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为明晰空间电荷对油纸绝缘纸板中电场强度的畸变效应、纸板老化状态与空间电荷的作用机制,采用双极性载流子输运模型,对不同老化状态的绝缘纸板中的空间电荷特性进行数值模拟。对于同一老化状态下的绝缘纸板施加直流电压时,纸板中会出现同极性电荷积聚现象,且正极性电荷的分布范围较负极性显著变窄;随着加压时间的增加,纸板中的电场畸变率呈增大趋势。当绝缘纸板老化程度加深时,其陷阱密度和深度均会增加,致使空间电荷在纸板的近电极侧大量积聚,进而削弱纸板和电极边界处的电场强度,加剧纸板内部的场强畸变;且绝缘纸板老化愈严重,空间电荷对电场的畸变作用愈突出,使得绝缘纸板加速老化,容易诱发绝缘击穿故障。研究结果可为变压器油纸绝缘设计提供参考。  相似文献   

The properties of space charge and breakdown in epoxy/paper composites are studied in this paper. The results show that the breakdown voltage of the epoxy/paper composite is lower than that of the epoxy under AC voltage but is higher under DC voltage. In order to explain this phenomenon, the space charge behavior is investigated. In epoxy/paper composites, the space charges easily accumulate at the epoxy/paper interface at low fields, and the electric field distribution is highly deformed. However, the amount of interface charges decreases with increasing voltage, leading to a more uniform field distribution in the composites. This behavior is different from that of the pure epoxy, resulting in the different breakdown properties of pure epoxy and epoxy/paper composites. © 2015 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

针对电力变压器油纸绝缘系统由于自身老化产气、换油处理不当等引入气隙(空穴)的影响绝缘性能研究方法的不足,引入回复电压法有效诊断油纸绝缘状态来判断气隙状况。在理解介质响应理论基础上,建立了油纸绝缘模拟实验,统计分析并拟合了测量数据,研究了不同充电时间下绝缘系统中气隙含量的变化对回复电压特征参数的影响规律。结果表明:回复电压最大值随绝缘系统中气隙含量的增加呈二次线性规律增大,而中心时间常数随绝缘系统中气隙含量的增加呈二次线性规律减小,初始斜率随着绝缘系统中气隙含量增加呈三次线性规律增大,最后对多台实际变压器进行测试分析,验证了回复电压法可对油纸绝缘系统中气泡情况有效诊断的结论。  相似文献   

为了深入研究油老化对油纸绝缘直流电场下空间电荷特性的影响,通过加速热老化得到三组不同老化程度的绝缘油试样,并对其进行理化及电气特性分析;然后利用所得油样分别对经过真空干燥的新绝缘纸进行真空浸渍,得到3组油老化状态不同的油纸绝缘试品;进而采用电声脉冲法(pulsed electro-acoustic,PEA)在室温下分别测量了3组试品在施加直流电压和撤除电压情况下的空间电荷分布,讨论了油老化状态对油纸绝缘试品中空间电荷注入、积聚及消散等特性的影响。实验结果表明:施加直流电压下,3组油浸纸试品与电极界面处均发生了同极性电荷注入现象,油老化程度越严重,电极与介质界面处感应的电荷密度峰值越大,积聚在试品中的空间电荷总量也逐渐增大,负电荷积聚区域逐渐向阳极方向推进。撤除电压后,随着绝缘油老化程度的加重,试品中的空间电荷消散速率增大,且正电荷的消散速率大于负电荷的消散速率。  相似文献   

以扩展徳拜介质响应等值模型为出发点,获得可辨识等值电路的数学模型,对如何准确辨识模型参数展开研究,首次在变压器介质响应模型参数辨识中引入分层思路,并提出分层-压缩因子法,实现基于回复电压现场测试数据的等值模型参数辨识。通过对结果对比分析得出,该算法具有使用灵活、精确高效等特点;本文分别对两台实际变压器进行建模研究,结果表明,该优化算法所辨识的等值模型能有效反映两变压器实际情况,为进一步分析变压器绝缘状态与回复电压特征量之间的关系打下基础。  相似文献   

