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The history of construction engineering and management education closely follows the emergence of the construction industry as an economic force in the United States. The initial introduction of programs in the post-World War II era was followed by specialization and the introduction of graduate construction specialties in the early 1960s. However, the lack of qualified individuals was recognized as a factor in successfully developing the construction engineering management (CEM) focus as an academic discipline. Today, that concern continues as CEM programs in the United States find themselves under attack by academic colleagues for issues such as lack of qualified faculty candidates and lack of funding opportunities. This paper addresses the status of the construction academic community by examining the common history of the CEM faculty through a genealogical approach, the historical research record through an examination of the publication record, and the questions that face a community that has appeared to slip from its intellectual peak.  相似文献   

Construction education at the university level has advanced significantly in instruction during the past 15 years. However, the development of construction research has been minimal. Numerous studies have been conducted to define construction research and to categorize areas of needs, but poor links between researchers and users have been identified as a hindrance in development of R & D. This paper presents a mechanism that can be used to foster and develop an effective construction research effort by establishing regional centers for construction research. Implementation of centers can be achieved with the mutual cooperation between university faculty members and individuals in the construction industry.  相似文献   

No validated model of worker motivation and performance exists for the construction industry. Reasons for this are examined. Such a model has been developed outside of construction. The model is presented and discussed. Research that is needed to develop and validate the model for use in the construction industry is discussed. The need for this research to be interdisciplinary in nature, to encompass construction researchers and industrial∕organizational psychologists or organizational behaviorists, is analyzed.  相似文献   

Research aiming at modeling construction knowledge often faces many problems because of the unique nature of each construction project and the lack of formal data-collection procedures within the industry. Therefore, designing a sound research methodology becomes very important for assuring the validity of this type of research. This paper summarizes the methodology used in the development of a model for evaluating bridge construction plans. It defines some validity threats facing such research efforts and provides some techniques for overcoming them. The case shows that the use of overlapping data-collection tools coupled with rigorous, stepwise analysis of each step in the model development is crucial for research validity.  相似文献   

The crucial research needs and most promising directions for future computerized construction applications are the subjects of this article. It is a summary of the events and recommendations derived from a research workshop jointly sponsored by the University of Illinois Construction Engineering and Management Program and the National Science Foundation. The four principal theme areas of this conference were: (1) Project‐wide data base and communication systems; (2) knowledge‐based systems; (3) simulation; and (4) robotics, though many other peripheral issues were also discussed. Fifty leading representatives from industry, government and academia convened in Urbana, Illinois, to develop strategic plans for this research community to pursue over the next 5 to 10 years. Topics discussed included artificial intelligence, supercomputer simulation, autonomous robots, and project data bases that truly integrate design and construction. Though unanimous conclusions were rarely reached, enough consensus support was present to develop a strong, clear strategic plan of computerized construction research and to identify its constituent community. The participants also analyzed techniques for conducting better research studies and injecting more interdisciplinary and interuniversity cooperation into those programs.  相似文献   

This paper provides a historical perspective on construction research trends as reflected in the American Society of Civil Engineer’s Journal of Construction Engineering and Management (JCEM). The paper reports the results of an 18-year analysis of JCEM between 1985 and 2002. The analysis focused on such data as author information (affiliations and home countries), as well as the research topics of the technical papers. The paper summarizes the data extracted from the journal and use it to analyze construction research trends. Construction trends reveal that U.S. writers contributed the most papers by that there has been an increasing number of international submissions to the journal. The top research topical areas relate to scheduling, productivity, constructability, simulation, cost control, planning, safety, and computer systems as described in this paper show that research is increasing throughout the world and topics are changing as current needs change. However, there is a need to increase research collaboration between industry and academia, government and academia, and industry and government to advance the construction industry.  相似文献   

Currently, the architecture, engineering, and construction industry is facing enormous technological and institutional changes and challenges including the proliferation of information technology and appropriate application of sustainable practices. The 21st century engineer and architect must be able to deal with a rapid pace of technological change, a highly interconnected world, and complex problems that require multidisciplinary solutions. This paper focuses on research directions and trends around building information modeling (BIM) through interdisciplinary endeavors: how BIM research topics could be explored; their relevancy; and their potential future impact. It identifies BIM research topics that are considered to be important to a wide range of practitioners and future practitioners, both architecture and engineering students. It also assesses the relevance of current research projects to the industry and categorizes future BIM research topics. It aims to formulate research ideas and methodologies to pursue them and to explore how an industry/academic partnership for exploring exciting research opportunities could be established.  相似文献   

