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OBJECTIVE: To examine the associations of cigarette prices, restrictions on public smoking, and health education with the odds of adult smoking and amount smoked daily. DESIGN: Multi-level analysis of adult (age 25+) smoking patterns in Canada's National Population Health Survey, after adding administrative data on prices, bylaws, and health education according to the survey respondent's place of residence. SETTING/SUBJECTS: Population based sample of Canadians age 25+ in households (n = 14 355). OUTCOME MEASURES: Smoking status, amount consumed daily. ANALYSIS: Logistic regression for smoking status, multiple regression for amount smoked, with controls for age, education, marital status; separate analyses for men and women. RESULTS: Cigarette prices were positively associated with the odds of being a non-smoker and negatively with amount smoked, for adults of both sexes. Per capita health education expenditures were positively associated with the odds of being a non-smoker and negatively with amount smoked--for men but not women. The restrictiveness of municipal bylaws limiting public smoking was positively associated with the odds of being a non-smoker and negatively with amount smoked--for women but not men. These results are independent of age, education, and marital status. CONCLUSIONS: To be effective, tobacco control must comprise a mix of strategies as men and women respond differently to health education and restrictions on public smoking; taxation, reflected in higher cigarette prices, is the only one of these measures related to smoking for both sexes. This model permits calculations of the level of increase in each measure that is required to reduce the prevalence of smoking by a specified amount.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To outline social psychological principles that could influence the psychosocial and behavioural effects of tobacco warning labels, and to inform the development of more effective tobacco warning labels. DATA SOURCES: PsycInfo and Medline literature searches and expert guided selection of principles and theories in social psychology and of tobacco warning labels, including articles, books, and reports. CONCLUSIONS: Tobacco warning labels represent a potentially effective method of influencing attitudes and behaviours. This review describes social psychological principles that could be used to guide the creation of more effective warning labels. The potential value of incorporating warning labels into a broader public health education campaign is discussed, and directions for future research are suggested.  相似文献   

Impact of smoking status on workplace absenteeism and productivity   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
OBJECTIVES: To: evaluate the impact of smoking status on objective productivity and absenteeism measures; evaluate the impact of smoking status on subjective measures of productivity; and assess the correlation between subjective and objective productivity measures. DESIGN: Prospective cohort study in a workplace environment. SUBJECTS: Approximately 300 employees (100 each of former, current, and never smokers) at a reservation office of a large US airline. MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES: Objective productivity and absenteeism data were supplied by the employer. Subjective assessments of productivity were collected using a self report instrument, the Health and Work Questionnaire (HWQ). RESULTS: Current smokers had significantly greater absenteeism than did never smokers, with former smokers having intermediate values; among former smokers, absenteeism showed a significant decline with years following cessation. Former smokers showed an increase in seven of 10 objective productivity measures as compared to current smokers, with a mean increase of 4.5%. While objective productivity measures for former smokers decreased compared to measures for current smokers during the first year following cessation, values for former smokers were greater than those for current smokers by 1-4 years following cessation. Subjective assessments of "productivity evaluation by others" and "personal life satisfaction" showed significant trends with highest values for never smokers, lowest for current smokers, and intermediate for former smokers. CONCLUSIONS: Workplace productivity is increased and absenteeism is decreased among former smokers as compared to current smokers. Productivity among former smokers increases over time toward values seen among never smokers. Subjective measures of productivity provide indications of novel ways of productivity assessment that are sensitive to smoking status.  相似文献   

Despite having a chronic respiratory disease, adults with asthma do not appear to selectively avoid smoking. We used data from a prospective cohort study of 865 adults, with asthma recruited from a large managed care organization after hospitalization for asthma. In this study, we analysed the association between cigarette smoking and asthma health outcomes, controlling for age, sex, race, educational attainment, household income, atopic history, and history of childhood asthma onset. Current smoking was associated with increased severity of asthma (mean increment, 1.36 points; 95% CI = 0.36, 2.36), worse asthma-specific quality of life (mean score increment, 5.49 points; 95% CI = 2.19, 8.78), and worse generic mental health status (mean score decrement, -4.57 points; 95% CI = -7.01, -2.12); p<.05 in all cases. Current smoking also was associated with a greater longitudinal risk of hospitalization for asthma (OR = 1.86, 95% CI = 1.03, 3.36). Our results suggest that the pubic health consequences of smoking, in terms of additional asthma morbidity, are considerable. Smoking is a modifiable risk factor for adverse asthma health outcomes. Public health interventions should focus on smoking reduction among adults with asthma.  相似文献   



To determine the effect of magazine incidental smoking imagery on youths'' smoking intentions.