换流变压器阀侧套管承受交、直流复合电压,对套管的性能和质量有严格的要求。直流电压下,不同介质界面处空间电荷积聚会引起局部电场的畸变,金属颗粒的存在也会大幅提高局部场强,二者均会降低套管的绝缘性能。文中根据换流变压器阀侧套管的结构,采用有限元分析软件,建立了阀侧套管的仿真模型,分析了加入空间电荷后不同类型电压下套管的电场分布以及金属颗粒对局部电场的影响。结果表明,直流电压下介质界面处空间电荷更容易积聚,交直流复合电压下空间电荷能够引发套管内部局部电场的畸变。与交流电压相比,直流电压下金属颗粒对局部电场的畸变程度影响更大,在SF6气体中金属颗粒对电场畸变程度的影响大小与其所在位置的关系不大。  相似文献   

This report deals with the mechanism of space charge accumulation in cross‐linked polyethylene (XLPE) under dc electric field. Space charge was measured by the pulsed‐electroacoustic method with applying dc stress of 20 kV/mm. A large amount of hetero space charge accumulated in fresh XLPE samples. Factors influencing the space charge accumulation were analyzed in regard to cross‐linking by‐products and antioxidant. No space charge was seen when the fresh sample was degassed to remove cross‐linking by‐products. Introducing acetophenone, one of the cross‐linking by‐products, in a degassed sample produces no space charge, suggesting that acetophenone itself could not be the direct factor of space charge formation. However, heating this sample up to 150 °C results in formation of hetero space charges as in virgin samples. Hence, it is concluded that hetero space charges may be formed when impurities, such as an antioxidant, dissociate thermally with the help of acetophenone and that the dissociated products are attracted toward both electrodes under a dc field to form the hetero space charges. © 1999 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 129(2): 13–21, 1999  相似文献   

In order to study the generation mechanism of electrochemical migration in a printed wiring board, paper/phenol‐resin composites with and without an adhesive layer, epoxy resin, and a laminate of epoxy resin and a paper/phenol‐resin composite were aged at 85 °C and 85% relative humidity (RH) with and without application of a DC voltage, and the space charge distributions in the samples were observed by the pulsed electroacoustic method. In the case of the composite with the adhesive layer, a large amount of negative charge is induced at the interface between the composite and the adhesive layer on the anode. It was found that such formation of space charge enhances the electric field intensity at the anode. The reason for this is because the conductivity is much lower in the adhesive layer than in the composite. Electrochemical migration does not occur when the same electric field is applied to the composite without the adhesive layer, whereas it does occur if the adhesive layer was replaced by epoxy resin with a similar conductivity to the adhesive layer. These results clearly indicate that electrochemical migration generates because the electric field at the anode surface is enhanced due to the low conductivity of the adhesive layer. © 2011 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

The mechanism of the increase in the electrostatic charging tendency (ECT) of insulating oil and causative compounds were investigated by accelerated deterioration tests with the addition of various compounds. Although the ECT of the insulating oil was almost constant when only sulfoxide compounds were added, a marked increase was observed when either hydrochloric acid or moisture, which was considered to be generated by the aging of insulating oil, was also added to oil containing sulfoxide compounds. It is assumed that the sulfonium ion, which is generated by the reaction between sulfoxide compounds and hydrogen ion, is the compound that directly contributes to the increase in the ECT. Hydrogen ions can be supplied from organic acids generated by the oxidation of hydrocarbons in aging insulating oil. It is considered that the increase in the ECT of insulating oil is caused by the generation of sulfoxides by the oxidation of sulfide, which are present in fresh oil (originating compounds), and the generation of sulfonium ions by a reaction between sulfoxide and hydrogen ions, which are formed during aging. © 2011 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 176(4): 26–33, 2011; Published online in Wiley Online Library ( wileyonlinelibrary.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.21113  相似文献   

本文结合国家电网输电线路防灾技术实验室的1000kV交直流环氧树脂胶浸纸绝缘穿墙套管的结构特点,提出现场吊装工艺,详细介绍现场配重、起吊、重心调整、就位后套管旋转对孔等主要过程,并分析吊装过程中存在的问题及解决方法。  相似文献   

