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In river stretches being subjected to flow regulation, usually for the purpose of energy production (e.g. Hydropower) or flood protection (river barrage), a special measure can be taken against the effect of combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The basic idea is the temporal increase of the river base flow (during storm weather) as an in-stream measure for mitigation of CSO spilling. The focus is the mitigation of the negative effect of acute pollution of substances. The measure developed can be seen as an application of the classic real time control (RTC) concept onto the river system. Upstream gate operation is to be based on real time monitoring and forecasting of precipitation. The main objective is the development of a model based predictive control system for the gate operation, by modelling of the overall wastewater system (incl. the receiving water). The main emphasis is put on the operational strategy and the appropriate short-term forecast of spilling events. The potential of the measure is tested for the application of the operational strategy and its ecological and economic feasibility. The implementation of such an in-stream measure into the hydropower's operational scheme is unique. Advantages are (a) the additional in-stream dilution of acute pollutants entering the receiving water and (b) the resulting minimization of the required CSO storage volume.  相似文献   

Constructed wetlands (CWs) have proved to be a highly effective measure to reduce the ecological impact of combined sewer overflows (CSOs) on receiving waters. Due to the stochastic nature of the loading regime and the multitude of environmental influences, assessment of the performance of such plants requires detailed mathematical modelling. A multi-component reactive transport module (CW2D) was applied to simulate the flow, transport and degradation processes occurring in a CW for CSO treatment. CW2D was originally developed to simulate the treatment of municipal wastewater in subsurface flow CWs. Loading and operational conditions in CSO treatment differ fundamentally from the conditions occurring for wastewater treatment. Despite these differences, first results from the simulation of lab-scale experiments show, that the model is generally applicable to this type of plant. Modelling of adsorption, degradation processes, and influent fractionation, however, require further research.  相似文献   

In order to replace traditional sampling and analysis techniques, turbidimeters can be used to estimate TSS concentration in sewers, by means of sensor and site specific empirical equations established by linear regression of on-site turbidity Tvalues with TSS concentrations C measured in corresponding samples. As the ordinary least-squares method is not able to account for measurement uncertainties in both T and C variables, an appropriate regression method is used to solve this difficulty and to evaluate correctly the uncertainty in TSS concentrations estimated from measured turbidity. The regression method is described, including detailed calculations of variances and covariance in the regression parameters. An example of application is given for a calibrated turbidimeter used in a combined sewer system, with data collected during three dry weather days. In order to show how the established regression could be used, an independent 24 hours long dry weather turbidity data series recorded at 2 min time interval is used, transformed into estimated TSS concentrations, and compared to TSS concentrations measured in samples. The comparison appears as satisfactory and suggests that turbidity measurements could replace traditional samples. Further developments, including wet weather periods and other types of sensors, are suggested.  相似文献   

In urbanising catchments the variability of particulate matter (solids) and oxygen demanding constituents of wet weather and dry weather characteristics result in variable treatment effectiveness from physical unit operations and biological unit processes. Higher organic concentrations during dry weather flow are more amenable to biological unit processes while the higher inorganic loads generated largely by urban wet weather constituents and much larger flows can be more effectively treated or conditioned by physical unit operations, including ideally preceded by hydrologic controls. This study examines the relationships between total chemical oxygen demand (COD)(t), dissolved chemical oxygen demand (COD)(d), particulate chemical oxygen demand (COD)(p) and solids, measured as total suspended solids (TSS). Results also provide an index for selection and optimisation of treatment operations for combined sewer overflow (CSO) loads.  相似文献   

张子贤 《人民长江》2012,43(15):32-34
为提高幂函数型水位流量关系的拟合精度,对幂函数回归的传统方法进行了剖析,导出了采用乘积随机误差时,幂函数型因变量的数学期望表达式和幂函数型非线性回归与其线性化回归的残差平方和的关系式。导出的公式表明,因变量的估计值并非是其数学期望的估计值;传统方法所求幂函数的回归系数不满足该因变量的残差平方和为最小。结合幂函数型水位流量关系回归计算的实例,选用5种计算方法进行分析比较。结果表明,高斯-牛顿法、化非线性为线性的加权回归法均显著优于传统方法;高斯-牛顿法优于自适应加速遗传算法,与拉格朗日乘子法相同。  相似文献   

