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提出了一种基于双层码本的语音驱动视觉语音合成系统,该系统以矢量量化的思想为基础,建立语音特征空间到视觉语音特征空间的粗耦合映射关系。为加强语音和视觉语音的关联性,系统分别根据语音特征与视觉语音特征的相似性两次对样本数据进行自动聚类,构造同时反映语音之间与视觉语音之间相似性的双层映射码本。数据预处理阶段,提出一种能反映视觉语音几何形状特征与牙齿可见度的联合特征模型,并在语音特征LPCC及MFCC基础上采用遗传算法提取视觉语音相关的语音特征模型。合成的视频中图像数据与原始视频中图像数据的比较结果表明,合成结果能在一定程度上逼近原始数据,取得了很好的效果。  相似文献   

视觉语音参数估计在视觉语音的研究中占有重要的地位.从MPEG-4定义的人脸动画参数FAP中选择24个与发音有直接关系的参数来描述视觉语音,将统计学习方法和基于规则的方法结合起来,利用人脸颜色概率分布信息和先验形状及边缘知识跟踪嘴唇轮廓线和人脸特征点,取得了较为精确的跟踪效果.在滤除参考点跟踪中的高频噪声后,利用人脸上最为突出的4个参考点估计出主要的人脸运动姿态,从而消除了全局运动的影响,最后根据这些人脸特征点的运动计算出准确的视觉语音参数,并得到了实际应用.  相似文献   

针对强噪声环境下语音端点检测问题,本文提出了一种利用唇动特征检测语音端点的新方法.首先进行人脸和嘴唇检测,然后分别用PCA法或DCT法对嘴部特征进行提取,再用概率神经网络进行唇动分类和识别.实验表明,在强噪声的环境下利用视觉通道的唇动特征进行语音端点检测是可行的.  相似文献   

为将语音信号转化为嘴唇动画,最大限度的使嘴唇曲线自然协调,合成较为真实的嘴唇动画,提出了一种基于弗格森函数添加嘴唇特征点的方法,弥补了MPEG-4(Moving Pictures Experts Group-4)标准人脸特征点中嘴唇特征点数量不足的情况;此外建立了含有视位参数的动画模型,并基于声母韵母建立语音和动画的映射以获得视位参数,然后将视位参数基于时间进行线性过渡生成视位参数序列,保证了语音和动画在时间上的同步.实验表明该方法符合人的发音习惯,对细节的刻画效果较好,与真实口型匹配的准确率较高.  相似文献   

人机交互中视觉语言的灰度轮廓权向量差分唇形特征模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
该文结合函数变形模型和灰度轮廓向量模型的特点,给出了一种维数少、有效性高的视觉语言特征—灰度轮廓权向量差分唇形特征模型。该特征融合了嘴唇图像的形状变化信息和灰度信息,能够较完善地描述嘴唇的变化。同时,得出了一种新的视觉特征提取算法。仿真结果表明,该算法与传统的函数变形模型相比,总的特征提取准确率提高了5个百分点,每个发音图像序列特征提取的准确率提高了1.6至9个百分点,每帧图像的特征提取时间由4.6495秒下降到0.4455秒。对“1”至“10”数字发音的嘴唇图像序列进行识别,获得了较高的识别率。因此,灰度轮廓权向量差分唇形特征是一种精炼、描述性强、适合于唇读识别的视觉语言特征,该算法能自动地完成模型的训练和视觉特征的提取,是一种有效的特征提取算法。  相似文献   

唇同步效果影响人类对语言的理解。着重研究汉语语音和口型的唇同步,将汉语对应口型划分为4类、两种状态(极点态与过渡态),得出汉语唇同步验证是对极点态音频和极点态视频的同步验证,提出基于极点态音频/视频知识库的唇同步识别与验证模型,分别阐述了模型中音频/视频特征分析子系统,提出了可以将基于运动对象识别的帧间差法与嘴唇形状、颜色和运动特征结合,实现嘴唇精确定位,最后给出唇同步验证过程。  相似文献   

汉语文本-可视语音转换的研究   总被引:9,自引:1,他引:9  
本文通过对发音者可见器官动作的研究 ,从视觉方面抽取汉语发音的 2 6个基本口形 ,并利用 MPEG- 4所规定的面部动画参数 (FAP)来描述这些口形 ,从而获得了符合国际标准的描述汉语发音的视觉参数 .另外 ,我们研究了这些参数在连续语流中的变化及协同发音对口形的影响 ,基于已有的汉语文语转换系统 (Sonic)和二维网格人脸模型(Plane Face)实现了一个汉语文本 -可视语音转换系统 (TTVS)  相似文献   

