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An automated approach is proposed for a microassembly task, which is to insert a 10 μm diameter glass tube into a 12 μm diameter hole in a silicon substrate, and bond them together with ultraviolet (UV) curable adhesive. Two three-degree-of-freedom micromanipulators axe used to move the glass tube and the dispensing needle, respectively. Visual feedback is provided by an optical microscope. The angle of the microscope axis is precisely calibrated using an autofocus strategy. Robust image segmentation method and feature extraction algorithm are developed to obtain the features of the hole, the glass tube and the dispensing needle. Visual servo control is employed to achieve accurate aligning for the tube and the hole. Automated adhesive dispensing is used to bond the glass tube and the silicon substrate together after the insertion. On-line monitoring ensures that the diameter of the adhesive spot is within a desired range. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed strategy. 相似文献
为了解决战场态势评估问题,提出了一个基于智能规划的军事计划识别模型,给出了基于一阶谓词逻辑的计划识别模型描述方法,论述了基于该模型的计划假设识别方法。模型可以根据世界模型和作战目标的要求实时生成新的计划,来满足当前计划识别的需要,克服了Kautz计划识别框架的不足。 相似文献
基于非线性工艺规划思想的车间动态调度系统 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
描述了一种基于非线性工艺规划思想的车间动态调度系统的集成框架结构,其核心模块为计划调度模块,该模块调用由遗传算法和启发式调度相结合的调度算法生成动态调度方案。其中所提出的遗传编码的设计充分考虑工艺路径的柔性,并根据此编码提出调度方案的构造方法,同时相应地改进了遗传操作,从而实现了调度的全局最优性和可行性。 相似文献
One of the most difficult tasks we face in automated process planning is determination of operation sequencing. In this paper we present an approach to automatic generation of machining sequences in an object-oriented automated process planning system. Sequencing of machining operations is carried out in three phases of planning: initial planning, set-up planning, and final planning. The initial planning generates general plans including the required operations and machine cells. Two types of information are used at this stage, manufacturing process knowledge and component information, including features and associated dimensions, tolerances, surface finish, and material conditions. Based on process requirements decided in the initial planning, the set-up planning selects machines and fixtures, decides the clamping surfaces and feature accessibility, and sequences the set-ups. The final planning determines all the detailed sequences of operations based on the set-ups using the built-in manufacturing logic and heuristics. We introduce the set-up planning, the core of the planning system, to link the part model, initial planning and final detailed planning. The strategy has been implemented in an object-oriented process planning system. An example is provided to demonstrate the approach. 相似文献
装配序列规划中拆卸方向的确定 总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6
以产品为出发点进行拆卸判断,以拆卸顺序的逆生成装配序列是装配序列规划中常用的方法,而拆卸方向的确定量是其关键的一步,而将拆卸方向简化为与坐标轴平行的方向不能产生完备的可行装配顺序集,在分析装配过程的特点基础上,提出一种根据装配约束关系用球面几何计算拆卸方向和方法,首先,利用球面几何的方法求解局部拆卸方向集,取局部方向集所对应的球面多边形的形心为局部拆卸方向;然后,利用投影的方法测试此局部拆卸方向是否为全局拆卸方向,文中提出的方法可以方便地用于工程实践中。 相似文献
Highly turbulent environment of dynamic job-shop operations affects shop floor layout as well as manufacturing operations. Due to the dynamic nature of layout changes, essential requirements such as adaptability and responsiveness to the changes need to be considered in addition to the cost issues of material handling and machine relocation when reconfiguring a shop floor’s layout. Here, based on the source of uncertainty, the shop floor layout problem is split into two sub-problems and dealt with by two modules: re-layout and find-route. GA is used where changes cause the entire shop re-layout, while function blocks are utilised to find the best sequence of robots for the new conditions within the existing layout. This paper reports the latest development to the authors’ previous work. 相似文献
