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文章介绍了2002年风能利用世界排名前十位国家的风电生产情况。重点介绍了风能利用最为成功的德国的风电生产情况。  相似文献   

我国风能利用现状   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
贺德馨 《太阳能》1999,(4):16-17
我国有丰富的风能资源,风能总储量为32-26亿kW,实际可开发的风能储量为2-53亿kW。风能是我国目前技术最成熟、最有开发利用前景的一种新能源。风能利用的主要方式有风力发电、风力提水、风帆助航等,本文就我国风能利用的现状向读者作一介绍。1风力提水我国适合风力提水的区域辽阔,作业众多因此发展风力提水是弥补当前农村、牧区能源不足的有效途径之一。我国东南沿海、辽东和山东半岛以及海上岛屿等地区,风能资源丰富,地表水源也丰富,是我国以抽提地表水为主的最佳风力提水区;内蒙、青海、甘肃和新疆北部河谷地带,风…  相似文献   

我国风能利用的思考   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵卫兵 《太阳能》2004,(3):11-12
目前,风力发电在新能源和可再生能源行业中增长最快,年增幅达35%,美国、意大利和德国年增长更是高达50%以上。根据世界能源组织测算,今后风力发电年增长均在30%以上,并预测到2020年,全世界风电装机总容量将达1260GW,年发电量将达到世界电能总需求量的12%。  相似文献   

风能利用是一门综合性科学,涉及到空气动力学、电机、结构、材料、控制、气象等学科,内容很丰富。这里仅介绍风能利用中应了解的几个主要问题。风的形成及其特性风是一种自然现象,它是由太阳辐射热引起的。从太阳传到地球上的能量中,大约有2%的能量转变成风能。地球上全部风能估计约为2×10~(17)千瓦,其中可利用的约为2×10~(10)千瓦。这个能量是相当大的。  相似文献   

2005年全球风能市场新增装机容量11769MW,在前年8207MW的基础上剧增43.4%。目前,全球风能发电总装机容量59322Mw,比2004年提高了25%。德国风能利用仍居全球之首,装机容量18428MW,之后依次为:西班牙(10027MW)、美国(9149MW)、印度(4430MW)和丹麦(3122MW)。欧洲仍然是风能发电最大的市场。截止到2005年底,其总装机容量超过40500MW,占全球总容量的69%。  相似文献   

据布鲁塞尔全球风能委员会消息,2005年全球风能市场再创纪录,新增装机容量11769MW,在上年8207MW的基础上剧增43.4%,其中风能发电设备金额约120亿欧元。目前,全球风能发电总装机容量59322MW,比2004年提高了25%。  相似文献   

1 风蕴含着巨大的能量风是日常生活中一种最常见的自然现象。由于空气运动就形成了风 ,随着空气运动时的平缓和激烈程度的不同变化 ,人们把它分成了 13个等级 ,最小的是零级 ,最大的为 12级。那么 ,风究竟有多大的能力呢 ?例如 :风速为 4~ 5m/s的 3级风 ,就能使渔船随风以 5~ 6km/h的速度移动 ;风速为 9~10m/s的 5级风 ,吹到物体表面上所形成的力约为10kg/m2 ;风速为 2 0m/s的 9级风 ,吹到物体表面上可达 50kg/m2 的压力 ,就连汽船航行都很困难 ;而风速为 50~ 6 0m/s的台风 ,它对物体表面的压力可高达2 0 0kg/m2 …  相似文献   

2009年世界风能报告   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
叙述了2009年全球风能产业发展背景、趋势以及发展风能电力为经济、社会和环境带来的效益,分析了2001年来世界风场增长容量的增长率以及世界各大洲风电场的分布,指出,2009年中国和美国领先于世界风力市场,提出,到2020年底,全球风机总装机容量至少达到190×104MW的预测。  相似文献   

<正> 世界风能发电形势及动向自第一次石油危机以来,许多国家加紧了对风能的开发利用。1973年以后的10年间,世界范围内共安装了10000台以上的新机组,1981—1985年全球风力发电增加了16倍,由34兆瓦提高到567兆瓦,到1986年,全世界风力发电机的累计销售额已达25亿  相似文献   

据德国联邦风能协会公布的一份报告 ,2 0 0 3年德国风力发电总功率达 2 6 45MW ,继续领先于欧洲其他国家。德国风力发电量约占德国全年总发电量的 6 %。截至 2 0 0 3年底 ,德国已累计安装风力发电设备 15 387个 ,总功率高达 14 6 0 9MW ,比 2 0 0 2年增加 2 1 8%。2003年德国风能发电居欧洲之首  相似文献   

