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1 近年我国主要谷物生产和消费量 2003年谷物产量:稻谷1.6亿t;小麦0.865亿t,玉米1.158亿t;薯类0.3513亿t。  相似文献   

我国谷物饮料研究进展与生产概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了我国谷物饮料研究的最新进展与生产概况(包括谷物饮料种类、主要原料特性、主要生产工艺等),综述了目前常用的谷物饮料中微生物检测方法,分析了各类谷物饮料的加工工艺特点,提出了加快我国谷物饮料发展的建议和措施。  相似文献   

发芽谷物研究进展   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
谷物种子发芽过程中,会产生一系列生理生化变化,一些功能成分如γ–氨基丁酸、游离氨基酸、酚类物质的含量将会提高,从而提高谷物的功能活性。该文结合国内外有关发芽谷物的研究,分别对糙米、豆类、燕麦、薏米4种谷物在发芽过程中营养成分的变化进行综述,从而为谷物深度利用提供依据。  相似文献   

酶在谷物食品加工中应用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
该文综述谷物食品加工中广泛使用淀粉酶、蛋白酶、脂肪酶、木聚糖酶、葡萄糖氧化酶、转谷氨酰胺酶特性及其应用进展,并展望其发展前景。  相似文献   

文章综述了健康谷物及其制品的加工技术及特点,介绍了健康谷物及其制品在乳品加工领域的应用进展,并进一步探讨了中国健康谷物乳制品发展中存在的问题和发展方向。  相似文献   

生物加工和非热加工处理在改善谷物及杂豆类食品的食用品质的同时,可显著增加其中酚类物质的含量及抗氧化活性。研究系统综述了生物加工和非热加工对谷物及杂豆酚类物质及其抗氧化活性的影响,并展望今后谷豆加工深入发展的重点探究思路。  相似文献   

在pH为6-7,温度50-60℃条件下,采用复合蛋白酶对不溶于水的谷物蛋白粉进行酶解反映14—20小时,经过滤、喷雾干燥,制得了可溶解的谷物蛋白粉,蛋白质提取率大于75%,水解度25—30%。  相似文献   

谷物中含有诸多对人体具有健康功效的营养和生物活性物质。植酸广泛分布于谷物中,是一种既对人体发挥有益功能活性,同时又干扰营养物质消化和吸收的抗营养因子。本文围绕谷物中的植酸,首先介绍了其分子结构、物化性质,以及在谷物中的含量与分布;其次从不利和有益两个角度描述了植酸的功能活性,比较了三种不同生物加工方式(生物发酵、萌芽和酶处理)对植酸活性的影响,并汇总分析了生物加工调控植酸水平对婴幼儿膳食、肠道微生态的影响及其在工业添加剂中的应用;最后对谷物中植酸的未来研究热点及发展方向进行了展望,旨在为谷物中植酸的进一步研究和开发应用,以及探索合理利用植酸的谷物加工技术提供参考与指导。  相似文献   

该文介绍几种典型谷物早餐食品加工工艺原理和技术,谷物早餐食品研究现状及新型谷物早 餐食品开发。  相似文献   

本文主要对近十年来,玉米秸秆生物处理方面的研究与利用作了综述。  相似文献   

食醋是人们生活中不可或缺的调味品,也是世界上应用最为广泛的酸性调味品.中国、日本、韩国等东亚国家的食醋多以高粱、大米、糯米等谷物为原料发酵而成,而欧美、非洲等国家和地区则以水果原料酿造为主.风味是食醋的基本属性,直接影响其品质与受欢迎程度.食醋风味分析主要包括风味物质浓缩与提取、风味物质的定性与定量、特征风味化合物及其...  相似文献   

谷朊粉应用及深加工技术研究进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在介绍谷朊粉应用现状的基础上,对酶解谷朊粉以及发酵谷朊粉的研究进展进行了综述,并探讨了谷朊粉研究开发中存在的问题,以期为谷朊粉的深度加工提供一定的参考。  相似文献   

Antioxidant Properties of Cereal Products   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Four commercial cereal products were examined and compared for their free radical scavenging properties, chelating capacity, and total phenolic contents. The Quaker Oat Bran? ready‐to‐eat cold cereal showed the greatest activity to quench DPPH radicals, while the Quaker oatmeal had the highest capacity against ABTS+. Significant Fe2+ chelating activity was also detected in these cereal products with EDTA equivalents of 0.08 to 0.48 mg/g cereals. The total phenolic contents were 203 to 524 mg per gram of cereal products. These results indicate that readily available cereal products contain significant levels of antioxidants and may be an important source of dietary antioxidants.  相似文献   

