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如何构建一个有利于吸引全球投资资本的城市形象是地方在推动城市全球化发展中的重要问题。以汉堡港口新城为例,从全球竞争下汉堡都市区发展背景出发,分析汉堡以巨型工程建设为全球化发展战略实施点,通过采取塑造欧洲都市发展新典范、展现项目建设过程、举办国际建筑竞赛与创造文化资本的营销策略体系构建了一种有利于吸引投资资本的全球形象,揭示了地方政府推进城市国际化发展的一种作用方式,即利用重点发展项目建设,结合地方历史和文化特征,通过合适的营销策略体系构建城市的全球形象是吸引全球投资资本、促进城市国际化建设的有效方式。  相似文献   

正文化,是一座城市独一无二的印记,更是一座城市无可替代的精髓和灵魂。在经济全球化、快速城市化的背景下,如何传承中国城市文化的精髓,创造崭新的城市文化和城市特色,是城市建设发展的核心价值所在。全球化时代营造的激烈竞争环境下,为了吸引更多的全球资本,越来越多的地方政府将城市营销作为城市竞争战略的重要手段,城市营销已经成为全  相似文献   

从城市规划建设的实践角度入手,论文总结和归纳了创意城市汉堡通过弘扬文化创意产业、打造创意城区、吸引创意人群等途径推进城市发展的具体策略,如港城建设、传统工人街区改造、IBA项目、创意公司等,并综合评述了这些策略的成败得失.  相似文献   

经济全球化时代的城市营销策略:观察和思考   总被引:16,自引:0,他引:16  
在经济全球化时代,城市发展越来越面临来自全球层面的机遇和挑战.全球资本的流动性不断增强,导致城市之间的竞争日趋激烈.为了吸引更多的外部发展资源(如投资者、旅游者和居住者),越来越多的地方政府采取城市营销作为城市竞争战略的重要工具.首先,解读相关的研究文献,建立经济全球化和城市营销之间的关联逻辑;然后,从城市品牌、城市形象和城市事件三个方面,对于城市营销实践进行较为全面的观察;最后,对于城市营销中值得关注的问题提出反思和批评.城市营销是吸引外部发展资源的有效途径之一,但并非城市发展的唯一出路.正如一些国际知名学者所指出的,就可持续发展的长远前景而言,城市发展必须坚持内生型模式,形成地方创新环境,这才是城市管治的根本要务.  相似文献   

资本区位策略视角下城市体系的研究框架包含两个维度,分别基于资本支配和资本服务两种职能属性,以及全球资本和本土资本两种空间属性。研究表明,当今世界城市体系的总体格局体现了发达经济体主导的全球化语境,中国城市体系是全球城市"网络中的网络"。北京作为中国本土资本支配"单中心"城市,与全球资本支配中心城市的辐射范围和获利能力差距较大;同时,中国本土的资本服务中心城市体系也呈现面向全球资本的内向门户属性。在我国不断扩大开放和深化体制改革的宏观背景下,这些城市在本土资本国际化进程中的作用和地位值得关注。  相似文献   

从社会资本方视角,构建基于总体、过程、商务和管理四维度的海绵城市建设PPP项目投资后评价体系,以国家第二批海绵城市试点宁夏固原为例进行投资后评价案例分析,识别项目投资效益的关键影响因素,为海绵城市建设PPP项目中社会资本方投资决策提供理论依据,促进我国海绵城市建设科学化、规范化发展。  相似文献   

顾朝林  樊杰 《规划师》2011,27(8):32-33
改革开放以来,特别是自2000年以来,经济全球化进程加速推进,城市间的竞争逐渐变成普遍现象.我国的许多城市相继以全球化的视野来谋划城市未来的发展轨迹,提出实施国际化战略,推动了城市国际化进程.实施城市国际化战略,有利于城市提升自己在国内和国际城市体系中的地位,更加有效地吸纳和配置全球资源,抢占市场竞争的制高点.诸多城市实施城市国际化战略,对我国城镇体系产生了深刻的影响.城市国际化是城市发展到一定阶段的产物,对提升城市发展具有重要意义.我国有越来越多的城市提出国际化发展战略,但是在建设进程中,有以下4个问题值得关注.  相似文献   

建设海绵城市是我国城市发展的重要战略举措,有效推行PPP建设模式对探索城市生态文明建设和区域可持续发展具有重要意义。本文从社会资本视角出发,以国家第二批海绵城市试点城市宁夏固原为例,通过分析其海绵城市建设PPP项目生产经营的现金流,融合社会资本退出时机和退出方式的数理表征,在考虑退出方式损益差异的条件下,构建了海绵城市建设PPP项目社会资本退出决策模型,推导了社会资本最优的退出方式与退出时机。最后,文章对社会资本退出方式进行了可行性分析,以期为海绵城市建设PPP项目构建合理可行的退出机制提供决策依据。  相似文献   

