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燃耗数据库基准检验方法对于研制高准确度的燃耗数据库至关重要。本文以TAKAHAMA 3压水堆辐照后检验实验中SF95样品的建模为例,研究了建模要素对燃耗计算的影响,确定了燃耗实验建模的方法,开展了燃耗信用制研究感兴趣的锕系和裂变产物核素积存量计算值与实验值的比对。比对结果显示,主锕系核素计算偏差小于2%,大部分次锕系核素偏差小于10%,大部分重要裂变产物核素偏差小于5%。本文还对125Sb积存量随燃耗深度变化规律进行了理论分析,确认了破坏性放化实验测量结果存在缺陷,并进一步获得了125Sb积存量的修正值,使计算偏差从接近170%下降到20%以内。本次研究表明,燃耗数据库基准检验研究不仅需发展适当的燃耗实验建模方法,还需对实验数据进行适当的评价。  相似文献   

蒋校丰  谢仲生 《核动力工程》2004,25(5):390-394,412
为了对加速器驱动次临界系统(Accelerator Driven System)的中子经济性和安全性做进一步研究,IAEA启动了ADS合作研究计划,提出了ADS基准题。基准题分为几个阶段,第一阶段主要致力于ADS的中子性能和核数据库及计算程序的验证。本文开发了ANSN-DOT4.2-ORIGEN2输运.燃耗程序系统,并对该基准题进行了给定次临界度下的富集度、零燃耗下的径向与轴向功率分布、空泡效应、外源价值和燃耗的计算,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

基于蒙特卡罗中子输运程序和ORIGEN2点燃耗程序的蒙特卡罗输运燃耗耦合计算方法应用广泛。但现有评价库中子连续截面的核素个数远小于燃耗计算涉及到的核素数量,即通过输运计算得到的燃耗截面不足以完全替代燃耗计算的基本库。采用经过栅元验证的蒙特卡罗燃耗程序MCBMPI,对最新的VERA燃耗计算基准题进行验证计算,对比分析不同的燃耗截面基本库对输运燃耗计算的影响。分析结果表明:1)在实际应用中尽量不要采用典型热中子截面库,会带来较大偏差;2)在燃耗计算核素替换较多的情况下,对该基准题而言,选取典型压水堆基本库还是典型快堆基本库,对结果影响不大,二者keff偏差在8‰以内,燃耗末期235U偏差在4‰以内,135Xe偏差在5‰左右;3)建议选取与研究对象能谱相近的基本库。  相似文献   

为对核废物进行嬗变,最近提出了加速器驱动的次临界系统(Accelerator Driven System,简称ADS)。由于外中子源的存在及中子通量的各向异性,ADS的核计算与通常反应堆有较大的差别,原则上需要应用中子输运理论的方法,目前尚无成熟的计算方法与程序。为此,IAEA提出了ADS基准题。基准题分为几个阶段,第一阶段主要致力于ADS的中子性能分析、检验现有核数据库、计算方法和程序的可靠性及不确定性。该文开发了MCNP-ORIGEN2程序系统,并对该基准题进行了给定次临界度下的富集度、零燃耗下的径向与轴向的功率分布、反应性空泡效应、外源价值和燃耗的计算等,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

蒙卡-燃耗程序系统及ADS基准题的计算   总被引:2,自引:3,他引:2  
为对核废物进行嬗变,提出了加速器驱动的次临界系统(ADS)。由于外中子源的存在及中子注量率的各向异性,ADS的核计算和常规反应堆的有较大的差别,原则上需要应用中子输运理论的方法,目前尚无成熟的计算方法与程序。为此,IAEA提出了ADS基准题。基准题分为几个阶段,第一阶段主要致力于ADS的中子性能分析,检验现有核数据库、计算方法和程序的可靠性及不确定性。开发了MC-NT-ORIGEN2程序系统,并对该基准题进行了给定次临界点下的富集度、零燃耗下的径向与轴向的功率分布、反应性空泡效应、外源价值和燃耗的计算,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

新一代压水堆与现有压水堆的重要区别之一是燃料富集度不同,考虑到燃料制造、燃料燃耗等问题,目前压水堆的UO2燃料富集度通常小于5%,MOX燃料中易裂变Pu含量通常小于6%。新一代压水堆的燃料富集度有可能超过现有标准,平均燃耗有望达到70 GW•d/tU,这对反应堆计算软件提出了新的要求。本文基于反应堆蒙特卡罗程序cosRMC对新一代压水堆栅元和组件基准进行了中子学分析,包括裂变反应率分布、中子通量密度分布及核子密度随燃耗的变化等,并对含Gd棒的组件燃耗计算进行了细致分析。计算结果表明,cosRMC的计算结果与国际上其他程序的计算结果符合较好。通过程序之间结果对比发现,随着燃耗的增加,不同程序计算的Pu含量差别变大。  相似文献   

