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In this work we study the optimization of laser‐fired contact (LFC) processing parameters, namely laser power and number of pulses, based on the electrical resistance measurement of an aluminum single LFC point. LFC process has been made through four passivation layers that are typically used in c‐Si and mc‐Si solar cell fabrication: thermally grown silicon oxide (SiO2), deposited phosphorus‐doped amorphous silicon carbide (a‐SiCx/H(n)), aluminum oxide (Al2O3) and silicon nitride (SiNx/H) films. Values for the LFC resistance normalized by the laser spot area in the range of 0.65–3 mΩ cm2 have been obtained. Copyright © 2011 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

It has been shown that n‐type laser‐grooved buried contact solar cells exhibit a high‐efficiency potential, both on interdigitated backside buried contact (IBBC) and double‐sided buried contact (DSBC) cell structures. As the IBBC solar cell contains heavily doped, compensated regions, the shunt mechanisms are more complicated, and are different from those of the conventional front‐collecting‐junction solar cells. In this paper, several shunting mechanisms hindering the performances of the n‐type buried contact solar cells are investigated and discussed. The main shunting routes in n‐type IBBC solar cells are concluded as follows: (1) the emitter contact metal touching the n‐type substrate, which is either due to nonuniform boron deposition or diffusion‐induced misfit dislocations; (2) the base contact metal touching the p+ emitter, attributed to either the phosphorus groove diffusion being unable to compensate for the boron emitter diffusion, or the junction depth located in the diffusion overlap regions not deep enough to prevent nickel from spiking through the groove diffusion. The shunt resistance of the IBBC cells increased by more than two orders of magnitude after eliminating the shunt mechanisms discussed in this study. This led to an improvement in fill factor from 0·71–0·73 to 0·74–0·76, and an increase of average absolute efficiency of more than 0·65%. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We report results obtained using an innovative approach for the fabrication of bifacial low‐concentrator thin Ag‐free n‐type Cz‐Si (Czochralski silicon) solar cells based on an indium tin oxide/(p+nn+)Cz‐Si/indium fluorine oxide structure. The (p+nn+)Cz‐Si structure was produced by boron and phosphorus diffusion from B‐ and P‐containing glasses deposited on the opposite sides of n‐type Cz‐Si wafers, followed by an etch‐back step. Transparent conducting oxide (TCO) films, acting as antireflection electrodes, were deposited by ultrasonic spray pyrolysis on both sides. A copper wire contact pattern was attached by low‐temperature (160°C) lamination simultaneously to the front and rear transparent conducting oxide layers as well as to the interconnecting ribbons located outside the structure. The shadowing from the contacts was ~4%. The resulting solar cells, 25 × 25 mm2 in dimensions, showed front/rear efficiencies of 17.6–17.9%/16.7–17.0%, respectively, at one to three suns (bifaciality of ~95%). Even at one‐sun front illumination and 20–50% one‐sun rear illumination, such a cell will generate energy approaching that produced by a monofacial solar cell of 21–26% efficiency. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Front silicon heterojunction and interdigitated all‐back‐contact silicon heterojunction (IBC‐SHJ) solar cells have the potential for high efficiency and low cost because of their good surface passivation, heterojunction contacts, and low temperature fabrication processes. The performance of both heterojunction device structures depends on the interface between the crystalline silicon (c‐Si) and intrinsic amorphous silicon [(i)a‐Si:H] layer, and the defects in doped a‐Si:H emitter or base contact layers. In this paper, effective minority carrier lifetimes of c‐Si using symmetric passivation structures were measured and analyzed using an extended Shockley–Read–Hall formalism to determine the input interface parameters needed for a successful 2D simulation of fabricated baseline solar cells. Subsequently, the performance of front silicon heterojunction and IBC‐SHJ devices was simulated to determine the influence of defects at the (i)a‐Si:H/c‐Si interface and in the doped a‐Si:H layers. For the baseline device parameters, the difference between the two device configurations is caused by the emitter/base contact gap recombination and the back surface geometry of IBC‐SHJ solar cell. This work provides a guide to the optimization of both types of SHJ device performance, predicting an IBC‐SHJ solar cell efficiency of 25% for realistic material parameters. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Interdigitated back contact silicon heterojunction (IBC‐SHJ) solar cells have the potential for high open circuit voltage (VOC) due to the surface passivation and heterojunction contacts, and high short circuit current density (JSC) due to all back contact design. Intrinsic amorphous silicon (a‐Si:H) buffer layer at the rear surface improve the surface passivation hence VOC and JSC, but degrade fill factor (FF) from an “S” shape JV curve. Two‐dimensional (2D) simulation using “Sentaurus device” demonstrates that the low FF is related to the valence band offset (energy barrier) at the hetero‐interface. Three approaches to the buffer layer are suggested to improve the FF: (1) reduced thickness, (2) increased conductivity, and/or (3) reduced band gap. Experimental IBC‐SHJ solar cells with reduced buffer thickness (<5 nm) and increased conductivity with low boron doping significantly improves FF, consistent with simulation. However, this has only marginal effect on efficiency since JSC and VOC also decrease due to poor surface passivation. A narrow band gap a‐Si:H buffer layer improves cell efficiency to 13.5% with unoptimized passivation quality. These results demonstrate that tailoring the hetero‐interface band structure is critical for achieving high FF. Simulations predicts that efficiences >23% are possible on planar devices with optimized pitch dimensions and achievable surface passivation, and 26% with light trapping. This work provides criterion to design IBC‐SHJ solar cell structures and optimize cell performance. Copyright © 2010 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

