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从制冷工质角度,在理论上分析了采用混合工质代替纯质氦以提高脉管制冷机在80K温区制冷性能的可能性。初步的分析得到了两组二元混合工质对,一组在80K温区附近依旧保持气态,如氦-氖,氦,-氢,氢-氖,另一组在80K温区附近处于气液两相,如氦-氮,氢-氮,氖-氮,其中,氮气的摩尔组分小于10T。 相似文献
本文介绍了应用非共沸混合物的小型制冷系统的特性。将不同配比的HFC152a/HCFC22双组分混合工质用于冰箱中。实验室进行的试验表明,以适当配比构成的HFC152a/HCFC22混合工质可用于替代家用制冷设备中的CFC12。 相似文献
制冷剂CFC12的一种新三元替代工质HFC152a/HFC125/HFC134a 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
利用统一循环分析法,对21种纯质和混合工质制冷循环进行了计算,利用混合工质优势互补原则提出了一种对臭氧层无破坏作用,无毒,不可燃,并具有更轵 新三元混合制冷工质HFC152a/HFC125/HFC134a。 相似文献
文章阐述了混合工质制冷的机理与特点,通过图表介绍混合工质制冷研究的一些新进展,对从事微型J-T制冷工作的同志有一定的参考价值。 相似文献
混合工质节流制冷循环的优化原则及其应用 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
提出了在混合工质制冷循环优化中应遵循的三条较为合理和切实可行的优化原则。在此基础上,采用定循环运行压比优化方法,在较为合理的外部约束条件下,对二元混合工质循环进行了优化计算,分析了各设计变量对循环性能的影响,并进行了实验验证。 相似文献
系统介绍了自复叠制冷循环的工作原理、发展和主要研究方向,对几种典型的自复叠制冷系统进行了分析比较,介绍了一种带有精馏装置的新型自复叠制冷系统,最后提出了自复叠制冷系统设计需要考虑的一些关键问题。 相似文献
三压力引射吸收制冷循环是最新改进的吸收式制冷循环,其制冷性能明显优于传统的吸收式制冷循 。选用NH3-H2O,NH3-LiNO3,NH3-NaSCN三工质对水冷空调制冷工况的详细计算,分析了发生温度,吸收温度和冷凝温度,以及蒸发温度对性能系数和泵功的影响。 相似文献
Dongsoo Jung Kilhong Song Kwangyong Ahn Jongkon Kim 《International Journal of Refrigeration》2003,26(7):764-771
Nucleate boiling heat transfer coefficients (HTCs) of binary and ternary mixtures composed of HFC32, HFC125, and HFC134a on a horizontal smooth tube of 19.0 mm outside diameter were measured. A cartridge heater was used to generate uniform heat flux on the tube. Data were taken in the order of decreasing heat flux from 80 kW m−2 to 10 kW m−2 with an interval of 10 kW m−2 in the pool temperature at 7 °C. HTCs of nonazeotropic mixtures of HFC32/HFC134a, HFC125/HFC134a, and HFC32/HFC125/HFC134a showed a reduction of HTCs as much as 40% from the ideal values while the near azeotropic mixture of HFC32/HFC125 did not show the reduction. Four of the well known correlations were compared against the present data for binary mixtures. Stephan and Körner's and Schlünder's correlations yielded a good agreement with a deviation of less than 10% but they can not be easily extended to multi-component mixtures of more than three components. A new correlation was developed utilizing only the phase equilibrium data and physical properties. A regression analysis was carried out to account for the reduction of HTCs and the final correlation, which can be easily extended to multi-component mixtures of more than three components, yielded a deviation of 7% for all binary and ternary mixtures. 相似文献
The Peng-Robinson equation of state with the van der Waals mixing rules was used to correlate vapor–liquid equilibrium (VLE)
data for HFC/HC, HFC/HFC, and HC/HC binary mixtures. The interaction parameter k
was obtained for every binary mixture. It was assumed that k
has contributions from the two components, and each component has its own constant contribution factor k
for the mixture, and the values of k
indicate the degree in difference of properties between the two components. Therefore, the interaction parameters k
is proposed as: k
= k
− k
. The values of the mixing factor k
for Hydrofluorocarbons (HFCs) and Hydrocarbons (HCs), including propane, isobutane, n-butane, R23, R32, R125, R143a, R134a,
R152a, R227ea R236fa, R236ea, and R245fa, were obtained by least-square fitting. In total, 39 refrigerant binary mixtures
were analyzed on the basis of this method, and the results showed good agreement with experimental data. The overall average
absolute deviations of pressure and vapor mole fraction are 1.3 % and 0.0089, respectively. 相似文献
The liquid thermal conductivity of mixtures of HFC-32/125 and HFC-32/134a was measured using the transient hot-wire apparatus in the temperature ranges from 213 to 293 K and from 193 to 313 K, respectively, in the pressure range from 2 to 30 MPa and with HFC-32 mass fractions of 0.249, 0.500, and 0.750 for each system. The uncertainty of the thermal conductivity was estimated to be ±0.7%. For practical applications, the thermal conductivity data for the two mixtures were represented by a polynomial in temperature, pressure, and mass fraction of HFC-32 with a standard deviation of 1.0%. 相似文献
X. Gao M. J. Assael Y. Nagasaka A. Nagashima 《International Journal of Thermophysics》2000,21(1):23-34
