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The ability to grow efficient CdTe/CdS solar cells in substrate configuration would not only allow for the use of non‐transparent and flexible substrates but also enable a better control of junction formation. Yet, the problems of barrier formation at the back contact as well as the formation of a p–n junction with reduced recombination losses have to be solved. In this work, CdTe/CdS solar cells in substrate configuration were developed, and the results on different combinations of back contact materials are presented. The Cu content in the electrical back contact was found to be a crucial parameter for the optimal CdCl2‐treatment procedure. For Cu‐free cells, two activation treatments were applied, whereas Cu‐containing cells were only treated once after the CdTe deposition. A recrystallization behavior of the CdTe layer upon its activation similar to superstrate configuration was found; however, no CdTe–CdS intermixing could be observed when the layers were treated consecutively. Remarkably high VOC and fill factor of 768 mV and 68.6%, respectively, were achieved using a combination of MoO3, Te, and Cu as back contact buffer layer resulting in 11.3% conversion efficiency. With a Cu‐free MoO3/Te buffer material, a VOC of 733 mV, a fill factor of 62.3%, and an efficiency of 10.0% were obtained. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the growth and characterization of improved efficiency wide‐bandgap ZnO/CdS/CuGaSe2 thin‐film solar cells. The CuGaSe2 absorber thickness was intentionally decreased to better match depletion widths indicated by drive‐level capacitance profiling data. A total‐area efficiency of 9·5% was achieved with a fill factor of 70·8% and a Voc of 910 mV. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Polycrystalline CdS/CdTe thin‐film solar cells in the superstrate configuration have been studied by spectroscopic ellipsometry (SE) using glass side illumination. In this measurement method, the first reflection from the ambient/glass interface is rejected, whereas the second reflection from the glass/film‐stack interface is collected; higher order reflections are also rejected. The SE analysis incorporates parameterized dielectric functions ε for solar cell component materials obtained by in situ and variable‐angle SE. In the SE analysis of the complete cells, a step‐wise procedure ranks the fitting parameters, including thicknesses and those defining the spectra in ε, according to their ability to reduce the root‐mean‐square deviation between the simulated and measured SE spectra. The best fit thicknesses from this analysis are found to be consistent with electron microscopy. Based on the SE results, the solar cell quantum efficiency (QE) can be simulated without any free parameters, and comparisons with measured QE enable optical model refinements as well as identification of optical and electronic losses. These capabilities have wide applications in photovoltaic module mapping and in‐line monitoring. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

本文采用化学水浴法沉积CuxS薄膜,通过改变Cu元素比例研究其对碲化镉电池效率的影响。研究表明化学水浴法沉积的CuxS是非晶的,采用适当退火条件可以使其晶化,随着退火温度的提高,薄膜变得致密且结晶明显。CuxS薄膜厚度对电池性能有很大的影响,结果表明,随着CuxS薄膜厚度增加,电池性能先增加后减少。薄膜厚度为75nm时,CdS/CdTe电池性能最佳,达到了最高转化效率(η)为12.19%,填充因子(FF)为68.82%,开路电压(Voc)为820mV。  相似文献   

