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利用标准玻璃刻线尺和十字分划目镜,对生物显微镜物镜放大倍数校准值的测量不确定度进行评定,分析测量不确定度的来源,计算标准不确定度,最终得出扩展不确定度。  相似文献   

较为详尽地分析了紫外辐射照度标准装置中各个因素对测量结果的影响,并给出了装置测量结果的相对扩展不确定度,为紫外辐射照度计的测量校准工作不确定度的评定以及新的标准装置的研制提供参考。  相似文献   

依据对《全自动封闭型发光免疫分析仪校准规范》中的标准物质选取甲胎蛋白(AFP)血清(液体)标准物质,并对其测量不确定度进行了评定,建立了测量模型,考察分析不确定度的主要来源,计算出合成标准不确定度和扩展不确定度。  相似文献   

计量型原子力显微镜纳米测量系统主要由扫描器、测针位置传感器和一体化微型激光干涉三维测量系统等部分构成.针对计量型原子力显微测量系统,采用三维激光干涉测量系统作为测量基准,以实现原子力测量系统的纳米尺度量值溯源和校准工作.建立了校准模型,分析了扫描器9项主要误差项,并将该模型应用到原子力显微镜扫描器的校准中.校准后的结果表明,除z轴位置误差不超过±2nm外,其他8项的残余误差均不超过±1nm.通过台阶高度国际比对,建立了台阶高度标准计算方法及不确定度分析模型.台阶高度国际比对的测量结果表明,计量型原子力显微镜的测量值与参考值相差均小于1.5nm.  相似文献   

标准物质 标准物质新老定义的理解与比较 校准蒸发光散射检测器选用标准物质的比较与分析 不确定度 原子荧光法测定化妆品中汞测量不确定度评定 气相色谱法测定白酒中乙酸乙酯的不确定度评定 胶粘剂拉伸剪切强度测量结果的不确定度评定  相似文献   

紫外能量计专门用于测量紫外辐射源的辐射剂量,常应用于工业生产光固化、紫外消毒杀菌等领域。文章介绍了紫外能量计的校准装置及校准方法,通过标准紫外辐射照度计和电子定时器相结合确定辐射剂量标准值,校准时根据紫外能量计的实际使用情况选择合适的紫外辐射源开展辐射源稳定性测试,并正确选用标准紫外辐射照度计及其修正因子,从而确保紫外能量计校准的有效性及准确性。最后根据紫外能量计校准过程的各项影响因素对测量结果进行了不确定度评定分析。  相似文献   

白光干涉仪、共聚焦显微镜、三维扫描测量仪等基于重构法的三维显微镜在半导体电路、精密机械零部件、航天航空等领域都有着重要的应用,其横向位移测量精度是重要的计量参数,因而开展三维显微镜横向示值误差准确测量尤为重要。针对目前该类仪器校准标准器尺寸不完善、结构不适用的问题,文章研制了一套多参数的二维栅格样板标准器,可实现不同倍率三维显微镜横向示值误差的准确测量。实验证明,该标准器适用性广、准确度高,可有效解决三维显微镜横向示值误差校准标准器缺失和量传体系不完善的问题,具有较好的应用前景。  相似文献   

建立了一种基于Cr原子光刻技术的nm光栅间距比对测量定值方法。以国家自溯源光栅标准物质来建立标准样板校准溯源体系的可行性为基础,保障测量仪器更高精度、可溯源性;设计并制备了节距长度有序递增的多周期电子束直写光栅样板,满足可适配于不同分辨率的nm测量仪器的需求,名义节距值分别为200、400、600、800、1 000 nm。经国家自溯源光栅标准物质比对后的AFM完成对nm栅格标准样板的测量与表征,实验表明:电子束直写制备的光栅标准样板均匀性水平1 nm,相对不确定度低于2%,光栅均具有良好的均匀性、准确性以及稳定性,验证了研制的光栅标准样板能作为一种理想的实物标准运用于nm几何量量值溯源体系。  相似文献   

二维纳米格栅是纳米测量仪器的重要校准标准之一,也是国际计量局长度咨询委员会(BIPM/CCL)组织的五种纳米计量标准比对项目之一.计量院研制的计量型原子力显微镜在x,y,z三个方向固接有无阿贝误差布局的激光干涉仪,干涉仪的激光光源用碘稳频激光进行了校准,使得二维纳米格栅的测量结果可以直接溯源到米定义SI单位.使用高斯滤波器对测量数据进行了预处理,并研究了重心法二维格栅间距与夹角的计算方法.最后根据不确定度分析导则给出了格栅测量的不确定度评定分析.  相似文献   

从心、脑电图机检定装置检定或校准值的测量不确定度和测量标准的不确定度方面探讨了测量标准建立过程中的测量不确定度的评定,指出了测量标准的不确定度可作为检定或校准值的测量不确定度的一个分量,应尽可能地超然于实际的被校/检设备和检定/校准方法,而检定或校准值的测量不确定度的评定应基于被检定/校对象和实际的检定/校准方法。  相似文献   

An instrument for step-height measurement by multiple-wavelength interferometry is described. The addition of a 1152-nm wavelength to a multiple-wavelength scheme applying wavelengths of 633, 612, and 543 nm relaxes the tolerance range of the required preliminary measurement to +/- 140 microm, if the total uncertainty in the fringe fraction measurement can be kept below 2%. For larger fringe fraction measurement uncertainty, numerical simulations show that the integer number of interference orders can still be determined unambiguously if the range in the preliminary knowledge of the length has been correspondingly reduced. The interferometer instrument is described, and experimental data are presented in the context of long gauge block calibration at the National Research Council of Canada.  相似文献   

