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正风电是风能发电或者风力发电的简称,属于可再生能源、清洁能源。风力发电是风能利用的重要形式,风能是可再生、无污染、能量大、前景广的能源,大力发展清洁能源是世界各国的战略选择。风电技术装备是风电产业的重要组成部分,也是风电产业发展的基础和保障,世界各国纷纷采取激励措施推动本国风电技术装备行业发展,中国风电技术装备行业已取得较大  相似文献   

<正>风电是风能发电或者风力发电的简称,属于可再生能源、清洁能源。风力发电是风能利用的重要形式,风能是可再生、无污染、能量大、前景广的能源,大力发展清洁能源是世界各国的战略选择。风电技术装备是风电产业的重要组成部分,也是风电产业发展的基础和保障,世界各国纷纷采取激励措施推动本国风电技术装备行业发展,中国风电技术装备行业已取得较大  相似文献   

正加快开发利用风电是我国增加清洁能源供应、减少环境污染、战胜雾霾急需采取的重要战略措施风电是清洁可再生能源,开发技术成熟,经济性较好,上网电价每千瓦时0.51元-0.62元,高于煤电,低于天然气发电。我国风能资源丰富,据中国气象局、国家发改委、财政部、国家能源局调查,我国风能资源离地70m高度技术可开发容量2.57TW,近海水深5m-25m风能资源约0.19TW。我国风电发展很快,2013年并网风电装机容量  相似文献   

我国风力发电发展现状和问题分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
能源危机的日趋严重,优化能源结构、发展清洁环保的可再生能源迫在眉睫。风能是一种清洁环保的可再生能源,随着国家政策的支持和风力发电技术的不断发展,风力发电越来越得到人们的重视,并将在新能源发电中扮演重要的角色。概述了我国风能资源的储量和分布,介绍了近年来我国风力发电的总体情况、各省(自治区)风力发电的发展概况以及我国风电企业的发展现状,最后指出了我国风力发电目前出现的一些问题,并进行了分析。  相似文献   

风能水能资源的互补开发、综合利用是一种有效的可再生能源利用方式。通过阐述国际及国内风电发展现状,分析云南电力结构,研究云南风能资源特点,提出在云南建立基于风能水能互补发电的可再生能源体系。  相似文献   

舟丹 《中外能源》2014,(9):15-15
<正>可再生能源包括水能、风能、太阳能、生物质能、地热能和海洋能等,资源潜力大、分布地域广,其开发利用对环境污染很小,是最有利于人与自然协调发展的能源。在世界化石能源资源快速消耗,环境污染日益严重和气候变暖威胁逐渐增大的形势下,可再生能源的开发利用受到全世界高度重视,很多国家将开发利用可再生能源作为能源战略的重要组成部分,采取法律手段和优惠政策等措施鼓励可再生能源的发展。近年来,风电、太阳能发电等可再生能源发展迅速,年增长率达到25%以上,成为世界能源中增长最快的新领域。  相似文献   

风能资源是一种可再生的清洁能源。佳木斯是中国风能资源丰富的地区之一,其自然条件具有开发的明显优势,如纬度优势、大气环流优势、地形地势优势;但也存在着不利因素,如夏季风影响、低温的影响、市场的影响,同时风能的开发对自然环境、对人们的生活也会产生影响。  相似文献   

集团公司目前除重点发展煤电一体、坑口电站等业务外,还大力发展风能发电、光伏发电和生物质能发电等新型能源和可再生能源全资建设的平鲁区败虎堡和右玉小五台两个风电场,是山西省首批风电机组,标志着我省在清洁能源利用领域迈出了重要的一步,填扑了我省没有风力发电的空白。  相似文献   

清洁能源发展是我国能源改革的一项重大战略举措,清洁能源是助推我国实现碳达峰、碳中和目标的重要手段。为助推我国实现“双碳”目标,在国家政策的引导下,倡导清洁能源发展,全面推进风能、水力、光伏等清洁能源发电,建立风电、水电、光电等综合可再生能源发电基地逐步取代传统能源结构。本文通过分析我国清洁能源发展状况,客观剖析我国清洁能源发展趋势和应用前景,解读了国家针对清洁能源的发展态势,阐述我国目前清洁能源发电存在的问题及弊端,并对清洁能源未来发展趋势提出己见,助推清洁能源取得佳绩。  相似文献   