In this paper a promising solution for the notorious problem of manufacturing a stable low ohmic back contact of a CdTe thin film superstrate solar cell is presented without using elemental copper. Instead we have used a Cu2O layer inserted between the CdTe absorber and metal contact (Au). In contrast to the barrier free band alignment gained by using the transitivity rules, XPS measurements show a barrier in the valence band of the Cu2O layers directly after deposition, which results in a low performing JV curve. The contact can be improved by a short thermal treatment resulting in efficiencies superior to copper based contacts for standard CdS/CdTe hetero junction solar cells prepared on commercial glass/FTO substrates. By replacing the CdS window layer with a CdS:O buffer layer efficiencies of >15% could be achieved. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Electrically conducting aluminum (Al)‐doped ZnO nanorods (NRs) film has been introduced as an anti‐reflective (AR) layer for effective light trapping in chalcogenide thin‐film solar cells. Results indicate that the Al‐doping significantly reduced the electrical contact resistance between the Ag top electrode and the AR layer. The Al‐doped ZnO NRs exhibited low average reflectance (4.5%) over the entire visible and near‐infrared range, and changed the nature of electrical contact between the Ag electrode and the AR layer from Schottky to Ohmic. Finally, the CuInS2 solar cell coated with the Al‐doped ZnO NRs exhibited huge enhancement in photovoltaic efficiency from 9.57% to 11.70% due to the lowering series resistance and the increase in the short‐circuit current density, when compared with that of a solar cell without the AR layer. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Thin‐film Si solar cells employ a back reflector (BR) for a more efficient use of the long wavelength light. Here, we have carried out a cross evaluation of metal (Ag‐based) and dielectric (white paint‐based) BR designs. Conclusive results have been reached regarding the most suitable BR type depending on the front electrode morphology, both with crater‐like and pyramidal texture. The ZnO/Ag BR is found to be optically more efficient because of improved light trapping, although the gain tends to vanish for rougher front electrodes. Thanks to non‐conventional Raman intensity measurements, this dependence on the front texture has been linked to the different weight of front and back interfaces in the light trapping process for the different morphologies. With rougher substrates, because the minor optical gain is accompanied by sputter‐induced electronic deterioration of the solar cell during the ZnO buffer layer deposition, the white paint‐based BR design is preferred. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

To fabricate a high‐efficiency polycrystalline thin‐film tandem cell, the most critical work is to make a high‐efficiency top cell ( > 15%) with high bandgap (Eg = 1·5–1·8 eV) and high transmission (T > 70%) in the near‐infrared (NIR) wavelength region. The CdTe cell is one of the candidates for the top cell, because CdTe state‐of‐the‐art single‐junction devices with efficiencies of more than 16% are available, although its bandgap (1·48 eV) is slightly lower for a top cell in a current‐matched dual‐junction device. In this paper, we focus on the development of a: (1) thin, low‐bandgap CuxTe transparent back‐contact; and (2) modified CdTe device structure, including three novel materials: cadmium stannate transparent conducting oxide (TCO), ZnSnOx buffer layer, and nanocrystalline CdS:O window layer developed at NREL, as well as the high‐quality CdTe film, to improve transmission in the NIR region while maintaining high device efficiency. We have achieved an NREL‐confirmed 13·9%‐efficient CdTe transparent solar cell with an infrared transmission of ∼50% and a CdTe/CIS polycrystalline mechanically stacked thin‐film tandem cell with an NREL‐confirmed efficiency of 15·3%. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Wafer‐Equivalents are thin‐film solar cells that use a low‐cost silicon substrate to epitaxially grow a high‐quality crystalline silicon active layer. The epitaxy wrap‐through (EpiWT) cell is a back‐contact version of the Wafer‐Equivalent that aims to increase currents and gain other benefits of back contacts. The EpiWT cell can be made in a symmetrically interdigitated configuration with 50% back emitter coverage, or using an isolation layer to lower the back emitter coverage to ∼10%, which will theoretically increase voltages. The epitaxial deposition through via holes in the substrate depends on many factors, including the sealing of the deposition chamber, and produces various thicknesses and geometrical forms of the layers in the holes. An extended process has been developed to incorporate a passivated selective emitter and the first batch has been fabricated. The best result was an efficiency of 13.2% with ∼22 µm base layer thickness. The results are limited most by the fill factors at this stage, e.g. 75% for this cell, which is due to a processing difficulty encountered with screen‐printing in via holes. A new isolation layer was tested and successfully implemented for the low back‐emitter configuration. Comparable voltages and currents were achieved but the fill factors were lower than for the 50% back emitter cells, resulting in a best efficiency of 11.2%. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We theoretically investigate light trapping with disordered 1D photonic structures in thin‐film crystalline silicon solar cells. The disorder is modelled in a finite‐size supercell, which allows the use of rigorous coupled‐wave analysis to calculate the optical properties of the devices and the short‐circuit current density Jsc. The role of the Fourier transform of the photonic pattern in the light trapping is investigated, and the optimal correlation between size and position disorder is found. This result is used to optimize the disorder in a more effective way, using a single parameter. We find that a Gaussian disorder always enhances the device performance with respect to the best ordered configuration. To properly quantify this improvement, we calculate the Lambertian limit to the absorption enhancement for 1D photonic structures in crystalline silicon, following the previous work for the 2D case [M.A. Green, Progr. Photovolt: Res. Appl. 2002; 10 (4), pp. 235–241]. We find that disorder optimization can give a relevant contribution to approach this limit. Finally, we propose an optimal disordered 2D configuration and estimate the maximum short‐circuit current that can be achieved, potentially leading to efficiencies that are comparable with the values of other thin‐film solar cell technologies. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The first energy conversion efficiencies of over 5% are reported for evaporated solid‐phase crystallised (SPC) polycrystalline silicon thin‐film solar cells. All cells have a size of 2 cm2 and are formed on planar glass superstrates. Back surface reflectance is provided by a simple coating with commercial white paint. The best cells have short‐circuit current densities of about 19 mA/cm2 and external quantum efficiencies peaking at above 80%. The diffusion length in the base of the solar cells is larger than the base thickness, providing significant room for further efficiency improvements via an increased thickness of the base layer. Additional improvements are expected via the use of textured glass sheets, boosting the light trapping capabilities of the cells. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report the growth and characterization of record‐efficiency ZnO/CdS/CuInGaSe2 thin‐film solar cells. Conversion efficiencies exceeding 19% have been achieved for the first time, and this result indicates that the 20% goal is within reach. Details of the experimental procedures are provided, and material and device characterization data are presented. Published in 2003 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

