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<正>2007年6月1日中国农村能源行业协会、中国沼气学会、中国农业工程学会在北京联合主办了“第二届中国可再生能源及节能产品技术博览会”。本届博览会的主题是“大力开发可再生能源,积极促进节能减排”。 相似文献
1指导思想指导思想:贯彻落实国务院领导的指示精神,围绕农业结构调整和农业增效、农民增收,以农村可再生能源技术推广为手段,以实施生态家园富民计划为主线,重心下移,进村入户,更有效地发挥农村可再生能源建设的综合效益,在工作中具体实践“三个代表”的重要思想。2抓好四个重点项目,争取落实国家农村小型基础设施项目(1)加强生态家园富民计划的实施力度在推动全国生态家园富民计划示范村建设的同时,2002年计划选择10个基础条件好、地方政府和群众积极性高的县,设立生态家园富民计划示范县,加大示范推广力度。利用小… 相似文献
在农业部等国家六部委大力支持下,由中国农村能源行业协会主办的2002年中国可再生能源和节能产品技术博览会及贸易洽谈会于4月16日在北京农业展览馆隆重开幕。这次博览会是我国可再生能源领域一次规模空前的盛会,包括台湾在内有29个省市自治区近200家企业及单位的产品参展。来自全国各地的参观者近4万多人次参加了博览会举办的活动,他们中间有学者、国家公务员、企业家、经销商、市民、学生和国外驻京机构的代表。据不完全统计,展会期间达成的意向合同约1.7亿元人民币,其中太阳能热利用产品约为1.5亿元。交易企业约… 相似文献
根据彭博新能源财经(BNEF)最新发布的2030年全球可再生能源市场前景预测,与2010年的1 950亿美元相比,到2020年,可再生能源年新增装机容量的投资额将增加一倍,达到3 950亿美元,到2030年将增加至4 600亿美元.20年后,可再生能源(包括大水电)提供的能源占全球能源生产总量的比重将从去年的12.6%提高到15.7%. 相似文献
2009年中国可再生能源在一次性能源消费结构中所占的比例已从2008年的8.4%提升至9.9%。根据国家可再生能源发展目标.到2020年非化石能源占一次能源消费比重达到15%左右。可再生能源提升的比重虽不算太大,但考虑到未来中国能源需求量的巨大增长.上述目标的实现仍面临考验。 相似文献
Nikolaos Zografakis Konstantinos Gillas Antrianna Pollaki Maroulitsa Profylienou Fanouria Bounialetou Konstantinos P. Tsagarakis 《Renewable Energy》2011,36(5):1323-1328
This study aims to assess the state of the art of practices and technologies of energy saving and renewable energy sources in hotels. This will contribute to determining the potential of efficient and sustainable energy technologies integration. Hotel managers were interviewed face to face and information sessions were provided. Special energy and environmental awareness campaigns, sectoral tourism programs for climate change mitigation and adaptation, supportive policies and hotel energy investments and renovation programs are some recommendations elicited from the results of this study. 相似文献
一前言到2020年我国将实现全面建设小康社会的目标。随之而来的经济迅速发展和工业化进程加快,将导致能源需求量大幅度上升,使社会经济发展面临的能源和环境制约问题日益突出。因此,为保障全面 相似文献
(记者王月菊通讯员赵田舰)全国人大代表、山东皇明太阳能有限公司董事长黄鸣日前刚刚出访德国归来,就兴冲冲地赶到北京,参加一个受全国人大环资委法案室委托,由国家发改委能源研究所可再生能源发展中心和中国资源综合利用协会可再生能源专业委员会共同举办的关于可再生能源利用立法方面的研讨会。他兴奋地对记者说:“我国已开始进行可再生能源立法。立法不仅仅对太阳能产业意义重大,对中国的可再生能源利用的促进和规范,也将起到重要推动作用。”太阳能是一种清洁可再生能源。太阳能产业的发展,不仅能有效缓解当前能源紧缺状况,而且将为可再… 相似文献
《Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews》2003,7(2):155-174
This paper discusses the current energy status, choice of energy options and potential of renewable energy systems for creating sustainable livelihoods in rural areas. It includes six case studies of successful projects spread all over India and covering different technologies and scales of operation. It also includes a proposed outline for training of Renewable Energy Technicians and their job opportunities. 相似文献
Saskia Vermeylen 《Renewable Energy》2010,35(11):2399-2405
Modern renewable energy technologies such as wind turbines and photovoltaic cells are developing rapidly, which raises the risk of conflicts over a range of issues, from aesthetic impacts to rights of access. Although these conflicts arise from the deployment of a new technology, in many cases the underlying nature of the conflict is not novel, and historic cases can help to inform the development of a fair and effective management of these conflicts. This paper draws attention to one particular type of conflict; namely the right to gain or protect access to the energy flux. An examination of historic conflicts and judicial arbitration over the rights to extract useful energy by capturing the wind, water or sun, reveals that it is the nature of the energy capturing technology, the end-use of the energy and the local cultural and infrastructural setting which are key to the determination of local property rights over the flow of air, water or sunlight. Historical examples of wind and watermills, and a historic-contemporary comparison of ‘rights to light’, suggest that renewable energy technologies that are susceptible to multiple conflicts, for example due to the scale of the technology or the directionality of the energy flux across individual property boundaries, could be effectively governed in a more collaborative manner, with laws being both technology specific and locally adaptive. 相似文献
This paper analyzes dynamic economies in renewable energy technologies. The paper has two contributions. The first is to test the robustness of experience in solar photovoltaic, solar thermal and wind energy to the addition of an explicit time trend, which has been done in experience studies for other industries, but not for renewable energy technologies. Estimation is carried out on the assumption that cumulative capacity, industry production, average firm production, and electricity generation affect experience and thus the fall in price. The second contribution is to test the impact of R&D on price reduction. In general cumulative experience is found to be highly statistically significant when estimated alone, and highly statistically insignificant when time is added to the model. The effect of R&D is small and statistically significant in solar photovoltaic technology and statistically insignificant in solar thermal and wind technologies. 相似文献