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Despite the widespread use of social media by students and its increased use by instructors, very little empirical evidence is available concerning the impact of social media use on student learning and engagement. This paper describes our semester‐long experimental study to determine if using Twitter – the microblogging and social networking platform most amenable to ongoing, public dialogue – for educationally relevant purposes can impact college student engagement and grades. A total of 125 students taking a first year seminar course for pre‐health professional majors participated in this study (70 in the experimental group and 55 in the control group). With the experimental group, Twitter was used for various types of academic and co‐curricular discussions. Engagement was quantified by using a 19‐item scale based on the National Survey of Student Engagement. To assess differences in engagement and grades, we used mixed effects analysis of variance (ANOVA) models, with class sections nested within treatment groups. We also conducted content analyses of samples of Twitter exchanges. The ANOVA results showed that the experimental group had a significantly greater increase in engagement than the control group, as well as higher semester grade point averages. Analyses of Twitter communications showed that students and faculty were both highly engaged in the learning process in ways that transcended traditional classroom activities. This study provides experimental evidence that Twitter can be used as an educational tool to help engage students and to mobilize faculty into a more active and participatory role.  相似文献   

Pervasive sensing of people’s opinions is becoming critical in strategic decision processes, as it may be helpful in identifying problems and strengthening strategies. A recent research trend is to understand users’ opinions through a sentiment analysis of contents published in the Twitter platform. This approach involves two challenges: the large volume of available data and the large variety of used languages combined with the brevity of texts. The former makes manual analysis unreasonable, whereas the latter complicates any type of automatic analysis. Since sentiment analysis is a difficult process for computers, but it is quite simple for humans, in this article, we transform the sentiment analysis process into a game. Indeed, we consider the game with a purpose approach and we propose a game that involves users in classifying the polarity (e.g., positive, negative, neutral) and the sentiment (e.g., joy, surprise, sadness) of tweets. To evaluate the proposal, we used a dataset of 52,877 tweets, we developed a Web-based game, we invited people to play the game, and we validated the results through two different methods: ground-truth and manual assessment. The obtained results showed that the game approach is effective in measuring people’ sentiments and also highlighted that participants liked to play the game.  相似文献   

Social media such as forums, blogs and microblogs has been increasingly used for public information sharing and opinions exchange nowadays. It has changed the way how online community interacts and somehow has led to a new trend of engagement for online retailers especially on microblogging websites such as Twitter. In this study, we investigated the impact of online retailers' engagement with the online brand communities on users' perception of brand image and service. Firstly, we analysed the overall sentiment trends of different brands and the patterns of engagement between companies and customers using the collected tweets posted on a popular social media platform, Twitter. Then, we studied how different types of engagements affect customer sentiments. Our analysis shows that engagement has an effect on sentiments that associate with brand image, perception and customer service of the online retailers. Our findings indicate that the level, length, type and attitude of retailers' engagement with social media users have a significant impact on their sentiments. Based on our results, we derived several important managerial and practical implications.  相似文献   

Twitter已经成为微博中的代表性应用,但是通过分析发现twitter上的消息(推文)有很多完全一致或相似,这对后续对推文的分析和存储都带来很大的问题。为了处理这些内容完全一致或相似的消息(推文),针对推文特有的短文本的特点,基于规则处理完全一致的推文,采用simhash的方法来处理相似性的推文。实验采用实际抓取的240万条推文数据进行分析和处理,分别对中文和英文的推文重复情况进行了分析,实验结果发现重复的推文占总推文的10%左右。  相似文献   

Twitter is one of the most popular applications in the current Internet with more than 500 M registered users across the world. In this paper, we conduct a comprehensive analysis to understand the geographical characteristics of Twitter using cross-community mining techniques. Specifically, we study the locality level shown by the three main elements of Twitter, namely users, relationships and information flow. For this purpose, we rely on a dataset including the geolocation information of more than 17, 100 and 3.5 M users, relationships and tweets, respectively. Our main findings are: (1) most of the Twitter users perform their activity from an area of at most few hundred kms covering few cities within a unique country; (2) the location (i.e., country), and in particular factors such as language or Twitter popularity within a country, dictates the level of locality in the relationships of users and Twitter conversations originated in that country. The combination of these factors reveals the presence of four types of country locality profiles that we carefully analyze and compare in the paper.  相似文献   

