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Mstislav Andreevich Shtremel’ is the head of the Department of Metal Science and Strength Physics of the Moscow Institute of Steel and Alloys, a doctor of physics and mathematics, a professor, an honored scientist and engineer of the Russian Federation, Member of the Russian Academy of Natural Sciences, and author of over 180 published works, including the first textbook on “Strength of Alloys” in the country, which is simultaneously an encyclopedia on the physics of strength, plasticity, and fracture of alloys. Translated from Metallovedenie i Termicheskaya Obrabotka Metallov, No. 4, pp. 3–9, April, 1999.  相似文献   

Gold mining and beneficiation in SW-Bulgaria dates back to antiquity. Investigations of the area have made unique discoveries. Small archaeological gold artifacts (ringlets, wire etc.) of yet unknown age, as well as gold prills and beads from melting, have been found together with native gold. Occasionally, platinumgroup minerals (PGM), e.g. osmium-iridium-rutheniumalloys, are associated with gold and other heavy minerals in placers. The beneficiation of precious metals (panning by gravity separation) also included underground mining of auriferous conglomerates.  相似文献   

崔琳 《稀有金属快报》2004,23(11):19-20
回顾了近期多变的黄金市场状况,分析了影响金价的主要因素,预测了后市金价的走势。在国际局势动荡不安美元持续下跌的情况下金价有望再创新高  相似文献   

Platinum-group metals (PGMs) are the chosen catalysts for many modern gas-phase processes, in both the clean production and the clean destruction of chemicals. These metals are inherently stable, even when highly dispersed, and yet they have enough surface reactivity to activate a range of different molecular species. Traditionally used to catalyze single reactions under steady-state conditions, they are increasingly being applied to more complex processes. Their ability to catalyze two energetically opposing reactions means that energy-consuming and energy-wasting processes can be combined in a single efficient reactor. Furthermore, the electronic properties of PGMs can be exploited in M-MO composites, in which the metal does not provide the active sites, but modifies the solid-state chemistry of the metal oxide to make it catalytically productive. For more information, contact Stan Golunski at the Johnson Matthey Technology Centre, Blounts Court Road, Sonning Common, Reading RG4 9NH, U.K.; fax 44-118-9242360; e-mail golunse@matthey.com.  相似文献   

邢正杰  常雨乐  吴王平 《贵金属》2023,44(S1):40-45
庄信万丰(Johnson Matthey)在2023年7月18日至7月20日举行了以铂族金属(PGM)为主题的线上会议,这次会议以铂族金属供需变化的全球影响、铑和钯的未来应用、铂族金属:循环经济和铂族金属技术实现净零转型为主要内容,重点讨论了铂族金属在未来技术中将发挥关键作用。本文将围绕此会议以及其他文献对铂族金属的应用、供需和循环利用综述性进行报道。  相似文献   

弥散强化型铂基高温合金   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
弥散强化Pt合金的成功开发与应用是20世纪铂合金材料发展最重要的成就。评述了以碳化物和氧化物弥散强化Pt和Pt合金的发展和制备技术、弥散强化Pt合金的结构特征以及弥散强化Pt合金的室温和高温性能,讨论了弥散强化Pt合金的强化机制。  相似文献   

Theoretical and applied studies of tungsten alloys with iron group metals (Me-W) are being carried out worldwide, in the light of their versatile applications. The aim of this paper is to provide an overview of the works on electrodeposition of tungsten alloys with iron group metals, their properties and applications. There are 221 papers reviewing on the following theoretical and practical topics: chemistry of electrolytes used for electrodeposition, codeposition mechanisms, and properties of electrodeposited tungsten alloys. In addition, the formation of W(VI) and iron group metal (Me) complexes (polytungstates and complexes of Me(II) and W(VI)) with citrates and OH? is analysed based on the published data and the calculated distribution of species as a function of pH (ranged from 1 to 10) is provided for solutions with/without citrates. The adduced data are correlated with the compositions of electrodeposited alloys. Various codeposition models of tungsten with iron group metals described in the literature are critically discussed as well. The peculiarities of the structure of tungsten alloys and their thermal stability, mechanical, tribological, and magnetic properties, corrosion performance, their applications in hydrogen electrocatalysis, template-assisted deposition into recesses (aimed to obtain micro- and nanostructures) are also reviewed and mapped.  相似文献   

铁捕集法从二次资源中回收铂族金属的工艺已经得到了工业化应用,捕集过程在电炉或等离子炉中进行。等离子炉熔炼富集物硅含量高,导致其结构致密、惰性、耐腐蚀,需要先除硅才能获得高的溶解率,除硅技术主要有碱融溶-浸出法、氧化分离法等;电炉熔炼富集物硬度极高、难以破碎,工艺上采用高压雾化-酸溶、碎化-酸溶、电解等工艺进行深度富集。本文综述了含铂族金属铁合金深度富集技术的研究现状,并对主要技术存在的优缺点进行了评述。随着各行业对铂族金属需求量的增加,对铂族金属回收率的要求将越来越高,因此,还需进一步完善铂族金属回收技术,提高铂族金属回收率。  相似文献   

The electronic structure of stoichiometric hydrides of the group Vb metals (V, Nb, Ta) has been investigated by means of the self-consistent full potential scalar-relativistic augmented plane wave method (FP-APW).