A magazine was developed incorporating photographs of smokers (Smoking Magazine). A second version of the magazine (Non‐smoking Magazine) included these photographs with the tobacco paraphernalia digitally erased. Equal numbers of smokers and non‐smokers aged 14–17 years (n = 357) were randomly assigned to look through one version of the magazine and then asked a series of questions.


Smokers made more unprompted mention of smoking imagery than non‐smokers after viewing Smoking Magazine (52% vs 34%; p<0.05). Smokers viewing Smoking Magazine were more likely to report an urge to smoke (54% vs 40%; p<0.05). Female non‐smokers who viewed Smoking Magazine were more likely than those who viewed Non‐smoking Magazine to state a future intention to smoke (13% vs 0%; p<0.05). Female smokers were more attracted to the male models appearing in Smoking Magazine than Non‐smoking Magazine (49% vs 24%; p<0.05) and the opposite was true for female non‐smokers (28% vs 52%; p<0.05). Female smokers were also marginally more likely to desire looking like the female models in Smoking Magazine (64% vs 46%; p = 0.06) but no difference was observed in the non‐smoking females (46% vs 46%). Male smokers and non‐smokers did not differ in their responses by magazine type.


Incidental positive smoking imagery in magazines can generate the same sorts of consumer effects attributed to advertising in general, including tobacco advertising. Sex specific results of our study may be explained by the choice of smoking images used.With a view to reducing tobacco related harm, a number of countries around the world have implemented comprehensive advertising and sponsorship bans of tobacco in accordance with the World Health Organization''s Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (FCTC). Even with comprehensive tobacco control legislation, loopholes remain that can be exploited by the tobacco industry to circumvent comprehensive advertising restrictions. For example, product placements in movies and television programmes popular with adolescents are a noted tactic of the tobacco industry.1 Furthermore, incidental depictions of tobacco in popular media, although not necessarily instigated by the tobacco industry, can serve to counter restrictions on advertising. Smoking depictions within youth oriented advertisements for non‐tobacco products are common, being used as a device by advertisers to focus on the lifestyle and image of the user, rather than on the intrinsic value or merits of the product itself.2 Incidental images of smoking are also common in editorial and feature components of youth oriented entertainment media, including movies, television, magazines and the internet. Although social determinants such as having parents, older siblings and peers who smoke are the best predictors of smoking initiation in youth,3 portrayals of smoking in popular media appear to contribute by presenting socially attractive images and inflating the perception of smoking prevalence.2,4,5Studies consistently suggest that incidental smoking is depicted far more commonly than is normal within the actual population, and that the majority of depictions are associated with popular and desirable role models with positive attributes such as fame, attractiveness, sexiness, sophistication and glamour.6,7,8 For instance an analysis of popular Hollywood movies in the late 1990s suggested that one in two heroes smoke, including 80% of leading male characters.8 In the early 1990s an audit of Australian youth oriented magazines suggested that photographs featuring smoking were “infrequent” (one depiction per 147 pages). An increase of 12% in smoking depictions was noted between 1990 and 1993 in the period after the introduction of the complete tobacco advertising ban but, as this increase was non‐significant, natural variation could not be discounted.9 However, a similar audit of magazines conducted a decade later suggested that far from being infrequent, depictions of smoking were commonplace: 96% of a sample of youth oriented magazines included at least one depiction of incidental smoking (average 3.5 per magazine; one per 50.3 pages), with 97% of these depictions being favourable.10 Although the methodologies differed between the two studies, it appears that the tobacco advertising ban in Australia was followed by an increase rather than decrease in prevalence of smoking portrayals in magazines.There is clear evidence that exposure to positive portrayals of smoking in movies and on television increases adolescents'' positive attitudes towards smoking, the likelihood of smoking initiation, and imitation of modelled smoking actions.11,12 However, research investigating the impact of incidental portrayals of tobacco use in magazines is sparse. Amos and colleagues13 assessed adolescents'' perceptions of photographs of models using tobacco products and compared these to adolescents'' perceptions of identical photographs but with the tobacco paraphernalia digitally removed. They found that the presence of a cigarette affected how the model in a photograph was perceived: when tobacco products were present, models were associated with “drug taking,” “wildness” and being “depressed,” and to a lesser extent being “vain,” “tarty” and “posers.” Without the smoking paraphernalia the same models were perceived as being more “healthy,” “rich,” “nice,” “fashionable,” “slim” and “attractive.” Although traits such as “druggy,” “wild” and “tarty” may appear to be negative associations, smokers sampled in the study were found to be more drawn to such traits than non‐smokers, and were found to rate themselves less negatively in terms of these traits than non‐smokers. The authors concluded that although young smokers and non‐smokers associated the same attributes to the smoking models, smokers identified more strongly with these attributes than did non‐smokers, and hence the smoking imagery served to positively reinforce the self identity of young smokers. In a later complementary study,14 Amos and her colleagues conducted focus groups with young smokers and found that smoking imagery in magazines helped reinforce positive perceptions of smoking as attractive, sociable and reassuring thereby reinforcing young smokers'' own identities. Furthermore the lack of obvious vested interests in incidental smoking portrayals meant that such were potentially more powerful than tobacco advertising imagery.The present study aims to extend the studies of Amos and colleagues by using a randomised controlled trial to assess the impact of smoking images in magazines on smoking and non‐smoking youth, and particularly their intentions for future smoking. We hypothesised that positive smoking imagery in a youth oriented magazine would:
  • lessen young smokers'' future intentions to quit;
  • increase non‐smokers'' future intentions to take up smoking;
  • increase young people''s perceptions of the prevalence of smoking;
  • increase young smokers'' urge to smoke while reading the magazine; and
  • increase young smokers'' positive perceptions of the depicted models but decrease young non‐smokers'' positive perceptions of the depicted models.