High and stable lifetimes recently reported for n‐type silicon materials are an important and promising prerequisite for innovative solar cells. To exploit the advantages of the excellent electrical properties of n‐type Si wafers for manufacturing simple and industrially feasible high‐efficiency solar cells, we focus on back junction n+np+ solar cells featuring an easy‐to‐fabricate full‐area screen‐printed aluminium‐alloyed rear p+ emitter. Independently confirmed record‐high efficiencies have been achieved on n‐type phosphorus‐doped Czochralski‐grown silicon material: 18·9% for laboratory‐type n+np+ solar cells (4 cm2) with shadow‐mask evaporated front contact grid and 17·0% for front and rear screen‐printed industrial‐type cells (100 cm2). The electrical cell parameters were found to be perfectly stable under illumination. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

N‐type back‐contact back‐junction solar cells were processed with the use of industrially relevant structuring technologies such as screen‐printing and laser processing. Application of the low‐cost structuring technologies in the processing of the high‐efficiency back‐contact back‐junction silicon solar cells results in a drastic increase of the pitch on the rear cell side. The pitch in the range of millimetres leads to a significant increase of the lateral base resistance. The application of a phosphorus doped front surface field (FSF) significantly reduces the lateral base resistance losses. This additional function of the phosphorus doped FSF in reducing the lateral resistance losses was investigated experimentally and by two‐dimensional device simulations. Enhanced lateral majority carrier's current transport in the front n+ diffused layer is a function of the pitch and the base resistivity. Experimental data show that the application of a FSF reduces the total series resistance of the measured cells with 3.5 mm pitch by 0.1 Ω cm2 for the 1 Ω cm base resistivity and 1.3 Ω cm2 for the 8 Ω cm base resistivity. Two‐dimensional simulations of the electron current transport show that the electron current density in the front n+ diffused layer is around two orders of magnitude higher than in the base of the solar cell. The best efficiency of 21.3% was obtained for the solar cell with a 1 Ω cm specific base resistivity and a front surface field with sheet resistance of 148 Ω/sq. Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This paper reports on the implementation of carrier‐selective tunnel oxide passivated rear contact for high‐efficiency screen‐printed large area n‐type front junction crystalline Si solar cells. It is shown that the tunnel oxide grown in nitric acid at room temperature (25°C) and capped with n+ polysilicon layer provides excellent rear contact passivation with implied open‐circuit voltage iVoc of 714 mV and saturation current density J0b of 10.3 fA/cm2 for the back surface field region. The durability of this passivation scheme is also investigated for a back‐end high temperature process. In combination with an ion‐implanted Al2O3‐passivated boron emitter and screen‐printed front metal grids, this passivated rear contact enabled 21.2% efficient front junction Si solar cells on 239 cm2 commercial grade n‐type Czochralski wafers. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