Twitter将部分应用从Ruby迁移到了Scala。三位开发者详谈决策背后的因素、Scala在现实应用中遇到的困难以及Scala对编程风格的影响。  相似文献   

The convergence of broadcasting and broadband communications network technologies has attracted increasing attention as a means to enrich the television viewing experience of viewers. Toward this end, this study proposes the ‘Intelligence Circulation System (ICS)’, which provides several services, by using newly developed algorithms for analysing Twitter messages. Twitter users often post messages about on-air TV programmes. ICS obtains viewer responses from tweets without requiring any new infrastructure or changes in users’ habits or behaviours, and it generates and provides several outputs to heterogeneous devices based on the analysis results. The algorithms—designed by considering the characteristics of Twitter messages about TV programmes—use auxiliary programme information, similarity between messages, and time series of messages. An evaluation of our algorithms using Twitter messages about all programme genres for a month showed that the accuracy of topic extraction was 85 % for an emphasis on quality (with 56 % of messages processed) and 65 % for an emphasis on quantity (with 95 % of messages processed). The accuracy of message sentimental classification was 66 %. We also describe social recommendation services using the analysis result. We have created a Social TV site for a large-scale field trial, and we have analysed users’ behaviours by comparing four types of social recommendation services on it. The experimental result shows that active and passive communication users had different needs with regard to the recommendations. ICS can generate recommendations for satisfying the needs of both user types by using the analysis result of Twitter messages.  相似文献   

Social media platforms such as Twitter are becoming increasingly mainstream which provides valuable user-generated information by publishing and sharing contents. Identifying interesting and useful contents from large text-streams is a crucial issue in social media because many users struggle with information overload. Retweeting as a forwarding function plays an important role in information propagation where the retweet counts simply reflect a tweet’s popularity. However, the main reason for retweets may be limited to personal interests and satisfactions. In this paper, we use a topic identification as a proxy to understand a large number of tweets and to score the interestingness of an individual tweet based on its latent topics. Our assumption is that fascinating topics generate contents that may be of potential interest to a wide audience. We propose a novel topic model called Trend Sensitive-Latent Dirichlet Allocation (TS-LDA) that can efficiently extract latent topics from contents by modeling temporal trends on Twitter over time. The experimental results on real world data from Twitter demonstrate that our proposed method outperforms several other baseline methods.  相似文献   

To push the state of the art in text mining applications, research in natural language processing has increasingly been investigating automatic irony detection, but manually annotated irony corpora are scarce. We present the construction of a manually annotated irony corpus based on a fine-grained annotation scheme that allows for identification of different types of irony. We conduct a series of binary classification experiments for automatic irony recognition using a support vector machine (SVM) that exploits a varied feature set and compare this method to a deep learning approach that is based on an LSTM network and (pre-trained) word embeddings. Evaluation on a held-out corpus shows that the SVM model outperforms the neural network approach and benefits from combining lexical, semantic and syntactic information sources. A qualitative analysis of the classification output reveals that the classifier performance may be further enhanced by integrating implicit sentiment information and context- and user-based features.  相似文献   

In this paper we present a methodology to analyze and visualize streams of Social Media messages and apply it to a case in which Twitter is used as a backchannel, i.e. as a communication medium through which participants follow an event in the real world as it unfolds. Unlike other methods based on social networks or theories of information diffusion, we do not assume proximity or a pre-existing social structure to model content generation and diffusion by distributed users; instead we refer to concepts and theories from discourse psychology and conversational analysis to track online interaction and discover how people collectively make sense of novel events through micro-blogging. In particular, the proposed methodology extracts concept maps from twitter streams and uses a mix of sentiment and topological metrics computed over the extracted concept maps to build visual devices and display the conversational flow represented as a trajectory through time of automatically extracted topics. We evaluated the proposed method through data collected from the analysis of Twitter users’ reactions to the March 2015 Apple Keynote during which the company announced the official launch of several new products.  相似文献   


Though there are currently no statistics offering a global overview of online hate speech, both social networking platforms and organisations that combat hate speech have recognised that prevention strategies are needed to address this negative online phenomenon. While most cases of online hate speech target individuals on the basis of ethnicity and nationality, incitements to hatred on the basis of religion, class, gender and sexual orientation are increasing. This paper reports the findings of the ‘Italian Hate Map’ project, which used a lexicon-based method of semantic content analysis to extract 2,659,879 Tweets (from 879,428 Twitter profiles) over a period of 7 months; 412,716 of these Tweets contained negative terms directed at one of the six target groups. In the geolocalized Tweets, women were the most insulted group, having received 71,006 hateful Tweets (60.4% of the negative geolocalized tweets), followed by immigrants (12,281 tweets, 10.4%), gay and lesbian persons (12,140 tweets, 10.3%), Muslims (7,465 tweets, 6.4%), Jews (7,465 tweets, 6.4%) and disabled persons (7,230 tweets, 6.1%). The findings provide a real-time snapshot of community behaviours and attitudes against social, ethnic, sexual and gender minority groups that can be used to inform intolerance prevention campaigns on both local and national levels.  相似文献   

