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本文介绍一种新型的位置读出方法,用于开发高分辨的小型伽玛相机.该伽玛相机采用小单元的CsI(Na)晶体阵列与位置灵敏光电倍增管(PSPMT)结合的探测器.其位置读出电路的设计把常规的阻抗电荷分配法与多路单通道直接读出法的优点结合在一起,由硬件实现局域重心法(Truncated center of gravity)计算读出的位置,取得很好的效果.该伽玛相机的内在分辨率接近1 mm,视野(FOV)达探测器的灵敏范围.这种新型的位置读出方法也可用于更高集成度的多阳极的位置灵敏光电倍增管的位置读出. 相似文献
关联粒子成像技术(API)是进行爆炸物检测和有源核查的重要手段,而关联α粒子探测器的空间分辨和时间分辨直接决定成像系统的空间分辨能力。本文依托中国原子能科学研究院核数据重点实验室移动中子发生器,结合具有快时间响应的ZnO:Ga与最新的位置灵敏光电倍增管(PSPMT)H13700,设计可用于API的关联α粒子探测器系统。通过SCDC-TCOG将256路信号简化为4路信号,利用数字化仪对信号进行采集分析。通过离线实验对关联粒子探测器的时间性能和空间分辨性能进行了测试。利用刀口法测得空间分辨好于1 mm,并通过狭缝法和栅条法进行了验证。通过测量252Cf裂变碎片和瞬发伽马符合测量获得系统时间分辨好于1 ns,达到了应用需求。 相似文献
CDEX实验中CsI(Tl)晶体反符合探测器实验测试 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
CDEX(China Dark matter EXperiment)合作组将在中国锦屏极深地下实验室(CJPL China Jin-Ping deep underground Laboratory)利用极低能阈高纯锗(ULE-HPGe)探测器进行暗物质的直接探测。在地下实验之前,对CsI(Tl)晶体反符合探测器进行了地面的实验研究。主要包括光导的选择,光反射层的选择,CsI(Tl)晶体的高度一致性测试,不同侧面非均匀性的测试,以及所有晶体的测试结果。通过地面实验的前期工作,我们对反符合探测器有了一定认识,为地下实验做了准备。 相似文献
介绍了大面积塑料闪烁体探测模块的设计、研制及其组成,重点介绍大面积塑料闪烁体探测模块的性能测试. 相似文献
介绍了塑料闪烁探测器的基本组成和工作过程,针对两种不同尺寸、型号的大面积塑料闪烁探测器性能参数进行了对比.简单介绍了整体探测部件的工艺设计. 相似文献
本文主要研究了基于PIN光电二极管与CsI(T1)晶体的γ射线辐射探测器,给出了电流放大型和电压放大型的原理图以及制板图,并对其性能做了简单分析. 相似文献
Suk-Kwon Kim Young-Dug Bae Hyun-Kyu Jung Yang-Il Jung Jeong-Yong Park Yong-Hwan Jeong Dong Won Lee 《Fusion Engineering and Design》2011,86(9-11):1766-1770
The main topic of an ITER blanket first wall procurement is to qualify whether each party has the key technology needed for the fabrication and joining of first wall components. A semi-prototype qualification project will be released requiring that the single components of a full-scale first wall must be fabricated and successfully pass high heat flux tests using a hypervapotron cooling channel. In this work, various mockup types have been modeled and fabricated to develop the joining technology for a semi-prototype. The semi-prototype, which has three double-fingered panels, is a scaled-down component of a full-size first wall. The standard or slit mockups with a 80 mm × 80 mm single beryllium tile joined to a CuCrZr heat sink were fabricated to qualify our HIP (Hot Isostatic Pressing) technology for the joining of semi-prototype. These standard mockups were installed to perform a high heat flux test in the Korea heat load test facility (KoHLT). For a preliminary test of a semi-prototype, thermo-hydraulic mockups of 710 mm × 100 mm were designed and fabricated to verify the Cu/SS cooling performance, such as hypervapotron. For the high heat flux test in our KoHLT facility, the normal cycle is based on an expected heat flux of 300 s in accordance with the ITER qualification specifications. These tests will be performed to qualify the joining technologies, which is required for an ITER blanket first wall and a semi-prototype. 相似文献
