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郑俊义  余笑寒  刘敏  张继超  王娟 《核技术》2011,34(5):336-340
采用浸入法在750℃熔融氟化盐(LiNaK-F)中进行Inconel 600、Hastelloy X、Hastelloy c-276镍基高温耐蚀合金的腐蚀实验.利用同步辐射微束X射线荧光分析(μ-XRF)及X射线衍射(XRD)对样品进行了分析测试.μ-XRF结果表明,镍基合金在熔融氟化物中的腐蚀主要为合金元素Cr的流失...  相似文献   

钛合金作为新型蒸汽发生器的主要结构材料,其耐缝隙腐蚀性能受到关注,而钛合金在硼、锂介质中的缝隙腐蚀行为研究较少。本文采用微型腐蚀回路对钛合金TA16和TA17在硼、锂介质中的5000 h缝隙腐蚀行为进行了研究,获得了2种材料的缝隙腐蚀敏感性,并对试验后钛合金氧化膜成分和结构进行了分析。结果表明:在缝隙腐蚀模拟件上未观察到缝隙腐蚀现象,TA16、TA17在硼、锂介质中对缝隙腐蚀不敏感;模拟件缝隙内、外的氧化物存在一定差异,缝隙外的颗粒状微晶钛铁矿(FeTiO3)与钛合金缝隙腐蚀无关。  相似文献   

为探究不同Cr含量的镍基合金在熔盐环境中的腐蚀行为,在700°C的FLi Na K(Li F-Na F-KF:46.5-11.5-42 mol%)盐中对Hastelloy B-2、Haynes 242、Hastelloy S、GH3030和Hastelloy X五种不同Cr含量的镍基高温合金进行了400 h的腐蚀实验。利用扫描电子显微镜(Scanning Electron Microscope,SEM)和电子探针(Electron Probe Microanalysis,EPMA)对腐蚀后样品进行表征,结合样品失重,对不同Cr含量合金的腐蚀规律进行归纳分析。结果表明,合金的耐腐蚀性能受其Cr含量的影响较大,低Cr合金(Hastelloy B-2和Haynes 242)具有较好的耐熔盐腐蚀性能,高Cr合金耐熔盐腐蚀性能较差,当合金中Cr含量大于20%时(GH3030和Hastelloy X),腐蚀急剧增加,合金表面出现明显的贫Cr层,合金不适合在熔盐环境中应用。  相似文献   

纯Fe和316L不锈钢在液态锂铅合金中的腐蚀行为   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
采用挂片法、失重法和金相表面分析,进行了高纯Fe和316L不锈钢2种结构材料在350~550 ℃液态LiPb合金中静态腐蚀行为的研究。研究结果表明,温度及结构材料组分元素在液态LiPb合金中的溶解和质量迁移是导致材料腐蚀的主要原因,合金、结构材料表面的氧化皮也是影响静态腐蚀行为的一种重要参数。  相似文献   

Inconel 617合金是高温气冷堆蒸汽发生器的候选材料,在反应堆超高温运行时可能会受到氦气中痕量杂质的腐蚀。为探究合金在高温堆环境中的腐蚀机理,本研究开展了Inconel 617合金在980℃的非纯氦气中的腐蚀实验,对气相以及腐蚀行为进行了分析。通过化学热力学和动力学计算,阐明了合金脱碳的机理,并建立了碳迁移判定模型和脱碳反应预测模型,与实验数据有良好的一致性。在此基础上,研究了预氧化和温度对脱碳反应的影响。研究结果表明,即使杂质含量极低,也会诱发相关的腐蚀行为。降低运行温度可以有效避免合金脱碳,但预氧化的抗脱碳效果不理想。因此,极低杂质含量并非高温堆一回路净化目标,应该根据模型预测和实验分析来选择更加合理的杂质控制方案。  相似文献   

本发明提供一种核燃料组件,其中含硼化合物用作可燃毒物且分布在该组件的大多数棒内。该组件包括多个燃料棒,每一燃料棒含有多个核燃料芯块,其中,在燃料组件内大于50%的燃料棒中至少有1个燃料芯块包括金属氧化物、金属碳化物或金属氮化物和含硼化合物的烧结混合物。  相似文献   

