评估.特别是通过近几年的指标分析比较,提出影响可靠性因素的变化趋势,为未来几年提高输变电设施可靠性提供有益的依据. 相似文献
基于二分法的聚类负荷模型及其在电力系统可靠性评估中的应用 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
目前用于可靠性评估的负荷模型主要有峰荷模型、分级负荷模型以及聚类负荷模型等,这些模型难以同时满足计算精度和计算复杂性的要求.建立了基于二分法的聚类负荷模型并将其应用到电力系统可靠性评估中.该模型利用二分法原理较快地确定最佳分级数,利用快速排序算法和聚类技术将年负荷曲线中各负荷点归并到相应的负荷级,具有降低计算复杂性和提高模拟精度的特点,能较好地反映负荷实际变化趋势.应用该模型对IEEE-RTS79测试系统进行可靠性评估,通过比较几种不同负荷模型下的可靠性评估结果,说明所提模型准确可靠,计算量较小,具有应用价值. 相似文献