In this study, back‐contacted back‐junction n‐type silicon solar cells featuring a large emitter coverage (point‐like base contacts), a small emitter coverage (point‐like base and emitter contacts), and interdigitated metal fingers have been fabricated and analyzed. For both solar cell designs, a significant reduction of electrical shading losses caused by an increased recombination in the non‐collecting base area on the rear side was obtained. Because the solar cell designs are characterized by an overlap of the B‐doped emitter and the P‐doped base with metal fingers of the other polarity, insulating thin films with excellent electrical insulation properties are required to prevent shunting in these overlapping regions. Thus, with insulating thin films, the geometry of the minority charge carrier collecting emitter diffusion and the geometry of the interdigitated metal fingers can be decoupled. In this regard, plasma‐enhanced chemical vapor deposited SiO2 insulating thin films with various thicknesses and deposited at different temperatures have been investigated in more detail by metal‐insulator‐semiconductor structures. Furthermore, the influence of different metal layers on the insulation properties of the films has been analyzed. It has been found that by applying a SiO2 insulating thin film with a thickness of more than 1000 nm and deposited at 350 °C to solar cells fabricated on 1 Ω cm and 10 Ω cm n‐type float‐zone grown silicon substrates, electrical shading losses could be reduced considerably, resulting in excellent short‐circuit current densities of more than 41 mA/cm2 and conversion efficiencies of up to 23.0%. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We demonstrate mask‐free fabrication of a 22·0%‐efficient crystalline Si solar cell by applying laser ablation of Si and by laser ablation of protective coatings. The bulk absorber material is a p ‐type float zone silicon wafer and the designated cell area is 4 cm2. While the processing time of our laboratory‐type of laser system is far too slow for industrial processing, we estimate on the basis of our experiments that laser processing of 12·5 × 12·5 cm2‐sized solar cells in just a few seconds is feasible with commercially available equipment. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We have presented thin Al2O3 (~4 nm) with SiNx:H capped (~75 nm) films to effectively passivate the boron‐doped p+ emitter surfaces of the n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells with BBr3 diffusion emitter and phosphorus ion‐implanted back surface field. The thin Al2O3 capped with SiNx:H structure not only possesses the excellent field effect and chemical passivation, but also establishes a simple cell structure fully compatible with the existing production lines and processes for the low‐cost n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cell industrialization. We have successfully achieved the large area (238.95 cm2) high efficiency of 20.89% (front) and 18.45% (rear) n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells by optimizing the peak sintering temperature and fine finger double printing technology. We have further shown that the conversion efficiency of the n‐type bifacial c‐Si solar cells can be improved to be over 21.3% by taking a reasonable high emitter sheet resistance. Copyright © 2017 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present the optimization and characterization of heterojunction solar cells consisting of an amorphous silicon emitter, a single crystalline absorber and an amorphous silicon rear side which causes the formation of a back surface field (a‐Si:H/c‐Si/a‐Si:H). The solar cells were processed at temperatures <220°C. An optimum of the gas phase doping concentration of the a‐Si:H layers was found. For high gas phase doping concentrations, recombination via defects located at or nearby the interface leads to a decrease in solar cell efficiency. We achieved efficiencies >17% on p‐type c‐Si absorbers and >17·5% on n‐type absorbers. In contrast to the approach of Sanyo, no additional intrinsic a‐Si:H layers between the substrate and the doped a‐Si:H layers were inserted. Copyright © 2006 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Rear surface of high‐efficiency crystalline silicon solar cells is based on a combination of dielectric passivation and point‐like contacts. In this work, we develop a 3D model for these devices based on 2.2 Ωcm p‐type crystalline silicon substrates. We validate the model by comparison with experimental results allowing us to determine an optimum design for the rear pattern. Additionally, the 3D model results are compared with the ones deduced from a simpler and widely used 1D model. Although the maximum efficiency predicted by both models is approximately the same, large deviations are observed in open‐circuit voltage and fill factor. 1D simulations overestimate open‐circuit voltage because Dember and electrochemical potential drops are not taken into account. On the contrary, fill factor is underestimated because of higher ohmic losses along the base when 1D analytical model is used. These deviations are larger for relatively low‐doped substrates, as the ones used in the experimental samples reported hereby, and poor passivated contacts. As a result, 1D models could mislead to too short optimum rear contact spacing. Copyright © 2013 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This study focuses on the characterisation and the fabrication of solar cells using n‐type multicrystalline silicon purified via the metallurgical route. Electrical and chemical analyses were performed on wafers taken from several positions along the crystallised ingot. The impact of the fabrication processing steps was investigated via effective carrier lifetime measurements. Solar cells were processed, and their efficiencies were found to be dependent on the position of the wafer along the ingot height, that is, the wafer's resistivity. A maximum conversion efficiency of 15.0% was obtained on cells from the bottom part of the ingot. In this study, the minimum resistivity value of 0.4 Ω cm resistivity is given in order to reach adequate cell efficiency. Light‐soaking experiments were then performed on the fabricated cells. No significant variations of the cell performances were observed even after 110 h at 60 °C, meaning that the fabricated cells are stable under illumination. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ion implantation has the advantage of being a unidirectional doping technique. Unlike gaseous diffusion, this characteristic highlights strong possibilities to simplify solar cell process flows. The use of ion implantation doping for n‐type PERT bifacial solar cells is a promising process, but mainly if it goes with a unique co‐annealing step to activate both dopants and to grow a SiO2 passivation layer. To develop this process and our SONIA cells, we studied the impact of the annealing temperature and that of the passivation layers on the electrical quality of the implanted B‐emitter and P‐BSF. A high annealing temperature (above 1000 °C) was necessary to fully activate the boron atoms and to anneal the implantation damages. Low J0BSF (BSF contribution to the saturation current density) of 180 fA/cm2 was reached at this high temperature with the best SiO2 passivation layer. An average efficiency of 19.7% was reached using this simplified process flow (“co‐anneal process”) on large area (239 cm2) Cz solar cells. The efficiency was limited by a low FF, probably due to contaminations by metallization pastes. Improved performances were achieved in the case of a “separated anneals” process where the P‐BSF is activated at a lower temperature range. An average efficiency of 20.2% was obtained in this case, with a 20.3% certified cell. Copyright © 2014 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