基于介电特征参量分析的变频电机匝间绝缘老化特性研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
连续高压双极性脉冲方波电压幅值、频率和工作温度与变频调速牵引电机匝间绝缘的寿命有着密切关系.本文对模拟变频电机匝间绝缘的绞线对试样在不同电压幅值、频率、温度下进行加速老化试验,测试其介质损耗角正切值和试样电容随电压的变化特性.通过介质损耗产生机理分析和方波脉冲作用机理研究,结果表明:老化初期,局部放电起始放电电压随电压升高而升高,基本上不受频率的影响,其与空间电荷积累有关.温度在稍微变化(变大)的情况下对绝缘的影响都是很大的.脉冲方波幅值、频率和外界温度具有协同效应,一种因素的增强和减弱都会改变其他因素对绝缘影响的趋势.  相似文献   

电场作用下高压电缆油纸绝缘中产生固体物的实验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对高压电缆的油纸绝缘结构在一定条件下产生并聚集成肉眼可见的固体物的现象进行了探讨。通过一系列电、物理和化学试验,研究和分析了高压电缆油和电缆纸在电场下产生的固体物的组成、来源、产生机理以及影响因素。分析表明,固体物主要来源是电缆纸中的纤维。  相似文献   

A 4× charge pump using exponential topology is proposed and implemented. Comparing to the conventional implementations, the proposed circuit suppresses the reverse current effectively without using different threshold‐voltage transistors and additional capacitors. Also, the body effect found in the charge transfer switches is eliminated. The proposed charge pump is analyzed with the state‐space method and fabricated using 0.35 µm complementary metal–oxide–semiconductor process. Results show that the output voltages close to the ideal one, and a maximum power efficiency of 95% was recorded. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

为了改善油纸绝缘中空间电荷的积聚和消散特性,在绝缘纸的制备过程中掺杂了纳米TiO2,利用电声脉冲法(PEA)对浸油后绝缘纸中空间电荷的积聚与消散特性、以及其内部电场分布进行了测试和分析。结果表明,在电场强度为10 MV/m和30 MV/m的电场作用下,添加了纳米TiO2的样品阳极附近均没有出现负空间电荷的积聚,这可能是因为纳米TiO2的加入提高了阴极向油纸注入电荷的起始电压,引入了陷阱,进而减慢了电子的运动速率。因此在绝缘纸中加入纳米TiO2能够有效改善油纸绝缘中空间电荷的积聚和消散特性,显著降低绝缘纸内部的电场强度畸变率。  相似文献   

李剑  徐洪  王艳  杨丽君  廖瑞金 《高电压技术》2012,38(10):2662-2668
为探讨脉动直流电压下油中电晕老化过程中空间电荷对油纸绝缘的影响,设计了油中电晕放电模型,在脉动直流电场下进行油纸绝缘电晕老化试验,采用电声脉冲(PEA)法测试不同电晕老化程度下绝缘纸的空间电荷特性,并分析了空间电荷特性随着电晕老化程度加深的变化规律。试验和分析结果表明:在脉动直流下的油中电晕老化初期,以负电荷注入油纸试品为主导;随着电晕老化程度的加深,油纸试品中的电荷复合加剧,并逐渐以正电荷注入为主导;此外,电晕老化后试品的空间电荷消散速率比未老化试品大幅增加,该现象对其直流条件下反极性效应的研究有重要的理论和工程意义。  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate the effect of partial discharges (PDs) on the thermal breakdown voltage of oil‐impregnated paper (OIP). A disk‐shaped cavity in a stack of paper sheets formed the PD source. The paper sample was exposed to PDs for 18 h. Dielectric spectroscopy measurements were performed on the samples before and after exposure to PD activity. The dielectric spectroscopy results showed a big change in the real and imaginary part of the permittivity. These results were used to calculate the activation energy and heat losses inside the insulation. In order to investigate the possibility of thermal breakdown in the system, the OIP system was simulated by using the FEM software COMSOL Multiphysics. The heat produced by PD pulses and dielectric losses was considered in the simulation. The results show that for the OIP insulation, PD activity can reduce the thermal breakdown voltage by a factor up to 4 times. © 2015 Institute of Electrical Engineers of Japan. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Inc.  相似文献   

