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矿山废水的危害及治理技术研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
分析了矿山废水的来源和危害,介绍了酸碱中和法、混凝沉降法、化学氧化法、人工湿地法和微生物法等5种矿山废水治理技术的研究进展。  相似文献   

南山铁矿矿床含硫较高,每年约生成120万t酸性水,酸水污染曾长期威胁到生产安全,环境保护并影响以工农关系。文中例举了酸水污染的严重后果,叙述了治理方案的产生过程和实施效果,并就今后的综合治理提出几条思路。  相似文献   

王雪峰 《金属矿山》2014,43(8):129-133
涌水量特别大、水文地质条件复杂的矿山不适合采用先疏干、后采矿的传统技术。通过地下矿山防治水技术研究与开发,采用坑内近矿体顶板灰岩注浆堵水技术进行治理涌水问题,取得了较好的成效。该技术的总体思路是对近矿体顶板灰岩岩溶裂隙充塞、密实,将灰岩连接加固形成隔水层,使之形成平行与矿体的倾斜隔水帷幕,防止地下水进入采场。本研究结合实例分析多水矿山地下采矿注浆堵水技术的设计思路、实施方法和应用成效。根据矿床、矿体和矿物特征和矿区水文地质条件,论述了工程布置和钻探注浆工程量统计方法,解析了注浆层安全厚度的确定、顶板注浆堵水工艺设计、注浆方式和注浆段高、压水试验、注浆顺序、注浆参数等注浆技术参数等确定原则和方法。  相似文献   

有色金属矿山废水的危害及治理技术   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
梁刚 《金属矿山》2010,39(12):158-161
简要分析了有色金属矿山废水的来源、危害及污染物特点,重点介绍了中和沉淀法、硫化物沉淀法、膜分离法、生物法等国内最有潜力发展的几种有色金属矿山废水治理技术,并指出对有色金属矿山废水应注重采用多种方法联合处理。  相似文献   

分析了在矿山生态恢复治理技术、修复模式、绿色矿山建设等方面的研究成果;针对矿山生态恢复治理研究发展迅速与实际矿山治理现状进展缓慢的不匹配问题,从相关方职责和权益划分的角度进行研究,发现问题产生的根本原因,并在此基础上提出改进措施。矿山生态环境恢复治理需要全社会形成共识,采取更进一步的激励和约束措施,提高矿山生态恢复治理水平。  相似文献   

矿山自然生态环境治理技术与治理方案   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
自然生态破坏是我国当前环境质量恶化的重要原因之一,已成为我国经济、社会可持续发展的严重障碍.20世纪80年代以来,随着国家对矿产资源需求的迅速增加及矿业经济的迅猛发展,因矿山开采而造成的生态环境破坏问题也日趋严重,特别是露天开采,不但影响自然景观、造成污染环境,而且还会诱发山体滑坡,造成水土流失等地质灾害.  相似文献   

矿山酸性废水治理技术现状及进展   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
杨群  宁平  陈芳媛  赵天亮 《金属矿山》2009,39(1):131-134
矿山酸性废水(AMD)富含重金属离子,对环境危害极大。综述了国内外矿山酸性废水治理技术的研究现状,包括物理法、化学法、生物化学法等,分析了相关处理技术的特点、存在的问题及其应用前景,并探讨了矿山酸性废水的治理技术的进展和趋势。  相似文献   

针对酸性矿山生态修复中,土壤基质改良材料精准添加量的问题。本文以广东某金属矿山废弃地为研究对象,基于土壤产酸潜力的分析,采用“原位土壤基质改良+直接植被”技术对其进行综合治理,同时通过NAG-pH酸化快速预测技术,高效评估土壤的潜在产酸量,从而精准计算土壤原位改良材料的添加量,使土壤改良效果长期有效,为后期实现稳定、安全、自维持的植被系统奠定坚实的基础。  相似文献   