受声学研究启发,结合人脑人耳听觉特性对语音的处理方式,建立了一个完整的模拟听觉中枢系统的语音分离模型.首先利用外周听觉模型对语音信号进行多频谱分析,然后建立重合神经元模型提取语音信号的特征,最后在脑下丘的神经细胞模型中完成对语音的分离.基于现有的语音识别方法,该模型能够很好地解决绝大多数的语音识别方法都只能在单声源和低噪声的环境下使用的问题.实验结果表明,该模型能够实现多声源环境下语音的分离并且具有较高的鲁棒性.随着研究的深入,基于人耳听觉特性的语音分离模型将有很广泛的应用前景.  相似文献   

汉语语音视觉合成研究数据库CVSS1.0   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
目前现有的双模态语音数据库多为外文,且绝大部分都是为语音识别或身份认证服务的。鉴于此,我们根据汉语语音的特点,建立了国内第一个较为完备的汉语语音视觉合成数据库CVSS1.0。它具有如下特点:包含136个单音节和265个连续发音语句的视频和音频数据,其语料规模超出目前同类数据库;语料是在汉语发音方式归类的基础上,依据汉字出现频度的高低选取,其中的独白语句涵盖了大部分的韵律结构,因此其反映的规律具有代表性;记录了脸部发音动作的三维运动信息;用绿点标出了部分MPEG4定义的脸部特征点,方便跟踪;可服务于多种视觉语音合成研究,有很高的通用性。  相似文献   

针对图像质量客观评价方法在实际应用场景下性能退化的问题,将人眼视觉特性融入图像特征处理的多个环节,提出一种融合视觉结构显著和视觉能量显著特征互补的方法。首先,根据人眼特性对图像的灰度能量、对比度能量和梯度结构三层互补特征进行空域-频域联合变换处理;其次,分别提取前述三层视觉特征的多通道信息并进行评价;最后,基于视觉特性和图像失真度将各层视觉特征评价从内层至外层逐步自适应综合。实验表明,本方法具有较高的水平和更好的稳定性,提高了实际应用场景下的评价性能。  相似文献   

基于发音特征的音/视频双流语音识别模型*   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
构建了一种基于发音特征的音/视频双流动态贝叶斯网络(dynamic Bayesian network, DBN)语音识别模型,定义了各节点的条件概率关系,以及发音特征之间的异步约束关系,最后在音/视频连接数字语音数据库上进行了语音识别实验,并与音频单流、视频单流DBN模型比较了在不同信噪比情况下的识别效果。结果表明,在低信噪比情况下,基于发音特征的音/视频双流语音识别模型表现出最好的识别性能,而且随着噪声的增加,其识别率下降的趋势比较平缓,表明该模型对噪声具有很强的鲁棒性,更适用于低信噪比环境下的语音识别  相似文献   

Audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) has shown impressive improvements over audio-only speech recognition in the presence of acoustic noise. However, the problems of region-of-interest detection and feature extraction may influence the recognition performance due to the visual speech information obtained typically from planar video data. In this paper, we deviate from the traditional visual speech information and propose an AVSR system integrating 3D lip information. The Microsoft Kinect multi-sensory device was adopted for data collection. The different feature extraction and selection algorithms were applied to planar images and 3D lip information, so as to fuse the planar images and 3D lip feature into the visual-3D lip joint feature. For automatic speech recognition (ASR), the fusion methods were investigated and the audio-visual speech information was integrated into a state-synchronous two stream Hidden Markov Model. The experimental results demonstrated that our AVSR system integrating 3D lip information improved the recognition performance of traditional ASR and AVSR system in acoustic noise environments.  相似文献   