本发明提供一种核燃料组件,其中含硼化合物用作可燃毒物且分布在该组件的大多数棒内。该组件包括多个燃料棒,每一燃料棒含有多个核燃料芯块,其中在燃料组件内大于50%的燃料棒中至少一个燃料芯块包括金属氧化物、金属碳化物或金属氮化物和含硼化合物的烧结混合物。  相似文献   

研究了Na2O/Al2O3摩尔比(n)对模拟高放废液硼硅酸盐玻璃固化体结构和性能的影响。利用红外光谱分析了不同Na2O/Al2O3摩尔比时硼硅酸盐玻璃固化体的结构变化,并用溶解速率法(DR)和全谱直读等离子发射光谱(ICP-OES)表征了所制备出固化体的化学稳定性。结果表明:在研究组分范围内,当n1.0时,硼硅酸盐玻璃固化体结构中Al以[AlO4]四面体的形式存在,但[BO3]三角体的量较大;随着Na2O/Al2O3摩尔比的增加(n=1.0),固化体结构中[BO3]三角体向[BO4]四面体转变,Al仍以[AlO4]四面体的形式存在,固化体结构稳定性增加;Na2O/Al2O3摩尔比继续增加(n=1.5或2.0),固化体成分中由于Al含量已很少而使[AlO4]含量过少,对固化体结构网络致密性的影响起主要作用,且此时成分中存在过多的碱金属离子在结构中起断网作用,玻璃固化体网络结构变疏松。在Na2O/Al2O3摩尔比为1.0时,玻璃固化体有相对较佳的结构稳定性和化学稳定性,浸泡56d后的失重速率为10-9 g/(cm2·min)数量级,且浸出液中各浸出离子的平均浓度最低。  相似文献   

采用循环伏安法和计时电位法研究了Li2O在KCl-LiCl熔盐中的电化学行为,并利用卷积伏安法计算了923 K下O2-在KCl-LiCl熔盐中的扩散系数(D),得到D=0.5×10-5 cm2/s。以Gd2O3、Nd2O3、Sm2O3和Dy2O3为阴极,在KCl-LiCl-Li2O(w=1%)熔盐中进行电解(恒电压3.40 V、电解温度923 K、电解时间25 h)。通过X射线衍射分析(XRD),证实稀土氧化物被部分还原为金属,并分析了电解过程中可能发生的反应。同时利用PRS模型(该模型可将固态阴极内离子的极限扩散速率与固态氧化物孔隙P、金属/氧化物摩尔体积R、阴极还原后的体积收缩率S等参数关联)分析了这些稀土氧化物的电解还原模型,得到Gd2O3、Nd2O3、Sm2O3和Dy2O3的最优孔隙率分别为18.7%、24.2%、30.6%、16.7%,最短电解时间分别为133、157、143、119 h,将这些结果与电解实验结果进行对比,发现阴极的孔隙率和电解时间均不满足金属氧化物完全被还原的要求,并给出了相应的解释。  相似文献   

研究了三元层状化合物Ti3SiC2、Ti3AlC2在熔融LiF-NaF-KF盐中的腐蚀行为,探索其腐蚀机理及抗腐蚀性能。研究发现,这两种MAX相材料在熔融FLiNaK盐中的腐蚀表现为A元素的溶解,进而形成腐蚀产物TiCx。数据表明,Ti3SiC2表现出比Ti3AlC2更好的抗腐蚀性,Ti3AlC2中的A元素Al几乎全部溶解,而Ti3SiC2中A元素Si溶解只发生在表层及浅表层。从理论分析和微结构表征方面对实验现象进行了解释,并且针对由六方Ti3AlC2转变为立方TiCx提出了相应的机理。  相似文献   

The isothermal and cyclic corrosion behavior of yttria (Y2O3)-stabilized zirconia (ZrO2) in a LiCl-Li2O molten salt were investigated at 650 °C in an argon atmosphere. During isothermal and cyclic corrosion tests in the molten salt of LiCl-Li2O for 168 h and 7 thermal cycles, the corrosion rate was very low, whereas under the molten salt of LiCl-Li2O-Li for 168 h, the corrosion rate was almost 10 times higher than that in the molten salt of LiCl-Li2O. No corrosion product was detected until 168 h for the isothermal corrosion test, however, after 7 thermal cycles, a very-low-intensity Li2ZrO3 peak was detected at the beginning stage of the chemical reaction between ZrO2 and Li2O. Additionally, in the molten salt of LiCl-Li2O-Li for 168 h, a large amount of Li2ZrO3 was formed, with evidence of marked cracks, pores, and spallations on the corroded surface. The introduction of Y2O3-stabilized ZrO2 was beneficial in increasing the hot corrosion resistance of the structural materials used to handle molten salts containing Li2O at elevated temperature without forming a lithium at the cathode during the electrolytic reduction process.  相似文献   