在能源紧张、电力企业环境“准入”门槛提升的形势下,利用风能丰富的取之不尽用之不竭的资源发电成为经济发展的动力.如今黑龙江省广大林区、农区风能富集的优势正成为投资者关注的热点。2007年,中国“林都”伊春市收获了20万kW“大风刮来”的风电清洁能源。在黑龙江省边境城市佳木斯,全境近85%以上的辖区属于国家气象局定义的风能丰富区,  相似文献   

Renewable energy represents an area of tremendous opportunity for India. Energy is considered a prime agent in the generation of wealth and a significant factor in economic development. Energy is also essential for improving the quality of life. Development of conventional forms of energy for meeting the growing energy needs of society at a reasonable cost is the responsibility of the Government. Limited fossil resources and associated environmental problems have emphasized the need for new sustainable energy supply options. India depends heavily on coal and oil for meeting its energy demand which contributes to smog, acid rain and greenhouse gases’ emission. Last 25 years has been a period of intense activities related to research, development, production and distribution of energy in India.Though major energy sources for electrical power are coal and natural gas, development and promotion of non-conventional sources of energy such as solar, wind and bio-energy, are also getting sustained attention. The use of electricity has grown since it can be used in variety of applications as well as it can be easily transmitted, the uses of renewable energy like wind and solar is rising. Wind energy is a clean, eco-friendly, renewable resource and is nonpolluting. The gross wind power potential is estimated at around 48,561 MW in the country; a capacity of 14,989.89 MW up to 31st August 2011 has so far been added through wind, which places India in the fifth position globally. This paper discusses the ways in which India has already supported the growth of renewable energy technologies i.e. wind energy and its potential to expand their contribution to world growth in a way that is consistent with world's developmental and environmental goals. The paper presents current status, major achievements and future aspects of wind energy in India.  相似文献   

In this work, we are analyzing the advantages of energy incentives for all the stakeholders in an energy system. The stakeholders include the government, the energy hub operator, and the energy consumer. Two streams of energy incentives were compared in this work: incentives for renewable energy generation technologies and incentives for energy storage technologies. The first type aims increasing the share of renewable energies in the electricity system while the second type aims development of systems which use clean electricity to replace fossil fuels in other sectors of an energy system such as the transportation, residential and industrial sector. In this work, we are analyzing the advantages of energy incentives for all the stakeholders in an energy system. The stakeholders include the government, the energy hub operator, and the energy consumer. Two streams of energy incentives were compared in this work: incentives for renewable energy generation technologies and incentives for energy storage technologies. The first type aims to increase the share of renewable energies in the electricity system while the second type aims the development of systems which use clean electricity to replace fossil fuels in other sectors of an energy system such as the transportation, residential and industrial sector. The results of the analysis showed that replacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation with wind and solar power is a less expensive way for the energy consumer to reduce GHG emissions (60 and 92 CAD/ tonne CO2e for wind and solar, respectively) compared to investing on energy storage technologies (225 and 317 CAD/ tonne CO2e for Power-to-Gas and battery powered forklifts, respectively). However, considering the current Ontario's electricity mix, incentives for the Power-to-Gas and battery powered technologies are less expensive ways to reduce emissions compared to replacing the grid with wind and solar power technologies (1479 and 2418 CAD/ tonne CO2e for wind and solar, respectively). Our analysis also shows that battery storage and hydrogen storage are complementary technologies for reducing GHG emissions in Ontario.  相似文献   