直流电源包括直流电源模块在仪器设备中得到了广泛使用,可以夸张的说任何一台仪器都离不开直流电源。该文首先介绍直流电源输出噪声的测量方法,接着介绍了直流电源噪声测试仪的校准参数、校准所需要的标;隹器以及校准方法,并对校;隹测量不确定度进行分析。  相似文献   

We have developed three instruments for accurate measurement of optieal fiber cladding diameter: a contact micrometer, a scanning confocal microscope, and a white-light interference microscope. Each instrument has an estimated uncertainty (3 standard deviations) of 50 nm or less, but the confocal microscope may display a 20 nm systematic error as well. The micrometer is used to generate Standard Reference Materials that are commercially available.  相似文献   

刘薇  梁俣  赵晶  康慧雯  金志军  邱萍 《计量学报》2022,43(2):205-209
参考流量与电学计量领域利用标准表对仪器进行校准的方法,提出一种采用高精度的测温电桥与高稳定性的直流电阻箱组合作为标准装置,校准精密数字测温仪的方法.用此方法对精密数字测温仪进行校准并进行测量不确定度分析,结果表明在-195 ~660℃氛围内,温度示值误差的合成标准不确定度为0.5 ~0.7 mK.此方法采用的标准器准确...  相似文献   

The prelaunch spectral-sensitivity calibration of the solar spectrometer SUMER (Solar Ultraviolet Measurements of Emitted Radiation) is described. SUMER is part of the payload of the Solar and Heliospheric Observatory (SOHO), which begins its scientific mission in 1996. The instrument consists of a telescope and a spectrometer capable of taking spatially and spectrally highly resolved images of the Sun in a spectral range from 50 to 161 nm. The pointing capabilities, the dynamic range, and the sensitivity of the instrument allow measurements both on the solar disk and above the limb as great as two solar radii. To determine plasma temperatures and densities in the solar atmosphere, the instrument needs an absolute spectral-sensitivity calibration. Here we describe the prelaunch calibration of the full instrument, which utilizes a radiometric transfer-standard source. The transfer standard was based on a high-current hollow-cathode discharge source. It had been calibrated in the laboratory for vacuum UV radiometry of the Physikalisch-Technische Bundesanstalt by use of the calculable spectral photon flux of the Berlin electron storage ring for synchrotron radiation (BESSY)-a primary radiometric source standard.  相似文献   

Evolved vapor coulometry is a measurement technique that selectively detects water and is used to measure water content of materials. The basis of the measurement is the quantitative electrolysis of evaporated water entrained in a carrier gas stream. Although this measurement has a fundamental principle—based on Faraday’s law which directly relates electrolysis current to amount of substance electrolyzed—in practice it requires calibration. Commonly, reference materials of known water content are used, but the variety of these is limited, and they are not always available for suitable values, materials, with SI traceability, or with well-characterized uncertainty. In this paper, we report development of an alternative calibration approach using as a reference the water content of humid gas of defined dew point traceable to the SI via national humidity standards. The increased information available through this new type of calibration reveals a variation of the instrument performance across its range not visible using the conventional approach. The significance of this is discussed along with details of the calibration technique, example results, and an uncertainty evaluation.  相似文献   

针对频域信道测量中测量仪器引入的不确定度进行了深入分析。矢量网络分析仪是频域信道测量中最重要的测量仪器,测量前必须进行自校准。深入分析不同校准方法所引入的测量不确定度是合理选择自校方法的量化依据。测量不确定度分析基于蒙特卡洛法。由于在频域信道测量中需要对多个频点进行测量,而各频点间的测量结果存在较强的相关性,因此在应用蒙特卡洛法的基础上引入了基于协方差矩阵的分析方法,从而考虑了相关性的影响,给出了更为准确合理的不确定度分析,最终有效地指导了自校方法的合理选择。实验表明,是否考虑相关性,对信道参数的测量不确定度有较大影响。基于对测量不确定度的定量分析,可以得出直通校准是更适合于信道测量的矢网自校准方法的结论。  相似文献   

The combination of a cryogenic radiometer and synchrotron radiation enables detector scale realization in spectral regions that are otherwise difficult to access. Cryogenic radiometry is the most accurate primary detector-based standard available to date, and synchrotron radiation gives a unique broadband and continuous spectrum that extends from x ray to far IR. We describe a new cryogenic radiometer-based UV radiometry facility at the Synchrotron Ultraviolet Radiation Facility II at the National Institute of Standards and Technology. The facility is designed to perform a variety of detector and optical materials characterizations. The facility combines a high-throughput, normal incidence monochromator with an absolute cryogenic radiometer optimized for UV measurements to provide absolute radiometric measurements in the spectral range from 125 nm to approximately 320 nm. We discuss results on photodetector characterizations, including absolute spectroradiometric calibration, spatial responsivity mapping, spectroreflectance, and internal quantum efficiency. In addition, such characterizations are used to study UV radiation damage in photodetectors that can shed light on the mechanism of the damage process. Examples are also given for UV optical materials characterization.  相似文献   

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