In this study,pure Ni was demonstrated to pro-tect the GH3535 alloy from Te vapor corrosion because of its strong absorption capacity.Severe Te corrosion of a single GH3535 alloy sample occurred in Te vapor at 700℃,which manifested as complex surface corrosion products and deep intergranular cracks.However,when pure Ni and the GH3535 alloy were put together in the vessel,the GH3535 alloy was completely protected from Te corrosion at the expense of the pure Ni.Thermody-namic calculations proved that the preferential reaction between pure Ni and Te vapor reduced the activity of Te vapor considerably,preventing the corrosion of the GH3535 alloy.Our study reveals one potential approach for protecting the alloys used in molten-salt reactors from Te corrosion.  相似文献   

The Molten Salt Reactor(MSR) is one of the six advanced reactor nuclear energy systems for further research and development selected by Generation IV International Forum(GIF),which is distinguished by its core in which the fuel is dissolved in molten fluoride salt.Because fuel flow in the primary loop,the depletion of MSR is different from that of solid-fuel reactors.In this paper,an MCNP5 and ORIGEN2 Coupled Burnup(MOCBurn) code for MSR is developed under the MATLAB platform.Some new methods and novel arrangements are used to make it suitable for fuel flow in the MSR.To consider the fuel convection and diffusion in the primary loop of MSR,fuel mixing calculation is carried out after each burnup time step.Modeling function for geometry with repeat structures is implicated for reactor analysis with complex structures.Calculation for a high-burnup reactor pin cell benchmark is performed using the MOCBurn code.Results of depletion study show that the MOCBurn code is suitable for the traditional solid-fuel reactors.A preliminary study of the fuel mixture effect in MSR is also carried out.  相似文献   

As from long-term operating experience the high purity primary water cycle of light water nuclear reactors may exhibit excursions from the recommended water chemistry leading to potentially favorite conditions for stress corrosion cracking (SCC) which may be initiated and its propagation controlled by local pitting and crevice corrosion. Deterministic modeling of local corrosion including incubation times for crevice corrosion should therefore provide a basis for lifetime predictions of components, which have been subjected to sporadic intermediate water chemistry fluctuations. Based on previous work for room temperature (RT), the chloride-induced crevice corrosion at 288 °C of pure nickel as an important base element in respective high alloyed nuclear materials is modeled by coupling anodic polarization with the precipitation of nickel oxide and nickel chloride calculated from the water–hydrogen–nickel chloride heterogeneous phase equilibrium diagram. The surface corrosion potentials are fixed by bulk levels of hydrogen and oxygen contents as well as pH simulating hydrogen treatment of irradiation subjected cooling water for the reduction of corrosion potentials and mitigation of SCC at operating temperature 288 °C in Boiling Water Reactors (BWRs). Assuming chemical equilibrium conditions during the selected time steps in a relevant component crevice the calculated change of the crevice solution composition is quantitatively shown to initiate crevice corrosion by the breakdown of the passive nickel oxide layer followed by the formation of non-passive nickel chloride and the subsequent acidification of the crevice solution. The effects of corrosion potentials, bulk levels of pH and chlorides, are investigated. As a result, the reduction of corrosion potentials and increase in bulk pH provide significant increases in the passive layer breakdown times and acidification times inside the crevice. Depending on bulk pH and corrosion potentials the reduction of bulk chlorides down to recommended levels in BWRs retards crevice corrosion significantly. For a standard 100,000 h time for crevice acidification to locally less than pH = 0 the respective chloride–pH domain is evaluated. Such diagrams may be related to respective effects on stress corrosion cracking and its mitigation by hydrogen water chemistry (HWC).  相似文献   