Audio-visual speech modeling for continuous speech recognition   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
This paper describes a speech recognition system that uses both acoustic and visual speech information to improve recognition performance in noisy environments. The system consists of three components: a visual module; an acoustic module; and a sensor fusion module. The visual module locates and tracks the lip movements of a given speaker and extracts relevant speech features. This task is performed with an appearance-based lip model that is learned from example images. Visual speech features are represented by contour information of the lips and grey-level information of the mouth area. The acoustic module extracts noise-robust features from the audio signal. Finally the sensor fusion module is responsible for the joint temporal modeling of the acoustic and visual feature streams and is realized using multistream hidden Markov models (HMMs). The multistream method allows the definition of different temporal topologies and levels of stream integration and hence enables the modeling of temporal dependencies more accurately than traditional approaches. We present two different methods to learn the asynchrony between the two modalities and how to incorporate them in the multistream models. The superior performance for the proposed system is demonstrated on a large multispeaker database of continuously spoken digits. On a recognition task at 15 dB acoustic signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), acoustic perceptual linear prediction (PLP) features lead to 56% error rate, noise robust RASTA-PLP (relative spectra) acoustic features to 7.2% error rate and combined noise robust acoustic features and visual features to 2.5% error rate  相似文献   

We are interested in recovering aspects of vocal tract's geometry and dynamics from speech, a problem referred to as speech inversion. Traditional audio-only speech inversion techniques are inherently ill-posed since the same speech acoustics can be produced by multiple articulatory configurations. To alleviate the ill-posedness of the audio-only inversion process, we propose an inversion scheme which also exploits visual information from the speaker's face. The complex audiovisual-to-articulatory mapping is approximated by an adaptive piecewise linear model. Model switching is governed by a Markovian discrete process which captures articulatory dynamic information. Each constituent linear mapping is effectively estimated via canonical correlation analysis. In the described multimodal context, we investigate alternative fusion schemes which allow interaction between the audio and visual modalities at various synchronization levels. For facial analysis, we employ active appearance models (AAMs) and demonstrate fully automatic face tracking and visual feature extraction. Using the AAM features in conjunction with audio features such as Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs) or line spectral frequencies (LSFs) leads to effective estimation of the trajectories followed by certain points of interest in the speech production system. We report experiments on the QSMT and MOCHA databases which contain audio, video, and electromagnetic articulography data recorded in parallel. The results show that exploiting both audio and visual modalities in a multistream hidden Markov model based scheme clearly improves performance relative to either audio or visual-only estimation.   相似文献   

Consideration of visual speech features along with traditional acoustic features have shown decent performance in uncontrolled auditory environment. However, most of the existing audio-visual speech recognition (AVSR) systems have been developed in the laboratory conditions and rarely addressed the visual domain problems. This paper presents an active appearance model (AAM) based multiple-camera AVSR experiment. The shape and appearance information are extracted from jaw and lip region to enhance the performance in vehicle environments. At first, a series of visual speech recognition (VSR) experiments are carried out to study the impact of each camera on multi-stream VSR. Four cameras in car audio-visual corpus is used to perform the experiments. The individual camera stream is fused to have four-stream synchronous hidden Markov model visual speech recognizer. Finally, optimum four-stream VSR is combined with single stream acoustic HMM to build five-stream AVSR. The dual modality AVSR system shows more robustness compared to acoustic speech recognizer across all driving conditions.  相似文献   

构建一种基于发音特征的音视频双流动态贝叶斯网络(DBN)语音识别模型(AFAV_DBN),定义节点的条件概率关系,使发音特征状态的变化可以异步.在音视频语音数据库上的语音识别实验表明,通过调整发音特征之问的异步约束,AF- AV_DBN模型能得到比基于状态的同步和异步DBN模型以及音频单流模型更高的识别率,对噪声也具有...  相似文献   

Audio-visual speech recognition employing both acoustic and visual speech information is a novel extension of acoustic speech recognition and it significantly improves the recognition accuracy in noisy environments. Although various audio-visual speech-recognition systems have been developed, a rigorous and detailed comparison of the potential geometric visual features from speakers' faces is essential. Thus, in this paper the geometric visual features are compared and analyzed rigorously for their importance in audio-visual speech recognition. Experimental results show that among the geometric visual features analyzed, lip vertical aperture is the most relevant; and the visual feature vector formed by vertical and horizontal lip apertures and the first-order derivative of the lip corner angle leads to the best recognition results. Speech signals are modeled by hidden Markov models (HMMs) and using the optimized HMMs and geometric visual features the accuracy of acoustic-only, visual-only, and audio-visual speech recognition methods are compared. The audio-visual speech recognition scheme has a much improved recognition accuracy compared to acoustic-only and visual-only speech recognition especially at high noise levels. The experimental results showed that a set of as few as three labial geometric features are sufficient to improve the recognition rate by as much as 20% (from 62%, with acoustic-only information, to 82%, with audio-visual information at a signal-to-noise ratio of 0 dB).  相似文献   

