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Nitric oxide (NO) reduces platelet aggregation in vitro. However, repeated measurements of platelet aggregation in infants and small children are impossible due to the large blood samples required. Instead, the expression of different platelet receptors mediating platelet adhesion (CD 36 and CD 42b), activation (CD 42b and CD 61) and aggregation (CD 41a) was measured repeatedly by flow cytometry. First, the expression of platelet receptors was quantified in platelet suspensions of 20 healthy volunteers after incubation with different concentrations of NO (0, 25, 100 and 640 ppm) and compared to changes in platelet aggregation and intrathrombocytic cGMP levels. It was then studied in 21 infants and children before, during and up to 3 days after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery. Seven of these patients required NO inhalation postoperatively. The in vitro experiments showed a reduced expression of the CD 41a, CD 42b and CD 61 receptors with increasing doses of NO, predominantly affecting the CD 41a receptor (-11% at 100 ppm and -20% at 640 ppm). This significant effect is in keeping with the observed NO-induced inhibition of platelet aggregation (-44% at 100 ppm) and the rise in platelet cGMP levels (+69% at 100 ppm). In patients without inhaled NO, the expression of CD 41a was slightly attenuated during cardiopulmonary bypass surgery (-15%) but increased significantly afterwards (2 h: +31%, 1st day: +129%, 2nd day: +120%, 3rd day: +111%). Comparable results were obtained regarding the other adhesion molecules CD 36, CD 42b and CD 61. In patients with inhaled NO the same pattern was observed and analysis of variance did not reveal any significant difference between both groups of patients. CONCLUSIONS: NO (> or = 100 ppm) decreases the expression of different platelet adhesion molecules and platelet aggregation, presumably via an increase in intracellular cGMP. However, due to the low dose range used in the clinical setting (1-40 ppm) this is clinically not relevant. Immediately after cardiopulmonary bypass surgery the expression of these adhesion molecules is reduced, but recovers on the 1st postoperative day.  相似文献   

Sarcoidosis is a multisystem disease of unknown etiology characterized by the presence of noncaseating granulomas in involved tissues. To investigate a potential role for gamma/delta T cells in the pathogenesis of pulmonary sarcoidosis, we studied lung and blood T cells from patients for preferential expression of particular gamma/delta T cell receptors. An abnormally high percentage of gamma/delta cells was found in the blood of some patients. However, the increased percentage did not reflect an increase in absolute number, and appeared to be secondary to a decrease in T cells expressing alpha/beta receptors. Furthermore, as in normals, the circulating gamma/delta cells in patients predominantly expressed V gamma 9/V delta 2 receptors, a subset that was not enriched at the site of disease. In contrast, in the lung, an increased percentage of gamma/delta cells expressing V delta 1 was found in a subset of patients. Importantly, these cells demonstrated evidence of prior activation by selectively expanding in vitro in the presence of interleukin 2. Furthermore, an analysis of junctional region sequences revealed their clonal nature. These clonal expansions of V delta 1+ cells in pulmonary sarcoidosis provide evidence for a disease process that involves specific recognition of a local antigen by T cells, and contributes new information regarding the nature of the as yet undefined antigenic stimulus.  相似文献   

CTLA-4-deficient animals develop a fatal lymphoproliferative disorder. The cellular mechanism(s) responsible for this phenotype have not been determined. Here, we show that there is a preferential expansion of CD4+ T cells in CTLA-4(-/-) mice, which results in a skewing of the CD4/CD8 T cell ratio. In vivo antibody depletion of CD8+ T cells from birth does not alter the onset or the severity of the CD28-dependent lymphoproliferative disorder. In contrast, CD4+ T cell depletion completely prevents all features characteristic of the lymphoproliferation observed in CTLA-4-deficient mice. These results demonstrate that CD4+ T cells initiate the phenotype in the CTLA-4(-/-) mice. Further, these results suggest that the role of CTLA-4 in peripheral CD4+ versus CD8+ T cell homeostasis is distinct.  相似文献   