针对用于测量α、β射线的便携式大面积表面污染测量仪,为确保其测量性能,本文根据JJG 478—2016和GB/T 5202—2008标准要求,对自主研发的便携式α、β大面积表面污染测量仪的均匀性、探测效率、探测限、响应时间和温度稳定性等主要性能指标进行了测试。结果表明:便携式大面积表面污染测量仪的表面发射率响应对241Amα源为30.4%左右,对90Sr-90Yβ源为48.1%,对36Clβ源为45.5%左右;最低可探测下限对241Amα源为0.15 Bq/cm2,对β源90Sr-90Y为0.07 Bq/cm2,对β源36Cl为0.09 Bq/cm2;响应时间<4 s;在-10℃~40℃时可正常工作。各项参数指标满足标准要求,能够有效达到防止污染扩散,保证工作人员安全的目的。 相似文献
Most materials can be easily corroded or ineffective in carbonaceous atmospheres at high temperatures in the reactor core of the high temperature gas-cooled reactor (HTGR). To solve the problem, a material performance test apparatus was built to provide reliable materials and technical support for relevant experiments of the HTGR. The apparatus uses a center high-purity graphite heater and surrounding thermal insulating layers made of carbon fiber felt to form a strong carbon reducing atmosphere inside the apparatus. Specially designed tungsten rhenium thermocouples which can endure high temperatures in carbonaceous atmospheres are used to control the temperature field. A typical experimental process was analyzed in the paper, which lasted 76 hours including seven stages. Experimental results showed the test apparatus could completely simulate the carbon reduction atmosphere and high temperature environment the same as that confronted in the real reactor and the performance of screened materials had been successfully tested and verified. Test temperature in the apparatus could be elevated up to 1600℃, which covered the whole temperature range of the normal operation and accident condition of HTGR and could fully meet the test reauirements of materials used in the reactor. 相似文献
高性能微电流集成放大器的设计 总被引:11,自引:2,他引:9
介绍了用ICL7650运算放大器设计高性能微电流集成放大器的方法,阐述了电路的工作原理和提高放大器性能的措施,给出了实际应用的实验结果。该放大器测量范围10^-9~10^-12A,自换量程,自动校零,测量准确,工作稳定。 相似文献
The paper describes a novel core concept for a nuclear reactor cooled with supercritical water, in which the coolant is heated up from 280 °C at the reactor inlet to 500 °C at the outlet in four steps: a first heat-up step is provided by heat transfer from fuel assemblies to the moderator water in gaps and moderator boxes, a second step is foreseen in a central “evaporator” and two further steps in a first and a second superheater surrounding it. The coolant flow scheme includes upward and downward flow through the core with intermediate mixing in chambers above and below the core to eliminate hot streaks. A preliminary single channel analysis, concentrating on an average flow channel and on the hottest one only, indicates that such core design can match the limits of cladding materials available today. Even though the resultant pressure drop of the coolant will be higher than usual, it is expected that the assembly boxes can be designed with acceptable deformations. 相似文献
上海光源储存环X-ray针孔相机系统设计 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
上海光源(SSRF)储存环X-ray针孔相机系统主要由X-ray引出前端、衰减片、小孔、靶片、相机、PXI控制器及图像采集等构成,数据采集处理软件在LabVIEW平台上开发,与控制系统的接口通过EPICS Shared Memory IOCcore技术实现。2009年8月开始的长时间在线运行证明引出前端是安全的,在300mA运行时,测量引出窗的最高温度≤36℃。该系统设计合理、性能稳定,可在线实时测量数十μm束团横向截面尺寸,从而实现3.9nm·rad发射度的测量。 相似文献