海上风力发电技术   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
风力发电是一种清洁的能源利用方式。随着风力发电技术的发展,海上风力发电已逐渐成为风电发展的新领域。因为海上风资源丰富,而且不会受土地使用的限制。目前,一些欧洲国家已成功建立了自己的海上风电场,证实了海上风力发电是可行的。中国具有很长的海岸线,邻近海域具有丰富的风资源,如能充分利用这些风能,将有助于解决我国的能源和环境问题。我国的海上风力发电技术刚刚起步,开发设计适合我国海域特点,并具有自主知识产权的海上风力发电设备,对我国的风力发电技术及能源战略具有重大意义。  相似文献   

Despite the massive cost reduction in the last decade, wind power generation is generally still more expensive than conventional energy sources which benefit from the exclusion of externality costs in the price structure. Support policies for renewable energies guarantee the economic viability of this type of electrical power generation in many European countries. In Latin America, Brazil has become the pioneer state for renewable energy with the implementation of the PROINFA programme that supports, among other sources, wind power development of 1100 MW. This article presents an overview of the differences between the German and Brazilian wind power promotion policies with a special focus on how PROINFA can be adapted to the unstable macroeconomic situation of Brazil. The document specifically examines the adaptation of wind power promotion policies to large inflation and interest rates in Brazil.  相似文献   

我国风力发电的现状与展望   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
阐述了风能是清洁的可再生能源,将为能源结构调整和环境保护做出重大贡献。在对风电装机容量、风电场分布及相关政策进行统计的基础上,分析了中国风力发电现状,提出了风力发电亟待解决的问题,展望了我国风力发电的前景。  相似文献   

This paper analyzes Japan's national power generation strategy with a view to explaining Japan's phlegmatic approach to wind energy development. The analysis concludes that Japan's current power generation strategy is not optimized to achieve the government's three strategic energy objectives of simultaneously enhancing economic security, national energy security and environmental security (3Es). To achieve long-run energy sustainability, Japan needs to strive to phase out nuclear power, which is the centerpiece of its current power generation strategy. The analysis concludes by offering four suggestions for a sustainable 3E power generation strategy: (1) internalize all external costs associated with power generation technologies in order to level the economic playing field, (2) increase feed-in mandates for renewable energy to 20%, (3) fully liberalize the power generation industry and (4) intensify R&D in energy storage technologies to support intermittent renewable technologies.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to estimate the technical potential of wind energy in Vietnam and discuss strategies for promoting the market penetration of wind energy in the country. For the wind resource assessment, a geographical information system (GIS)- assisted approach has been developed. It is found that Vietnam has a good potential for wind energy. About 31,000 km2 of land area can be available for wind development in which 865 km2 equivalents to a wind power of 3572 MW has a generation cost less than 6 US cents/kWh. The study also proves that wind energy could be a good solution for about 300,000 rural non-electrified households. While wind energy brings about ecological, economic and social benefits, it is only modestly exploited in Vietnam, where the main barrier is the lack of political impetus and a proper framework for promoting renewable energy. The priority task therefore is to set a target for renewable energy development and to find instruments to achieve such a target. The main instruments proposed here are setting feed-in tariff and providing investment incentives.  相似文献   

Nowadays renewable sources are being used as clean sources to generate electricity and to reduce the dependency on fossil fuels. The uses of renewable sources are being increased in electricity generation and contributed to reduce the greenhouse gas emission. The function of any electrical power system is to connect everyone sufficiently, clean electric power anywhere and anytime of the country. This can be achieved through a modern power system by integrating electrical energy from clean renewable sources into the nation's electric grid to enhance reliability, efficiency and security of the power system. The paper on the status of review the driving force of the generation of renewable energy and proposing electrical energy generation from renewable sources to be ensured at least 20% of total energy of Australia. This paper has been studied the existing electricity generation capacity of Australia from renewable and non-renewable sources. Optimal electricity generation from renewable sources has been examined. The environmental impact of electricity generation from renewable sources has been considered. Under this paper the yearly average wind data of past 20 years and above for some meteorological stations of Australia have been used. The prospective electricity generation from wind turbines and solar photovoltaic panels has been proposed in the paper that will increase electrical energy of the power grid of Australia. It was estimated the capital cost of prospective electricity generation farms from wind and solar PV sources.  相似文献   

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