在中国实验快堆(CEFR)上建立了实验组件燃耗分布测量的实验装置。对CEFR某一辐照实验组件中的4#及6#燃料元件棒进行了相对燃耗分布的测量,并与理论计算结果进行了比较。结果表明:两根燃料元件棒虽处于实验组件的不同位置,但相对燃耗分布基本一致;燃耗分布的实验测量结果与理论计算结果符合较好;实验组件燃耗分布测量的相对误差在10.2%以内。本文工作为开展快堆乏燃料组件燃耗测量奠定了基础。  相似文献   

本文研究了一种基于最佳一致逼近多项式(MMPA)的燃耗计算方法求解燃耗方程。相比于切比雪夫有理近似方法(CRAM)和围道积分有理近似方法(QRAM),MMPA方法只需一次矩阵求逆计算即可求解燃耗方程,且所有计算都是实数运算,具有数值稳定性好、求解效率高等优点。进一步研制了基于MMPA方法的点燃耗程序AMAC,并耦合蒙特卡罗输运程序OpenMC,采用衰变例题、固定辐照例题、OECD/NEA压水堆栅元燃耗基准题和沸水堆组件燃耗基准题进行验证,程序计算结果与实验值及各参考值吻合良好,初步验证了MMPA方法在理论和数值上的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

本文介绍了组件参数计算程序中燃耗计算理论模型,给出了求解燃耗方程的两种数值方法,编制了相应的计算程序,并将其计算结果与解析解的计算结果进行了对比分析,验证了两种数值方法的有效性。对两种数值方法的计算效率进行了比较,结果表明:两种数值方法均能取得较高的计算精度,但在计算速度及对初始时间步长取值的限制方面,Rosenbrock方法明显优于龙格库塔方法。  相似文献   

ANISN-DOT4.2-ORIGEN2输运-燃耗程序系统及ADS基准题的计算   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了对加速器驱动次临界系统(Accelerator Driven System,ADS)的中子经济性和安全性做进一步研究,IAEA启动了ADS合作研究计划,提出了ADS基准题。基准题分为几个阶段,第一阶段主要致力于中子性能和核数据库及计算程序的验证。该文开发了ANIAN-DOT4.2-0RIGEN2输运-燃耗程序系统,并对该基准题进行了给定次临界度下的富集度及零燃耗下的径向与轴向功率分布、空泡效应、外源价值和燃耗的计算等,取得了满意的结果。  相似文献   

In order to specify the best nuclear data on iron, the fusion neutronics benchmark experiment on iron at Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)/Fusion Neutronics Source (FNS) was analyzed in detail with MCNP-4C and the latest nuclear data libraries, JENDL-3.3, FENDL-2.1, JEFF-3.1 and ENDF/B-VII.0. As a result, totally the calculation result with ENDF/B-VII.0 agreed with the measurement best, except that it underestimated the measured neutron flux above 10 MeV with the depth. It was noted that the calculation result with JENDL-3.3 overestimated the measured neutrons below a few keV. Through the DORT calculations based on the iron data in ENDF/B-VII.0, it was found out that the first inelastic scattering cross-section data of 57Fe in JENDL-3.3 caused the overestimation.  相似文献   

基于国际经典的压水堆全堆芯Hoogenboom基准模型,对超级蒙特卡罗核计算仿真软件系统SuperMC(Super Monte Carlo Simulation Program for Nuclear and Radiation Process)进行了校验。对有效增殖因数keff、功率等反应堆关键参数进行了计算与正确性校验,对并行效率进行了分析。结果显示,SuperMC的计算结果与MCNP(Monte Carlo N Particle Transport Code)吻合较好,在使用640核计算时并行效率高达98.7%,初步验证了SuperMC在全堆芯计算中的准确性及高效性。  相似文献   

蒙特卡罗(MC)-离散纵标(SN)耦合方法是解决同时具有复杂几何和深穿透特点的核装置屏蔽问题的有效方法。本文首次将三维MC-SN耦合方法应用于压水堆屏蔽计算。针对NUREG/CR-6115压水堆基准模型,选取热屏蔽内表面为公共交界面,将其分为几何复杂的MC模拟区和具有深穿透特点的SN模拟区。三维MC程序用于精确描述堆芯到热屏蔽精细模型,并记录穿过热屏蔽内表面的中子径迹信息。接口程序将中子径迹转换为SN计算所需的边界源,提供给三维SN程序进行热屏蔽到压力容器的计算。计算结果包括压力容器内表面、1/4壁厚处及焊缝处快中子注量(E>1.0 MeV)圆周方向分布。三维耦合方法计算结果与基准报告提供的MCNP、DORT结果符合良好,验证了该方法处理圆柱坐标系屏蔽问题的有效性和程序使用的正确性。  相似文献   

Assessment of the reactor fuel composition during the irradiation time, fuel management and criticality safety analysis require the utilization of a validated burnup calculation code system. In this work a newly developed burnup calculation code system, IRBURN, is introduced for the estimation and analysis of the fuel burnup in LWR reactors. IRBURN provides the full capabilities of the Monte Carlo neutron and photon transport code MCNP4C as well as the versatile code for calculating the buildup and decay of nuclides in nuclear materials, ORIGEN2.1, along with other data processing and linking subroutines. This code has the capability of using different depletion calculation schemes.  相似文献   

