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传统的减振器在工作状态下不能进行阻尼和刚度的调节,减振效果较差。电流变减振器配备半主动控制系统后,可以在减振器工作时及时调节阻尼和刚度,使减振效果得到极大的提高。  相似文献   

车辆半主动隔振系统减振分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
履带车辆半主动悬挂是车辆悬挂系统的发展方向,磁流变可控阻尼器的出现,使车辆悬挂系统实时阻尼控制成为车辆减振的有效方式.基于磁流变体本构关系的Bingham模型,在对自行研制的双出杆剪切阀式磁流变减振器进行实验研究的基础上,对影响磁流变减振器阻尼力的各种因素进行了综合分析.将半主动悬挂系统看成是一个智能材料与结构,其中驱动元件采用磁流变阻尼器,并通过传感元件采集振动信息,依靠信息处理单元对采集到的信息进行分析、处理,进而实时改变磁流变阻尼器的阻尼力,使悬挂系统的工作性能得到改善.建立了四自由度车辆悬挂系统的动力学模型,并应用非线性随机振动理论,在对模型输入进行过滤白噪声简化的基础上。探讨了用FPK法解方程的可能途径.  相似文献   

运用矢量学方法对设计的轮式装甲车用双气室油气弹簧阻尼特性建立数学模型,运用达朗伯原理建立阻尼特性的非线性理论方程并进行数值求解,通过控制变量法考察结构参数对该油气弹簧阻尼特性的影响。研究证明阻尼孔直径、阻尼孔个数的增多均导致阻尼力减小,而缸筒内径、环形腔面积的增大均能使阻尼力增大,研究表明改变结构参数可改善油气弹簧的缓冲减振性能。  相似文献   

提出了以开关型主动阻尼器与开关型主动弹簧组成的双重半主动隔振系统,利用KBM渐近法研究了弱半主动控制情况下双重半主动隔振系统的振动。  相似文献   

采用I-DEAS软件包建立了一种肘内式油气悬持系统设计方案的实体模型,并利用软件包中的有限元模块对其进行了刚、强度分析和计算,得到了该悬持系统在常见工况下肘体的应力及变形分布情况.为进一步完善悬挂系统设计及高压动密封设计提供了依据.这对于提高悬挂装置的可靠性具有重要意义.  相似文献   

油气弹簧环形节流阀片大挠曲变形分析与试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
提出了一种研究油气弹簧环形阀片大挠曲变形的方法。分析了通过钱式摄动法推导出解析式的误差,运用最小二乘原理重新拟合了解析式中的摄动参数,并与有限元数值解对比验证了其精确度。提出了环形缝隙节流的一种研究方法,运用边界层理论推导了紊流状态下缝隙的流量表达式。根据自主研发的油气弹簧的结构形式,通过上述推导公式以及实际气体状态方程建立了单气室油气弹簧的数学模型。仿真分析了系统弹性力与总输出力随位移的变化关系,将其与试验数据相比较验证了数学模型的正确性,为油气弹簧的设计提供了参考。  相似文献   

本文采用计算机辅助设计(CAD)技术对多自由度,不等式约束条件的非线性少片变截面非对称钢板弹簧的设计问题,用复合形法进行优化设计。  相似文献   

为了打破传统钢板弹簧悬挂结构制约矿用车吨位平台发展的技术瓶颈,中国兵器工业集团东北工业集团有限公司东蓬翔汽车有限公司利用自身的资源优势,设计、开发、试制出了莲翔品牌60T级油气悬挂矿用车。  相似文献   

利用MTS材料试验机测试囊式空气弹簧隔振器的动态特性,并研究了充气气压和振动频率对隔振器动刚度的影响.结果表明,囊式空气弹簧隔振器的动刚度与充气气压基本成线性关系,与振动频率也基本是线性关系.  相似文献   

油气消扭悬架的试验与仿真   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在ADAMS中建立了油气消扭悬架系统的机械及液压模型,进行了消扭工况仿真并将其与试验数据进行了对比分析,验证了所建油气消扭悬架系统模型的正确性。利用建立的整车模型对油气消扭悬架汽车的性能作出了预测,结果表明,消扭悬架不会破坏汽车的操纵稳定性,且在减小车身的扭矩、轮荷偏载及保证车轮与地面的良好附着方面效果明显。  相似文献   

