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随着网络的发展,网络购物被更多人所使用。在网络购物数量增加的同时,邮寄就成为最方便快捷的送货方式。随之问题也就出现了大多数人所关心的个人隐私被暴露。随着网络购物的发展,网购平台增加使网络用户拥有更多的网络购物的方式和途径。未来网络购物量将会越来越大,如此大量的物流订单中包含了大量的个人信息,而这些信息未加任何保护措施就写在物流单上。一些犯罪份子利用这些个人信息进行犯罪,已经有多起物流诈骗。  相似文献   

随着互联网的普及和人们对网络购物的了解程度加深,网络购物已经成为大众消费的一种主流方式。网购物流是网络商家与消费者直接接触的关键环节,物流服务的质量直接影响到消费者的网购行为和忠诚度。本文总结了我国网购物流市场的现状,分析了网购物流发展现状及存在的问题,针对性的提出网购物流管理创新措施,以促进网购物流业的快速健康发展。  相似文献   

随着现代经济的快速发展和网络信息技术的进步,网购已经成为了一种非常普遍的现象,而且加上电商开展各种促销活动,从而逐渐出现了网购狂欢的局面,在网购节日中出现了大量的非理性消费.本文主要分析了现在网购的优势和其存在的缺陷.在人们享受网络购物所带来便利的同时,不要被网购所"奴役",要做到理性消费.另外,也希望网购可以提高自己的服务质量,完善相关的网购制度,给人们带来更好的网购体验.  相似文献   

1中国网络购物市场发展现状1.1网购用户规模截至2012年12月底,我国网络购物用户规模达到2.42亿,网民使用网络购物的比例提升至42.9%。与2011年相比,网购用户增长了4 807万人,增长率为24.8%。在网民增长速度逐步放缓的背景下,网络购物应用依然呈现迅猛增长的势头,2012全年用户绝对增长量超  相似文献   

我国互联网和电子商务产业的快速发展,使人们的购物形式由传统的"商店购物"转为"网络购物",这一变革亦为"网购+茶具"的实现提供了新的空间。在网购形式的情境下,茶具设计理念不再限于融合传统文化等方面,而是具备了全球化及当代文化特征等多种变化。文章以概述茶具设计理念的主要发展阶段为切入点,逐步提出网购形式对茶具设计理念有哪些新的要求,并设想未来茶具设计理念的发展趋势,为网购形式下的茶具产品创新提供新思路。  相似文献   

李馨逸 《网友世界》2014,(21):31-32
购物搜索网站汇集全网电商网站商品信息,为用户提供商品搜索和促销商品信息服务,购物搜索网站的主要任务是在海量商品中提高筛选效率,满足不同用户的个性化需求。随着中国网购人群的急剧增加,购物搜索网站的不断增多,网购服务方式和内容的不断拓展,如何培养用户购物习惯和对网络购物搜索网站的忠诚度,成为购物搜索网站需要解决的核心问题。为消费者提供商品搜索方式的便捷化、信息服务的多层次、电商与用户的互动,这是购物搜索网站成功与否的决定因素。本文以国内最有影响力的消费者购物社区一淘网为例,研究其特点和运营模式,并根据购物搜索网站的发展趋势,提出了购物搜索网站的优化方向。  相似文献   

随着网络购物的兴起,大学生已经成为网购群体的主力军。针对大学生在网络购物中所遇到的物流与售后服务的弊端,课题组建立了以"校园微商圈服务体系"为理念,以"高质量售后服务"为特色,基于校园新媒体网络有机的将微博、人人网、QQ空间、博客与网上购物相结合的"五维立体式"综合购物平台,为校园社交及网购提供全新渠道。本文主要阐述课题产生的原因,项目在发展过程如何解决遇到的问题,课题的实效性与影响,以期给更多的大学生创业者提供可以借鉴的思路。  相似文献   