To reduce the CSO (Combined Sewer Overflow) pollutant discharge, one of the effective options is cleaning of sewer pipes before rainfall events. To maximize the efficiency, identification of pipes to be cleaned is necessary. In this study, we discussed the location of pipe deposit in dry weather in a combined sewer system using a distributed model and investigated the effect of pipe cleaning to reduce the pollutant load from the CSO. First we simulated the dry weather flow in a combined sewer system. The pipe deposit distribution in the network was estimated after 3 days of dry weather period. Several specific pipes with structural defect and upper end pipes tend to have an accumulation of deposit. Wet weather simulations were conducted with and without pipe cleaning in rainfall events with different patterns. The SS loads in CSO with and without the pipe cleaning were compared. The difference in the estimated loads was interpreted as the contribution of wash-off in the cleaned pipe. The effect of pipe cleaning on reduction of the CSO pollutant load was quantitatively evaluated (e.g. the cleaning of one specific pipe could reduce 22% of total CSO load). The CSO simulations containing pipe cleaning options revealed that identification of pipes with accumulated deposit using the distributed model is very useful and informative to evaluate the applicability of pipe cleaning option for CSO pollutant reduction.  相似文献   

针对传统马尔科夫链方法状态划分单一的缺点,考虑入库径流的分布特性、丰枯状态划分的模糊性及径流年内分布的不均匀性,分别采用均值-标准差法、频率法、模糊法及模糊-集对法对入库径流进行状态划分,采用一步预测与多步加权预测相结合的方式对大渡河瀑布沟水库入库径流情势进行预测,探究不同状态划分方法及预测方法对马尔科夫链径流预测结果的影响。研究表明:考虑径流年内分布的状态划分结果更为合理,常规马尔科夫链方法对径流预测准确性的影响明显。研究结果可为今后应用马尔可夫模型开展径流预测提供科学依据。  相似文献   

人口大县沭阳县一直借用临近城市的暴雨公式,急需编制能反映本地降雨规律的暴雨强度公式,为其城市排水防涝系统规划和设计提供科学依据。基于沭阳县气象站1981-2015年共计35a的自记暴雨雨量资料,选取11个降雨历时的年最大值作为实测样本,分别基于P-Ⅲ型分布、指数分布和耿贝尔分布进行理论频率曲线分析,确定重现期-降雨强度-历时关系推求暴雨强度公式,绘制新公式和现行采用公式的暴雨强度-历时-重现期关系曲线进行对比分析。结果表明:新公式与现行采用公式的计算结果相差较大,因此有必要对沭阳县进行暴雨强度公式重新编制。  相似文献   

Vertical flow treatment wetlands have been developed as very useful tools for treatment of combined sewage overflow. Several systems have been in operation for over 15 years. Based on recent research work, new technical guidelines now recommend systems with a drained filter of sand 0/2 mm and a throttled outflow. COD, NH4-N and SS removal rates of 85-99% can be expected from this type of filter. SS loadings that are too high and very long or frequent inundation affect the performance adversely. Information for successful long-term operation were derived from various existing plants.  相似文献   

水经济价值计算方法评价研究   总被引:10,自引:5,他引:5  
本文以海河流域8个案例区为例,比较了残值法、扣除非水成本法和效益分摊系数法3种分析计算行业水经济价值的方法。结果认为效益分摊系数法相对合理,适用于计算各行业水经济价值,扣除非水成本法仅适用于计算种植业水经济价值,在计算第二、三产业行业水经济价值时会出现失真。  相似文献   

The EU Water Framework Directive (WFD) calls for a good quality of all water bodies. Retention soil filters (RSF) have been developed to treat discharges from combined sewers systems. RSF have proved over the past 15 years to be the most effective measure to meet the EU WFD standards, especially for small or particularly sensitive receiving waters, which require an enhanced reduction of emissions from combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The paper presents results from laboratory-scale experiments, in which the oxygen measurement in the filter plays a main role. The results show remarkable differences in oxygen concentrations in different filter depths. The highest oxygen consumption takes place in the upper part of the filter. In the lower part the re-aeration of sewage from the soil air dominates. This indicates that the biological activity is limited to the upper part of the filter. The availability of oxygen in the filter is a sign for degradation of wastewater compounds (ammonium, COD) under certain conditions and already takes place during the filter operation. The removal of ammonium especially cannot be strictly divided into phases of sorption during the loading and oxidation during the dry period any more.  相似文献   

Historical, high-resolution rain series are the backbone of modern combined sewer overflow (CSO) structure design. These rain series are the input to the computational estimation of the performance of the measures with respect to CSO pollution abatement. However, those historical precipitation measurements are available at only a few locations. Frequently rain series have to be used from gauging stations at a significant distance. In order to judge and to compensate for this influence an estimate between rain characteristics and combined sewer outflow (CSO) performance indicators would be useful. In this paper such correlations have been sought for a collection of 37 rain series covering large areas of Europe. It was found that the mean annual rain volume can explain most of the variances for the performance indicators Number of overflows and CSO volume. For explaining the spatial differences in the efficiency of the CSO structure another rain characteristic, i.e. the maximum event with a return period of one year, is to be used.  相似文献   

