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本文对近年来微生物挥发性有机化合物(microbial volatile organic compounds,MVOCs)在农产品中的分 析和应用的相关文献报道进行了回顾。对农产品中MVOCs的捕集、仪器检测、数据分析方法进行简介,着重论述 了MVOCs在农产品微生物污染检测、发酵食品品质监控、微生物资源开发利用等方面的应用情况。  相似文献   

微生物传感器是一类特殊的传感器,可用于检测食品中微生物的存在和数量。本文介绍了微生物传感器的类型,详细阐述了微生物传感器在食品分析中的优势,接着探讨了微生物传感器在食品分析中的具体应用,包括检测食品中常见微生物污染的类型和来源、实时监测食品加工过程中的微生物污染,以及检测食品存储和运输过程中的微生物变化,并展望了微生物传感器的未来发展方向,旨在呼吁加强科研与技术创新,推动微生物传感器在食品安全管理中的更广泛应用,以保障食品安全与公众健康。  相似文献   

正病原微生物引起的食源性疾病已成为影响食品安全的头号问题,是食品安全的重大隐患。如何有效控制微生物污染已成为把控行业健康发展的重要因素,如何提高实验室检测能力,并科学运用食品微生物控制技术减少食品在生产加工等过程中的微生物危害,以先进的微生物检验控制技术预防微生物污染,已成为政府监管部门及食品企业关注的焦点问题之一。鉴于此,本刊特别策划"食品微生物质量控制技术"专题。由上海海洋大学赵勇教授担任专题主编。专题将围绕食品全链条微生物污染、食品微生物快速检测、食品微生物高效控制、食品微生物标准法规、食品微  相似文献   

正病原微生物引起的食源性疾病已成为影响食品安全的头号问题,是食品安全的重大隐患。如何有效控制微生物污染已成为把控行业健康发展的重要因素,如何提高实验室检测能力,并科学运用食品微生物控制技术减少食品在生产加工等过程中的微生物危害,以先进的微生物检验控制技术预防微生物污染,已成为政府监管部门及食品企业关注的焦点问题之一。鉴于此,本刊特别策划"食品微生物质量控制技术"专题。由上海海洋大学赵勇教授担任专题主编。专题将围绕食品全链条微生物污染、食品微生物快速检测、食品微生物高效控制、食品微生物标准法规、食品微  相似文献   

正病原微生物引起的食源性疾病已成为影响食品安全的头号问题,是食品安全的重大隐患。如何有效控制微生物污染已成为把控行业健康发展的重要因素,如何提高实验室检测能力,并科学运用食品微生物控制技术减少食品在生产加工等过程中的微生物危害,以先进的微生物检验控制技术预防微生物污染,已成为政府监管部门及食品企业关注的焦点问题之一。鉴于此,本刊特别策划"食品微生物质量控制技术"专题。由福建农林大学方婷教授担任专题主编。专题将围绕食品全链条微生物污染、食品微生物快速检测、食品微生物高效控制、食品微生物标准法规、食品微生物耐药性等问题展开讨论,计划在2020年5月出版。  相似文献   

食品安全问题影响着人们的身体健康、生命安全、社会经济生活乃至政治等方面.而微生物污染是造成食品安全问题的主要因素之一.食品微生物污染会引起食品腐败变质,甚至产生毒素造成食品中毒,危害人体健康.因此高效快速的检测食品中的微生物对于控制食品微生物污染和保障食品安全具有重要意义.无损检测技术是一种能快速、准确且无损害的对食品...  相似文献   

近年来,我国食品安全事故频发,痛定思痛,人们已经越来越重视饮食安全。而由微生物引起的食品污染问题作为食品安全的重要内容也受到了广泛关注。在食品生产过程中,从生产加工到运输销售,各个环节都有可能被微生物污染,因此对食品进行微生物检测必不可少另外,随着经济的飞速发展,社会商品的流通量和流通速度大大增加,食品将面临很大的微生物污染风险,但传统微生物检测方法不仅操作繁琐,检测周期长,  相似文献   