Evidence that T cells can down-regulate the immune response by producing or consuming certain cytokines or by lysing APCs or Th cells has been provided in various systems. However, the generation and characterization of suppressor T cell lines have met with limited success. Here we show that xenospecific suppressor T cells can be generated by in vitro stimulation of human T cells with pig APCs. Similar to allospecific suppressors, these xenospecific suppressor T cells carry the CD8+CD28- phenotype and react to MHC class I Ags expressed by the APCs used for priming. TCR spectratyping of T suppressor cells showed oligoclonal usage of TCR-Vbeta families, indicating that xenostimulation of CD8+CD28- T cells results in Ag-driven selection of a limited Vbeta repertoire. Xenospecific T suppressor cells prevent the up-regulation of CD154 molecules on the membrane of Th cells, inhibiting their ability to react against the immunizing MHC class II xenoantigens. The mechanism of this suppression, therefore, appears to be blockade of CD154/CD40 interaction required for efficient costimulation of activated T cells.  相似文献   

We recently showed that brief complement inhibition induces accommodation of hamster cardiac transplants in nude rats. We have reconstituted nude rats carrying an accommodated xenograft with syngeneic CD4+ or CD8+ T cells to investigate the cellular mechanism of xenograft rejection. We show that CD4+ T cells can initiate xenograft rejection (10 +/- 1.7 days) by promoting production of IgG xenoreactive Abs (XAb). These XAb are able to activate complement as well as to mediate Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity. Adoptive transfer of these XAb into naive nude rats provoked hyperacute xenograft rejection (38 +/- 13 min). The rejection was significantly (p < 0.001) delayed by cobra venom factor (CVF; 11 +/- 8 h in four of five cases) but was still more rapid than in control nude rats (3.3 +/- 0.5 days). CVF plus NK cell depletion further prolonged survival (>7 days in four of five cases; p < 0.01 vs CVF only). CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats rejected their grafts later (19.4 +/- 5.8 days) and required a larger number of cells for transfer as compared with CD4+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats. However, second xenografts were rejected more rapidly than first xenografts in CD8+ T cell-reconstituted nude rats (9 +/- 2 days), indicating that the CD8+ T cells had been activated. This study demonstrates that CD4+ and CD8+ T cells can both reject xenografts. The CD4+ cells do so at least in part by generation of helper-dependent XAb that act by both complement-dependent and Ab-dependent cell-mediated cytotoxicity mechanisms; the CD8+ cells do so as helper-independent cytotoxic T cells.  相似文献   

In this study we have investigated the role of CD4+, MHC class II-restricted cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs) in the disease caused by lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) in beta 2-microglobulin deficient (beta 2m-) mice. Intracranial (i.c.) infection with LCMV resulted in death of six out of 11 beta 2m- mice. Mice that survived showed a marked loss in body weight. Death and loss of body weight could be prevented by immunosuppressing the mice with irradiation or cyclosporine prior to i.c. injection of LCMV. This treatment also prevented induction of virus-specific, MHC class II-restricted CTL following peripheral inoculation with LCMV. In vivo depletion of CD4+ cells with antibody also prevented death following i.c. injection whereas in vivo depletion of CD8+ cells had no effect. Disease could be transferred to recipient beta 2m- mice by adoptive transfer of beta 2m- derived immune spleen cells. Transfer of non-immune spleen cells did not result in illness. In vitro treatment of immune spleen cells with anti-CD4 antibody and complement eliminated class II-restricted CTL activity and also prevented mortality of recipients after adoptive transfer. Treatment with anti-CD8 antibody had no effect. We were unable to transfer LCM disease to beta 2m- recipients by adoptive transfer of immune spleen cells from C57BL/6 mice. These results suggest that, unlike normal mice, the pathology of LCM disease in beta 2m- mice is dependent upon virus-specific, CD4+CD8-, MHC class II-restricted T cells.  相似文献   

This review focuses on the role of CD4+ T cells in regulating immune responses, orchestrating both the amplification and deletion of immune cells, particularly CD8+ T cells. These two functions, which represent only an apparent contradiction, appear to be two faces of the same process of regulation. In fact, because the immune response, once activated, needs to be carefully controlled or switched off when the antigenic stimulus is eliminated, the immune system has developed several strategies either to regulate clonal amplification or to avoid useless expansion of activated cells. In particular, we have reported many data demonstrating that CD4+ T cells may be indicated as the regulatory element in the activation as well as the deletion of CD8+ T cells. New data are also reported on the ability of anergic CD4+ T cells to suppress CD8+ T-cell activation through induction of apoptosis, and on the need for CD8+ T cells for antigen recognition in inducing cell death in CD4+ T cells. Moreover, the central role of CD4+ T cells in the maintenance of peripheral tolerance has been widely described.  相似文献   