Measurements in the CROCUS reactor at EPFL, Lausanne, are reported for the critical water level and the inverse reactor period for several different sets of delayed supercritical conditions. The experimental configurations were also calculated by four different calculation methods. For each of the supercritical configurations, the absolute reactivity value has been determined in two different ways, viz.: (i) through direct comparison of the multiplication factor obtained employing a given calculation method with the corresponding value for the critical case (calculated reactivity: ρcalc); (ii) by application of the inhour equation using the kinetic parameters obtained for the critical configuration and the measured inverse reactor period (measured reactivity: ρmeas). The calculated multiplication factors for the reference critical configuration, as well as ρcalc for the supercritical cases, are found to be in good agreement. However, the values of ρmeas produced by two of the applied calculation methods differ appreciably from the corresponding ρcalc values, clearly indicating deficiencies in the kinetic parameters obtained from these methods.  相似文献   

Utilization of Mixed Uranium–Plutonium Oxide (MOX) fuel in VVER-1000 reactors envisages the core physics analysis using computational methods and validation of the related computer codes. Towards this objective, an international experts group has been established at OECD/NEA. The experts group facilitates sharing of existing information on physics parameters and fuel behaviour. Several benchmark exercises have been proposed by them with intent to investigate the core physics behaviour of a VVER-1000 reactor loaded with 2/3rd of low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel assemblies (FA) and 1/3rd of weapons grade mixed oxide (MOX) FA. In the present study an attempt is made to analyse ‘AVVER-1000LEUandMOXAssemblyComputationalBenchmark’ and predict the neutronics behaviour at the lattice level. The lattice burnup code EXCEL, developed at Light Water Reactor Physics Section, BARC is employed for this task. The EXCEL code uses the 172 energy group ‘JEFF31GX’ cross-section library in WIMS-D format. Assembly level fuel depletion calculations are performed up to a burnup of 40 MWD/kg of heavy metal (HM). Studies are made for the parametric variations of fuel and moderator temperatures, coolant density and boron content in the coolant. Both operational and off-normal states are analysed to determine the corresponding infinite neutron multiplication factor (k). Pin wise isotopic compositions are computed as a function of burnup. Isotopic compositions in different annular regions of Uranium–Gadolinium (UGD) pin, fission rate distributions in UGD, UO2 and MOX pin cells are also computed. The predicted results are compared with the benchmark mean results.  相似文献   

In this study, a decay heat analysis was performed for prism type VHTR cores by combining Monte Carlo depletion calculation with McCARD code and the decay cooling calculation with ORIGEN-2 code. In the Monte Carlo depletion approach, the McCARD multi-cycle core depletion calculation was performed up to an equilibrium cycle, involving a great details of core geometry and material inventory. ORIGEN-2 performs only the decay cooling calculation with the full scope of ORIGEN-2 nuclides inventory provided by the McCARD depletion calculation. The accuracy of the decay heat analysis procedure developed in the previous work by using HELIOS and ORIGEN-2 codes was also verified. The HELIOS/ORIGEN-2 procedure showed a good accuracy for a short period of cooling time. However, a relatively large discrepancy between the two was observed for a long period of cooling time. As expected, the decay heat of a TRU fueled DB-MHR core was much higher than that of uranium fueled PMR200 core due to the fuel composition difference, which means that more attention for effective removal of the decay heat should be paid in designing the TRU fueled deep burn cores to ensure the safety of the deep burn core during the conduction cooling events.  相似文献   

中子学积分实验前级准直系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
积分实验是检验评价中子核数据可靠性和精准度的重要手段,效应/本底比是衡量积分实验数据品质的重要参数。为了获得更高的效应/本底比,对中国原子能科学研究院积分实验使用的前级准直系统进行了设计,该系统主要由前级准直器和阴影锥组成。利用MCNP-4C程序对不同条件下的本底谱进行了模拟,结果显示,加上前级准直系统之后,效应/本底比有非常明显的改善。  相似文献   

在核反应堆事故后卸压等特定场景下,安全壳内液体大量蒸发,液相中气溶胶在蒸汽作用下被夹带回气相中的现象称为再夹带。本文基于Revent实验结果对KataokaIshi's和Cosandey's再夹带模型的适用性进行了评估。首先将模型转化为程序语言,针对实验建立分析模型并对不同工况开展模拟研究;然后通过对比分析模型预测结果与实验测量结果,评估了在不同压力、气体组分条件下,KataokaIshi's各夹带区域模型预测可溶性气溶胶再夹带行为的适用性,Cosandey's模型预测可溶性、不可溶性气溶胶再夹带行为的适用性。结果表明:Cosandey's模型更适用于预测核电厂事故工况下安全壳内不同种类气溶胶粒子再夹带行为。  相似文献   

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