随着中国农历新年的临近,不少网民选择在网上购买年货。为了吸引买家的青睐,各大购物网站纷纷推出打折、秒杀、送券、送大礼包、积分兑换、完成任务得积分等活动。然而,网购在带给人们方便快捷、经济实惠的同时也存在不少问题,因网络购物或在线支付而引发的银行账户被窃事件时有发生,已造成了巨大的财产损失。根据央视财经频道提供的数据,31.8%有网络购物经历的网民曾在网购过程中遇到钓鱼网站或诈骗网站。网购被  相似文献   

随着我国信息时代的不断发展,信息技术和科学进行交融,逐渐形成信息化的经济产业,网络的通讯技术也开始广泛应用在各个行业领域,其中包括异地远程社交和网络购物。但是,网络通讯信息交流技术也存在一些漏洞,如个人信息泄露、个人隐私盗取、消费情况泄露、网络诈骗、网络绑架等,都会产生很多不良后果。基于此,本文重点探讨了网络信息安全保障方面的问题。  相似文献   

如今的网虫,都不好意思说没网购过。不过在网络商海挣扎过的几位猪齿们也深知,网络购物对于没有收入来源以及缺少网络支付手段的电饭煲们来说,是件可望而不可及的事情。但任何事情都在发展,没有绝对,额-这么说吧,不能网上支付,我们一样可以在网上购物哦!  相似文献   

陈琴 《数字社区&智能家居》2009,5(10):7888-7888,7895
所谓网上购物,就是通过互联网检索商品信息,并通过电子订购单发出购物请求,然后填上私人支票帐号或信用卡的号码,厂商通过邮购的方式发货,或是通过快递公司送货上门。该文介绍了网上购物的现状.主要从技术和经营管理两个方面讨论了网上购物存在的风险。  相似文献   

陈龙  陈婷  袁莹静 《软件》2020,(3):137-140
随着生活水平的提高和消费能力指数的上升,网上购物逐渐成为了大家喜爱的一种购物方式,可以做到动动手,就可以享受送货上门的服务,口红一直以来是女人化妆品中不可缺省的一部分,本文以口红专柜为研究背景,以ASP.NET为网页开发技术,SQL server数据库和Visual Studio软件作为技术支撑,运用C#语言为开发语言,对电子商务系统进行设计和实现。该系统分为管理员和用户两个不同模块,管理员模块主要实现对订单和用户的管理,用户端包含有商城,购物车管理,订单管理,留言管理,个人信息管理模块。  相似文献   

基于ASP的网上购物系统的分析和实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着信息技术的高速发展,网上购物越来越受到人们的青睐,不同语言开发的网上购物系统遍布各大购物网站。文章讨论了一个基于ASP网上购物系统的技术基础及实现方式。系统基于ASP技术和Access数据库技术进行开发,然后运用图像处理软件对页面进行美化。本次设计主要把系统分为前台系统和后台系统两个模块。  相似文献   

随着电子商务和网络经济的快速发展,网络品牌的不确定信息越来越多,给消费者的选择造成了很大的困扰。考虑到网购消费者普遍存在的重复购买属性以及网络品牌对消费期望的重要性,有必要考虑网络品牌对消费者购物期望的动态影响,探究一种科学有效的评价体系,完成对网络品牌认知度的评价。贝叶斯网络是获取不确定知识的有效方法。介绍贝叶斯网络的优势与特征,论证基于贝叶斯网络进行网络品牌分类的可行性。实验证明通过贝叶斯网络可以有效地对网络品牌进行分类,获取电子商务系统的所需信息,帮助用户进行网络品牌的选择和购买行为的决策。  相似文献   

Applying virtual reality for trust-building e-commerce environments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The application of virtual reality in e-commerce has enormous potential for transforming online shopping into a real-world equivalent. However, the growing research interest focuses on virtual reality technology adoption for the development of e-commerce environments without addressing social and behavioral facets of online shopping such as trust. At the same time, trust is a critical success factor for e-commerce and remains an open issue as to how it can be accomplished within an online store. This paper shows that the use of virtual reality for online shopping environments offers an advanced customer experience compared to conventional web stores and enables the formation of customer trust. The paper presents a prototype virtual shopping mall environment, designed on principles derived by an empirically tested model for building trust in e-commerce. The environment is evaluated with an empirical study providing evidence and explaining that a virtual reality shopping environment would be preferred by customers over a conventional web store and would facilitate the assessment of the e-vendor’s trustworthiness.  相似文献   