This paper presents a real-time speech-driven talking face system which provides low computational complexity and smoothly visual sense. A novel embedded confusable system is proposed to generate an efficient phoneme-viseme mapping table which is constructed by phoneme grouping using Houtgast similarity approach based on the results of viseme similarity estimation using histogram distance, according to the concept of viseme visually ambiguous. The generated mapping table can simplify the mapping problem and promote viseme classification accuracy. The implemented real time speech-driven talking face system includes: 1) speech signal processing, including SNR-aware speech enhancement for noise reduction and ICA-based feature set extractions for robust acoustic feature vectors; 2) recognition network processing, HMM and MCSVM are combined as a recognition network approach for phoneme recognition and viseme classification, which HMM is good at dealing with sequential inputs, while MCSVM shows superior performance in classifying with good generalization properties, especially for limited samples. The phoneme-viseme mapping table is used for MCSVM to classify the observation sequence of HMM results, which the viseme class is belong to; 3) visual processing, arranges lip shape image of visemes in time sequence, and presents more authenticity using a dynamic alpha blending with different alpha value settings. Presented by the experiments, the used speech signal processing with noise speech comparing with clean speech, could gain 1.1 % (16.7 % to 15.6 %) and 4.8 % (30.4 % to 35.2 %) accuracy rate improvements in PER and WER, respectively. For viseme classification, the error rate is decreased from 19.22 % to 9.37 %. Last, we simulated a GSM communication between mobile phone and PC for visual quality rating and speech driven feeling using mean opinion score. Therefore, our method reduces the number of visemes and lip shape images by confusable sets and enables real-time operation.  相似文献   

The multi-modal emotion recognition lacks the explicit mapping relation between emotion state and audio and image features, so extracting the effective emotion information from the audio/visual data is always a challenging issue. In addition, the modeling of noise and data redundancy is not solved well, so that the emotion recognition model is often confronted with the problem of low efficiency. The deep neural network (DNN) performs excellently in the aspects of feature extraction and highly non-linear feature fusion, and the cross-modal noise modeling has great potential in solving the data pollution and data redundancy. Inspired by these, our paper proposes a deep weighted fusion method for audio-visual emotion recognition. Firstly, we conduct the cross-modal noise modeling for the audio and video data, which eliminates most of the data pollution in the audio channel and the data redundancy in visual channel. The noise modeling is implemented by the voice activity detection(VAD), and the data redundancy in the visual data is solved through aligning the speech area both in audio and visual data. Then, we extract the audio emotion features and visual expression features via two feature extractors. The audio emotion feature extractor, audio-net, is a 2D CNN, which accepting the image-based Mel-spectrograms as input data. On the other hand, the facial expression feature extractor, visual-net, is a 3D CNN to which facial expression image sequence is feeded. To train the two convolutional neural networks on the small data set efficiently, we adopt the strategy of transfer learning. Next, we employ the deep belief network(DBN) for highly non-linear fusion of multi-modal emotion features. We train the feature extractors and the fusion network synchronously. And finally the emotion classification is obtained by the support vector machine using the output of the fusion network. With consideration of cross-modal feature fusion, denoising and redundancy removing, our fusion method show excellent performance on the selected data set.  相似文献   

Recognizing Human Emotional State From Audiovisual Signals   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Machine recognition of human emotional state is an important component for efficient human-computer interaction. The majority of existing works address this problem by utilizing audio signals alone, or visual information only. In this paper, we explore a systematic approach for recognition of human emotional state from audiovisual signals. The audio characteristics of emotional speech are represented by the extracted prosodic, Mel-frequency Cepstral Coefficient (MFCC), and formant frequency features. A face detection scheme based on HSV color model is used to detect the face from the background. The visual information is represented by Gabor wavelet features. We perform feature selection by using a stepwise method based on Mahalanobis distance. The selected audiovisual features are used to classify the data into their corresponding emotions. Based on a comparative study of different classification algorithms and specific characteristics of individual emotion, a novel multiclassifier scheme is proposed to boost the recognition performance. The feasibility of the proposed system is tested over a database that incorporates human subjects from different languages and cultural backgrounds. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system. The multiclassifier scheme achieves the best overall recognition rate of 82.14%.  相似文献   

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