主要分析了在煤炭生产过程中瓦斯治理技术的应用现状,重点介绍了针对当前瓦斯开发利用中存在的问题所应该采取的措施,它不仅可以进一步确保当前瓦斯综合治理工作效率的提升,还可以进一步确保瓦斯合理开发、利用时的安全性,从而减少各类安全事故发生的可能性。通过对该问题的研究和分析,可以进一步清晰当前综合治理矿井瓦斯,从而实现瓦斯煤气共采、减少瓦斯排放的重要性,也可以突出瓦斯综合治理工作对于整个高瓦斯矿井或者是对于矿井煤炭安全生产的积极作用。  相似文献   

At-source control of acid mine drainage   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
At present, there is no general solution to the problem of acid drainage from mined lands. There are, however, many options to diminish acid discharges, especially where the oxidizing pyrite is located at or near the land surface. These techniques include barrier methods that isolate the pyrite from oxygen or water, chemical additives and inhibition of iron-oxidizing bacteria. This paper emphasizes technology developed during the last decade that includes the addition of high volumes of alkalinity and/or phosphate, the use of surface geophysics to identify problem source areas, the sealing of fractured streambeds using polyurethane grout and the use of anionic surfactants to inhibit the activity of iron-oxidizing bacteria.  相似文献   

The recent increases in environmental legislation, especially in the USA have meant that there is a need on behalf of the mining companies for more judicious operational planning and more thorough restoration techniques in order to reduce costs and prevent violation of the strictly enforced regulations. Water pollution is probably the greatest problem and many less enlightened operators, especially for example, in surface coal milling in Pennsylvania, have been forced into liquidation after having been unable to meet the severe restrictions on Acid Mine Drainage (AMD). The problems of AMD are also inherent in most forms of metalliferous and coal mining and also in some types of aggregate quarrying. As excavations go deeper in search of ever diminishing reserves then they are more likely to encounter groundwater which can become polluted if insufficient care is not taken. It is to be expected that the laws will also become more severe than they are at present in Europe and methods of treatment of AMD will need to be developed that are more efficient than the costly chemical methods currently used. Research by the author and others into the source of AMD pollution and its treatment with engineered wetlands and other operational methods are discussed in the paper. The methods have- the distinct benefit that they are cheap to install, are cost effective over a long period with the minimum of supervision and are environmentally acceptable to the planning and regulatory authorities.  相似文献   

《Minerals Engineering》2000,13(5):563-574
Organic covers may be used to prevent diffusion of oxygen into reactive sulphide wastes and subsequently to eliminate sulphide compounds oxidation and generation of acidic waters. The main advantages over other types of covers are related with their low hydraulic permeability, high cation exchange capacity and high alkalinity. In addition, the establishment of organic covers, which is considered as a low cost solution for the prevention of acid mine drainage generation, does not disturb the natural environment, since they consist of industrial wastes rather than natural materials and allow the development of vegetation, which improves the aesthetics of the reclaimed areas. However, treatment of municipal sewage sludge is necessary prior to discharge, in order to minimize potential health and environmental risks, resulting from the presence of toxic elements.In the present paper, all processes associated with the function of an organic cover are described and discussed, including potential health and environmental risks resulting from land application of municipal sewage sludge. In addition, preliminary laboratory data, derived from the application of organic covers over reactive sulphidic concentrates are presented and discussed, in order to evaluate the performance of the covers and to determine the critical factors affecting their performance. The final aim of this research work is the development of an experimental model, that predicts the performance of an organic cover, by taking into account critical parameters such as annual rainfall rate, organic material height, initial moisture and moisture under saturation conditions.  相似文献   