In order to control the vehicle body position precisely, 1/4 nonlinear mathematical model of hydro-pneumatic suspension is established, and the influence of the frictional force in a hydraulic cylinder is analyzed. The friction characteristics are described based on the LuGre model when the piston of a hydraulic actuator is operated at a low speed. Due to the fact parameters of the friction model are effected by the system condition, an adaptive friction compensation (AFC) controller is designed through the Backstepping method, and a dual-observer has been implemented to estimate the friction state. The global asymptotic convergence of a closed-loop system is proven by the Lyapunov theorem. The simulation results show that the positional accuracy of the adaptive friction compensation yiedls a significant improvement in the vehicle height adjustment as compared to the PID control, demonstrating the effectiveness of the adaptive fiction compensation method in the vehicle height adjustable system of the hydro-pneumatic suspension.  相似文献   

半主动空气悬架的参数自调整模糊控制仿真   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
针对半主动空气悬架系统进行了自调整模糊控制算法的仿真研究。以某空气悬架大客车1/4车辆模型为仿真对象,设计了参数自调整的模糊控制器,并以B级路面为随机输入,以平顺性为评价指标,对模型进行了计算机仿真。结果表明,在引入参数自调整模糊控制方法后,车辆的行驶平顺性得到了改善。此外,当汽车行驶工况变化时,该控制器仍表现出良好的控制效果。  相似文献   

A new composite suspension is developed, where a coil spring and a hydro-pneumatic spring are used in order to improve the poor reliability of off-road vehicle with pure hydro-pneumatic suspension. According to road conditions, the two springs play different roles. The method for matching the composite suspension stiffness and distributing the load is proposed. The working pressure of hydro-pneumatic spring as well as the load and stiffness characteristics of composite suspension is compared with a pure hydro-pneumatic suspension. In addition, the ISO weighted vehicle body acceleration, suspension travel and relative dynamic load of the wheels between two kinds of suspension are analyzed with a quarter vehicle mode. The simulation result shows that the developed composite suspension is more suitable for off-road vehicle than the one hydro-pneumatic suspension, because the composite suspension can reduce the working pressure, improve the reliability and keep a similar ride comfort with hydro-pneumatic suspension.  相似文献   

A neuron proportion integration (PI) control strategy for semi-active suspension system of tracked vehicle was proposed based on its unique structure and the multiple and complex environment of the driving traffic. An adaptive genetic algorithm is used to optimize the parameters of the neuron PI controller. The simulation result of the neuron PI control for semi-active suspension system of tracked vehicle indicates that the vertical amplitude, pitch angle and vertical acceleration of the vehicle are well controlled. The root mean square (RMS) of the vertical amplitude decreases by 37.2%, and 45.2% for the pitch angle, 38.6% for the vertical acceleration. The research of neuron PI control experiment for the semi-active suspension system of the tracked vehicle model mining in benthal indicates that the RMS of the weight acceleration vibrating along the vertical direction decreases by 29.5%, the power spectral density resonance peak of the acceleration of the car body decreases by 23.8%.  相似文献   

Based on the state-of-the-art studies of solar-soil source heat pump compound system, operation patterns of solar-soil compound system were analyzed, particularly the advantages of parallel operation pattern. It is found that parallel operation pattern is better for solar-soil compound system. Furthermore, the heat balance issue of solar-soil compound system was emphatically analyzed from four aspects, which were annual analysis of heating and cooling load, the heat exchange of ground heat exchanger, capacity determination of solar-assisted heat source and heat balance calculation of solar-soil compound system. Moreover, annual rate of heat balance in a solar-soil source heat pump compound system was calculated with a case study. It is shown that the annual heat unbalance ratio is 19%, which is less than 20%. As a result, the practical solar-soil compound system can basically maintain the heat balance of soil.  相似文献   

以热量表热量计量原理为基础,介绍了几种常用的热量计量方法,分析比较了各自的优缺点,详细讨论了具有k系数补偿功能的热量计量方法——k系数补偿法,该方法实现了k系数的温度和压力在线补偿,因而具有较高的精度.还介绍了热量表测量系统的构成。  相似文献   

介绍了跟踪式热平衡温度测量的原理:当检测头与被测体靠近时,通过对流换热形成梯度为零的温度场,因而二者温度相等。这种梯度为零的温度场是通过对检测头的一端制冷(或加热)跟踪被测体的温度形成的.最后给出了静态和动态实验的测试结果。  相似文献   

双筒式减振器热力学模型   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
车用减振装置中双筒式减振器应用较为普遍,但其散热效果并不理想,油液的温升对密封件的影响很大,是困扰减振器可靠性设计的关键性问题。针对这种情况,建立了双筒式减振器的物理模型,分析了油液的生热机理,推导了相关传热系数和热传导方程,并考虑了辐射换热量,求解了综合热量传递表达式。通过能量守恒定律创建了双筒式液压减振器的热力学数学模型。编程分析了缸体结构尺寸和热辐射发射率对油液温升的影响规律,得出的结论可以为减振器的设计提供参考。  相似文献   

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