The theoretical study of the heat of solution of the ordered monohydrides VH, NbH, and TaH leads to good agreement with experimental values and allows the prediction of the preferred coordination of the hydrogen atoms in these phases, i.e. the octahedral coordination for the VH-system and the tetrahedral coordination for NbH and TaH. Analysis of the charge distribution according to the irreducible representations of the point groups yields a simple orbital picture of the bonding mechanism in the stoichiometric hydride phase. The use of an angular-dependent rather than a spherical-symmetric potential results in a distinct increase in the calculated covalent contribution to the chemical bond.  相似文献   

从铂族金属二次资源中回收铂族金属,对于解决我国铂族金属的供需矛盾及可持续发展具有重要意义。火法工艺回收在工业生产上应用多、技术较成熟。本文详细总结了火法回收铂族金属工艺研究进展,其中以铅、铜、铁、锍等金属捕集法在工业上应用较多、技术较成熟,其中铁捕集法、铜捕集法回收率高、发展前景广阔;高温氯化挥发法对设备要求高、产生有毒气体;焚烧法仅适用于处理炭质载体催化剂;未来需针对火法回收工艺中存在的相关问题进行深入基础研究,同时开发高效清洁回收新方法,实现我国铂族金属二次资源的高效清洁循环利用。  相似文献   

从铂钯精矿中提取Au、Pt、Pd   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王爱荣  李春侠 《贵金属》2005,26(4):14-17
介绍了从铜阳极泥生产的铂钯精矿中提取Au、Pt、Pd的工艺和生产过程,提出了生产过程中存在的一些问题和解决的方法.  相似文献   

赖建林  周宇飞  饶红  黄冰 《贵金属》2015,36(3):10-13, 18
采用焙烧-预浸出-氯化浸出-萃取-精制工艺处理铜冶炼阳极泥产出铂钯精矿回收铂、钯、金。结果表明,氯化液采用亚硫酸钠控制电位还原,金回收率99%;金还原后液采用二异戊基硫醚萃取钯,氨水反萃,钯回收率90%;萃钯余液采用三烷基胺萃取铂,氢氧化钠反萃,铂回收率90%。铂、钯符合国标99.99%产品要求,粗金粉品位97.09%。  相似文献   

Jewelry neck chain is joined by age-old techniques, the most popular being the rather involved solder powder method. The solder core method of chain manufacture is a simpler process and offers the possibility of higher productivity. Neat narrow joints are formed, and a color match between the solder and parent alloy may be approached. This is particularly important in the case of platinum alloys that have a high melting point, necessitating the use of solders with compositions substantially different from those of the parent alloy. The solder core method also lends itself to the possibility of higher levels of automation.  相似文献   

Catalytic convertors based on the use of platinum, palladium and rhodium play a major role in the cleaning of automobile emissions. Gold, when dispersed as nano-sized particles, has demonstrated significant activity in the conversion of toxic components, including carbon monoxide, unburnt hydrocarbons and nitrogen oxides, in engine emissions and some advantages over the platinum group metals. Some research outcomes on the application of nano-sized gold for the conversion of these components are reviewed. Several key issues in relation to its performance and applicability in catalytic convertors such as low-temperature activity and thermal stability and the possibilities of substituting platinum group metals for automobile emission control with gold are discussed.  相似文献   

铂金,这一"新金属",其实它的故事远比你想象的要悠长。它来自太古的史前文明,20亿年前,当一颗陨石划过长空、撞上地球,从那时起,这种稀有迷人的宝藏在整个历史长河中零星出现,有时突然数个世纪都不见其踪影,既让人困惑,又吸引着那些与它不期而遇的人们。古埃及人、古印加文明以及西班牙征服者们都曾遭遇过铂金。之后,它在18世纪再度出现,让贵族和炼金士们都同样为之痴狂。19世纪初,科学家从铂金中分离出来钯,使"铂金家族"越来越受到人们的推崇和喜爱。如今,它已经得到电影明星和上流社会人士所追捧。与其他稀贵金属一样,商品和金融双重属性使之成为投资者所关注的热点。目前,由于投资者对全球经济复苏前景以及欧洲债务危机问题存在疑虑,导致贵金属价格极不稳定,涨跌互见。铂金价格在连续三个月低于黄金价格之下出现强势反弹。市场人士关注的是:现阶段铂金市场是否适合投资?对此一些分析师称,从长期来看,铂金价格会冲破低谷回归其本身应有的价值,上涨的可能性很大。也有业内专家指出,与黄金相比,铂金的流通性稍弱,而且其价格主要受工业需求量影响,投资者应审慎入市。为此,笔者将知名调查机构——庄信万丰近期发布的"铂金市场2011年审查报告"主要内容略作编译整理,以供参考。  相似文献   

For electrodeposition of binary alloys of iron group metals with tungsten from citrate and gluconate baths, a dependence of microhardness of the obtained coatings on the volume current density (VCD) was observed or, equivalently, the effect of the electrodeposition surface area at a given electrolyte volume and current density on the microhardness. It is shown that the observed size-technological effect of the microhardness of coatings can be attributed to structural modifications in the coatings (from crystalline to amorphous) associated with a change in VCD.  相似文献   

失效汽车尾气催化剂是回收铂族金属(铂、钯、铑)的重要二次资源。本文介绍了失效汽车尾气催化剂中铂族金属的回收工艺流程,包括失效催化剂预处理、铂族金属富集、分离与精炼三部分;详细介绍了两种高效预处理技术、两种富集方法以及四种分离与精炼工艺,总结了各种方法的原理、工艺流程、优缺点及改进方向。回收企业应根据回收规模和环保政策采用合适的回收工艺,以实现不同回收工艺之间的优势互补,未来需重点研发回收率高且环境友好的清洁回收工艺。  相似文献   

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