尾矿库酸性矿山废水的源头控制方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
有色金属矿的尾矿库会产生酸性矿山废水,给矿区周围的土壤和地下水带来严重威胁。通过源头控制技术可以降低尾矿内硫化矿物的氧化速率,从而在源头上减少酸性矿山废水的产生。本文系统介绍了干式覆盖法(无机矿物覆盖层和有机覆盖层)、湿式覆盖法、掺碱混合填埋法以及细菌活性抑制法等几种源头控制方法的工作原理、实施方法以及工程应用实例。另外,论文还对各种源头控制方法存在的问题进行了分析和总结,并指出该领域未来需要在以下方面进行重点研究:对于无机矿物覆盖层,要注意研究其长期性能的劣化问题;对于有机覆盖层,需要对其可能存在的负面效应问题进行探讨;分析环境条件对作用效果的影响是湿式覆盖法在未来需要着重研究的问题;克服包裹效应是掺碱混合填埋法需要首先解决的问题;而对于细菌活性抑制法,则应重点考虑新型抑菌剂的研制及投放方式开发问题。  相似文献   

矿井瓦斯排放方法及评测   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
详细分析了矿井瓦斯排放工作的要求,提出了制定瓦斯排放方案中几个关键问题的处理方法,瓦斯积聚量计算和排放时间计算的方法,并提出了为保障技术措施可靠和实施安全顺利的评测方法,对防止瓦斯排放中重大事故的发生有重要的实践意义.  相似文献   

为了提高瓦斯抽采钻孔成孔率,以丁集煤矿11-2回风巷地质条件为背景,采用FLAC3D数值模拟软件和理论分析,研究了抽采钻孔稳定性影响因素,并对成孔控制技术进行了数值分析.研究结果表明,影响钻孔稳定性的因素有:侧压系数、岩体力学强度、初始应力(埋深)、钻孔围压和围岩力学强度;钻孔稳定性随着侧压系数增大、岩体力学强度降低、采深加大和钻孔围岩力学强度减小而降低;抽采负压对钻孔稳定性的影响很小;随着钻孔围压的增大、围岩强度强化区范围的增加,钻孔的二次应力影响范围反而减小,塑性区半径减小,孔壁径向位移减小,钻孔更容易处于稳定平衡状态.  相似文献   

The mine drainages in some coal mines of North Eastern India, are found to be highly acidic and contain trace elements which are highly undesirable for drinking purposes. This water requires neutralization together with trace metal removal prior to its supply to the public. This paper describes the results of a study conducted to determine the ability of lime neutralization to remove inorganic trace elements from acid mine drainage under different operating conditions. The specified trace elements were arsenic, cadmium, chromium, copper, mercury, lead, zinc, manganese, aluminium, iron and nickel etc. Results of this study indicate that treatment by lime neutralization was very effective in removing these trace metals from acid mine drainage.  相似文献   

Acid mine drainage water give rise to rapid growth and activity of an iron- and sulphur- oxidizing bacteriumThiobacillus ferrooxidians which greatly accelerate acid producing reactions by oxidation of pyrite material associated with coal and adjoining strata. The role of this bacterium in production of acid mine drainage is described. This study presents the data which demonstrate the inhibitory effect of certain organic acids, sodium benzoate, sodium lauryl sulphate, quarternary ammonium compounds on the growth of the acidophilic aerobic autotroph Thiobacillusferrooxidians. In each experiment, 10 milli-litres of laboratory developed culture ofThiobacillus ferrooxidians was added to 250 milli-litres Erlenmeyer flask containing 90 milli-litres of 9-k media supplemented with FeSO4 7H2O and organic compounds at various concentrations. Control experiments were also carried out. The treated and untreated (control) samples analysed at various time intervals for Ferrous Iron and pH levels. Results from this investigation showed that some organic acids, sodium benzoate, sodium lauryl sulphate and quarternary ammonium compounds at low concentration (10-2 M, 10–50 ppm concentration levels) are effective bactericides and able to inhibit and reduce the Ferrous Iron oxidation and acidity formation by inhibiting the growth ofThiobacillus ferrooxidians is also discussed and presented  相似文献   

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