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The repeatability of a risk factor measurement affects the ability to accurately ascertain its association with a specific outcome. Choline is involved in methylation of homocysteine, a putative risk factor for cardiovascular disease, to methionine through a betaine-dependent pathway (one-carbon metabolism). It is unknown whether dietary intake of choline meets the recommended Adequate Intake (AI) proposed for choline (550 mg/day for men and 425 mg/day for women). The Estimated Average Requirement (EAR) remains to be established in population settings. Our objectives were to ascertain the reliability of choline and related nutrients (folate and methionine) intakes assessed with a brief food frequency questionnaire (FFQ) and to estimate dietary intake of choline and betaine in a bi-ethnic population.


We estimated the FFQ dietary instrument reliability for the Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities (ARIC) study and the measurement error for choline and related nutrients from a stratified random sample of the ARIC study participants at the second visit, 1990–92 (N = 1,004). In ARIC, a population-based cohort of 15,792 men and women aged 45–64 years (1987–89) recruited at four locales in the U.S., diet was assessed in 15,706 baseline study participants using a version of the Willett 61-item FFQ, expanded to include some ethnic foods. Intraindividual variability for choline, folate and methionine were estimated using mixed models regression.


Measurement error was substantial for the nutrients considered. The reliability coefficients were 0.50 for choline (0.50 for choline plus betaine), 0.53 for folate, 0.48 for methionine and 0.43 for total energy intake. In the ARIC population, the median and the 75th percentile of dietary choline intake were 284 mg/day and 367 mg/day, respectively. 94% of men and 89% of women had an intake of choline below that proposed as AI. African Americans had a lower dietary intake of choline in both genders.


The three-year reliability of reported dietary intake was similar for choline and related nutrients, in the range as that published in the literature for other micronutrients. Using a brief FFQ to estimate intake, the majority of individuals in the ARIC cohort had an intake of choline below the values proposed as AI.  相似文献   



The glycaemic response to foods is dependent on the quality and content of carbohydrates. Carbohydrates in the form of dietary fibre have favourable effects on insulin and glucose metabolism and may help to control energy intake. Dairy products have a relatively low carbohydrate content, and most of the carbohydrate is in the form of lactose which causes gastrointestinal symptoms in part of the population. In order to avoid these symptoms, dairy products can be replaced with lactose-free dairy products which are on the market in many parts of the world. However, the effects of lactose-free products on insulin and glucose metabolism have not been studied.  相似文献   

The period from 2003 to present has had a profound effect on the edible oil industry. Health/nutrition issues including trans, saturated and omega‐3 acids in the diet have impacted the soybean market, edible oil consumption patterns and consumer perception of lipid based foods. In order to satisfy the concerns, much technology has been developed to remove trans/saturated fats from the food supply. Processors have turned from hydrogenation to chemical or enzymatic modification, modified oil hardening to formulate low/zero trans products and increased use of tropical oils. Trait modified oilseeds have been developed and commercialized and are no longer niche crops supplying about 18% of domestic food oil needs.  相似文献   



To determine the acute effects of ingesting a thermogenic drink (Celsius, Delray Beach, FL) (TD) on changes in metabolism and lipolysis.  相似文献   



Limiting consumption of eggs, which are high in cholesterol, is generally recommended to reduce risk of cardiovascular disease. However, recent evidence suggests that dietary cholesterol has limited influence on serum cholesterol or cardiac risk.  相似文献   



Although studies have investigated the effects of hydration on performance measures, few studies have investigated how the temperature of the ingested liquid affects performance and core temperature during an exercise session. The hypothesis of the present study was that cold water would improve thermoregulation and performance as measured by bench repetitions to fatigue, broad jump for force and power and total time to exhaustion for cardiovascular fitness


Forty-five, physically fit, adult males (30.28 ± 5.4 yr, 1.77 ± 7.8 m, 83.46 ± 11.5 kg; 13.7 ± 4.8 %BF; 49.8 ± 6.3 ml/kg/min V02) completed two 60-minute exercise sessions. Subjects consumed either COLD (4°C) or room temperature (RT) water (22°C) in randomized order. Core temperature was measured every 15 minutes throughout each trial using a digestible thermometer. Three performance tests were performed upon completion of the exercise session: bench press to fatigue, standing broad jump, and bicycle time to exhaustion


Although both groups significantly increased their core temperature (p<0.001) over the course of the exercise session and presented a significant decline in hydration status (p<0.001), participants in the COLD water trial had a significantly (p=0.024) smaller rise in core temperature (0.83°) over the duration of the trial in comparison to RT (1.13°). The participants in the COLD water trial were able to delay their increase in core body temperature for at least 30 minutes, whereas participants in the RT trial increased body temperature from baseline after 15 minutes. There was no significant difference between the COLD or the RT trials in broad jump and TTE performance tests. Bench press showed a small, albeit significant (p=0.046), decrease in performance when drinking COLD