From today's viewpoint future solar cells will be thinner, of higher efficiency and produced in greater numbers. A solar cell concept able to fit these developments could be the passivated emitter and rear cell. With a new laser‐based process (laser‐fired contacts), the rear point contact pattern of this concept can be implemented industrially. After the deposition of a dielectric passivation layer and a metal layer on top, a Nd‐YAG laser is used to alloy the contact points through the dielectric layer. Excellent efficiencies have been achieved which approach closely those of reference cells processed by photolithography. This demonstrates the high potential of the new laser‐based technique. Copyright © 2002 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This work demonstrates the high potential of Al2O3 passivated black silicon in high‐efficiency interdigitated back contacted (IBC) solar cells by reducing surface reflectance without jeopardizing surface passivation. Very low reflectance values, below 0.7% in the 300–1000 nm wavelength range, together with striking surface recombination velocities values of 17 and 5 cm/s on p‐type and n‐type crystalline silicon substrates, respectively, are reached. The simultaneous fulfillment of requirements, low reflectance and low surface recombination, paves the way for the fabrication of high‐efficiency IBC Si solar cells using black silicon at their front surface. Outstanding photovoltaic efficiencies over 22% have been achieved both in p‐type and n‐type 9‐cm2 cells. 3D simulations suggest that efficiencies of up to 24% can be obtained in the future with minor modifications in the baseline fabrication process. Copyright © 2015 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

We present a heterojunction (HJ) solar cell on n‐type epitaxially grown kerfless crystalline‐silicon with an in‐house‐measured conversion efficiency of 23%. The total cell area is 243.4 cm2. The cell has a short‐circuit current density of 39.6 mA cm−2, an open‐circuit voltage of 725 mV, and a fill factor of 0.799. The effect of stacking faults (SFs) is examined by current density (J) mapping measurements as well as by spectral response mapping. The J mapping images show that the localized lower J regions of the HJ solar cells are associated with recombination sites originating from SFs, independent of whether SFs are formed on the emitter or absorber side. The solar cell results and our analysis suggest that epitaxially grown wafers based on kerfless technology could be an alternative for low‐cost industrial production of Si HJ solar cells. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

Ever since the first publications by R.J. Schwartz in 1975, research into back‐contact cells as an alternative to cells with a front and rear contact has remained a research topic. In the last decade, interest in back‐contact cells has been growing and a gradual introduction to industrial applications is emerging. The goal of this review is to present a comprehensive summary of results obtained throughout the years. Back‐contact cells are divided into three main classes: back‐junction (BJ), emitter wrap‐through (EWT) and metallisation wrap‐through (MWT), each introduced as logical descendents from conventional solar cells. This deviation from the chronology of the developments is maintained during the discussion of technological results. In addition to progress on manufacturing these cells, aspects of cell modelling and module manufacturing are discussed and an outlook towards industrial implementation is presented. Copyright © 2005 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

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