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研制了一种用基于直流电机的直线驱动器实现机器人仿蚯蚓蠕动的无缆式微机器人内窥镜系统。该系统由无线通信控制模块、PC机、微机器人、无线能量传输控制器和无线能量发射线圈组成,用无线方式来实现人机通信和能量传输,解决了传统机器人内窥镜拖缆带来的肠壁损伤问题。研究工作包括微机器人的运动原理分析,无线能量传输简化模型的建立,无线能量传输原理的推导,以及系统离体实验的实施。实验表明:该微机器人的直线驱动器最大输出力为2.55N,机器人在能量传输范围内驱动电压稳定,满足系统运行要求。微机器人在离体猪结肠和小肠内运行均平稳、可靠。机器人摄像通信模块能够实时拍摄并传送出肠道内壁的图像。该研究为进一步实现人体全肠道无创诊疗奠定了基础。  相似文献   

能量供应问题是动物生理参数遥测系统实现长期稳定工作的关键,基于电磁感应的无线供能技术是解决这一问题的有效途径.为向动物生理参数遥测系统提供稳定、安全的能量,从能量传输的稳定性与电磁生物安全性两方面出发,对能量传输模块进行优化设计,实现了由长方形截面发射线圈和三维接收线圈组成的无线供能模块,能够在Φ10.5 mm×11 mm接收空间内提供至少150 mW有效功率,传输效率不小于2.64%.遥测系统的活体实验证实了该供能方式的可行性.  相似文献   

磁耦合谐振式无线能量传输技术是一种新型的电能传输技术,具有传输效率高、传输距离远的优点.对这种传输技术的基本原理进行了研究,提出利用该技术向安装在旋转部件上的嵌入式监控系统无线输送能量.设计了一对一的能量传输系统,并在此基础上研究了一对多的能量传输模式,分析了一对多的传输机理,实验中将多个接收线圈上的LED点亮.在接收线圈为简单线圈的方向性实验中,当接收线圈与发射线圈平行时,接收线圈接收到的能量最大,而当两者垂直时,接收线圈将接收不到能量.将接收线圈设计成2组圆线圈正交和3组圆线圈正交的形式,保证始终有磁感线穿过接收线圈,提高接收效果,实验验证了这种方法的有效性.  相似文献   

基于生物安全性的无线能量传输系统发射线圈优化设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
针对为胶囊内窥镜供能的无线能量传输技术在应用过程中对人体组织可能造成伤害的问题,进行了无线能量传输系统发射线圈优化设计研究.分析了人体组织安全性与无线能量传输系统发射线圈之间的关系,提出用磁场均匀度、频率稳定度等指标来评价发射线圈性能,并建立了以能量传输效率为目标函数、以人体安全性和能量需求为约束条件的最优化模型.该模...  相似文献   

针对肠道内特殊的生理结构特征与不同肠段直径的变化,提出了有径向伸长可控的钳位机构的微型肠道蠕动机器人模型.为满足模型需求,设计了阿基米德螺线构成的平面螺旋机构,通过对其自锁能力和伸出杆件的推力的计算验证了此设计模型.机器人控制系统采用分布式设计,本体内电路负责控制机器人单一动作,本体外控制器通过人机接口接收命令后向机器人本体以无线方式发送控制信号.装配完成的机器人实体最大外径约为13.5mm,蜷缩时长度约为50mm,径向伸长量为3.75mm,步距为10mm,满足模型设计要求.  相似文献   

目的 为了解决智能包装中传感器工作时的无线供能和续航问题,设计了一种横向电磁式振动能量收集装置,用以解决无线供能和续航问题。方法 设计了一种振动能量收集装置,用于收集智能包装在运输途中的振动能量并转换为电能,实现智能包装的无线供能和续航。设计了装置的物理结构,并进行了低频振动模拟实验,通过仿真和实验对比了所设计装置的输出性能。结果 横向电磁式振动能量收集装置的仿真分析结果与实验测试结果基本吻合,在8Hz~10Hz激励频率,1g激励加速度情况下,输出电压均值高1V;在外接电阻为1033Ω情况下,装置的输出功率能够达到0.15mW以上。  相似文献   