Drinking cold water can significantly mediate and delay the increase in core body temperature during an exercise session in a moderate climate with euhydrated subjects. The ingestion of COLD improved performance for 49% and 51% of the participants in the broad jump and TTE performance tests respectively, but did not reach statistical significance. Moreover, although minimal, subjects experienced a decrease in performance on the bench press during the COLD.  相似文献   

Medical authorities recommend that energy intake from saturated fatty acids (SFA) should not exceed 10% of total energy intake. Milk and meat, because of their relatively high SFA concentration and level of consumption, make a large contribution to human SFA consumption. Strategies to decrease the SFA content in meat and milk include inclusion of forage in the ration of ruminants and supplementation of dietary intake of ruminants and monogastrics with unsaturated fatty acid‐rich oilseeds, fish oil or marine algae. The influences of these manipulations will be illustrated and the likely future trends in the SFA content of meat and milk will be suggested.  相似文献   

化肥产业政策调整影响度分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
虽然化肥产业政策改革的呼声日益升高,但政策转变带来的影响却不甚明确。针对目前比较公认的“三步走”改革方案,即先取消天然气优惠,再取消电力及运输优惠,第三步取消增值税优惠,核算了产业政策的影响程度。结果表明,中国化肥产业受政策影响巨大,全行业政策支持力度达到403.1亿元,影响程度大小依次为增值税、电力、运输、天然气。通过分析各项政策改革可能引起的问题,虽然政策改革对化肥产业的影响可通过产业结构调整来适应,但是化肥价格上涨对农户的影响却只能由农户来承担,仅转移产业优惠的400多亿给农户无法防范市场波动的冲击,必须结合多项措施来规范市场、保证供应。强调应重视利用WTO绿箱政策普及肥料基本知识,使农户学会科学使用肥料以达到减少化肥使用量的目的。  相似文献   

Skeletal structure and body composition may be altered permanently in response to aggressions during critical periods of growth. This increases propensity to adverse effects in adulthood. The study explored the association of anthropometric variables of body size and proportions and of body composition with systolic (SBP) and diastolic (DBP) blood pressure (BP) in young adults. We studied 166 men and 246 women age 20-34. SBP, DBP, weight, stature, sitting height, circumferences (waist, hip), breadths (biacromial, biiliac) and skinfolds (bicipital, tricipital, subscapular, suprailiac) were assessed. BMI, waist-hip ratio (WHR), waist-stature ratio, and Sigma skinfolds-stature were calculated. Pearson correlations were determined for anthropometric variables with SBP and DBP and linear regression models for SBP and DBP were developed by sex. Correlation coefficients between indicators and BP were significant, except for stature and SBP and DPB, and WHR with DBP in women; and stature with DBP, biiliac breadth and WHR with SBP, and sitting height with SBP and DPB in men. SBP and DPB were explained by weight, BMI, and biiliac breadth in multivariable analysis in women, where 15.4% and 10.8% of variance of SBP and DPB was explained. In men, SBP was explained by weight, Sigma skinfolds and WHR, and DBP by Sigma skinfolds; models explained almost 20% of SBP and DPB variance. No association was found between BP and past malnutrition indicators. Biiliac breadth, weight and BMI in women, and weight, WHR and Sigma skinfolds in men explained BP. The use of biiliac breadth in the assessment of hypertension risk in women should be explored further.  相似文献   



Dietary strategies that help patients adhere to a weight reduction diet may increase the likelihood of weight loss maintenance and improved long-term health outcomes. Regular nut consumption has been associated with better weight management and less adiposity. The objective of this study was to compare the effects of a walnut-enriched reduced-energy diet to a standard reduced-energy-density diet on weight, cardiovascular disease risk factors, and satiety.


Overweight and obese men and women (n =?100) were randomly assigned to a standard reduced-energy-density diet or a walnut-enriched (15% of energy) reduced-energy diet in the context of a behavioral weight loss intervention. Measurements were obtained at baseline and 3- and 6-month clinic visits. Participants rated hunger, fullness and anticipated prospective consumption at 3 time points during the intervention. Body measurements, blood pressure, physical activity, lipids, tocopherols and fatty acids were analyzed using repeated measures mixed models.


Both study groups reduced body weight, body mass index and waist circumference (time effect p <?0.001 for each). Change in weight was ?9.4 (0.9)% vs. -8.9 (0.7)% (mean [SE]), for the standard vs. walnut-enriched diet groups, respectively. Systolic blood pressure decreased in both groups at 3 months, but only the walnut-enriched diet group maintained a lower systolic blood pressure at 6 months. The walnut-enriched diet group, but not the standard reduced-energy-density diet group, reduced total cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol (LDL-C) at 6 months, from 203 to 194 mg/dL and 121 to 112 mg/dL, respectively (p <?0.05). Self-reported satiety was similar in the groups.