This paper provides insight into how and why construction has developed as a research based discipline over the past 50 years. The writer presents anecdotal information about certain critical events which played a role in shaping the thrust of construction research in the United States. The acceptance of construction engineering and management as a university level program and discipline is strongly tied to research and the publication of scholarly work.  相似文献   

The needs of the construction industry require that an appropriate balance be provided between construction engineering topics and management topics in both education and research. Because construction is less mature as a research area compared to other areas in civil engineering, limitations on research funding have made the investigation of construction management topics more feasible in comparison to construction engineering topics. Because faculty members are drawn from the pool of Ph.D. students who have primarily researched management topics, there has been a tendency for them to continue emphasis on management topics in both education and research. Other civil engineering disciplines form their research programs around the needs of design codes and standards’ development, and academic participation is high. Similar efforts exist within construction engineering; however, there is less academic participation. It is suggested that greater effort be invested in the improvement of construction process standards and specifications so that construction engineering research efforts can advance construction process standards and stimulate increased engineering educational exposure. It is also suggested that academics who are interested in construction engineering research should consider participating in the specification improvement processes that occur at the national and state levels. A process for wider participation in construction engineering research and standards development is recommended.  相似文献   

The Construction Industry Institute has provided research opportunities to many and helped to establish the idea that construction research can have a real impact on the industry. Built on the Business Roundtable’s Construction Industry Cost Effectiveness Project, it has proven the effectiveness of industry–university cooperation in solving real problems.  相似文献   

An impressive series of content analyses of Public-Private Partnership (PPP) publications between 1998 and 2003 from four internationally renowned construction journals (including the International Journal of Project Management, the Journal of Construction Engineering and Management, the Construction Management and Economics, and the Engineering Construction and Architectural Management) was reported. Their work inspired the writers of this paper to continue from where they left it. Based on a two-stage literature review, PPP articles from 1998 to 2008 were analyzed in terms of the annual number of PPP articles published, the writers’ contribution, and the research focus in their studies. From the analysis it was found that the number of PPP publications in these journals has been increasing. This finding might imply that PPPs are becoming more important to the construction industry at large. In addition, this study also found that the U.K. researchers have published the largest number of PPP articles, followed by those from the United States, Singapore, Hong Kong, Australia, China, and Germany. Although the build-operate-transfer scheme was the most frequently investigated form of PPP in earlier research, the diverse concept of PPP has attracted a lot of research interest and has become the focus of most recent PPP publications. Research topics published in these journals on investment environment, governance issues, and other supported areas tend to receive more attention from researchers. Moreover, complicated and vigorous analysis techniques such as game theory and fuzzy set theory have also been applied in this field of study.  相似文献   

Construction simulation, a fast-growing field, is the science of developing and experimenting with computer-based representations of construction systems to understand their underlying behavior. This paper provides a history of construction simulation theory, explores the CYCLONE modeling methodology and its major subsequent developments, examines the development of the Simphony.NET and COSYE modeling environments and their functionality as more generic simulation platforms, and reviews effective strategies for applying simulation in construction. A construction simulation case study is presented that illustrates one successful approach for adopting simulation technology in the industry and outlines the benefits to industry of integrating these technologies. The paper provides an overview of long-term simulation initiatives leading to the next generation of computer modeling systems for construction, where simulation plays an integral role in a futuristic vision of automated project planning and control.  相似文献   

The history of the use of network analysis in the construction industry is reviewed. The difficulties encountered in the diffusion process from country to country, from industry to industry, and from company to company are examined. Differences between industrialized and developing countries are also considered. It is found that: (1) Research and development activities in the construction industry are inadequate whereas implementation problems in network applications require thorough investigation; (2) the diffusion of networks in developing countries is taking place with a delay when compared to the diffusion in industrialized countries, mainly because of the smaller sizes of companies and projects, limited resources, and because of the inherent higher uncertainty in the construction industry; (3) most civil engineering curricula have recently been revised and incorporate new management topics; and (4) successful introduction of network planning into construction companies, and therefore the rate of diffusion, seem to be directly dependent on the reasons why they were introduced initially.  相似文献   