The vast majority of in vitro experiments testing the cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL) activity in HIV infection has been performed with target cells consisting of autologous EBV-transformed B lymphoblastoid cell lines (B-LCLs) expressing Human immunodeficiency virus type I (HIV-1) proteins. However data concerning the lysis of primary CD4+ T lymphocytes expressing HIV-1 antigens by CTLs is still lacking. To study the CTL activity against such primary targets, we used a system involving PBMCs of an HIV+ asymptomatic patient (PT) as effector cells and the CD4+ lymphocytes or B-LCLs of his healthy HLA-identical twin brother (HTW) as target cells. These syngeneic targets were either infected with recombinant vaccinia virus containing HIV-1 gag gene (gag-vac), or coated with HIV-1 gag peptides. We demonstrate in this study that PT CTLs (which were CD3+, CD4-, CD8+, TCRalphabeta+, TCRgammadelta-, CD56-) specifically lysed both types of syngeneic target cells expressing gag-vac; however, CD4+ T cells expressing HIV gag proteins were lysed less efficiently than B-LCLs expressing the same HIV epitopes. On the other hand, no specific lysis was detected when the target cells were uninfected or infected by wild-type vaccinia virus.  相似文献   

The biologic role of each CD3 chain and their relative contribution to the signals transduced through the TCR/CD3 complex and to downstream activation events are still controversial: they may be specialized or redundant. We have immortalized peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes from a human selective CD3 gamma deficiency using Herpesvirus saimiri. The accessibility of the mutant TCR/CD3 complex to different Abs was consistently lower in immortalized CD8+ cells when compared with CD4+ cells, relative to their corresponding CD3 gamma-sufficient controls. Several TCR/CD3-induced downstream activation events, immediate (calcium flux), early (cytotoxicity and induction of surface CD69 or CD40L activation markers or intracellular TNF-alpha) and late (proliferation and secretion of TNF-alpha), were normal in gamma-deficient cells, despite the fact that their TCR/CD3 complexes were significantly less accessible than those of controls. In contrast, the accumulation of intracellular IL-2 or its secretion after CD3 triggering was severely impaired in gamma-deficient cells. The defect was upstream of protein kinase C activation because addition of transmembrane stimuli (PMA plus calcium ionophore) completely restored IL-2 secretion in gamma-deficient cells. These results suggest that the propagation of signals initiated at the TCR itself can result in a modified downstream signaling cascade with distinct functional consequences when gamma is absent. They also provide evidence for the specific participation of the CD3 gamma chain in the induction of certain cytokine genes in both CD4+ and CD8+ human mature T cells. These immortalized mutant cells may prove to be useful in isolating cytosolic signaling pathways emanating from the TCR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

Mice transgenic for a TCR that recognizes peptide110-120 of hemagglutinin of PR8 influenza virus in the context of MHC class II I-Ed molecules express the transgenes in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells. We have found that these TCR-hemagglutinin (TCR-HA) transgenic mice display a significantly increased resistance to the primary infection with PR8 virus compared with the wild-type mice. The TCR-HA transgenic mice mounted significant MHC type II and enhanced MHC type I-restricted cytotoxicity as well as increased cytokine responses in both spleen and lungs after infection with PR8 virus. In contrast, the primary humoral response against PR8 virus was not significantly different from that of the wild-type mice. In vivo depletion and adoptive cell transfer experiments demonstrated that both CD4+ and CD8+ TCR-HA+ T cell subsets were required for the complete clearance of pulmonary virus following infection with a dose that is 100% lethal in wild-type mice. Whereas CD4+ TCR-HA+ T cells were necessary for effective activation and local recruitment of CD8+ T cells, CD8+ TCR-HA+ T cells showed a Th1-biased pattern and MHC type II-restricted cytotoxicity. However, in the absence of in vivo expression of MHC type I molecules on the infected cells, the protection conferred by the TCR-HA+ T cells was impaired, indicating that the enhanced MHC class I-restricted cytotoxicity due to TCR-HA+ CD4+ Th cells was a critical element for clearance of the pulmonary virus by the transgenic mice.  相似文献   