Goto R  Nishimura S  Ida T 《Tobacco control》2007,16(5):336-343


In spite of gradual increases in tobacco price and the introduction of laws supporting various anti‐tobacco measures, the proportion of smokers in Japan''s population is still higher than in other developed nations.


To understand what information and individual characteristics drive smokers to attempt to quit smoking. These determinants will help to realise effective tobacco control policy as a base for understanding of cessation behaviour.


Discrete choice experiments on a total of 616 respondents registered at a consumer monitoring investigative company.


The effect of price is greater on smokers with lower nicotine dependence. For smokers of moderate and low dependency, short term health risks and health risks caused by passive smoking have a strong impact, though the existence of penalties and long term health risks have little influence on smokers'' decisions to quit. For highly dependent smokers, non‐price attributes have little impact. Furthermore, the effects of age, sex and knowledge are also not uniform in accounting for smoking cessation.


Determinants of smoking cessation vary among levels of nicotine dependency. Therefore, how and what information is provided needs to be carefully considered when counselling smokers to help them to quit.  相似文献   

The effects of microbial transglutaminase (TGM) when added singly and in combination with amylolytic (-amylase, NMYL) and non-amylolytic (xylanase) enzymes on the textural profile of fresh pan beads and pan breads stored for up to 20 days have been investigated in samples made with low and high extraction rate wheat flours following a sponge-dough process. White and whole-wheat enzyme-supplemented bread samples evidenced a similar sensory firming profile but a different quantitative instrumental staling pattern during storage. Two groups of samples with different staling behaviour can be defined according to the absence (faster staling kinetics) or the presence (slower kinetics) of NMYL in the bread formula, the separation being particularly clear for hardness, cohesiveness and resilience in white bread samples. TGM when added to NMYL-supplemented doughs induced synergistic beneficial effects on fresh bread quality and staling kinetics retardation. The binary combination led to breads with softer and less chewy fresh crumbs, increased initial crumb cohesiveness and resilience, and slower crumb staling kinetics and sensory deterioration during storage, particularly for samples made with white flour.  相似文献   

Cigarette smoking is a major source of mortality and medical costs in the United States. More graphic and salient warning labels on cigarette packs as used in Canada may help to reduce smoking initiation and increase quit attempts. However, the labels also may lead to defensive reactions among smokers. In an experimental setting, smokers and nonsmokers were exposed to Canadian or U.S. warning labels. Compared with current U.S. labels, Canadian labels produced more negative affective reactions to smoking cues and to the smoker image among both smokers and nonsmokers without signs of defensive reactions from smokers. A majority of both smokers and nonsmokers endorsed the use of Canadian labels in the United States. Canadian-style warnings should be adopted in the United States as part of the country's overall tobacco control strategy.  相似文献   