In this study, we further develop the information systems continuance model in the context of online shopping, using a contingency theory that accounts for the roles of online shopping habit and online shopping experience. Specifically, we argue and empirically demonstrate that although conceptually distinct, online shopping habit and online shopping experience have similar effects on repurchase intention. They both have positive mediated effects through satisfaction and moderate the relationship between satisfaction and online repurchase intention. The results of a survey study involving 122 online customers provide strong support for our research model. We also identify after-sale service, transaction efficiency, security, convenience, and cost savings as important online shopping usefulness drivers. Theoretical and practical implications include establishing a contingency theory to more fully explain online customer retention as well as guidelines for development of customer relationship management initiatives.  相似文献   

本系统是基于JSP动态网页技术开发的网上购物系统.所开发的基于JSP技术的网上购物系统具有前台用尸操作和后台管理两大模块,前台主要功能包括用户注册、产品订购、购物车查看、订单生成、订单查询、留言查看和留言发布等,后台由管理员使用,主要包括商品添加、订单处理、用户信息管理、添加链接、公告信息添加等.对在线购物方面,用户可查询自己需要的商品,选好商品后加入购物车,确定要买的商品后,可去收银台结帐,生成订单,这样就完成了整个购物流程.基于JSP技术的网上购物系统属于电子商务系统,应用B/S开发模型,其后台应用SQL Server 2000数据库,前台应用ISP开发语言.在JDK和TOMCAT等工具的应用下可方便地对本系统进行测试.在系统设计中应时刻注意系统妥全性,因为电子商务的安全性是非常重要的,必须给用户提供安全性的保证.  相似文献   

Previous electronic commerce (EC) studies have found that consumer characteristics are important when considering issues related to the acceptance of online shopping. However, most studies have focused on a single product or similar products. The effects of different product types have been relatively neglected. Previous studies have limited the generalizability of their results to a few products at best. To overcome this limitation, the purpose of this study was to explore the effects of different product types. The Internet product and service classification grid proposed by Peterson, Balasubramanian and Bronnenberg (Peterson, R. A., Balasubramanian, S., & Bronnenberg, B. J. (1997). Exploring the implications of the Internet for consumer marketing. Journal of Academy of Marketing Science, 25(4), 329–346) was employed to examine the effects of consumer characteristic differences on online shopping acceptance in the context of different products and services. A survey-based approach was employed to investigate the research questions. Regression analysis demonstrated that the determinants of online shopping acceptance differ among product or service types. Additionally, personal innovativeness of information technology (PIIT), perceived Web security, personal privacy concerns, and product involvement can influence consumer acceptance of online shopping, but their influence varies according to product types.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the factors affecting online shopping. A model explaining the impact of different factors on online shopping intentions and behavior is developed based on the theory of planned behavior. The model is then tested empirically in a longitudinal study with two surveys. Data collected from 705 consumers indicate that subjective norms, attitude, and beliefs concerning the consequences of online shopping have significant effects on consumers' intentions to buy online. Behavioral control and intentions significantly influenced online shopping behavior. The results also provide strong support for the positive effects of personal innovativeness on attitude and intentions to shop online. The implications of the findings for theory and practice are discussed  相似文献   

This paper analyses the factors that lead Internet users to becoming online shoppers. In particular, assuming that Internet is an innovation affecting the way individuals shop, a model of electronic commerce adoption is proposed that adds personal innovativeness to the traditional formulation of the Theory of Planned Behaviour. The theoretical model proposed is tested on a sample of Web users with no experience in online shopping. The results denote that electronic commerce acceptance is determined by attitudes to the system, subjective norm and personal innovativeness in the domain of information technology. Moreover, we find that personal innovativeness has a moderating effect on the acceptance of electronic commerce.  相似文献   

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