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Councils and social housing organisations are looking to retrofit as a way to make their housing more energy efficient. Previous studies on energy use in social housing have generally focussed on the technological aspects (such as the potential savings possible by retrofitting this class of housing across the UK) or have involved one‐off interventions or measures. During a 2‐year period, we worked with previously homeless people to reduce their energy consumption. The 32 participants lived in small blocks of flats (owned by a social housing organisation) that underwent retrofitting with air source heat pumps. We ran a three‐phase tenant engagement programme to compare a range of approaches aimed at energy reduction. It was found that education, social norms and self‐awareness are all key components when it comes to initiating environmentally responsible behaviours. The three approaches complemented each other, and these ought to be considered alongside technology provision if the aim is to reduce energy consumption. A number of reflections on the implementation of medium‐term tenant engagement programmes are also presented. Copyright © 2016 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

This research examines some of the multiple benefits of a home energy efficiency upgrade programme for social housing tenants. Employing a quasi-experimental approach, we examine a range of objectively measured and self-reported outcomes, including metered gas consumption, for a control and upgrade group, before and after the upgrade. We drew our sample from a large home energy efficiency programme in Ireland, The SEAI Better Energy Communities Scheme, which provides funding for whole communities to upgrade the efficiency of their dwellings. Dwellings were selected for upgrade based on need, allowing us to control for observable dwelling characteristics correlated with selection into the trial. The upgrades undertaken were extensive relative to the average home energy improvement, with many dwellings receiving a number of measures. Households reported improvements across a range of outcomes associated with heating-related deprivation and comfort in the home. We use panel regression models to estimate the elasticity of gas demand with respect to the thermal efficiency of the dwellings. Overall, we find that use of natural gas fell much less than 1:1 for each increment to thermal efficiency of the home. For the average household in this study, about one third of the marginal increase in thermal efficiency was reflected in reduced gas demand. This result highlights issues with standard engineering models which are commonly used to assess the energy efficiency of dwellings and points to a behavioural response from households, potentially taking back some of the savings as increased internal temperatures.  相似文献   

The impact of anaerobic digestion (AD) technology on mitigating greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from manure management on typical dairy, sow and pig farms in Finland was compared. Firstly, the total annual GHG emissions from the farms were calculated using IPCC guidelines for a similar slurry type manure management system. Secondly, laboratory-scale experiments were conducted to estimate methane (CH4) potentials and process parameters for semi-continuous digestion of manures. Finally, the obtained experimental data were used to evaluate the potential renewable energy production and subsequently, the possible GHG emissions that could be avoided through adoption of AD technology on the studied farms. Results showed that enteric fermentation (CH4) and manure management (CH4 and N2O) accounted for 231.3, 32.3 and 18.3 Mg of CO2 eq. yr?1 on dairy, sow and pig farms, respectively. With the existing farm data and experimental methane yields, an estimated renewable energy of 115.2, 36.3 and 79.5 MWh of heat yr?1 and 62.8, 21.8 and 47.7 MWh of electricity yr?1 could be generated in a CHP plant on these farms respectively. The total GHG emissions that could be offset on the studied dairy cow, sow and pig farms were 177, 87.7 and 125.6 Mg of CO2 eq. yr?1, respectively. The impact of AD technology on mitigating GHG emissions was mainly through replaced fossil fuel consumption followed by reduced emissions due to reduced fertilizer use and production, and from manure management.  相似文献   

Growing global concern regarding climate change motivates technological studies to minimize environmental impacts. In this context, solar water heating (SWH) systems are notably prominent in Brazil, primarily because of the abundance of solar energy in the country. However, SWH designs have not always been perfectly developed. In most projects, the installation option of the solar system only considers the electric power economy aspects and not the particular characteristics of each climatic zone. Thus, the primary objective of this paper is to assess the potential of carbon dioxide reduction with the use of SWH in comparison with electric showers in social housing in several Brazilian climatic zones. The Brazilian government authorities have created public policies to encourage the use of these technologies primarily among the low-income population. The results of this paper indicate that hot climactic regions demonstrate a low reduction of CO2 emissions with SWH installations. Thus, solar radiation is not useful for water heating in those regions, but it does lead to a large fraction of household cooling loads, implying a demand for electrical energy for air conditioning or requiring the adoption of passive techniques to maintain indoor temperatures below threshold values.  相似文献   

This paper investigates the energy efficiency in a segment of the building sector in emerging countries by analyzing and evaluating the energy efficiency of a social housing project in Brazil. Energy efficiency measures and bioclimatic design strategies are developed in order to improve thermal comfort in this social housing project and to reduce the energy consumption and expenses of their residents. The institutional barriers and constraints toward higher efficiency are described. The results of this study show that there is a high potential to increase energy efficiency in social housing in emerging countries like Brazil. The implementation and consideration of the energy efficiency measures and policy recommendations would contribute substantially to the goal to dampen the fast growth of energy demand in these countries. Moreover the improvement of energy efficiency in the social housing sector could be a driver for market transformation towards more sustainability in the whole building sector.  相似文献   