Virtual assembly has been widely used in product development. However, virtual operation and actual operation are different in time and space, the simulation of interactive virtual assembly cannot support the assembly operation's process planning directly. In this paper, the solution for assembly operation's process planning is developed based on interactive virtual assembly. According to the solution, interactive assembly operation is used to obtain the actions of operation sequence. The actions are mapped into the data of a real operation action to obtain real operation actions. Then assembly operation cards can be obtained. To support the assembly operation actions obtained through virtual assembly simulation, a product assembly model is proposed. An operation semantic model is used to replace the geometric constraint model of assembly, which contains several ordered geometric constraints and some engineering restriction conditions. To test the solution and the models, one process planning example of an automobile engine is introduced. The results verified the feasibility and the effectiveness of the methods. 相似文献
Dekai Wu 《User Modeling and User-Adapted Interaction》1991,1(2):149-172
This article investigates the implications ofactive user model acquisition upon plan recognition, domain planning, and dialog planning in dialog architectures. A dialog system performs active user model acquisition by querying the user during the course of the dialog. Existing systems employ passive strategies that rely on inferences drawn from passive observation of the dialog. Though passive acquisition generally reduces unnecessary dialog, in some cases the system can effectively shorten the overall dialog length by selectively initiating subdialogs for acquiring information about the user.We propose a theory identifying conditions under which the dialog system should adoptactive acquisition goals. Active acquisition imposes a set ofrationality requirements not met by current dialog architectures. To ensure rational dialog decisions, we propose significant extensions to plan recognition, domain planning, and dialog planning models, incorporating decision-theoretic heuristics for expected utility. The most appropriate framework for active acquisition is a multi-attribute utility model wherein plans are compared along multiple dimensions of utility. We suggest a general architectural scheme, and present an example from a preliminary implementation.The author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, untilThe author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, untilThe author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, untilThe author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, untilThe author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, untilThe author will be at the Department of Computer Science, University of Toronto, until 相似文献
为了将装配顺序规划与方案评价有效集成,规划合理的装配顺序,检验装配过程中存在的干涉情况,提出了人机交互定义分层装配顺序主模型与自动生成子装配的两级装配顺序规划方法.该方法适用于大型装配模型的装配顺序规划场合;在原有的研究项目KMCAD3D基础之上,开发了一套实用的装配顺序规划与方案评价原型系统;通过对二级蜗轮减速器实例的装配顺序规划讨论,说明了该方法的可行性. 相似文献
魏丽 《计算机工程与应用》2012,48(25):83-87
为了在制作群体动画时产生逼真的运动路径,在群体运动的模拟中设计了碰撞检测和碰撞避免的方法,并基于微粒群算法和人工蜂群算法提出了群体动画路径自动规划方法.仿真实验表明;该方法能够实现群体动画运动路径的自动设计,提高了群体动画的制作效率. 相似文献
A hybrid-graph approach for automated setup planning in CAPP 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
In this paper, a systematic approach for automated setup planning in CAPP is introduced. The concept of “hybrid graph”, which can be transferred into directed graph by changing any two-way edge into one-way edge, is introduced. The specified graph theory is effectively used in setup planning. Tolerance relations are used as critical constraints for setup planning. Comprehensive principles are explored and summarized for setup planning. The hybrid-graph theory, accompanied by matrix theory, is used to aid computerizing these principles. An example is illustrated to demonstrate the algorithm. 相似文献
Exploratory research on reading cognition and escape-route planning using building evacuation plan diagrams 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