These findings provide further evidence that a walnut-enriched reduced-energy diet can promote weight loss that is comparable to a standard reduced-energy-density diet in the context of a behavioral weight loss intervention. Although weight loss in response to both dietary strategies was associated with improvements in cardiovascular disease risk factors, the walnut-enriched diet promoted more favorable effects on LDL-C and systolic blood pressure.

Trial registration

The trial is registered at (NCT02501889).

Serum total homocysteine and lipoproteins levels in young adults from urban and rural areas of Costa Rica. This study evaluated the lipid profile and the serum levels of total homocysteine of 400 adults aged 20 to 40 years, residents of rural and urban areas of the central valley of Costa Rica. The results showed that the proportion of subjects from urban areas with high levels of LDL-C (= 4.13 mmol/L) was 11% higher than the proportion of adults from rural areas (29.2% and 18.0%, p = 0.045). On the contrary, the proportion of rural subjects with low HDL-C levels (< 1.03 mmol/ L) was higher 19% than the proportion of urban adults (56.0% and 75.3%, p = 0.001). Rural residents also showed higher serum levels of triglycerides and total homocysteine than the urban residents, although the differences were not significant (TG: 1.94 mmol/L and 2.02 mmol/L, p = 0.529; TH: 9.33 micromol/L and 9.84 micromol/L, p = 0.145). The prevalences of hyperhomocysteinemia (>15 micromol/L), hypercholesterolemia (= 5.17 mmol/L) and hypertriglyceridemia (= 1.69 mmol/L) in the studied population were 5.8%, 53.6% and 50.1% respectively. 82% of the studied population had LDL-C levels above 2.58 mmol/L and approximately 61% of the adults had HDL-C levels lower than 1.03 mmol/L. Our data suggest that the studied costarrican population has a very high cardiovascular risk. The prevalence of low levels of HDL-C (< 1.03 mmol/L), marginal levels of total homocysteine and a tendency to have high levels of triglycerides were the most outstanding cardiovascular risk factors found in this population, specially in rural subjects, which could be associated with the quality of the diet of these habitants. It is necessary to develop effective intervention strategies to promote healthy lifestyles in the population in order to reduce the cardiovascular mortality rates in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Information is provided on the nitrogen intake for nitrogen equilibrium in young human adults fed a cassava/bean diet and a plantain/bean diet. Ten individuals participating in each study ingested levels of 0, 0.2, 0.4 and 0.6 g protein/kg/day at a constant energy level (45 kcal/kg/day), using the short-term nitrogen balance method with multiple intakes. Even with intakes of 105.7 and 117.4 mg N/kg/day for the cassava/bean and plantain/bean diets, the experimental subjects did not reach a positive balance. The protein digestibility of the diets was low, as had been confirmed previously for beans alone: 55.7% for the cassava/bean study and 50.4% for plantains/beans. The average quantity of nitrogen intake required to reach nitrogen equilibrium for the cassava/bean diet was 114.3 mg N/kg/day and for the plantain/bean diet, 111.9 mg N/kg/day. In the case of the cassava/bean diet, the variability was 81.3 to 172.4, and for plantain/beans, 83.6 to 219.3 mg/kg/day. In four of the five individuals who participated in both studies, the nitrogen intake required to reach nitrogen equilibrium was greater when fed the diet based on plantain/beans than when fed the cassava/beans diet. These data support the assertion that the protein requirement is not a simple figure. Individual variability is so great that, as has been suggested, it is necessary to add two standard deviations to the average figure to cover 97.5% of the population. The results of this investigation support the need to increase protein digestibility and protein quality of beans, since this is a food of major importance for large population segments in the developing countries.  相似文献   



Red wine contains a naturally rich source of antioxidants, which may protect the body from oxidative stress, a determinant of age-related disease. The current study set out to determine the in vivo effects of moderate red wine consumption on antioxidant status and oxidative stress in the circulation.  相似文献   

Gangliosides play a critical role in human brain development and function. Human breast milk (HBM) is an important dietary source of gangliosides for the growing infant. In this study, ganglioside concentrations were measured in the breast milk from a cross‐sectional sample of Chinese mothers over an 8‐month lactation period. The average total ganglioside concentration increased from 13.1 mg/l during the first month to 20.9 mg/l by 8 months of lactation. The average concentration during the typically solely breast‐feeding period of 1?6 months was 18.9 mg/l. This is the first study to report the relative distribution of the individual ganglioside molecular species through lactation for any population group. The ganglioside molecular species are made up of different fatty acid moieties that influence the physical properties of these gangliosides, and hence affect their function. The GM3 molecular species containing long‐chain acyl fatty acids had the most prominent changes, increasing in both concentration and relative distribution. The equivalent long‐chain acyl fatty acid GD3 molecular species typically decreased in concentration and relative distribution. The lactational trends for both concentration and relative distribution for the very long‐chain acyl fatty acid molecular species were more varied. The major GM3 and GD3 molecular species during lactation were d40:1 and d42:1, respectively. An understanding of ganglioside molecular species distribution in HBM is essential for accurate application of mass spectrometry methods for ganglioside quantification.  相似文献   