我国杂粮加工制品的发展现状及趋势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
目前杂粮制品成为人们饮食营养的新宠。本文就杂粮制品的营养功效、市场上杂粮制品的品种及开发现状、杂粮制品的发展思路等方面进行了综述。  相似文献   

Baked cereal products represent one of the most consumed foodstuffs in the world. Extensive scientific research has been focused on the volatile composition of these types of products. It has been shown that in spite of the great number of compounds identified, only a small number of them are responsible for the aroma. Many factors can affect the aroma composition of baked cereal products and different strategies have been proposed to improve the endogenous aroma. Furthermore, the addition of exogenous aroma compounds is extensively employed when baked cereal products with special traits are required. This article reviews the different ways in which the aroma is generated in baked cereal products and the methods that can be used to control or modify their flavor, as well as the problems related to the flavoring and the different approaches that flavor technologists have proposed to solve these problems. Some important issues and directions for future research in the flavor of baked cereal products are listed.  相似文献   

Baked cereal products represent one of the most consumed foodstuffs in the world. Extensive scientific research has been focused on the volatile composition of these types of products. It has been shown that in spite of the great number of compounds identified, only a small number of them are responsible for the aroma. Many factors can affect the aroma composition of baked cereal products and different strategies have been proposed to improve the endogenous aroma. Furthermore, the addition of exogenous aroma compounds is extensively employed when baked cereal products with special traits are required. This article reviews the different ways in which the aroma is generated in baked cereal products and the methods that can be used to control or modify their flavor, as well as the problems related to the flavoring and the different approaches that flavor technologists have proposed to solve these problems. Some important issues and directions for future research in the flavor of baked cereal products are listed.  相似文献   

Tarhana has a long history. According to historical records, it was first produced by Turkish people in Middle Asia and afterwards it spread out to different parts of the world. It is a fermented cereal-based food and can be simply defined as a mixture of yoghurt, cereal flours, yeast, different vegetables, herbs, and spices. After the mixing process, tarhana dough is fermented for 1 to 5 days and immediately dried. Both lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast fermentations occur simultaneously during tarhana production. Therefore, tarhana has sour and acidic taste with yeast flavour as well. It is sun-dried at the home-made level or oven-dried of the commercial level. Several types of tarhana can be classified depending upon processing method or raw materials used. Low moisture (6–10%), low pH (3.5–5.0), and components (organic acids, bacteriosin, etc.) formed in fermentation have bacteriostatic effect on pathogens and spoilage microorganisms during long term storage (1–2 years) and enhance shelf life. Since tarhana is a good source of B vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and free amino acids, and since it is a product of LAB and yeast fermentation, it may be considered a functional and probiotic food.  相似文献   

谷物干燥方法的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
介绍了谷物的各种干燥技术和方法,以及干燥方法的研究进展。目前谷物干燥方法主要有微波干燥、红外线辐射干燥、顺溜干燥、流化床干燥、低温真空干燥、热风干燥和喷动床干燥。  相似文献   

Tarhana has a long history. According to historical records, it was first produced by Turkish people in Middle Asia and afterwards it spread out to different parts of the world. It is a fermented cereal-based food and can be simply defined as a mixture of yoghurt, cereal flours, yeast, different vegetables, herbs, and spices. After the mixing process, tarhana dough is fermented for 1 to 5 days and immediately dried. Both lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and yeast fermentations occur simultaneously during tarhana production. Therefore, tarhana has sour and acidic taste with yeast flavour as well. It is sun-dried at the home-made level or oven-dried of the commercial level. Several types of tarhana can be classified depending upon processing method or raw materials used. Low moisture (6-10%), low pH (3.5-5.0), and components (organic acids, bacteriosin, etc.) formed in fermentation have bacteriostatic effect on pathogens and spoilage microorganisms during long term storage (1-2 years) and enhance shelf life. Since tarhana is a good source of B vitamins, minerals, organic acids, and free amino acids, and since it is a product of LAB and yeast fermentation, it may be considered a functional and probiotic food.  相似文献   

顶空固相微萃取结合气相色谱质谱联用技术可对谷物食品挥发性或难挥发性风味物质进行富集并对混合成分鉴定、定性定量分析,具有操作简便、高效、准确、无需有机溶剂等优点,是目前应用较为广泛的风味分析方法。该文概述顶空固相微萃取及气相色谱质谱技术的原理和特点,着重研究在谷物原料,不同种类谷物加工食品加工工艺、贮藏挥发性风味物质等的研究进展,同时对顶空固相微萃取气质联用技术在谷物食品研究方向进行展望。  相似文献   

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