当今中国是全球化主要推动力量,中国也有着最为丰富的城市化实践.面向21世纪中叶,一大批中国城市都有着国际化、全球化发展的雄心与行动.从上海市城市总体规划(2017-2035年)部署建设“卓越的全球城市”的编制实践入手,兼及当今中国主要城市的国际化、全球化探索,讨论“新时代”全球城市理论的迭代问题.通过对前期全球城市理论与实践的梳理和对照,从理论上归纳中国实践在空间根植性、经济韧性、社会包容性和文化自信塑造方面,对于形成全球城市发展新范式的贡献.  相似文献   

当前城市发展越来越关注生态环境和文化内涵,公园更新正成为提升城市文化资本的重要媒介。在“花园城市”新加坡,公园更新不仅有效提升了国家形象、突显了城市特色,还增强了城市活力和对人才及资本的吸引力。在文化经济政策功能主义理性和工具主义理性作用下,公园更新主要通过生产领域、消费领域和控制权方面来提升城市文化资本。20世纪60—70年代,在“新加坡人”国家认同政策的推行下,新加坡国家植物园、裕廊公园、市镇公园通过建设多元文化主题公园促进种族融合;20世纪80—90年代,在“高品质生活”和“高雅社会”政策的引导下,丰富各级公园文化景点,促进旅游业的发展;2000年以来,基于“文艺复兴城市计划”,公园成为地方文化和公共艺术的主要展演场所,“艺术渗透生活”贯穿于滨海湾花园、裕廊湖花园以及市镇社区花园中。新加坡的公园建设与更新由政府自上而下推动并制定一系列文化经济政策作为保障,通过构建多元、高效、特色、实用的公园网络来提升环境宜居性和居民幸福感,并吸引国际投资和人才,可供中国公园更新的政策制定、规划设计等参考。  相似文献   

结合德国汉堡组织的威廉斯堡国 际建筑展和港口新城的两个案例,本文对汉 堡近年来平衡经济增长和强化社会认同的多 重城市设计工作进行了总结。文章首先阐释了 多元合作城市设计工作模式的内涵,同时指出 西方国家城市面临经济结构调整、社会群体 多元化和全球化的挑战,满足多元人群差异 化需求的城市设计策略在地方政府的发展政 策中占据了核心地位,国际建筑展成为发掘地 方需求,推动多样性发展的重要工具。威廉 斯堡在汉堡市政府支持下,通过一系列城市设 计项目与当地居民加强沟通,鼓励社区实现差 异化发展,重视培育居民对当地的认同感,提 升环境的质量和可持续性。港口新城则在以 前港口用地进行再开发的过程中,强调功能混 合和强化城市多样性的目标,提出了较为灵活 的城市设计原则,帮助人们在开发和施工过程 中不断改进,以确保城市开发的多样性。  相似文献   

20世纪90年代以后,在我国经济体制改革深化和全球竞争日益激烈的背景下,我国地方城市普遍采取了将"城市经营"理念引入旧城改建的做法.市场作用在加速推进我国旧城改建进程的同时,也造成了许多严峻的经济社会矛盾与城市空间问题,问题的根源在于地方政府过分追求经济效益造成旧城改建中角色错位和主体间利益不均衡.地方政府应该有序协调近期建设与远期发展的关系,强化高效的公共财政运作机制,优化城市经营,有序引导旧城空间发展,促进城市经营与旧城改建的良性结合.  相似文献   

Conclusion The neo-liberal shift in how public authorities shape the subject at the local level must be contextualized as part of the structural transformations of local government in decentralizing its core responsibilities for the provision of collectively consumed goods to a more-market-oriented interpretation of being a service enabler. This global trend certainly influenced South African debates during the transition period on the vital role of local government in rebuilding a deeply- divided society while simultaneously entering the global economy. We have reviewed the outcomes of these macroeconomic and social tensions on the development agendas of the City of Cape Town. The post-apartheid South African state was deeply committed to democratization, as illustrated through an extensive set of pieces of legislation designed to incorporate public participation in service delivery. In this article, we have shown how local government has grappled with implementing procedural equity through the notion of Developmental Local Government. We have reviewed the institutional limitations to implementing public participation mechanisms that were part of the goals of DLG, such as the RDP and IDP fora. We then illustrated two competing visions of development within local government and how these visions shaped the practice of service delivery in the city. The MSD prioritized efficiency in service delivery and in doing so shaped the subject as a customer. Alternatively, COMDEV prioritized equity and in doing so shaped the subject as a citizen. These different approaches to service delivery significantly shape the development trajectory of low-income communities. Ahmedi Vawda is in national government as Deputy Director General of Housing.  相似文献   

Abstract In a general context of state reforms, there is an emerging consensus on the strategic role of city‐regions in the global economy. As it is the case in other city‐regions, state‐led regional reforms in Montreal are enmeshed in a series of clashes between the Left and the Right, the Provincial government and local municipalities, and the inner city and the suburbs. However, Montreal also presents an intriguing case of territorial struggles centered on cultural identities nested in multiple scales. Beyond the more recurrent arguments for and against consolidation, Montreal is also the theater of a struggle for linguistic rights. The use of territorial claims as a political strategy for influencing city‐regional governance reforms and by the same token gaining more local autonomy to protect life in English in Montreal is explored as an indicator of the rescaling of claims for political autonomy.  相似文献   