为研究关键检测参数与检测灵敏度的关系,以45号钢板为试验对象,采用磁导率检测技术建立激励频率、激励电压幅值、激励线圈匝数、检测线圈匝数及线圈绕线截面积与检测灵敏度的关系模型,并对设计传感器的检测灵敏度进行试验验证。研究结果表明:检测灵敏度随正弦交流激励电压及检测线圈匝数的增加而升高,均呈线性关系,并且最佳频率保持不变;在一定激励线圈匝数范围内,检测灵敏度随激励线圈匝数的增加先升高后下降;检测灵敏度随激励线圈绕线截面积的增加而升高,而不随检测线圈绕线截面积的变化而变化。该研究成果可为灵敏传感器的设计提供借鉴。  相似文献   

随着传感器技术的日益成熟和社会发展与建设中对传感器的大量使用,体积小,功耗低,稳定度与灵敏度高的无线传输装置的需求也越来越高。本文设计了一种基于NRF403收发一体芯片的传感器数据的无线接收电路。要求接收频率为315MHZ,超外差结构,并且接收灵敏度要高,并对传输距离进行了分析。最后通过连接功率放大器和MSP430单片机进行实验数据的测量,达到预期的实验结果。  相似文献   

科学家和工程师们在近两个世纪前就已经知道,传递电力并不需要电线始终保持物理接触。电动机和电力变压器中含有线圈,这些线圈可以通过电磁感应现象相互传输能量。发射线圈中的电流可以通过电磁感应使另一个接收线圈产生电流;两个线圈离得很近,但并没有发生接触。虽然科学家也发现无线  相似文献   

马奎  罗益民  刘伟 《包装工程》2017,38(11):153-158
目的针对包装机器人在工程应用中遇到的定位跟踪方面的问题,设计一种新型定位跟踪系统。方法基于电磁感应原理,从硬件电路设计着手设计系统。该系统的激励信号源通过功率放大电路激励发射线圈产生交变磁场,在接收线圈上产生感应信号。通过前级放大、带通滤波和程控放大等电路,实现对感应信号调理。将感应信号的幅值带入磁偶极子模型,计算出传感器的位置信息。结果经实验表明,电磁定位系统的相对定位精度可达1.47 mm。结论基于电磁感应原理的定位跟踪系统可满足包装机器人在定位跟踪方面的要求。  相似文献   

Recently, contactless power transfer (CPT) has become very popular in various fields of applications such as electronic appliances, medical implant devices, electrical vehicles, etc. When air gap distance between the transmitting and receiving coils of a CPT system increases, coupling coefficient between the coils decreases. In a large-air-gap CPT system, by incorporating an additional coil between the transmitting and receiving coils, coupling coefficient can be enhanced. Consequently, efficiency of a large-air-gap CPT system is improved. In this study, a three-coil system has been compared with a two-coil system using basic circuit models. Thereafter, the basic circuit models of two-coil and three-coil systems have been studied to confirm energy efficiency differences between the two systems for high-power applications. Using simplified circuit models, conditions for higher energy efficiency of a three-coil system than a two-coil system have been derived and it has been established that power transfer efficiency of a three-coil system has improved significantly in comparison with a traditional two-coil system. To confirm the theory, a two-coil and a three-coil systems with an air gap distance of 18 cm and a lateral misalignment of 3.5 cm have been verified using Ansys simulation tool for an output power of 2 kW.  相似文献   

首先介绍了胶囊微机电无线电能传输系统的原理和系统的基本构成,然后设计了以松耦合变压器为基础的无线电能供给系统,采用互相正交的二维线圈来接收能量并进行试验研究.结果表明:不管体内微机电系统处在何种位置和姿态,都可以有效接收能量,特别在初级绕组窗口宽度内,次级绕组接收能量可以高达110~240 mW.最后研制了胶囊微机电无...  相似文献   

Since conventional power supply unit should be attached to HTS magnet in the MAGLEV, a large thermal loss is indispensably caused by power transfer wires and joints, those have been one of essential obstacles in the superconducting MAGLEV train. As the wireless power transfer (WPT) technology based on strongly resonance coupled method realizes large power charging without any wires through the air, there are advantages compared with the wired counterparts, such as convenient, safety and fearless transmission of power during movement. Above all, the WPT technology in the MAGLEV can reduce the cost of tunnel construction since the space of conventional power line doesn’t required. From these merits, the WPT systems have been started to be applied to the wireless charging for various power applications such as transportations (train, underwater ship, electric vehicle). In this study, as a practical approach, authors investigate transfer efficiency and cooling cost for multi-Tx and multi-sized single Tx coils under different size of Rx coils arrays, respectively. Additionally, authors investigated transfer ratio at HTS Rx with helix and spiral Tx coils under different interval. As well as, authors evaluate cooling cost of different sizes of HTS receiver under long single and multi-copper antenna arrays based on nitrogen evaporation method.  相似文献   