Traditional construction research methods have enabled focused but narrow advances in our understanding of industry phenomena. While contributing new insight, these methods are often not adequate to enable understanding of the complex interactions that lead to many of the industry’s pervasive social and technical problems. One means of addressing these limitations is for the construction research community to complement prevalent quantitative and case study methodologies with qualitative theory-building methodologies, specifically ethnographic studies or those based on detailed and long-term observation of project environments. This paper identifies the critical need for theory-building methods and their methodological conventions, challenges, and opportunities. Specifically, the paper focuses on data collection in ethnographic studies and analysis of that data through the use of grounded theory. Through better understanding and more widespread use of theory-building methods, the construction research community can provide a needed complement to the current prevailing methods and greatly aid the maturation of our important field.  相似文献   

Academic research in applied disciplines such as construction engineering and management (CEM) has the dual mission of simultaneously contributing to the solution of practical problems and creating theoretical and conceptual knowledge. To do so, appropriate research approaches are needed. However, extant literature in the field has paid little attention to this issue and research methods used have been almost entirely either quantitative surveys or case studies. In this paper, action research (AR) is proposed as an answer to this knowledge gap. AR aims at building and testing theory within the context of solving an immediate practical problem in a real setting. The paper describes the underlying philosophy and application procedure of AR and highlights its strengths and weaknesses. Then, the applicability of the method to CEM is illustrated through a case study of improving access to information to support planning and decision making in a construction owner organization through designing and implementing a data warehouse. The findings indicate that AR is a reliable, structured, and rigorous research approach that is very useful for conducting applied research in construction and enabling academia to influence and improve construction industry practices. It can also effectively help to improve collaboration between academic researchers and industry practitioners in research and development projects.  相似文献   

Governments around the world are seeking to transfer their traditional responsibility for research and development to the private sector. This paper investigates the factors that will impede the effectiveness of privately funded research and development in the construction industry. It concludes that the construction industry is skeptical of the process and ill-equipped to undertake it. Recommendations are made to help private firms adapt to their new role and benefit from it. These relate to issues of strategy, organizational culture, procurement, contractual practices, and interorganizational alliances.  相似文献   

The National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) has funded the establishment of a Center for Excellence in Construction Safety at West Virginia University. The overall objectives of the Center include: (1) The promotion of hazard control components in engineering curricula; (2) the promotion of hazard awareness and safety‐related knowledge and skills specific to the construction industry; and (3) the promotion of the consideration of safety issues during project design for the purpose of reducing injury during construction. Specific tasks to be accomplished by the Center include: (1) The development of course materials and instruction on construction safety for civil engineering students at the undergraduate and graduate levels; (2) the promotion of such course materials for adoption by other civil engineering academic institutions; (3) the design and conduct of projects related to the improvement of current construction practices that would develop design parameters to reduce trauma during the construction phase; and (4) the establishment of techniques for the collection and dissemination of construction safety information, educational materials, developed guidelines, and design criteria to engineers, architects, contractors, and trade unions.  相似文献   

The construction industry is a major player in the nation’s economy. The complex nature of the construction industry, coupled with the challenges of global competitiveness and changing regulatory requirements, has created the need for providing higher levels of education, experience, and training for construction professionals. An essential and integral component of the required education and training must be the research training of undergraduate civil and construction students, encouraging them to pursue advanced education and research careers in this area. With this in mind, the writer developed a Research Experiences for Undergraduates (REU) summer program at Western Michigan University that focuses on construction engineering and management issues and problems. This construction-oriented undergraduate research training program is the first REU site in the United States to be funded by the National Science Foundation. This paper will describe the structure of the REU program, the types of activities undertaken by the REU participants, and the results of the program evaluation and assessment.  相似文献   

Lawyerization has become more and more prevalent in the engineering and construction industry. Some would argue the merits of firms’ retaining lawyers on staff as providing cost savings on projects through averting potential litigation. Others view lawyers as increasing project costs due to increased overhead. Therefore, it is important to understand the pros and cons of lawyerization as viewed by the contractor, designer, owner, manufacturer, and supplier. This paper discusses the current role of lawyers in the engineering and construction industry and examines the factors that contribute to the lawyerization of the industry.  相似文献   

Humans’ unique use of tools originated with their capability to observe, to link causes with effects and to conduct trial and error experiments. Experimental research today is still using these same basic elements albeit augmented by sophisticated tools and methods. Researchers conducting scientific experiments in the construction arena, however, face a “harsh” environment to work in. This paper draws from 20 years of experimental work in construction and engineering education. It provides a short historic background before discussing a framework useful to categorize the various ways researchers conducted experiments that provided meaningful results. Many examples are used to underscore the most important points.  相似文献   

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