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We have determined partial sequences of the gyrA and parC genes of Enterobacter cloacae type strain including the regions analogous to the quinolone resistance-determining region of the Escherichia coli gyrA gene. The deduced 65- and 49-amino acid sequences of the determined regions of the E. cloacae gyrA and parC genes were identical to the corresponding regions of the E. coli GyrA and ParC proteins, respectively. We examined 40 clinical strains of E. cloacae isolated from patients with urinary tract infection for susceptibilities to nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin. Based on the nalidixic acid and ciprofloxacin MICs, these isolates were divided into 19 quinolone-susceptible strains (MICs of nalidixic acid, 3.13-25 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, < or = 0.025 mg/L) and 21 quinolone-resistant strains (MICs of nalidixic acid, 400 to > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 0.39-100 mg/L). We analysed five quinolone-susceptible and 21 quinolone-resistant strains for alterations in GyrA and ParC. The five quinolone-susceptible strains had amino acid sequences in GyrA and ParC identical to those of type strain. Of the 21 quinolone-resistant isolates, three (MICs of nalidixic acid, 400 to > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 0.39-3.13 mg/L) had a single amino acid change at the position equivalent to Ser-83 in the E. coli GyrA protein and no alterations in ParC; one (MIC of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MIC of ciprofloxacin, 3.13 mg/L) had a single amino acid change at Ser-83 in GyrA and a single amino acid change at the position equivalent to Glu-84 in the E. coli ParC protein; two (MIC of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MIC of ciprofloxacin, 25 mg/L) had double amino acid changes at Ser-83 and Asp-87 in GyrA and no alterations in ParC; and 15 (MICs of nalidixic acid, > 800 mg/L; MICs of ciprofloxacin, 25-100 mg/L) had double amino acid changes at Ser-83 and Asp-87 in GyrA and a single amino acid change at Ser-80 or Glu-84 in ParC. This study suggests, that in clinical isolates of E. cloacae, DNA gyrase is a primary target of quinolones, that only a single amino acid change at Ser-83 in GyrA is sufficient to generate high-level resistance to nalidixic acid and to decrease susceptibility to ciprofloxacin, and that the accumulation of amino acid changes in GyrA and the simultaneous presence of the ParC alterations play a central role in developing high-level resistance to ciprofloxacin.  相似文献   

The biologic role of each CD3 chain and their relative contribution to the signals transduced through the TCR/CD3 complex and to downstream activation events are still controversial: they may be specialized or redundant. We have immortalized peripheral blood CD4+ and CD8+ T lymphocytes from a human selective CD3 gamma deficiency using Herpesvirus saimiri. The accessibility of the mutant TCR/CD3 complex to different Abs was consistently lower in immortalized CD8+ cells when compared with CD4+ cells, relative to their corresponding CD3 gamma-sufficient controls. Several TCR/CD3-induced downstream activation events, immediate (calcium flux), early (cytotoxicity and induction of surface CD69 or CD40L activation markers or intracellular TNF-alpha) and late (proliferation and secretion of TNF-alpha), were normal in gamma-deficient cells, despite the fact that their TCR/CD3 complexes were significantly less accessible than those of controls. In contrast, the accumulation of intracellular IL-2 or its secretion after CD3 triggering was severely impaired in gamma-deficient cells. The defect was upstream of protein kinase C activation because addition of transmembrane stimuli (PMA plus calcium ionophore) completely restored IL-2 secretion in gamma-deficient cells. These results suggest that the propagation of signals initiated at the TCR itself can result in a modified downstream signaling cascade with distinct functional consequences when gamma is absent. They also provide evidence for the specific participation of the CD3 gamma chain in the induction of certain cytokine genes in both CD4+ and CD8+ human mature T cells. These immortalized mutant cells may prove to be useful in isolating cytosolic signaling pathways emanating from the TCR/CD3 complex.  相似文献   

The present study investigates the effect of IL-12 administration on the generation of lymphoid cells that exhibit cytotoxicity against tumor cells expressing Fas Ag. Systemic injection of rIL-12 into BALB/c or (B6C3)F1 mice bearing syngeneic CSA1M or OV-HM tumor induced complete tumor regression. CSA1M tumor cells expressed Fas Ag, and exposure of these cells to IFN-gamma enhanced Fas expression. In contrast, Fas Ag was hardly detected on OV-HM cells even after IFN-gamma exposure. Only CSA1M cells were lysed by anti-Fas mAb or cells expressing Fas ligand (FasL), indicating that Fas on CSA1M cells is functional in mediating cell death. An increase in the frequency of lymphoid cells characterized as CD3+ CD4- CD8- B220+ was observed in spleens from both CSA1M and OV-HM tumor-bearing mice after IL-12 treatment. A splenic population enriched in cells with these unique phenotypes exhibited considerable degrees of cytotoxicity against Fas+ CSA1M, but not against Fas- OV-HM tumor cells. The lysis of CSA1M cells was almost completely blocked by addition of Fas-Fc, a fusion protein between the extracellular domain of mouse Fas and the Cgamma1 domain of human Ig. Regressing CSA1M and OV-HM tumor masses after IL-12 treatment exhibited a massive lymphoid cell infiltration and expressed significant levels of FasL mRNA, suggesting the infiltration of FasL-expressing cells to tumor sites. These results indicate that IL-12 induces the expansion of lymphoid cells that exhibit FasL-mediated cytolytic activity and accumulate into regressing tumor masses.  相似文献   

Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA) is an experimental autoimmune disease induced by immunization with collagen type II (CII). We studied CIA in CD4- or CD8-deficient DBA/1 mice to further define the roles of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in the disease. CD4-deficient mice developed severe arthritis, and no differences in incidence, clinical course, and severity were observed between CD4 -/- and CD4 +/- mice. Proliferative responses of lymph node T cells to CII was, however, reduced in CD4 -/- mice, and inflamed joints revealed relative accumulation of CD4-CD8-TCR(alpha)(beta)+ cells. A CII-specific T cell line generated from CD4-deficient mice responded to CII in a MHC-restricted fashion and had a CD4-CD8-TCR(alpha)(beta)+ phenotype. Disease incidence in CD8 -/- mice was significantly decreased compared with CD8 +/- mice, even though the severity of arthritis in arthritic mice was not different. These results suggests a role for CD8+ T cells in initiating CIA. Interestingly, CD8-deficient mice were more susceptible to a second induction of arthritis after remission of initial disease, pointing towards an immunoregulatory role for CD8+ T cells. CD8-deficient mice did not, however, show any defect in oral tolerance induction using CII. Taken together, our findings demonstrate that CD4-CD8-TCR(alpha)(beta) cells can trigger systemic arthritis in CD4-deficient mice and that CD8+ T cells can play dual and opposing roles, important both in initiation of CIA and in providing resistance to reinduction of CIA after recovery from initial disease.  相似文献   

During fetal lymph node organogenesis in mice, lymph node postcapillary high endothelial venules briefly express the Peyer's patch addressin MAdCAM-1. This allows initial seeding by two unusual lymphocyte populations selectively expressing the Peyer's patch homing receptor integrin alpha4beta 7: CD4+CD3- oligolineage progenitors and TCR gammadelta+ T cells. It was found that the CD4+CD3- cells are lineage-restricted progenitors that express surface lymphotoxin-beta (LTbeta) and the chemokine receptor BLR1. They can differentiate into natural killer cells, dendritic antigen-presenting cells, and follicular cells of unknown outcome, but these cells do not become T or B lymphocytes. In addition to LN, CD4+CD3- cells can also be found in fetal spleen starting at 13.5 dpc, while absent from fetal liver. In view of the necessity of lymphotoxin in lymphoid organ development, it is thought that the novel subset of CD4+CD3- LTbeta+ fetal cells is instrumental in the development of lymphoid tissue architecture.  相似文献   

Recent studies revealed that CD4+ cells initiate allograft rejection through direct recognition of allogeneic MHC class II Ags and indirect recognition of MHC peptides processed by self APCs. Both pathways were shown to help CD8+ cells that eventually lysed allogeneic MHC class I-presenting targets. There was little evidence, however, that CD4+ cells are sufficient for graft rejection. We studied skin graft rejection by CD8-deficient (CD8 -/-) mice. We showed that BALB/cJ(H-2d) CD8 -/- mice could reject allogeneic skin from C57BL/6J(H-2b) mice deficient in MHC class I or in MHC class II Ags. To understand the role of CD4+ cells in this process, we isolated them from CD8 -/- mice and transferred them to BALB/cJ nude mice that had been grafted with allogeneic skin (H-2b) from animals deficient in MHC class I or MHC class II. Nude mice injected with CD4+ cells rejected MHC class II and, albeit more slowly, MHC class I disparate skins. We showed in vitro evidence that CD4+ cells were not cytotoxic toward MHC class I or MHC class II disparate targets and that they recognized MHC class I allogeneic targets through indirect recognition. CD4+ cells produced Th1 cytokines, but not IL-4, following stimulation with allogeneic cells. Furthermore, intragraft TNF-alpha was elevated in skin grafted onto nude mice reconstituted with CD4+ cells compared with nonreconstituted mice. This suggests that MHC class II- or MHC class I-guided CD4+ cells alone are sufficient to induce rejection by the generation of cytokine-induced lesions.  相似文献   

A new type IIS restriction endonuclease Bfi I hasbeen partially purified from Bacillus firmus S8120. Bfi I recognizes the non-palindromic hexanucleotide sequence 5'-ACTGGG(N)5/4-3' and makes a staggered cut at the fifth base pair downstream of the recognition sequence on the upper strand, producing a single base 3' protruding end.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: It has been suggested that double negative (CD4-CD8-) (DN) and gamma/delta T cells may be involved in some autoimmune diseases. We investigated peripheral blood DN and gamma/delta T cell levels in patients with active juvenile rheumatoid arthritis (JRA). METHODS: DN and gamma/delta T cell levels were measured in 42 patients with active JRA and in 10 healthy controls comparable for age by an immunofluorescence double staining procedure. RESULTS: All 3 JRA onset types had DN and gamma/delta T cell levels not significantly different from those of controls, although a wide scattering of data was present. No correlation was found between DN or gamma/delta T cell levels and erythrocyte sedimentation rate values or the number of active joints. When patients were divided according to treatment, we found that DN and gamma/delta T cell levels were significantly lower (p = 0.001, p = 0.02, respectively) in patients receiving methotrexate (MTX) than in patients not receiving MTX. The association of MTX treatment with a decrease in DN and gamma/delta T cell levels was also confirmed in a followup study of individual patients. Among patients not receiving MTX, patients with systemic JRA presented DN T cell levels significantly higher than those of controls. In 5 patients with pauciarticular JRA DN and gamma/delta T cell levels were higher in synovial fluid than in the peripheral blood. CONCLUSIONS: We found an increase in peripheral blood DN T cell levels in systemic JRA; treatment with MTX appears to be associated with a decrease in DN and gamma/delta T cell levels.  相似文献   

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