As an alternative to randomly textured transparent conductive oxides as front contact for thin‐film silicon solar cells the application of transparent grating couplers was studied. The grating couplers were prepared by sputtering of aluminium‐doped zinc oxide (ZnO) on glass substrate, a photolithography and a lift‐off process and were used as periodically textured substrates. The period size and groove depth of these transparent gratings were tuned independently from each other and varied between 1 and 4 μm and 100–600 nm. The optical properties of rectangular‐shaped gratings and the opto‐electronic behaviour of amorphous and microcrystalline silicon solar cells with integrated grating couplers as a function of the grating parameters (period size P and groove depth hg) are presented. The optical properties of the gratings are discussed with respect to randomly textured substrates and the achieved solar cell results are compared with the opto‐electronic properties of solar cells deposited on untextured (flat) and randomly textured substrates. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

The interconnection of solar cells is a critical part of photovoltaic module fabrication. In this paper, a high‐yield, low‐cost method for interconnecting polycrystalline silicon thin‐film solar cells on glass is presented. The method consists of forming adjacent, electrically isolated groves across the cells using laser scribing, and then forming wire bonds over each laser scribe, resulting in series interconnection of the individual solar cells. Wire bonds are also used to connect the first and last solar cell in the string to external (tabbing) leads, forming a mini‐module. A layer of white paint is then applied, which acts as both an encapsulation layer and an additional back surface reflector. Using this method, an 8·3% efficient mini‐module has been fabricated. By exploiting recent developments in wire bonding technology, it appears that this process can be automated and will be capable of forming solar cell interconnections on large‐area modules within relatively short processing times (∼10 min for a 1 m2 module). Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