正食品中的微生物污染是长期困扰政府与企业的一项指标,2017年的CFDA抽检中,食品微生物污染占抽检不合格率的30.4%。另外,食源性疾患的发病率居各类疾病总发病率前列,是当前世界上最突出的卫生问题。因此食品中的微生物防控与检测十分重要。广东达元绿洲食品安全科技股份有限公司(以下简称"食安科技")专注于微生物快速检测产品的开发已有  相似文献   

正病原微生物引起的食源性疾病已成为影响食品安全的头号问题,是食品安全的重大隐患。如何有效控制微生物污染已成为把控行业健康发展的重要因素,如何提高实验室检测能力,并科学运用食品微生物控制技术减少食品在生产加工等过程中的微生物危害,以先进的微生物检验控制技术预防微生物污染,已成为政府监管部门及食品企业关注的焦点问题之一。  相似文献   

正病原微生物引起的食源性疾病已成为影响食品安全的头号问题,是食品安全的重大隐患。如何有敁控制微生物污染已成为把控行业健康发展的重要因素,如何提高实验室检测能力,幵科学运用食品微生物控制技术减少食品在生产加工等过程中的微生物危害,以先进的微生物检验控制技术预防微生物污染,已成为政府监管部门及食品企业关注的焦点问题之一。  相似文献   

微生物挥发性有机化合物是微生物代谢产物的重要组成部分,是了解微生物生命活动本质规律的重要窗口,也是提高微生物利用价值的重要物质基础。虽然通过测序方法可以检测病原微生物,但是检测其标志性或指纹挥发物将会更快、更容易。微生物挥发性有机化合物目前被用来作为标记物检测人类疾病、食物腐败和霉菌。细菌和真菌的挥发物信息目前分散在国内外文献中,没有公共的、可更新的数据库可以查询,为满足需要,科学家研制了一套微生物挥发性代谢产物在线数据库,为微生物代谢产物的研究提供参考。本文还举例介绍了微生物挥发性代谢产物检测技术在医学、食品和植物病害防治方面等方面的应用。  相似文献   

The freshness quality of fish plays an important role in human health and the acceptance of consumers as well as in international fishery trade. Recently, with food safety becoming a critical issue of great concern in the world, determination and evaluation of fish freshness is much more significant in research and development. This review renovates and concentrates recent advances of evaluating methods for fish freshness as affected by preharvest and postharvest factors and highlights the determination methods for fish freshness including sensory evaluation, microbial inspection, chemical measurements of moisture content, volatile compounds, protein changes, lipid oxidation, and adenosine triphosphate (ATP) decomposition (K value), physical measurements, and foreign material contamination detection. Moreover, the advantages and disadvantages of these methods and techniques are compared and discussed and some viewpoints about the current work and future trends are also presented.  相似文献   

There is a large and rapidly growing market for fresh-cut fruit. Microbial volatile organic compounds indicate the presence of fungal or bacterial contamination in fruit. In order to determine whether microbial volatile organic compounds can be used to detect contamination before fruit becomes unmarketable, pieces of cantaloupe, apple, pineapple, and orange were inoculated with a variety of fungal species, incubated at 25 degrees C, then sealed in glass vials. The volatiles were extracted by headspace solid-phase microextraction and analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Forty-five compounds were identified that might serve as unique identifiers of fungal contamination. Fungal contamination can be detected as early as 24 h after inoculation.  相似文献   

Early detection of contamination in food items is the current interest of research. Changes in concentration of volatile organic compounds emitted by the food items can provide valuable information about its contamination. Hence, a polypyrrole based gas sensor is developed for the detection and monitoring the organic volatiles produced from wheat bread during storage. Gas chromatography?Cmass spectroscopy results show that 1-heptanol, 1-pentanol, 1-octanol are the predominant volatiles produced from wheat bread during storage. Multifrequency impedance measurement technique is used to monitor the changes in electrical properties, mainly capacitance of the developed sensor over a frequency range 10 Hz?C2 MHz upon exposure to the above organic volatiles produced from the bread during storage of 120 h. Electrical property data show that the quantitative change in the above volatiles has influence on the change in capacitance of the developed sensor.  相似文献   

