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分析不同的耐火材料导热系数试验方法,介绍其试验原理、样品尺寸、温度范围等方面的内容,为最终能够在耐火材料导热系数检验过程中,选择适合的导热系数测定方法提供了借鉴,并且提出了当前导热系数测定过程中急需解决的问题。  相似文献   

热线探针测定液体的导热系数   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文分析了热线探针测定液体导热系数时产生误差的原因,指出了设计探针时应注意的问题。首次提出了利用实验数据对导热系数关联式进行校正的“两点式还原法”,从而提高了测量精度,与发表的文献数据相比,校正后的数据相对误差在±3%内。  相似文献   

设计了一种测定松散煤体导热系数的便携式测试仪,在测定时对松散煤体恒功率加热,将其实时温度送入单片机,处理结果经串口通信传入笔记本电脑。实测结果显示其方便程度大大增加,成本大幅降低。  相似文献   

吴荔洁  张阳  郝会兵 《广东化工》2012,39(6):227+225-227,225
文章采用瞬态热线法测试PE材料的导热系数,介绍了瞬态热线法的优势,并使用TC3000导热系数仪更加快捷、精确、高效的测试PE材料的导热系数。  相似文献   

为了给可替代清洁燃料的研究提供急需的基础物性数据,利用瞬态单热线法对温度区间为250~390K、压力区间为0.1~30MPa的碳酸二乙酯(DEC)的导热系数进行了实验研究。将实验数据拟合成关于温度和压力的导热系数方程,并分析了碳酸二乙酯导热系数与温度和压力的关系,方程采用完全三次多项式形式。结果表明,碳酸二乙酯的导热系数随温度升高而减小,随压力的升高而增大。实验数据与拟合方程计算值的最大偏差为-1.94%,绝对平均偏差为0.84%。另外,文中对改进的瞬态单热线测量导热系数实验装置以及所采用的测量系统进行了说明。  相似文献   

导热系数测试方法的综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文介绍了导热系数的五种测试方法,描述各种方法的测试原理及其计算方法。材料导热系数测试方法各有其特点,在选择时。应该充分考虑测试材料的性质、导热系数范围、测试温度等。  相似文献   

利用瞬态双热线法测量了243—403 K温度范围内饱和液相甲基叔丁基醚的导热系数,并将实验数据拟合为温度的关联式。实验数据与导热系数关联式计算结果的标准偏差和最大偏差分别为0.30%和0.89%,导热系数的合成标准不确定度小于±1.0%。甲基叔丁基醚导热系数的实验研究为正在进行的甲基叔丁基醚替代物筛选提供急需的基础热物性数据,对改进汽油、柴油质量,提高油品的环境友好性及推广使用清洁燃料方面有重要价值。  相似文献   

赵波 《塑料科技》2020,48(1):138-141
稳态热流计法操作简单,广泛用于测量保温材料的导热系数。但由于仪器设备和方法的限制,难以测试异型材料的导热系数。分别采用并联模型法和直接测量法分析了挤塑聚苯乙烯泡沫、硬质聚氨酯泡沫、橡塑泡沫在平均温度10、15、25℃下的导热系数。结果表明:在不同平均温度和不同材料中,采用并联模型法所计算的导热系数与测试结果误差较小,说明并联模型法可用于不规则泡沫塑料导热系数的测试。  相似文献   

研究了瞬态圆球法测定有机溶液导热系数的方法,采用珠状热敏电阻来构成导热池,由测量导热池、参比导热池与两固定电阻组成测量电桥,导出了电桥的电压变化与被测液体导热系数之间的关系,通过测量电桥的电压值,测定了几种有机溶液的导热系数。  相似文献   

以国标 (GB/T10 2 97- 98)测定非金属固体材料热导率的热线法为基础 ,对热线和热电偶等涂敷一层绝缘涂料 ,测定了含SiC的耐火混合料的热导率。采用高精密仪表及利用多点测试数据线性回归处理法 ,可提高测量结果的可靠性和精度。  相似文献   

《Ceramics International》2022,48(10):13794-13802
It is critically desired to integrate high in-plane thermal conductivity (TC) and distinguished electric insulation for thermal conductive film in modern electronic devices. Herein, integration of high TC and electric insulation in sandwich-like BNNSs@MWCNTs/PEI (S-BNNSs@MWCNTs/PEI) composite film has been successfully achieved by layer-by-layer spin coating and hot pressing inspired by highly ordered structure of natural nacre. The covalently bonded connections between BNNSs and MWCNTs are beneficial to create more efficient heat conduction path, which can partly decrease the interfacial thermal resistance and phonon scattering. The resultant S-BNNSs@MWCNTs/PEI composite films possess a high in-plane TC of 6.88 W m?1K?1. Meantime, benefiting from the alternating multilayer structure, the composite films exhibit satisfactory reliable dielectric performances with flexibility, which shows great potential in ceramics-filled polymer composite TIMs.  相似文献   

含锆高铝耐火纤维毡的导热性能研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
测定了含锆高铝耐火纤维毡在不同条件下的高温热导率 ,并分析了温度 容重 方向对热导率的影响。结果表明 :容重一定时 ,热导率随温度升高而升高 ;高温热导率随容重升高而减小 ;材料热导率的各向异性比较显著  相似文献   