为研究预加直流电压对油纸绝缘局部放电过程的影响特性,采用球-板电极模拟油纸绝缘系统中的稍不均匀电场,仿真计算出预加直流电压下球-板电极油纸绝缘系统的电势和场强分布,用脉冲电声法测试绝缘纸板去极化过程空间电荷时空变化特性与界面空间电荷衰减速率,并对试样进行交流局部放电试验,研究预加直流电压与局部放电起始电压之间的定量关系。结果表明:预加直流电压会在绝缘纸板界面产生残留空间电荷,升压过程中使局部放电起始电压和绝缘临界击穿电压均下降;降压过程中局部放电特性不受预加直流电压的影响,且局部放电熄灭电压与预加电压大小无关;随着预加直流电压的提高,每升高相同幅值的预加直流电压,交流局部放电起始电压降低的幅值有所减小。  相似文献   

This paper describes the dielectric breakdown characteristics of oil and oil‐impregnated paper for very fast transient (VFT) voltages. Blumlein circuits generate VFT voltages of 60 and 300 ns in a pulse width that simulates disconnecting switching surges in gas‐insulated switch gears. We measured the breakdown voltages of needle‐to‐plane, plane‐to‐plane oil gaps and several pieces of paper between plane electrodes for VFT and lightning impulse voltages. The measured data were formulated in V‐t characteristics and Weibull probability distributions. The inclination n of V‐t characteristics of insulating paper is 150, which is less than n = 13.7 of the plane‐to‐plane oil gap in the VFT time range. The shape parameters of Weibull distribution obtained in this study show that the scattering of breakdown voltages of paper is much less than that of oil. © 2002 Wiley Periodicals, Inc. Electr Eng Jpn, 141(4): 16–24, 2002; Published online in Wiley InterScience ( www.interscience.wiley.com ). DOI 10.1002/eej.10043  相似文献   

In order to discuss the characteristics of field emission sites, an aging effect on field emission current was measured in terms of cathodes subjected to two different surface treatments: mechanical polishing and thin film formation. A field was applied to the test cathodes up to an emission current of 10–11A. Such measurement was repeated 50 times. It was found that the field emission current decreased with increasing number of test runs, and the amount of such degradation was larger for the case of mechanical polishing than for thin film formation. The field enhancement factor β evaluated by F–N plot was kept constant with increasing test runs for the mechanical polishing, while β increased with increasing test runs for the thin film formation. It was estimated by means of emission site observation that the emission sites on the mechanically polished cathode were related to the adsorption gases or weakly attached foreign particles, while the emission sites on the thin film formation cathode were related to the metallic whiskers. The characteristics of emission sites could be controlled by the surface treatment, especially by the thin film formation. © 2001 Scripta Technica, Electr Eng Jpn, 136(3): 10–18, 2001  相似文献   

探索绝缘油老化或绝缘纸老化对油纸绝缘介质在老化过程中空间电荷形成及迁移特性的影响,能为有效抑制油纸介质空间电荷的形成提供科学依据。首先在130℃下将绝缘油进行22 d加速热老化,并对其老化状态进行表征;然后通过电声脉冲法测量由不同老化程度绝缘油浸渍的油纸试品,分析在加压、瞬时去压和去压情况下绝缘油老化对油纸试品直流空间电荷动态行为的影响;最后通过计算分析绝缘油老化对油纸试品的空间电荷总量、表面陷阱能级分布和电场畸变率的影响。结果表明:在负极性电源电压下,贴近阳极(铝板)侧绝缘纸层内注入的正电荷密度以及在靠近阳极侧绝缘纸–绝缘纸界面处积聚的负电荷密度均随绝缘油老化程度加深而增大;绝缘油老化越严重,相应绝缘油浸渍油纸试品的空间电荷总量、表面陷阱能级密度和电场畸变率也越大。  相似文献   

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