沈德昌 《太阳能》2006,(3):19-20
一帆风顺、风调雨顺、风和日丽、狂风暴雨、风雨同舟、微风荡漾……人们每天都在谈论风。风是我们最常见的自然现象之一。那么,风是怎样产生的呢?太阳和风  相似文献   

With the increasing negative effects of fossil fuel combustion on the environment in addition to limited stock of fossil fuel have forced many countries to inquire into and change to environmentally friendly alternatives that are renewable to sustain the increasing energy demand. Energy policy plays a vital role to mitigate the impacts of global warming and crisis of energy availability. This paper explores the wind energy industry from the point of view of the wind energy policy. It is noticed that energy policy could help increasing wind power generation as well as stimulating the energy industry. It may be stated that without specific energy policy, a country would not be able to solve the acute problems like reducing greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission, scarcity of energy, etc. This paper discussed the existing successful energy policies for few selected countries. Based on literatures, it has been found that FIT, RPS, incentives, pricing law and Quota system are the most useful energy policies practiced by many countries around the world. Then, status of wind energy policy for Malaysia was investigated and compared with few selected countries around the world.  相似文献   

This paper presents Energy policy and describes the framework of Energy utilization, in Egypt, with special emphasis on wind Energy plans and programs to illustrate the role wind Energy can play in the sustainable Energy development programs in EgyptA Master plan that targets 600 MW by the year 2005 for grid connection is currently worked out, based on 200–300 kw turbine size capacity.National institutions concerned are taking part in master planning of wind Energy utilization, New and Renewable Energy Authority (NREA) under the Ministry of Electricity and Energy in Egypt has the responsibility for promotion of technologies and applicationsThe paper also illustrate demonstration program and projects performance results and present hands on experience gained through the last 5 yearsMoreover the paper presents the National five year plan objectives that calls for 70 MW wind farms at the area of the Red Sea, based on national investment together with 150 MW wind farms in the same area based on private investment, which is a change in the laws due to convection of economical reforming in Egypt. Fuel saving and environmental impact assessment together with economical analysis is presented for the national five year plan 1992/1997.  相似文献   

The study critically reviews the prospects and challenges of utilizing wind energy resources for power generation in Nigeria. The various initiatives by governments and researchers were surveyed and the nation is found to sit in the midst of enormous potential for wind harvest for power generation. The far northern states, the mountainous regions and different places of the central and south-eastern states were identified as good areas for wind harvest together with the offshore areas spanning from Lagos through Ondo, Ogun, Cross-Rivers to Rivers states along the Atlantic Ocean in the south–south. Despite this great potential and huge prospect, the country is found to still suffer from serious energy crises due to her over dependence on hydropower which also is susceptible to seasonal variation in the amount of water levels at dams. There is yet to be committed wind energy project for power generation on-going in the country. Several challenges bedeviling the development and utilization of wind energy resources were identified and suggestions highlighted to help pull the nation out of this lingering energy crisis.  相似文献   

In this study, potential and development of wind energy systems in Turkey were studied. The potential and current usage was reviewed. The objective of the study is to investigate the wind energy plants and projects in Turkey. The wind energy potential of various regions and the exploitation of the wind energy were investigated by analyzing wind data measured as hourly time series in the windy locations. The wind data used in this study were taken from Electrical Power Resources Survey and Development Administration (EIEI) for the year 2004. Nurda??, Karabiga, Datça, Band?rma, Antakya, Mardin, and Kumköy areas were found to be the most suitable areas for wind energy systems by their wind densities; Sinop, Gökçeada, and Siverek are following these areas. The results indicate that the investigated sites have fairly satisfactory wind energy potential for the utilization.  相似文献   

建筑环境中的风能利用   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
城区建筑环境中的风场有紊流加剧、风速降低的特点.因此,风力强化和集中的问题需要得到解决.目前有非流线体型、平板型和扩散体型3种空气动力集中形式.文章应用CFD数值模拟软件分别对3种基本空气动力集中建筑模型的风速进行了模拟计算,探讨了最佳的风能利用形式.  相似文献   

扩压风道型建筑风能利用的探讨   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据扩散型风力机的原理,构想了一种新型风能利用建筑型式--扩压风道型建筑.探讨了扩压风道型建筑的特点,并对影响其风能利用的扩散角α、建筑尺寸、来流偏向角β等因素进行了数值模拟.通过分析可以看出,扩压风道型建筑能够强化风速及风能密度,是一种有效的风能集结建筑.  相似文献   

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