2MW液态钍基熔盐实验堆主屏蔽温度场分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
反应堆主屏蔽是核反应堆的重要组成部分,用来有效降低反应堆运行时屏蔽体外的辐射剂量水平,以满足反应堆部件材料对辐射限制的要求。温度是影响反应堆主屏蔽性能的重要因素。针对2 MWth液态熔盐堆(2-MW liquid-fueled molten salt experimental reactor,TMSR-LF1),采用MCNP软件获得功率分布后,利用Fluent软件对主屏蔽进行温度场计算。计算过程中利用Python语言编写了程序(MCNP to Fluent,MTF)来实现将MCNP(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code)计算结果转换为功率密度的空间分布,以用户自定义函数(User-Defined Function,UDF)形式导入到Fluent,解决了MCNP计算结果不能直接导入到Fluent的问题,并分别计算了TMSR-LF1熔盐堆不同环境温度下的主屏蔽温度场分布情况。结果表明,在环境温度为5°C、18°C、25°C、30°C、35°C、40°C情况下,TMSR-LF1熔盐堆主屏蔽普通混凝土墙温度均低于要求限值,达到设计要求。  相似文献   

MeV辐射场中Al2O3的剂量学特性   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
用EGSnrc/DOSRZnrc程序计算水体模中Al2O3剂量计的吸收剂量和剂量计所在处介质的实际吸收剂量,并计算吸收剂量换算因子。剂量计为φ4mm×1 mm的Al2O3薄片,计算深度0.5~8 cm,入射光子能量1~18MeV,入射电子能量1~25 MeV。结果表明:1)吸收剂量换算因子的大小与入射粒子的能量以及剂量计在体模中的深度有关;2)存在一个吸收剂量换算因子变化不敏感的区域,在此区域内吸收剂量换算因子受剂量计深度变化和入射粒子能量变化的影响都很小,可直接用平均值来表示区域内的吸收剂量换算因子。  相似文献   

添加Al2O3和SiO2的大晶粒UO2芯块制备研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
研究了Al2O3和SiO2添加剂对UO2芯块晶粒尺寸的影响.结果表明:加入少量的Al2O3和SiO2,可有效促进烧结过程中UO2芯块的晶粒度长大,过量加入则会阻碍烧结过程中UO2芯块的致密化;在添加量一定的情况下,添加不同比例的Al2O3和SiO2,对芯块晶粒尺寸有较大影响,只添加SiO2,对芯块晶粒尺寸影响不大,Al2O3添加量增加,芯块晶粒尺寸随之增加;添加Al2O3和SiO2促进UO2芯块晶粒长大的机制是在烧结期间发生了液相烧结.  相似文献   

The physical vapor deposition method is an effective way to deposit Al2O3 and Er2O3 on 316L stainless steel substrates acting as tritium permeation barriers in a fusion reactor.The distribution of residual thermal stress is calculated both in Al2O3 and Er2O3 coating systems with planar and rough substrates using finite element analysis.The parameters influencing the thermal stress in the sputter process are analyzed,such as coating and substrate properties,temperature and Young's modulus.This work shows that the thermal stress in Al2O3 and Er2O3 coating systems exhibit a linear relationship with substrate thickness,temperature and Young's modulus.However,this relationship is inversed with coating thickness.In addition,the rough substrate surface can increase the thermal stress in the process of coating deposition.The adhesive strength between the coating and the substrate is evaluated by the shear stress.Due to the higher compressive shear stress,the Al2O3 coating has a better adhesive strength with a 316L stainless steel substrate than the Er2O3 coating.Furthermore,the analysis shows that it is a useful way to improve adhesive strength with increasing interface roughness.  相似文献   

Corrosion rate and stress corrosion cracking (SCC) behavior of pure copper under anaerobic conditions were studied by immersion tests and slow strain rate tests (SSRT) in synthetic seawater containing Na2S. The corrosion rate was increased with sulfide concentration both in simple saline solution and in bentnite–sand mixture. The results of SSRT showed that copper was susceptible to intergranular attack; selective dissolution at lower sulfide concentration (less than 0.005 M) and SCC at higher sulfide concentration (0.01 M). It was expected that if the sulfide concentration in groundwater is less than 0.001 M, pure copper is possible to exhibit superior corrosion resistance under anaerobic condition evident by very low corrosion rates and immunity to SCC. In such a low sulfide environment, copper overpack has the potential to achieve super-long lifetimes exceeding several tens of thousands years according to long-term simulations of corrosion based on diffusion of sulfide in buffer material.  相似文献   

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