不同监测方法下大坝安全监测资料差异性检验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
顾冲时  王建  郑东健  王献辉 《水利学报》2004,35(4):0101-0104
基于统计学理论,探讨了大坝安全监控中同一效应量在不同监测方法下的监测资料差异性问题,提出了通过标准差、均值和相关性等特性值检验不同监测资料差异性的方法,推导了相应的分析计算公式。实例分析表明,提出的方法能较有效地评价同一效应量在两种不同监测方法下监测资料变化规律是否相似的问题。  相似文献   

In this paper the measure of increased river base flow is developed and evaluated. Aim is the temporal increase of flow in manmade low flow stretches for sufficient dilution of downstream acute pollution introduced by combined sewer overflows (CSOs). The increase of flow is done by operating upstream located retaining structures such as hydropower intakes. For implementation both energy producers and municipalities are required to cooperate. Thus the measure fits into a core aim of the Water Framework Directive of having basin wide approaches for improvements. Technically the focus of the measure is clearly on the mitigation of acute pollution, not addressing delayed or accumulate pollutants. The framework and implications are discussed for having an appropriate real time control (RTC) concept based on model based predictive control (MBPC). A specially development algorithm for the operation is presented and subsequently tested off-line with a semi-virtual catchment. The boundary conditions of the catchment are varied with regard to the connected catchment size, the river connected and the pollutant concentration originating from the catchment. Based on these scenarios and a review on uncertainties in rain forecasts, limits for the measure are derived. Costs for the measure were estimated as equivalent cost due to losses in energy production. It is shown that not only the costs for annual spilled water are to be considered but as well peak flows generated in the river system. The increase of CSO volume as an alternative measure was not found to be a suitable measure, leading to unrealistic high volumes and consequently to exorbitant costs.  相似文献   

投影寻踪回归的参数矩阵模型用于指标较多的水安全评价,其优化效率和优化效果均受到影响。若适当设置各指标的参照值及指标值的规范变换式,并对指标值进行规范变换,则用规范值表示的不同指标皆与某个规范指标"等效"。因此,只需构造并用免疫进化蛙跳算法优化得出对各指标规范值都能适用的2项指标的NV-PPR(2)和3项指标的NV-PPR(3)水安全评价模型。而当指标数较多(m≥4)时,只需将其分解为若干个NV-PPR(2)和(或)NV-PPR(3)的组合表示即可。实例分析结果表明:基于指标规范值的水安全评价的投影寻踪回归模型具有形式简洁、计算简便和普适通用的特点。  相似文献   

Reduction of sediment micro-pollution by means of a pilot plant.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Solutions need to be found to manage polluted (organic matter, trace elements, hydrocarbons and PAHs) stormwater sediments while complying with stringent economic and environmental requirements. The cost of transport is a relatively large part of the treatment cost for such sediments, hence the development of a pilot unit that could provide their in situ treatment. Seven stormwater sediments were treated by means of the ATTRISED pilot plant, based on sieving and attrition. The objective is to apply a treatment procedure by which as much clean material as possible is recovered, while the pollutants are concentrated in a small volume ready for final destruction or isolation from the environment. Application of the attrition process serves to remove fine particles and contaminants from the surface of sediments and hydrocyclone separations allow to isolate fine contaminated particles (< 60 microm). The results show that particle size separations coupled to an attrition step allow decontamination efficiencies of 76% and 70% for street sweeping and pond sediments, respectively. Although the experiments were carried out on stormwater sediments, all kinds of sediments may be treated by the ATTRISED pilot plant if the mean particle size is greater than 60 microm.  相似文献   

水利工程外观质量评定是单位工程质量评定的一项重要内容,由于《水利水电工程施工质量检验与评定规程》(SL 176—2007)对外观质量评定工作的要求不够明确,给外观质量评定人员造成了一定的困惑,并导致评定结果存在失真现象。结合多年在基层从事外观质量评定工作的实践经验,从外观质量的评定标准、外观质量评定程序、评定得分汇总等方面入手,探讨如何客观公正地开展水利工程的外观质量评定工作,并提出相应的建议。  相似文献   

利用遥感技术建立影像波段反射率与地面监测水质参数的定量反演模型,能实现高效率、大尺度湖泊富营养化水平的监测。机器学习通过高度的非线性映射,能很好地利用已知信息,模拟复杂因素之间的关系。以武汉东湖为例,基于资源一号02C卫星影像,利用K-近邻法、支持向量机、随机森林、梯度提升决策树、人工神经网络等5种经典的机器学习算法建立了叶绿素a(Chl-a)、透明度(SD)、总磷(TP)、总氮(TN)、高锰酸盐指数(COD_(Mn))5个水质参数与影像反射率间的定量反演模型,并采用综合营养状态法对东湖富营养化程度进行评价。以2014年11月22个采样点和2015年1月23个采样点的数据为基准,与基于机器学习算法训练水质参数建模对比,富营养化分级正确率为分别为95.5%和82.6%;以武汉市环境保护局数据为基准,对比反演的东湖各子湖营养等级,正确率均为71.4%。  相似文献   

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