The research on the thermal property of the hydrate has recently made great progress,including the understanding of hydrate thermal conductivity and effective thermal conductivity(ETC)of hydrate-bearing sediment.The thermal conductivity of hydrate is of great significance for the hydrate-related field,such as the natural gas hydrate exploitation and prevention of the hydrate plugging in oil or gas pipelines.In order to obtain a comprehensive understanding of the research progress of the hydrate thermal conductivity and the ETC of hydrate-bearing sediment,the literature on the studies of the thermal conductivity of hydrate and the ETC of hydrate-bearing sediment were summarized and reviewed in this study.Firstly,experimental studies of the reported measured values and the temper-ature dependence of the thermal conductivity of hydrate were discussed and reviewed.Secondly,the studies of the experimental measurements of the ETC of hydrate-bearing sediment and the effects of temperature,porosity,hydrate saturation,water saturation,thermal conductivity of porous medium,phase change,and other factors on the ETC of hydrate-bearing sediment were discussed and reviewed.Thirdly,the research progress of modeling on the ETC of the hydrate-bearing sediment was reviewed.The thermal conductivity determines the heat transfer capacity of the hydrate reservoir and directly affects the hydrate exploitation efficiency.Future efforts need to be devoted to obtain experimental data of the ETC of hydrate reservoirs and establish models to accurately predict the ETC of hydrate-bearing sediment.  相似文献   

This paper reviewed the previously proposed models of thermal conductivity (κ) for a series and parallel flow of energy input in laminated composites. These two models were coupled to derive the thermal conductivity (κa) of material with simple cubic particulate inclusion. The derived equation depends upon κ1 of inclusion, κ2 of a continuous phase and volume fraction of inclusion. The size and shape factors of inclusion are cancelled during the derivation of κa. The newly constructed κa equation explains well the measured κa for AlN particle-dispersed SiO2 system.  相似文献   

Arabinda Ray  B.P. Suthar 《Polymer》1984,25(1):129-131
The electrical conductivity of poly Schiff bases obtained from benzidine-3,3'-dicarboxylic acid (BDC) with diacetyl diphenyl ether (DDE) and Glyoxal (GLY) is explained with the help of Pariser-Parr-Pople calculation. The effect of functional groups on the conduction has also been elucidated.  相似文献   

C-axis textured Si3N4 with a high thermal conductivity of 176 W m−1 K−1 along the grain alignment direction was fabricated by slip casting raw α-Si3N4 powder seeded with near-equiaxed β-Si3N4 particles and Y2O3–MgSiN2 as sintering additives in a rotating strong magnetic field of 12 T, followed by gas pressure sintering at 1900 °C for 12 h at a nitrogen pressure of 1 MPa. The green material reached a relative density of 57%, with slip casting and the sintered material exhibited a relative density of 99% and a Lotgering orientation factor of 0.98. The morphology of the β-Si3N4 seeds had little effect on the texture development and thermal anisotropy of textured Si3N4. The technique developed provides highly conductive Si3N4 with conductivity to the thickness direction, which is a major advantage in practical use. The technique is also simple, inexpensive and effective for producing textured Si3N4 with high thermal conductivity of over 170 W m−1 K−1.  相似文献   

Modified transient plane source method has been applied for thermal conductivity measurements of three water-based nanofluids containing Al2O3, TiO2, and graphene nanoparticles. Experiments were conducted at different temperatures and concentrations. The effects of sort of nanoparticles, concentration, and diameter of nanoparticles as well as temperature were studied by comparing the experimental results with the predictions of ten preceding models. The overall performances of these models were compared in terms of percent error. Percent errors were observed in the current study ranging from vicinity of zero up to nearly 110% that belonged to Bruggeman model in predicting the thermal conductivity ratio of graphene/water nanofluids. All ten models performed acceptably in calculating thermal conductivity ratio of Al2O3 nanofluids with the maximum percent error of 2.16%. Four correlations are proposed based on the experimental results of this work three of which are special to each nanofluid and the fourth one is overall. These models succeeded to predict the thermal conductivity ratio of the studied nanofluids with considerably lower percent errors which was maximum 5.19% observed in predicting the thermal conductivity ratio of graphene/water nanofluid.  相似文献   

The hot‐wire parallel technique standardized for determining the thermal conductivity of ceramic materials was employed in the determination of the thermal properties of polymers. For these materials, additional care must be taken considering the low melting point of polymers, when compared with that for ceramic materials. Samples can be prepared either in the shape of bricks or in the shape of half‐cylinders. The thermal conductivity and the specific heat were simultaneously determined from the same experimental thermal transient, and the thermal diffusivity is derived from these properties. Five different polymers with different structures at room temperature were selected, and measurements were carried out from room temperature to approximately the maximum service operating temperature. A nonlinear least‐squares fitting method was employed in the calculations, so that all the experimental points obtained are considered in the thermal properties' calculations. The apparatus used in this work is fully automatic. The reproducibility is very good with respect to the thermal conductivity, even with a defective experimental arrangement with respect to the theoretical model. However, deviations from the theoretical model have a severe influence on the specific heat values and, consequently, on the thermal diffusivity. Experimental results were compared with those available in the literature, showing the applicability of this technique for the determination of thermal properties of polymers. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 85: 1779–1786, 2002  相似文献   

Generally polymer bulk structures and nanostructures are thermally insulative. In this study, we show that an improved nanoporous template wetting technique can prepare thermally conductive polymer nanowire arrays. The thermal conductivities of the fabricated high-density polyethylene (HDPE) nanowire arrays with diameters of 100 nm and 200 nm, measured by a laser flash method, are about 2 orders of magnitude higher than their bulk counterparts. The estimated thermal conductivity of a single HDPE nanowire is as high as 26.5 W/mK at room temperature. The high orientation of chains of the HDPE nanowires may arise from the integrative effects of shear rate, vibrational perturbation, translocation, nanoconfinement and crystallization. Findings in this study provide useful strategies on enhancing the intrinsic thermal properties of polymer nanostructures.  相似文献   

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