C-reactive protein (CRP) levels predict coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. Levels are raised among smokers, but the effect of smoking cessation is unclear. Exposure to secondhand smoke (SHS) may be a confounder. Lifetime smoking exposure may have a dose effect on CRP among smokers, but it is unclear if this persists after cessation. We analyzed cross-sectional data on 4,072 adults recruited to a Scotland-wide population health survey who did not have CHD and were not on nicotine replacement therapy. CRP fell with time from cessation but was still raised up to 5 years after adjustment for case-mix (p<.001). SHS exposure was greater among ex-smokers than never-smokers (median cotinine 0.5 ng/ml vs. 0.4 ng/ml, p<.001) but did not explain the difference. Among smokers, there was a dose relationship between pack years and CRP on both univariate, F(4,1279) = 31.841, p<.001, and multivariate, F(4,1085) = 3.499, p = .008, analysis. Among ex-smokers there was also a dose relationship between pack-years and CRP, F(4,751) = 14.108, p<.001, which was independent of time from cessation and case-mix, F(4,466) = 3.744, p = .005. That CRP does not fall to normal levels immediately and that lifetime smoking exposure continues to impact on CRP levels post cessation suggest that CRP is not raised as a direct effect of cigarette smoke but rather via a secondary mechanism, such as tissue damage causing an inflammatory stimulus. Our results reinforce the need to encourage smoking cessation as early as possible.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether adolescent smoking behaviour is associated with their perceived exposure to teachers or other pupils smoking at school, after adjustment for exposure to smoking at home, in school, and best friends smoking. DESIGN: Logistic regression analysis of cross sectional data from students in Denmark. SUBJECTS: 1515 grade 9 students (mean age 15.8) from 90 classes in 48 Danish schools. Outcome measure: Self reported smoking behaviour; daily smoking and heavy smoking, defined as those smoking more than 20 cigarettes per week. RESULTS: Of the students in this study, 62% of boys and 60% of girls reported being exposed to teachers smoking outdoors on the school premises. The proportion of boys and girls reporting to have been exposed to teachers smoking inside the school building were 86% and 88%, respectively. Furthermore, 91% of boys and 92% of girls reported that they had seen other students smoking outdoors on the school premises. Adolescents' perceived exposure to teachers smoking outdoors on the school premises was significantly associated with daily smoking, having adjusted for sex, exposure to teachers smoking indoors at school and pupils smoking outdoors at school, as well as the smoking behaviour of mother, father, and best friend (odds ratio (OR) 1.8, 95% confidence interval 1.2 to 2.8). Adolescents' perceived exposure to teachers smoking inside the school building was not associated with daily smoking (OR 0.9, 95% CI 0.5 to 1.6) and perceived exposure to pupils smoking outdoors was not associated with daily smoking (adjusted OR 1.5, 95% CI 0.5 to 4.4). There were similar findings with heavy smoking as the outcome variable. CONCLUSIONS: Teachers smoking during school hours is associated with adolescent smoking. This finding has implications for future tobacco prevention strategies in schools in many countries with liberal smoking policies where it might provide support for those working to establish smokefree schools.  相似文献   

With increasing evidence of adverse health effects associated with particulate matter (PM), the exposure impact of natural sources, such as forest fires, has substantial public health relevance. In addition to the threat to nearby communities, pollutants released from forest fires can travel thousands of kilometers to heavily populated urban areas. There was a dramatic increase in forest fire activity in the province of Quebec, Canada, during July 2002. The transport of PM released from these forest fires was examined using a combination of a moderate-resolution imaging spectroradiometer satellite image, back-trajectories using a hybrid single-particle Lagrangian integrated trajectory, and local light detection and ranging measurements. Time- and size-resolved PM was evaluated at three ambient and four indoor measurement sites using a combination of direct reading instruments (laser, time-of-flight aerosol spectrometer, nephelometer, and an oscillating microbalance). The transport and monitoring results consistently identified a forest fire related PM episode in Baltimore that occurred the first weekend of July 2002 and resulted in as much as a 30-fold increase in ambientfine PM. On the basis of tapered element oscillating microbalance measurements, the 24 h PM25 concentration reached 86 microg/m3 on July 7, 2002, exceeding the 24 h national ambient air quality standard. The episode was primarily comprised of particles less than 2.5 microm in aerodynamic diameter, highlighting the preferential transport of the fraction of PM that is of greatest health concern. Penetration of the ambient episode indoors was efficient (median indoor-to-outdoor ratio 0.91) such that the high ambient levels were similarly experienced indoors. These results are significant in demonstrating the impact of a natural source thousands of kilometers away on ambient levels of and potential exposures to air pollution within an urban center. This research highlights the significance of transboundary air pollution and the need for studies that assess the public health impacts associated with such sources and transport processes.  相似文献   

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