The purpose of evacuation plan diagrams is for readers to comprehend and then plan an evacuation route. However, comprehending such diagrams involves complex issues that have yet to be addressed by research. This study aims to investigate how Taiwanese people interpret evacuation plan diagrams in their buildings. Issues of interest include the amount of time that it takes for a member of the general public to read a diagram and the time that they spend planning their escape route. Correlated and influencing factors are analyzed. The floor plan of an actual department store was used as the diagram for cognitive testing. A method of stimulated measurement was conducted over the Internet. The results of the experiment showed that the time it takes to plan an escape route is about 1.1 to 2 times longer than its reading time. This indicates that there is a significant time difference between diagram interpretation and stimulated planning. It was found that the longer it takes to read a diagram, the longer it takes to plan an escape route. In addition, to understand the difference between interpretations by the general public versus those with an architectural background, an analysis showed that the general public takes two to three times longer than architectural professionals to read a diagram and plan an escape route. Consequently, improvements in reading diagrams could help in the planning of a more efficient escape route. Furthermore, through our analysis, we found that the design of diagram symbols must satisfy conventional use and also that diagrams must avoid the use of metaphorical and abstract symbols. Diagrams that follow our guidelines will generally result in more effective and efficient conveyance of the intended message, thereby assisting in an emergency. 相似文献
Niu Xinwen Ding Han Xiong Youlun School of Mechanical Science Engineering Huazhong University of Science Technology Wuhan China Manufacturing Production 《计算机辅助绘图.设计与制造(英文版)》2001,11(2)
Using group and subassembly cluster methods, the hierarchical structure of a product is ?generated automatically, which largely reduces the complexity of planning. Based on genetic algorithm, the optimal of assembly sequence of each structure level can be obtained by sequence-by-sequence search. As a result, a better assembly sequence of the product can be generated by combining the assembly sequences of all hierarchical structures, which provides more parallelism and flexibility for assembly operations. An industrial example is solved by this new approach. 相似文献
智能装配规划中的拆卸方向计算 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出了基于装配约束的离散化单位球面的拆卸方向计算方法.首先利用离散化的单位球面计算局部拆卸方向集,通过离散点坐标的加权平均求取拆卸方向集的质心;然后通过可拆卸性判断获得可行的全局拆卸方向.应用表明,该方法可有效地降低复杂产品拆卸方向求解的计算复杂度. 相似文献
余伟 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,(11)
提出了虚拟微机组装体系结构,实现了基于虚拟现实技术的虚拟微机组装原型系统,探讨了在虚拟组装中Vega Prime场景的控制及渲染技术、碰撞检测算法、及微机零件模型的实时编辑和定位等技术,并将其应用于实践,验证了所构建虚拟装配系统的可行性。 相似文献
A repository for design, process planning and assembly 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
This paper provides an introduction to the Design, Planning and Assembly Repository available through the National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). The goal of the Repository is to provide a publically accessible collection of 2D and 3D CAD and solid models from industry problems. In this way, research and development efforts can obtain and share examples, focus on benchmarks, and identify areas of research need. The Repository is available through the World Wide Web at URL http://www.parts.nist.gov/parts. 相似文献
Christopher S. Tang 《Journal of Intelligent Manufacturing》1991,2(2):75-82
This paper presents a simple dynamic model for determining the capacity and the flexibility of a manufacturing system over a finite planning horizon. We consider a problem that arises from the development phase of an investment plan for an economical manufacturing system. The objective is to minimize the total cost associated with the capacity expansion, flexibility expansion and operation. This problem is formulated as an integer program. A Lagrangian heuristic is developed for determining a near optimal solution to this integer program. Finally, we show how to incorporate aggregate production planning into the model.Based on a presentation given at the ORSA/TIMS Miami meeting in 1986. 相似文献
基于规则和爆炸图的装配序列规划 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出局部爆炸图的概念,运用几何干涉规则生成各直角坐标方向的局部爆炸图;在确立各方向的合并顺序后,用合并规则生成各零件的合并约束前元集;并据此进行局部爆炸图合并求解装配序列,实现了规则推理和几何推理算法的紧密结合,有效地避免了装配序列组合爆炸,降低了装配规划的计算复杂度,保证规划所得装配序列的可行性和实用性. 相似文献
装配建模是进行虚拟装配的前提和基础,决定着虚拟装配实施的质量和效率。针对虚拟装配中装配建模问题,介绍一种多视图层次化的装配模型,给出了模型的信息组成和信息来源,并很好地解决了在此模型基础上的重构问题。 相似文献