Twitter messages are increasingly used to determine consumer sentiment towards a brand. The existing literature on Twitter sentiment analysis uses various feature sets and methods, many of which are adapted from more traditional text classification problems. In this research, we introduce an approach to supervised feature reduction using n-grams and statistical analysis to develop a Twitter-specific lexicon for sentiment analysis. We augment this reduced Twitter-specific lexicon with brand-specific terms for brand-related tweets. We show that the reduced lexicon set, while significantly smaller (only 187 features), reduces modeling complexity, maintains a high degree of coverage over our Twitter corpus, and yields improved sentiment classification accuracy. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the devised Twitter-specific lexicon compared to a traditional sentiment lexicon, we develop comparable sentiment classification models using SVM. We show that the Twitter-specific lexicon is significantly more effective in terms of classification recall and accuracy metrics. We then develop sentiment classification models using the Twitter-specific lexicon and the DAN2 machine learning approach, which has demonstrated success in other text classification problems. We show that DAN2 produces more accurate sentiment classification results than SVM while using the same Twitter-specific lexicon.  相似文献   

This paper describes a support vector machine-based approach to different tasks related to sentiment analysis in Twitter for Spanish. We focus on parameter optimization of the models and the combination of several models by means of voting techniques. We evaluate the proposed approach in all the tasks that were defined in the five editions of the TASS workshop, between 2012 and 2016. TASS has become a framework for sentiment analysis tasks that are focused on the Spanish language. We describe our participation in this competition and the results achieved, and then we provide an analysis of and comparison with the best approaches of the teams who participated in all the tasks defined in the TASS workshops. To our knowledge, our results exceed those published to date in the sentiment analysis tasks of the TASS workshops.  相似文献   

Research on mobile-based assessment systems is still an emerging topic in the mobile learning field. Current research has demonstrated that the use of mobile-based assessment systems seems to have a positive impact on students' learning outcomes and motivation. The paper identifies some factors that influence student engagement with mobile-based formative assessment in a language learning course. Survival analysis of the interaction of N = 86 students from eight English as a Foreign Language (EFL) courses over 5 weeks showed that students with higher levels of self-reported effort and perceived importance engaged for longer periods of time. Perceived ease of use, perceived usefulness and behavioural intention to use were all predictors of the longer use of mobile-based assessment systems. We found that within the first 25–50 min of use, about half of the students might disengage from using a mobile-based assessment application.  相似文献   

Öhman  Carl  Gorwa  Robert  Floridi  Luciano 《Minds and Machines》2019,29(2):331-338
Minds and Machines - The automation of online social life is an urgent issue for researchers and the public alike. However, one of the most significant uses of such technologies seems to have gone...  相似文献   

本文将中间件技术引入到Twitter系统结构中,设计并实现了一套可信任的Twitter解决方案,该方案包括以下几部分:首先将系统的消息类型划分为存储型消息和验证型消息,并针对这两种不同的消息类型提出了相应的处理机制;提出以星型结构为基础的系统架构,引入消息中间件层,用于处理应用服务器传递的信息,采用中间件的分层结构体系,可以平衡各前端应用节点的负载,提高系统的可靠性、可伸缩性和可扩展性,使承载大访问量的Twitter服务成为可能。  相似文献   

Despite the increasing interest around cloud concepts, current cloud technologies and services related to security are not mature enough to enable a more widespread industrial acceptance of cloud systems. Providing an adequate level of resilience to cloud services is a challenging problem due to the complexity of the environment as well as the need for efficient solutions that could preserve cloud benefits over other solutions. In this paper we provide the architectural design, implementation details, and performance results for a customizable resilience service solution for cloud guests. This solution leverages execution path analysis. In particular, we propose an architecture that can trace, analyze and control live virtual machine activity as well as intervened code and data modifications—possibly due to either malicious attacks or software faults. Execution path analysis allows the virtual machine manager (VMM) to trace the VM state and to prevent such a guest from reaching faulty states. We evaluated the effectiveness and performance trade-off of our prototype on a real cloud test bed. Experimental results support the viability of the proposed solution.  相似文献   

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