A recently developed scheme, based on considerations of hard-sphere theory, is used for the simultaneous prediction of the thermal conductivity and the viscosity of binary and ternary HFC refrigerant mixtures, consisting of HFC-32, HFC-125, and HFC-134a. In this prediction scheme, the hypothetical molecular parameters of HFC refrigerant mixtures were assumed to be the molar average of the pure component values. The close agreement between the predicted values and the experimental results of thermal conductivity and viscosity demonstrate the predictive power of this scheme. 相似文献
R-32/125 (difluoromethane/pentafluoroethane) and R-125/143a (pentafluoro-ethane/l,l,l-trifluoroethane) binary systems are promising alternative refrigerants to replace conventional refrigerants, i.e., R-22 and R-502. The saturated vapor- and liquid-density data in the critical region of these mixtures were measured using the visual observation of the meniscus disappearance in an optical cell. For the R-32/125 system, 35 saturation density data were measured at three compositions, 10, 35, and 50 mass% R-32. Nineteen saturation density data were also measured for R-125/143a (50/50 mass%). The critical temperatures and densities for these binary refrigerants were determined by taking into consideration the level and location of the meniscus disappearance as well as the intensity of the critical opalescence. Correlations to represent the critical loci of these binary refrigerants for an entire range of compositions have been developed. The experimental uncertainties of the saturation density data are estimated to be within 9 mK in temperature and 0.5 to 5.0 kg · m–3 in density. The uncertainties of the critical temperature and density are estimated to be within 12 to 14mK and 4 to 8kg · m–3, respectively. 相似文献
Thermal conductivities of zeotropic mixtures of R125 (CF3CHF2) and R134a (CF3CH2F) in the liquid phase are reported. Thermal conductivities have been measured by a transient hot-wire method with one bare platinum wire. Measurements have been carried out in the temperature range of 233 to 323 K and in the pressure range of 2 to 20 MPa. The dependence of thermal conductivity on temperature, pressure, and composition of the binary mixture is presented. Measured thermal conductivity data are correlated as a function of temperature, pressure, and overall composition of the mixture. The uncertainty of our measurements was estimated to be better than 2%. 相似文献
The liquid thermal conductivity of two ternary mixtures of HFC-32/125/134a (23.0/25.0/52.0 and 19.0/43.8/37.2 wt%) was measured using a transient hot-wire instrument in the temperature ranges from 193 to 293 K and from 213 to 293 K, respectively, and in the pressure range from 2 to 30 MPa. The thermal conductivity has an estimated uncertainty of ±0.7%. For engineering purposes, the thermal conductivity data were correlated using a polynomial in temperature and pressure for each mixture with a standard deviation of 0.6%. 相似文献
The EU Regulation No 517/2014 is going to phase-out most of the refrigerants commonly used in refrigeration and air conditioning systems (R134a, R404A and R410A) because of their extended use and their high GWP values. There are very different options to replace them; however, no refrigerant has yet imposed. In this paper we review and analyze the different mixtures proposed by the AHRI as alternative refrigerants to those employed currently. These mixtures are composed by HFC refrigerants: R32, R125, R152a and R134a; and HFO refrigerants: R1234yf and R1234ze(E). It is concluded, from the theoretical analysis, that most of the new HFO/HFC mixtures perform under the HFC analyzed (although some experimental studies show the contrary) and, in most cases, do not meet the GWP restrictions approved by the European normative. Furthermore, some of the mixtures proposed would have problems due to their flammability. 相似文献
针对一种提出的根据热源温度品位自动调节效能的新型溴化锂-水吸收式制冷循环进行了理论分析,该循环可以平滑调节系统COP和工作范围。循环在单效循环基础上加入一对中压蒸发/吸收器,中压蒸发器的冷量用于冷却进入系统的冷却水。这样降低了吸收器出口稀溶液的浓度,升高了被结晶特性限制的发生温度上限,也降低了循环截止发生温度。通过建立模型直观说明了循环的效率变化以及对循环工作范围的扩大。计算结果表明在32℃和40℃的冷却水温下,新的循环(0.n效循环)可以分别将单效循环发生温度范围扩大2倍和6倍,同时保持0.3~0.75的COP。 相似文献