郑新  蒲涛 《包装工程》2012,33(13):101-103,107
为了确保许多大专院校学生实习实训教学安全的顺利开展,减少事故的发生,针对印刷机开发了一种安全可靠、使用方便、可随身携带的安全装置。此装置采用无线发射/接收技术,将无线接收输出端继电器的常闭触点与胶印机控制系统中手动制动按钮相串联,当出现安全隐患时,通过无线发射端给出停机信号以实现快速远距离停机操作,最大可能地消除对人及设备安全的影响。  相似文献   

The characteristics of a flux-coupling type superconductor fault current limiter (SFCL) with pancake coils are investigated in this paper. The conventional double-wound non-inductive pancake coil used in AC power systems has an inevitable defect in Voltage Sourced Converter Based High Voltage DC (VSC-HVDC) power systems. Due to its special structure, flashover would occur easily during the fault in high voltage environment. Considering the shortcomings of conventional resistive SFCLs with non-inductive coils, a novel flux-coupling type SFCL with pancake coils is carried out. The module connections of pancake coils are performed. The electromagnetic field and force analysis of the module are contrasted under different parameters. To ensure proper operation of the module, the impedance of the module under representative operating conditions is calculated. Finally, the feasibility of the flux-coupling type SFCL in VSC-HVDC power systems is discussed.  相似文献   

This paper presents results of experiments performed on different combinations of five types of filters of varying efficiencies (MERV4, 6, 8, 11, and 14) and four types of evaporator coils with depths and fin geometries under clean and fouled conditions. The fouled conditions were obtained after injection of 600 g (1612 g/m2 of coil face area) of dust upstream of the filter–coil combination, which was meant to simulate a year of operation in the field. The air-side pressure drops of the coils and filters and air-side effective heat transfer coefficients of the coils were determined from the measurements under the clean and fouled conditions. Depending upon the filter and coil, the coil pressure drops increased in the range of 6–30% for an air velocity of 2.54 m/s. The impact was significantly greater for tests performed without an upstream filter (the coil pressure drops increased from 43% to 200%). The largest relative effect of fouling on pressure drop occurs for coils with fewer rows, primarily due to higher fin densities. The impact of fouling on air-side effective heat transfer coefficients was found to be relatively small, which ranged from −14% to 4%. In some cases, heat transfer was actually enhanced due to additional turbulence caused by the presence of dust. However, with large dust deposits, heat transfer is degraded because the dust also acts as insulation and creates an uneven air velocity.  相似文献   

The characteristics and the optimum design of a metal detector are studied theoretically and experimentally. This metal detector is expected to be mounted on an unmanned submersible and to be used for the location finding and tracing of the submarine telecommunication cables. The detector consists of one exciting coil and two receiving coils which are fixed perpendicularly to the excitation coil. The receiving coils detect the magnetic field induced by the eddy current flowing in the outer conductor of the submarine cable. Although the detection range is narrow, about 40 cm, this detector has some advantages that the other cable-locating sensors do not have. The detecting characteristics are calculated numerically under several assumptions and compared with experimental results.  相似文献   

Stretchable conductors based on eutectic gallium–indium (eGaIn) alloy are patterned on a polychloroprene substrate (neoprene foam) using stencil printing. By tuning the amount of eGaIn on the neoprene substrate, different strain‐sensitivity of electrical resistance is achieved. Conductors with a layer of eGaIn, which adsorbs to the walls of 60–100 µm wide neoprene cells, change their electrical resistance for 5% at 100% strain. When the amount of eGaIn is increased, the cells are filled with eGaIn and the strain‐sensitivity of the electrical resistance rises to 300% at 100% strain. The developed conductors are patterned as stretchable on‐body coils for receiving magnetic signals in a clinical magnetic resonance imaging setup. First images with a stretchable coil are acquired on an orange and compared to the images that are recorded using a rigid copper coil of the same size.  相似文献   

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