分析了小机组锅炉改造为垃圾发电锅炉的可行性和经济性。提出:这种改造在技术上可行,在经济性方面也是较好的,并具有巨大的环境效益。  相似文献   

Over coming decades, deep reductions in carbon emissions will be required from existing social housing as part of the UK’s effort to combat climate change. The ability of social landlords to carry out interventions to achieve these emission cuts is strongly influenced by the context in which they operate. This paper reports the results of a 3-year participant observation study of one UK social landlord, undertaken with the aim of identifying contextual factors that either support or hinder its ability to carry out carbon reduction interventions. The results indicate that a lack of funds to finance the required interventions is the most significant barrier to the achievement of deep emission cuts. Other key issues identified include the lack of a strong drive to act from government, a need for increased internal capacity to enable landlords to deliver and manage carbon reduction interventions and a low level of interest from residents in achieving emission cuts. These results lead to a number of recommendations for policymakers: to mandate action on the part of social landlords to achieve high levels of energy efficiency in their stock, to intervene in the market to make the required interventions financially viable and to put forward policies and long-term goals that will enable social landlords and householders to view stock refurbishment as part of a society-wide effort to decarbonise existing housing.  相似文献   

运用无上栽培技术,通过石龙芮和酸模对生活污水的降解实验,对两种植物作为湿地植物处理生活污水的可行性进行了分析.实验表明两种植物对污水中的营养元素都具有较好的去除,石龙芮-酸模复合植物系统可对污水中的P元素和COD得到更好的去除.  相似文献   

Hadi Soltani  Sirous Shafiei   《Energy》2011,36(5):2381-2391
This research is trying to develop a new procedure for retrofit of HENs including pressure drop using genetic algorithm (GA) coupled with linear programming (LP) and integer linear programming (ILP) methods. The GA is used to produce structural modifications whereas continuous variables are handled using a converted NLP formulation for Maximum Energy Recovery (MER). The converted NLP consists of an LP for MER with adding a search loop to find the best minimum approach temperature and split ratios which are easier to solve.To prevent complexity and ensure optimum solution, the pressure drops of streams are calculated from the results of LP and then a modified ILP problem is solved to determine the maximum profit of retrofit of HENs. The motivation of the ILP is decision making for elimination or reuse of current exchangers and pumps and/or introducing new ones to the network. Results show that the proposed method often finds better solutions than those reported in the literature.  相似文献   

通过对原有换热网络的拓扑结构和换热器匹配进行分析,在有分流的分级超结构物理模型的基础上,提出了一种新的可满足一般技改要求的换热网络改造方法.该方法能够在对原有换热网络的拓扑结构和原有换热器面积充分利用并满足冷热流股进出口温度需求的同时,实现对原有换热网络的节能改造.同时建立了换热网络改造的数学模型,并应用混合遗传算法对其进行了求解.实例分析结果表明,该方法具有操作简单、节能潜力大以及投资回收期短等优点.  相似文献   

Water and energy are two scarce and concerning resources interconnected in the closed-loop water-energy nexus, exemplifying the co-dependence of water and energy production. In this article, we investigate the interaction between the industries of these two resources and model it as a simultaneous game. We consider a supply chain that consists of water suppliers (WSs), power suppliers (PSs), and consumers of these commodities. In the supply chain, WSs purchase power from the power market, and PSs purchase water from the water market. Other consumers can also buy these resources at the water and power markets. The prices of these commodities depend on their quantities supplied to the markets. Each firm tries to maximize its own profit, in doing so the suppliers of water and power decide their production quantities. In this research, the Nash equilibria of the firms are determined and a comparative statics is performed on various economic measures. When there are multiple equilibria, the analysis finds the Pareto optimal equilibrium. We find that when there is sufficient supply to meet the demand of both industries and consumers, improvement of production technology improves social welfare and other economic measures of the supply chain. We also find that higher competition in either industry improves all economic measures. However, when either water or power supply is solely consumed by the firms in the cross industry, improvement of technology and higher competition can have a negative effect on some measures.  相似文献   

Trinidad-Tobago and Venezuela both show lop-sided development with high wages existing alongside high unemployment. The authors propose the promotion of these countries as ‘energy havens’ as a modest solution to this problem. The aim would be to attract industries more labour intensive than the petroleum industry — which dominates their economies at present — by offering cheap energy supplies.  相似文献   