Recruitment into the gut of CD4+ T cells and their activation in the colonic lamina propria (LP) are key events in the development of colitis in scid mice reconstituted with CD4+ T cells from immunocompetent, congenic donor mice. This study investigated the expression of cytokines and selectin-binding epitopes by CD4+ T cells repopulating different tissues of the adoptive scid host. Cells from the inflamed colonic LP of transplanted scid mice produced high amounts of IL-12, IFN-gamma and TNF-alpha but only low amounts IL-4 and IL-10. Intracellular cytokine staining confirmed the presence of large numbers of IFN-gamma- and TNF-alpha-producing effector CD4+ T cells in the colonic LP of scid mice with colitis but also in non-inflamed tissues [spleen (S), peritoneal cavity (PC) and mesenteric lymph nodes (mLN)] of the adoptive host. Cells from these tissues furthermore produced large amounts of IL-12. Ligands for endothelial selectins are involved in recruiting T cells into inflamed tissues. We have analyzed the expression of selectin-binding epitopes on CD4+ T cells repopulating different tissues of the adoptive scid host. We found that a large fraction of CD4+ T cells from inflamed colonic LP and from non-inflamed PC, mLN and S expressed high levels of P- and E-selectin-binding epitopes (P-Lhi) in transplanted scid mice, but not in congenic, immunocompetent control mice. Although P-Lhi CD4+ T cells were enriched in IFN-gamma-producing subsets from most (but not all) tissues, we also found large numbers of in vivo generated P-Llo CD4+ T cells producing pro-inflammatory cytokines. This was in contrast to in vitro generated Th1 CD4+ T blasts that were almost exclusively P-Lhi. In this mouse model, production of Th1-type pro-inflammatory cytokines and expression of surface epitopes binding endothelial selectins are hence strikingly up-regulated in CD4+ T cells residing in inflamed and non-inflamed tissues during the development of colitis.  相似文献   

The proportion of CD4- CD8- double-negative (DN) alpha beta T cells is increased both in the thymus and in peripheral lymphoid organs of TCR alpha chain-transgenic mice. In this report we have characterized this T cell population to elucidate its relationship to alpha beta and gamma delta T cells. We show that the transgenic DN cells are phenotypically similar to gamma delta T cells but distinct from DN NK T cells. The precursors of DN cells have neither rearranged endogenous TCR alpha genes nor been negatively selected by the MIsa antigen, suggesting that they originate from a differentiation stage before the onset of TCR alpha chain rearrangements and CD4/CD8 gene expression. Neither in-frame V delta D delta J delta nor V gamma J gamma rearrangements are over-represented in this population. However, since peripheral gamma delta T cells with functional TCR beta gene rearrangements have been depleted in the transgenics, we propose that the transgenic DN population, at least partially, originates from the precursors of those cells. The present data lend support to the view that maturation signals to gamma delta lineage-committed precursors can be delivered via TCR alpha beta heterodimers.  相似文献   

In the normal course of an immune response, both CD4+ and CD8+ T cells respond to each of the bacterial pathogens we have discussed and both responses may be required for the most potent immunity to infection. In this discussion, we have focused on the ability of these organisms to prime CD8+ T-cell responses in vivo and the ability of CD8+ T cells as sole mediators of acquired immunity, to protect against infection. It is clear that the vacuolar location of bacterial pathogens such as Salmonella or Mycobacteria does not prevent in vivo priming of CD8+ T-cell responses to these pathogens. However, vacuolar localization may affect the potency of CD8+ T-cell responses under experimental conditions that assess the capacity of CD8+ T cells as the sole mediators of acquired immunity. In the case of cytoplasmic L. monocytogenes, clear evidence exists that antigen-specific CD8+ T cells, in the absence of immune CD4+ T cells, can provide substantial acquired immunity to naive mice. Similar clear experimental results with Salmonella and Mycobacteria are lacking. Such results would provide stronger support for vaccines that elicit CD8+ T-cell responses to these vacuolar pathogens. Although our discussion has focused on only three specific organisms, we suggest that detection of an in vivo CD8+ T-cell response to a bacterial antigen does not ensure that the response will be protective against infection in a vaccine setting. In the case of Salmonella and Mycobacteria, this issue remains unresolved.  相似文献   