An analytical framework for identifying key factors of the degradation of photovoltaic efficiency over time is presented. We demonstrate that, in many photovoltaic experimental settings, reliability data sets are easily cast in a multi‐ or N‐way format. We adopt a statistical technique, N‐way partial least squares, that generates a multi‐linear model using all of the data simultaneously. With this approach, we are able to model variables of interest such as cell efficiency while representing the data in a lower‐dimensional space in which salient features are more easily identified. We illustrate our approach with reliability data for CdS/CdTe heterojunction solar cell devices. Even with the inclusion of a noisy parameter such as the net acceptor density, and with a relatively small number of devices, we automatically identify key factors that are highly related to performance degradation. In particular, the conductance at the back contact is related to short stress‐time degradation (0–300 h), whereas the net acceptor density near the junction (at +0.08 V DC bias) is correlated with more gradual, long stress‐time degradation (300–1000 h). These notable degradation modes are explained with respect to our processing conditions and Cu‐diffusion in the cells. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Four different categories of rough reflecting substrates as well as a single periodic grating are incorporated and tested within n‐i‐p type amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) solar cells. Each category is characterised by its own texture shape; dimensions were varied within the categories. Compared to flat reflecting substrates, gains in short‐circuit current density (Jsc) up to 20% have been obtained on rough reflecting plastic substrates. As long as (1) the characteristic dimensions of the textures are lower than the involved light wavelengths, (2) the textures do not present any defects i.e. as long as they do not have large craters or bumps spread over the surface, the root mean square roughness (δRMS) as well as the ratio of average feature height to average period can be used to evaluate the gain in Jsc; if each category of randomly textured substrates is considered separately, the haze factor can be used to estimate δRMS and thereby the gains in Jsc. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Si thin‐film solar cells are suitable to the sunbelt region due to a low temperature coefficient and to building integrated photovoltaics owing to flexible size, easily controllable transmittance, and an aesthetic design. Nevertheless, the application is limited until now due to their low conversion efficiency. We have developed a triple junction cell (a‐Si:H/a‐SiGe:H/µc‐Si:H) providing efficient light utilization. For the high efficiency, we have focused on the smoothing of high haze TCO, a low absorption window layer, a low refractive index interlayer, uniformity control of the thickness and crystalline volume fraction in the microcrystalline silicon layer, and a low absorption back reflector. Through these activities, we have achieved a world record of 13.4% stabilized efficiency in the small size cell (1 cm2) and 10.5% stabilized efficiency in the large area module (1.1 × 1.3 m2), certificated by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory and Advanced Industrial Science and Technology, respectively. This result was presented in solar cell efficiency tables (Version 41). At this moment, we have increased a stabilized efficiency of 11.2% (Output power 160 W) in the large area module. We will report on the advanced materials in detail for high efficiency. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

CuGaSe2 (CGS) thin films were prepared on tin‐doped indium oxide (ITO) coated soda‐lime glass substrates by thermal co‐evaporation to fabricate transparent solar cells. The films consisted of columnar grains with a diameter of approximately 1 μm. Some deterioration of the transparency of the ITO was observed after deposition of the CGS film. The CGS solar cells were electrically connected in series with Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) solar cells and mechanically stacked on the CIGS cells to construct tandem cells. The tandem solar cell with the CGS cell as the top cell showed an efficiency of 7.4% and an open‐circuit voltage of 1.18 V (AM 1.5, total area). Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper presents an environmental comparison based on life cycle assessment (LCA) of the production under average European circumstances and use in The Netherlands of modules based on two kinds of III–V solar cells in an early development stage: a thin‐film gallium arsenide (GaAs) cell and a thin‐film gallium‐indium phosphide/gallium arsenide (GaInP/GaAs) tandem cell. A more general comparison of these modules with the common multicrystalline silicon (multi‐Si) module is also included. The evaluation of the both III–V systems is made for a limited industrial production scale of 0·1 MWp per year, compared to a scale of about 10 MWp per year for the multi‐Si system. The here considered III–V cells allow for reuse of the GaAs wafers that are required for their production. The LCA indicates that the overall environmental impact of the production of the III–V modules is larger than the impact of the common multi‐Si module production; per category their scores have the same order of magnitude. For the III–V systems the metal‐organic vapour phase epitaxy (MOVPE) process is the main contributor to the primary energy consumption. The energy payback times of the thin‐film GaAs and GaInP/GaAs modules are 5·0 and 4·6 years, respectively. For the multi‐Si module an energy payback time of 4·2 years is found. The results for the III–V modules have an uncertainty up to approximately 40%. The highly comparable results for the III–V systems and the multi‐Si system indicate that from an environmental point of view there is a case for further development of both III–V systems. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Texturing of interfaces in thin film silicon solar cells is essential to enhance the produced photocurrent and thus the efficiencies. A UV nano‐imprint‐lithography (UV‐NIL) replication process was developed to prepare substrates with textures that are suitable for the growth of n‐i‐p thin film silicon solar cells. Morphological and optical analyses were performed to assess the quality of the replicas. A comparison of single junction amorphous solar cells on the original structures and on their replicas on glass revealed good light trapping and excellent electrical properties on the replicated structures. A tandem amorphous silicon/amorphous silicon (a‐Si/a‐Si) cell deposited on a replica on plastic exhibits a stabilized efficiency of 8.1% and a high yield of 90% of good cells in laboratory conditions. It demonstrates the possibility to obtain appropriate structure on low cost plastic substrate. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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