Creating the technologies to solve our energy and pollution problems is only one part of the solution. Getting the technologies adopted may be a larger hurdle. This study examines the adoption of a low- or no-cost technology, passive solar housing design, in the United States. Interviews with professionals involved in passive solar supply identified lack of demand as the most important factor, followed by availability, awareness, and economic incentives. Corresponding survey results from homebuyers in one region suggest that lack of demand represents not disinterest, but rather lack of availability when purchasing a home. Conventional homeowners are not familiar with passive solar design, but are predisposed to favor it, especially if it can be incorporated into traditional housing styles. In addition, to the extent that they can learn information to counter the perceptions that passive solar homes are too complicated or there is too little sun in their region, homebuyers would be more willing to purchase a passive solar home. Policy interventions to promote passive solar homes should focus on supply-side incentives as well as information for homebuyers.  相似文献   

餐厨垃圾与污泥是城市垃圾的重要组成部分,作为可再生资源,目前餐厨垃圾与城市污泥共发酵产甲烷成为国内外垃圾能源化利用的主要方法.氨氮浓度是抑制发酵效率的一个影响因素,在中温(37℃)厌氧条件下,以餐厨垃圾与污泥1:1混合发酵,为提高发酵效率,进行发酵过程中脱氮研究;试验研究了发酵过程中氨氮的变化规律,确定发酵第15天为最佳脱氮时间;建立L16(45)正交设计,研究了吹脱时间、吹脱强度、pH值、絮凝剂(PAM)添加量对脱氮的影响.对正交试验结果进行分析,得出吹脱时间为10h、pH值为12、吹脱强度为20L/h、絮凝剂(PAM)投加量为2.5 mg/0.2 L是最佳脱氮工艺条件.  相似文献   

A method of risk identification is developed by comparing existing and advanced technologies from the viewpoint of comprehensive social risk. First, to analyze these values from a multifaceted perspective, we constructed a questionnaire based on 24 individual values and 26 infrastructural values determined in a previous study. Seven engineering experts and six social science experts were then asked to complete the questionnaire to compare and analyze a hydrogen energy system (HES) and a gasoline energy system (GES). Finally, the responses were weighted using the analytic hierarchy process. Three important points were identified and focused upon: the distinct disadvantages of the HES compared to the GES, judgments that were divided between experts in the engineering and social sciences fields, and judgments that were divided among experts in the same field. These are important risks that should be evaluated when making decisions related to the implementation of advanced science and technology.  相似文献   

Wave power, along with renewable energy-generating sources like tides and streams, is underestimated considering its advantageous physical properties and predictability. This paper examines possible examples of wave power installations in the Baltic Sea and the Danish part of the North Sea. Hindcasting data is used allowing estimations of wave energy generated and results show promising areas in the North Sea, but also several parts of the Baltic Sea are of interest. The study is based upon linear generator technique, placed on the seabed using point-absorbers arranged in arrays of up to several thousand units. The study aims at showing the physical possibilities of wave energy, including economical feasibility and environmental advantages of wave energy even in moderate wave climates. With discussion from two examples in the Baltic Sea, one in the Danish North Sea and a new pilot study site in the Swedish part of Skagerrak, this study show feasible illustrations of wave energy takeouts. Project examples vary in size due to distance to grid, grid voltage, and may thus be economically feasible. Examples also show considerations in societal and nature conservation matters, including aspects such as industrial and military interests, archaeological or marine reserves and local geology. The authors conclude that wave energy electric conversion is an option that needs more attention and which has several advantages compared to conventional renewable sources. Sound engineering, in combination with producer, consumer and broad societal perspective is advised for a sustainable development of wave energy conversion.  相似文献   

This study proposes a new use of DEA (Data Envelopment Analysis) radial approach to examine the corporate sustainability of Japanese industrial sectors. The concept of corporate sustainability is measured by its subcomponent measures, including UEN (Unified Efficiency under Natural Disposability), UEM (Unified Efficiency under Managerial Disposability), UENM (Unified Efficiency under Natural and Managerial Disposability), UEI (Unified Efficiency for Intermediate measurement) and UENM(DC) (Unified Efficiency under Natural and Managerial Disposability with Desirable Congestion). Among the five measures, the UEI examines a degree of how each firm can efficiently utilize its resources. The UENM(DC) examines a degree of how the firm can reduce an amount of undesirable outputs by technology innovation and/or managerial change. Such a combined use between UEI and UENM(DC) has been never explored in DEA environmental assessment. The empirical results obtained from the proposed approach have identified two important implications. One of the two implications is that the Japanese energy industry has been long under governmental regulation so that energy firms do not have corporate governance capabilities at the level of other industrial sectors which are competing in a global market. In particular, the implication is applicable to Japanese electric power firms. It is necessary for them to change their corporate governances (e.g., by adding new executive board members who have international experience and/or woman executives, as widely found in American and European energy industries) so that they can pay attention to consumers, not regulatory agencies of the Japanese government. The other implication is that technology innovation can more effectively improve the performance of the energy sector. Employing high efficiency and low carbon generation technologies to achieve desirable fuel mix is essential for improving the corporate sustainability of the Japanese energy sector.  相似文献   

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