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高精度电容测微仪的自校正方法   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本详细叙述了一种电容测微仪的自校正方法,并就其工作原理进行了讨论。采用这 方法不需要其它高精度标准,仅利用两相同精度的电容传感器和自校正装置即可进行多次相互校准,最终得到各自准确度达到自身能力极限的校正结果。  相似文献   

精密摄像系统中,摄像头镜面的安装精度要求非常高,需经过严格检测后方能使用.本文结合镜面实际安装工况,以5套精密电容测微仪为核心设计了非接触式自动测深系统.工件放置后,系统自动将其传送至测量范围内,测头自动调整至最佳测量姿态、距离,综合5套传感器数据计算出镜面安装深度.经鉴定整机精度达到2μm.  相似文献   

本文介绍电容测微仪在大型机械安装,校准和形位误差测量方面的一种新的应用方法,以及与该方法相适应的工作特性的标定和拟合方法。  相似文献   

赵树忠  李科 《中国测试》2015,(4):118-121
为改善运算式电容测微仪的动态特性,扩展其动态测量范围,对影响其动态特性最大的解调滤波器的参数进行优化。以解调滤波器动态特性的理论分析为基础,通过Matlab仿真以及实验确定解调滤波器的优化参数,同时对解调滤波器的动态特性进行实际测试。测试结果表明:优化后,滤波器在0~2 k Hz的工作频率范围内,幅频特性的变化不超过3%,其动态特性较好地满足不失真测试条件的要求,可将电容测微仪的动态测量范围扩展到0~2 k Hz。  相似文献   

激光测微仪测量准确度的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文分析了激光测微仪测量部分的基本原理,讨论了主要部件所带来的测量误差,并在此基础上提出了有效的误差校正方法,以提高仪器的测量准确度。  相似文献   

介绍了一种测量机床竖直运动直线度和滚动误差的新方法。以悬挂在被测机床刀架近的竖直钢丝作为测量基准,用固定在刀架位置的电容测头瞄准钢丝,当机床主轴竖直运动时,机床主轴上的刀架系统相对于竖直方向的运动直线误差可由电容测微仪测得,钢丝本身的直线度可用转位法消除。再增加一个测微仪,还可测出导轨本身的直线度误差。将刀架沿水平方向运动到两个不同位置,分别测出两位置处的竖直运动直线度误差,由这两组数据可以计算出  相似文献   

于永新  周涛  郑义忠 《计量技术》2005,47(11):15-18
本文首先介绍了非接触式高精度电容测微仪的基本工作原理,进而详细论述了纳米级电容测微技术中所涉及到的非线性误差、环境噪声等关键技术问题,对典型驱动电缆方案作了比较。根据原理模型,给出了仪器的主要结构。对仪器自身产生的各种误差进行了详细的分析,并提出了相应的消除或修正方法。换用不同有效直径的传感器可以使仪器分辨力达到0.1nm,测量范围±2~±50μm,满量程非线性优于0.5%。该仪器可广泛应用于通过串口、USB口通信的高精度动、静态微位移测量及纳米定位。  相似文献   

本文介绍了单片机电感测微仪的特点,主要性能指标,系统的基本功能等。  相似文献   

Micelles have been studied as drug delivery carriers for decades. Their use can potentially result in high drug accumulation at the target site through the enhanced permeability and retention effect. Nevertheless, the lack of stability of micelles in the physiological environment limits their efficacy as a drug carrier. In particular, micelles tend to disassociate and prematurely release the encapsulated drugs, lowering delivery efficacy and creating toxicity concerns. Many efforts to enhance the stability of micelles have focused mainly on decreasing the critical micelle forming concentration and improving blood circulation. Herein, we review different strategies including crosslinking and non-crosslinking approaches designed to stabilize micelles and offer perspectives on future research directions.  相似文献   

The resistivity of the normal region between neighboring and opposite superconducting stripes/strands/filaments in twisted structures should be large enough to obtain the coupling losses at acceptable level. The stability of such structures can be then very low, as the individual superconductors are more or less electrically insulated. In such structures, any electromagnetic perturbations or spatial inhomogeneities can be detrimental for the conductor and eventually for the whole design. Concentrating mainly on helically wound striated coated conductors, we show that placing some normal sheets on the superconductor tapes without increasing the coupling losses considerably can enhance the electromagnetic coupling. The results may be extended also to similar superconducting structures with not very high coupling losses, but requiring better stability, because current sharing between superconducting parts is necessary for electromagnetic stability of longer conductors.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Health care organizations dedicate enormous time and resources collecting data to measure the performance of physicians, hospitals, and other medical facilities. These measures may reflect outcomes, processes of care, patient perceptions of the quality of care, and resource utilization and cost. However, less thought is given to how the performance data should be used to improve care. The data must be translated into clinically relevant terms that assess the decisions of the clinical staff and the functioning of the systems that support the delivery of care. The processes of care are identified through record review, analysis of the system of care delivery, and patient interview, and are then further assessed to determine the underlying causes. EXAMPLES: Examples, drawn from case studies, are provided to illustrate how to identify and address components of care requiring improvement. DISCUSSION: Physician behavior is an important component of care in all performance measures. Modification of some patterns of behavior, including those of nursing and other support staff, may be needed to reduce some types of error. For this reason it is important to involve physicians in the process of discovering root causes. When the root cause involves the medical care system, an interdisciplinary approach will be needed. This may involve administrators, nurses, pharmacists, home care and discharge planners, and office personnel. One recommended approach to QI is to identify system errors and then design changes in the system to reduce that type of error. CONCLUSION: Performance measures must be translated into the components(s) of care that are implicated in the measure. Once this component has been identified as the reason behind the suboptimal measure, its root cause should be used to structure the most effective intervention.  相似文献   

提高纸盒程序库质量的几点措施   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
王德忠 《包装工程》2000,21(1):28-31
通过立体顶点坐标的数值变换 ,输出图形比例系数的合理确定以及尺寸标注程序的正确设计等一系列处理措施 ,有效地提高了纸盒程序库的质量  相似文献   

一、绿色包装:国际市场潮流&贸易壁垒目前,全世界掀起了一场以保护环境和节约资源为中心的绿色革命,人们对产品包装不仅要求外形美观、用料经济、功能实用、而且要求符合相应的环保要求。由于关税降低、贸易壁垒的取消,很多国家为了保护本国产品不受他国产品的冲击,以此为契机纷纷设置绿色壁垒,而利用包装设置技术性壁垒又  相似文献   

There is a family of integration methods which has unconditional stability for linear elastic and stiffness softening-type systems; however, it becomes conditionally stable for stiffness hardening-type systems. Consequently, its applications are inconvenient or limited due to the conditional stability in stiffness hardening-type systems. This drawback can be overcome by introducing a free parameter into its formulation. The numerical properties of this family method are almost unaffected by this free parameter except that the stability property is improved. Thus, the method’s unconditional stability is successfully extended into stiffness hardening-type systems in addition to linear elastic and stiffness softening-type systems.  相似文献   

The principle and system of the acoustic micrometer are described. Its basic performance, with respect to the stability, accuracy, spatial resolution, and temperature dependence, is also discussed. Gold layers electroplated on substrates of 42% Ni-Fe alloy were taken as test specimens in the present study. The measurable range of the thickness for gold layers covered from 1 to 20 mum when a frequency range of 10-200 MHz was used. Stability and accuracy were achieved to within +/-0.2% and +/-1%, respectively.  相似文献   

简述了空压机主电机励磁原监控系统的不足,以及上位机监控系统的设计实现及主要技术特点。  相似文献   

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