Four groups of young male and female rats were fed a chow diet (0), chow plus 10% corn oil (F), chow plus 1% cholesterol (C), or chow plus 1% cholesterol plus 10% corn oil (CF) for 1, 2, 4 and 8 days. After 2 dats, male F, C and CF rats exhibited a shorter anesthesia period (−20 to −30%) when given pentobarbital. By 4 days, male F and C rats had pentobarbital sleeping times (PB-ST) 20% less than 0 rats. These effects were additive and CF rats had 40% shorter PB-ST. Reduction of PB-ST by cholesterol and corn oil was similar but slightly less in female rats. Liver lipid content doubled in 4 days in CF rats, and liver cholesterol was 4 times that of 0 rats. These changes and the increases in metabolism of barbiturate suggested changes in liver microsomal enzyme activities. Serum glutamic oxaloacetic and glutamic pyruvic transaminase, two enzymes reflective of liver damage, did not increase after 8 days on C, F or CF diets. Our results suggest that consumption of an animal sterol and a high lipid diet by laboratory rats, normally consuming a diet low in fat (3–4%), increases the ability of the animal to detoxify a barbiturate. Storage of absorbed dietary cholesterol in the liver may represent a major mechanism for maintaining extra hepatic cholesterol homeostasis.  相似文献   

Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), characterized by an impaired kidney function, is associated with low testosterone levels. This study investigated the association between dietary patterns, testosterone levels, and severity of impaired kidney function among middle-aged and elderly men. This cross-sectional study used the database from a private health-screening institute in Taiwan between 2008 and 2010. Men aged 40 years old and older (n = 21,376) with estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) < 90 mL/min/1.73 m2 and proteinuria were selected. Among 21,376 men, 256 men had available measurements of testosterone levels. Dietary assessment was conducted using a food frequency questionnaire and three dietary patterns (fried-processed, vege-seafood, and dairy-grain dietary patterns) were identified using principal component analysis. Men in the lower tertiles (T1 and T2) of eGFR had significantly decreased testosterone levels by 0.8 (95% CI: − 1.40, − 0.20) and 0.9 nmol/L (95% CI: − 1.43, − 0.33). Furthermore, serum triglycerides (TG) levels were inversely associated with testosterone levels (β = − 0.51, 95% CI: − 0.77, − 0.24). Men in the higher tertile of fried-processed dietary pattern scores were associated with decreased testosterone levels by 0.8 nmol/L (95% CI: − 1.40, − 0.16), reduced testosterone-to-TG (T/TG) ratio by 1.8 units (95% CI: − 2.99, − 0.53), and increased risk of moderate/severe impaired kidney function (eGFR < 60 mL/min/1.73 m2) and proteinuria severity by 1.35 (95% CI: 1.15, 1.58) and 1.18 (95% CI: 1.02, 1.37) times respectively. In contrast, the vege-seafood dietary pattern was negatively associated with severity of impaired kidney function and proteinuria after multivariable adjustment, but had no association with testosterone levels and T/TG ratio. The fried-processed dietary pattern is negatively associated with testosterone levels but positively associated with the severity of impaired kidney function. However, the vege-seafood and dairy-grain dietary patterns appear to have beneficial effects.  相似文献   

Three different segmented thermoplastic polyurethanes (TPUs) were synthesized with 4,4′‐methylenebis(phenyl isocyanate) as a hard segment and poly(ethylene glycol) (PEG) or poly(propylene glycol) (PPG) or an equal mixture of PEG and PPG with molecular 2000 as soft segments. The soft‐segment component of TPU was changed to monitor modifications in chemical and physical properties among the three TPUs. Differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) and thermogravimetric analysis were used to monitor changes in thermal characteristics. Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) was employed to predict the interaction between the lithium cation and the hard or soft segment in the presence of added LiClO4. The deconvolution results of spectral bands associated with the N? H groups of these TPUs were used to obtain such information. Impedance spectroscopy was used to inspect the changes in the bulk conductivity of these TPUs caused by alteration of the soft‐segment component. The conductivity changes were explained through combined DSC and FTIR results. The electrochemical stability of the TPU systems was studied by linear sweep voltammetry. The results showed that the copolymer system had better thermal and electrochemical stability than the other systems. © 2001 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. J Appl Polym Sci 82: 1462–1473, 2001  相似文献   

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