杨宇振 《新建筑》2013,(6):24-29
结合卡尔·马克思等人的相关论述,阐述和分析历史时期关于"城市"的多元认识,讨论与城市有关的五个方面;进而提出欧美城市设计历程与理论的另一种解释,阐述城市设计与物质、社会和观念生产之间的关系;结合资本的空间化与地方化,讨论清末民初早期现代化中国城市设计的状况。重点不在论述研究城市设计内部的理论,而存干讨论城市设计的外部关系及其生产的逻辑。  相似文献   

This article examines two so-called “silicon valleys” located in Bangalore, India, and Guadalajara, Mexico. Drawing its theoretical propositions from the global city literature and the informational/network society framework, it posits that the metropolitan edges of these cites contain new industrial landscapes inserted in a global system of production. This new urban form is dynamically shaped by the location decisions of multinational software and electronics corporations, government entrepreneurial activities, and amenities valued by the “information-age elite.” The author examines the local sociospatial implications of this new urban form and discusses the challenges facing these cities, which must balance their local social and environmental responsibilities with the polarizing effects of the global/informational economy.  相似文献   

This paper compares the different ways in which the cities of Hamburg and Rotterdam are taking preemptive action to adapt to climate change. Literature, interviews, secondary data, official statistics, project reports and policy briefs were used to identify institutional arrangements used by the city governments to encourage innovations in climate adaptation strategies and involve the private sector in climate change policy implementation. We focus on cases that create positive opportunities; exploring how innovations are facilitated within the theoretical frameworks of the Porter hypothesis and eco-innovation. We examine two possible pathways of climate change governance, firstly strict regulation and formal enforcement, and secondly institutional eco-innovation and voluntary measures. We found that different emphasis is placed on the preferred pathway in each of the case studies. Hamburg focuses on formal enforcements while the Rotterdam city government encourages institutional eco-innovation by acting as a platform and also providing incentives. Our findings suggest that a well-designed institutional framework can enhance innovation and increase environmental and business performance. The framework could vary in instruments and patterns, using both formal constraints and incentives to increase voluntary actions to shape policy. The formal rules could be stringent or incentivising to shape the climate change measures. The research aims to contribute to both practice and science by providing examples that might motivate and inspire other cities to design appropriate institutions for climate change policy implementation.  相似文献   

Cities position themselves to compete in the global economy using large-scale entrepreneurial interventions, which have the potential to significantly alter urban landscapes (Harvey 1989). Within this broad urban entrepreneurial approach, it is useful to reflect on localised knowledge production processes and the actors and power embedded in them, which result in particular urban development outcomes in cities. This paper analyses a spatial planning exercise, the Back of Port (BoP) Project, initiated in Durban in 2007 by its administrative entity eThekwini Municipality, and produced by local consultants, which reflects a particular form of urban entrepreneurialism. The BoP Project aimed to increase the competitiveness of the Durban port through improving city infrastructure, addressing congestion at the port-city interface and ensuring economic growth in the city, in a highly contested and political space. The resultant knowledge production process and the spatial framework that was produced, were shaped by global urban policy and the politics and practices of local government, civil society organisations and the knowledge fields of specialist consultants. The BoP spatial planning exercise reveals how urban policy is unfolding in a city in the South, in response to global processes of urban economic development, national imperatives and local challenges. The research reveals that knowledges associated with an economic and functional discourse-coalition became hegemonic, whilst counter-hegemonic knowledges around social and environmental justice struggled to frame the spatial plan.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: A new urban conservatism has developed in Hartford, Connecticut, one of the US' poorest cities. Over one-quarter of its population lives below the poverty level, and every modern urban problem exists within the city. Since 1993, the local government has been controlled by a bipartisan coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats that has set a distinctive tone in local governance, responding heavily to business elements over the poor. Three controversies that illustrate this conservatism are analyzed: (1) an attempt at private management of the school system; (2) the utilization of zoning to curtail social services in the city; and (3) the limiting of public participation and oversight of city council activities. These developments suggest that a new type of urban conservative regime may be developing, stemming from a new ethos of privatism and the emerging global economy.  相似文献   

跨境城市区域中的城市管治——以香港为例   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
沈建法 《城市规划》2002,26(9):45-50
探讨香港在全球化和区域一体化过程中面临的挑战。香港—珠江三角洲地区的跨境城市管治网络涉及中央政府、广东省政府、深圳市政府、香港特区政府及其他相关组织。重点是跨境城市管治尤其是香港特区政府的角色。从 2 0 0 1年开始 ,香港的跨境城市管治开始从“跨境保护主义”向“跨境自由贸易区”转变 ,这对香港—珠江三角洲的发展具有显著的意义  相似文献   

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