肉的腐败气味一直是消费者评判肉品新鲜度的重要指标。不同包装冷却肉中的微生物群落和代谢途径不同,导致肉品贮藏期间释放出不同的挥发性气味物质,这直接决定了肉的腐败气味和腐败程度;因此,进行包装肉挥发性物质的定性、定量分析对认知肉品腐败进程具有重要意义。本文通过综述冷却牛肉、猪肉、羊肉及禽肉在托盘包装、真空包装、气调包装中的微生物群落演替及其典型挥发性物质变化过程,揭示了特定包装过程中诱发肉品腐败气味的优势菌群,从底物利用和代谢通路方面分别探讨了这些气味的产生机制,并对现有检测手段进行总结,以期为控制肉品腐败异味,利用挥发性标记物监测包装肉品货架期提供思路。  相似文献   

Taints and off-flavours in food are a major cause of consumer rejection of the food product, and consequently the occurrence of such flavour defects is of great concern also to the manufacturer. Unacceptable flavours in foods may develop within the food through chemical or microbial action on food components, or they may be inadvertently introduced into the food during processing or storage, by absorption of chemicals from airborne, waterborne or packaging-related sources. The chemicals responsible for taints and off-flavours are usually volatile organic compounds, which are frequently found at concentrations of less than 1 μg kg−1, and cause flavour problems because of their low odour-threshold values. This paper discusses the possible origins of off-flavours and taints in foods, and describes some incidents in which food taints have been caused by chemical contamination from the environment.  相似文献   

Fungi are most important micro-organisms spoiling jams and other fruit preserves. The volatile compounds produced by fungi can be used to detect fungal growth in food. The aim of this study was to identify volatile organic compounds indicating fungal growth in strawberry jam. Ten fungal strains isolated from jam, yogurt or indoor air were grown in strawberry jam and strawberry jam agar. The volatile compounds produced by fungi were separated, identified and quantified using gas chromatography and mass spectrometry. The most commonly produced volatile metabolites were 2-pentanone (produced by ten strains), 3-methyl-1-butanol (nine strains), 1,3-pentadiene (eight strains), ethanol (eight strains) and styrene (seven strains). From 17 to 5200 ng of these compounds were measured per g of moldy strawberry jam agar already after 2 days incubation. The results indicate that volatile fungal metabolites identified in this study could be used to detect fungal contamination of jam.  相似文献   

The microbial spoilage of meat is accompanied by the release of volatile organic compounds (VOCs), many of which are odorous. These compounds give spoiled meat its characteristic pungent, sour, sulphury odour that provides consumers with an indication that the meat is unpalatable. Characterising meat spoilage based on volatile markers is of interest to the food industry in view of developing food freshness indicators (FFIs) to maintain food quality and reduce food waste. Conventional analytical methods for detecting VOCs developing during food spoilage involve intermittent sampling that delivers only snapshots of the release processes and thereby only limited information on the kinetics of their production and release. Proton-transfer-reaction mass spectrometry (PTR-MS) is an on-line technique that enables the detection of VOCs in real-time, thereby offering the possibility to follow the release of VOCs with a high time resolution. An analytical method using PTR-MS was developed to enable the continuous detection of VOCs released from chicken breast fillets inoculated with Brochothrix thermosphacta and stored under modified atmosphere (30 % CO2, 70 % O2) at 4 °C for 1 week. The meat spoilage VOCs detected by PTR-MS displayed different temporal dynamics of production and release, depending on the extent of spoilage. This paper describes the development of an analytical set-up for real-time detection of volatile spoilage markers using PTR-MS. This case study using inoculated chicken breast fillets demonstrates the applicability of this method to characterise individual VOC release patterns, which is of potential utility in the development of FFIs for the consumer market.  相似文献   

食品加工业是用水型工业之一,水质的优劣对食品安全至关重要,对加工用水进行安全卫生控制是生产过程控制的重要环节。微生物污染是食品加工用水最主要的安全隐患之一,我国食品加工用水微生物污染风险高、概率大,每年因食品加工用水微生物污染导致的产品质量问题不在少数,给企业造成了巨大的经济损失。食品加工企业对加工用水的质量控制必不可少,尤其是加工用水的微生物检测能力会影响最终产品的安全性。企业应打破只重视原料、过程产品和最终产品微生物检测的老思路,注意监控加工用水的微生物污染情况。参加水质微生物能力验证能够加强企业实验室对生产加工用水的自我检测能力,确保检测结果的准确性和认可性,对提高产品质量和品质有促进作用。  相似文献   

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