Prior studies have implicated CD30 as a marker for Th2 cells, but the mechanism that underlies this correlation was unknown. We show here that CD30 was expressed on activated CD4+ T cells in the presence of IL-4. In the absence of endogenously produced IL-4, however, even Th2 lineage cells lost CD30 expression. Thus, CD30 is not an intrinsic marker of Th2 cells, but is inducible by IL-4. CD30 was also found to be down-regulated by IFN-gamma. Committed Th1 effector cells do not express CD30, although differentiating Th1 lineage cells temporarily express CD30. The transient expression of CD30 on differentiating Th1 lineage cells was mainly the result of endogenously produced IL-4 induced by IL-12. Culture of IL-12-primed cells under conditions that reverse the phenotype (Ag plus IL-4) resulted in two cell populations based upon their ability to express CD30. One population responded to IL-4 upon restimulation and became a CD30-positive, Th0-like cell population, while the other remained CD30 negative and synthesized only IFN-gamma. Thus, CD30 expressed on CD4+ T cells reflected the ability of CD4+ T cells to respond to IL-4.  相似文献   

CD4+ T cells from young and aged mice were sorted into Mel-14+ cells which are regarded as naive cells and Mel-14- cells which are regarded as memory cells. These subsets were stimulated in short-time cultures with anti-CD3 or anti-CD3/anti-CD28 in order to determine the presence of Th1 and/or Th2 cytokines. Based on the simultaneous production of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, and IFN-gamma upon anti-CD3 stimulation by Mel-14- cells from young and aged mice, it is concluded that this cell population comprises Th1, Th2, and/or Th0 cells. Mel-14+ cells from young mice only secrete substantial amounts of IL-2 in the presence of anti-CD28 as a costimulatory signal and can therefore be regarded as Th precursor cells. By contrast, Mel-14+ cells from aged mice responded to anti-CD3 alone, not only by the production of IL-2 but also by the production of high amounts of IFN-gamma and minute amounts of IL-4 and IL-10, suggesting that these "naive" cells in aged mice are enriched for Th1 cells. This was not due to lack of CD28 triggering since anti-CD28 enhanced IFN-gamma as well as IL-4 and IL-10 to a similar extent. Our data therefore indicate that Mel-14 is not exclusively expressed on naive CD4+ T cells.  相似文献   

To explore the possibility that CD4+ T cells, described to mediate the elimination of themselves or B lymphocytes, could also mediate the elimination of CD8+ T cells, we analyzed apoptotic phenomena in cocultures of CD4+ and CD8+ autologous T cell lines. The data show that CD8+ T cells were lysed by activated CD4+ helper T cells by a Fas/FasL-mediated mechanism. CD4+ T cells were not lysed by activated CD8+ T cells, although Fas and FasL were equally expressed and anti-Fas Abs induced apoptosis in both CD4+ and CD8+ T cell populations. The results allowed us to speculate that CD4+ T cells not only help CD8+ T lymphocytes to mature into effector killer cells and to sustain this function but can also limit their growth.  相似文献   

The mechanism by which HIV-1 induces CD4(+) T cell death is not known. A fundamental issue is whether HIV-1 primarily induces direct killing of infected cells or indirectly causes death of uninfected bystander cells. This question was studied using a reporter virus system in which infected cells are marked with the cell surface protein placental alkaline phosphatase (PLAP). Infection by HIV-PLAP of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) and T cell lines leads to rapid depletion of CD4(+) T cells and induction of apoptosis. The great majority of HIV-induced T cell death in vitro involves direct loss of infected cells rather than indirect effects on uninfected bystander cells. Because of its proposed role in HIV-induced cell death, we also examined the Fas (CD95/Apo1) pathway in killing of T cells by HIV-1. Infected PBMCs or CEM cells display no increase in surface Fas relative to uninfected cells. In addition, HIV-1 kills CEM and Jurkat T cells in the presence of a caspase inhibitor that completely blocks Fas-mediated apoptosis. HIV-1 also depletes CD4+ T cells in PBMCs from patients who have a genetically defective Fas pathway. These results suggest that HIV-1 induces direct apoptosis of infected cells and kills T cells by a Fas-independent mechanism.  相似文献   

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